Wednesday, April 27, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 5:47 pm

EDITOR'S NOTE: A first - A Non-Controversial offering from Citizen Journalist...We think
that CJ is fibbing...It's our new policy...Yea and Obama understands the real U.S.
                                        Citizen Journalist Reports: The Devil Made Me do it!
                                                     Subtitle: Action Chain Letter 11
                                                            by Richard DePersio
  (Duty-free at Airport Facebook: NASA_Ares - No Porno Pix or Feel-ups; feel comfortable joining)
                           At age 20, CJ went to a movie theater accompanied by a pint. His pint-sized
                           secret was discovered by the usher, who said, "I have to confiscate your
                           bottle or you'll have to leave." What happened? CJ couldn't part with
                           his security blanket. And, yes, he wasn't so impaired that he didn't get
                           his money back. Which doesn't explain his attempt to purchase a
                           drink in a bar with his torn in half movie tickets. Yes, plural, for not
                           being of the sissy-boy persuasion was accompanied by a pint and a
Let the article proper begin:
                                                         An Apology for the Devil:
                                                   It must be remembered that we have only
                                                  heard one side of the case.
                                                  God has written all the books.
                                                                  -Samuel Butler, 1835-1902
Three cheers for the American public and a thumb's down for Obama; Who has tried
since 2011 to destroy Our NASA in general and Project Constellation (Orion. Ares 1 & 5,
Altair) save for a parochial-version Orion. His presidential efforts have been thwarted by
many Republicans and some Democrats. Most recently, by two Ds and one R.
       Full funding of a multi-purpose Orion and slightly scaled back funding for the
other stars of Constellation, including, moon mission has continued due in part to the
efforts of our readers. Recently, funding continued in Republican/Democrat compromise
to reduce spending and to continue to fund fed gov until the end of the fiscal year, in
spite of, Obama efforts to virtually scrap Constellation!
       Instrumental this time around in bi-partisan effort were: Democrat-Florida
Texas Congressional phone: 202-224-3121 to secure
their phone numbers (Info on other key members of congress for space issues, as
well as, other issues are supplied in other "Action Chain Letters," supplements and
addendums).Join our concerted effort: phone and/or leave a message at their
website encouraging their activities and expressing your views.
      As of yet, no decision has made as to whether we will continue Ares rockets
(as we continue to fund these programs) or, at some juncture, stop program in favor
of rockets utilizing Ares R & D and test results. Let congress know your preference
or let them know that you are bi: comfortable with either approach. Obama wants
new rocket program starting from scratch and burning Ares R & D.! He relishes
wasting taxpayer money and he is so good at it.
      "Every time NASA lifts-off, it takes the American economy with it because
NASA is about innovation and it is about jobs," so says Senator Kay Hutchison.

There was a delay. They finally arrived: Our tickets to the Royal Wedding. We're so
excited.  George, John, Tom, Topper and Harvey (hint: we call him - rabbit) will accompany me.
 We won't give Royal Couple an insulting gift like Obama gave the queen an insulting gift
 two years ago and in another class act: returned gift to PM,given to us years earlier,for no
 apparent reason: a bust of Churchill (for those young enough to remember, Citizen Reporter
{who would later morph into CJ} apologized to the U.K. on behave of America {he thinks that
he represents the nation} in an open letter {email) transmitted 'across the pond'). Why such
poor diplomatic behavior on the part of the man who works on behave of George Soros - who
was kicked out of the U.K. in the 1990s for damaging their economy and was banned
from returning - - he also did it to Japan back in the '90s and is now doing his BLACK magic
here with no effort by Obama  to cu rtail his economic, socialist/communist/anarchist activities.
Scoop: Back in 2009, we warned about Soros a few weeks prior to Beck! Last year king
george declared, "Now, I know what it is like to play God!" The last we heard, God wasn't evil.
Unless, he meant the view of most ancient Gnostics regarding the god of the "Old Testament."
Are we on an A.D.D.-trip? Obama's bad behavior: could there be a Kenyan-connection?
(Perhaps. having to do with the mistreatment of the grandfather he hardly knew in Kenya in the
1950s when a British colony; personal but unprofessional). Stupid Americans bow when they meet royal
people. We won't. Americans aren't suppose to bow to royalty; we fought the Revolutionary War
 to get away from royalty. Ignorant Obama bows to royalty (where are his diplomatic protocol advisors!?!).
        T.V. is giving a lot of coverage to wedding. May 5th marks the 50th anniversary of the first American
to fly in space - the late and great Alan B. Shepard. How much coverage will it receive!?! Al passed
away in 1998 and was given comparatively little notice by the broadcast and cable networks,
in contrast to the extensive coverage granted the departed Johnny Carson (2005) and Bob
Hope (2003). No one is minimizing the importance of the gift of laughter that they gave
millions of people nor their charitable works. We shall return to Hope momentarily. Remind me:
A.D.D., you know.
       Mother Teresa and Princess Di died (hate that word, let's go with euphemism:) kicked
the bucket...let's do something that we never do: P.C...passed over, during the same
week and while the networks gave both extensive coverage, it tipped in favor of the
former kindergarten teacher who was ill-prepared to wear a crown and was an ambassment
to the royal family with her beach-hopping and bed-hopping (alright, alleged and whispered)
and who was allegedly - happy - a great mother(was that an example of a run-on
sentence?). The reporters kept telling us what a wonderful mother she was and how
much she did for charity. Who can forget the picture of her on a roller coaster with
her sons - we only so it a thousand times! They conveniently glossed over the
fact that she only saw her sons twice a year for the rest of the time they were
in boarding school. (We hope that our U.K. friends aren't offended. You forgave us
when we politely declined the offer of the title of "Sir" from the Queen as we felt
it would be inappropriate - though U.S. and U.K. are best friends and U.K. is
the second best country on earth {are we getting back into your good graces?} -
we are American). And, there was her selfless efforts regarding the peasants,
including, visits to children's hospitals. The dirty little secret: she made sure that her
publicist notified the press as to wear she was going to make her next selfless
appearance. Unlike the nun who didn't seek fame - tried to avoid it - but when it was
thrust upon her handled it with grace and dignity.
We interrupt this report with a report: Day: 3, Deadline: 7 P.M. Will CJ make it? Cost:
article - one-third, Expenses, including, traveling: two-thirds. It is now: 1 P.M.
Returning to Hope...Back in the 1930s, he would do his radio show and then
entertain at military bases for no compensation. During the '50s, 60s, 70s and '80s, he
hooked-up with the U.S.O. which paid the entertainers on the tour save Hope and
paid the crew and covered everyone's expenses. The media would remind us time
and again that hope wasn't paid. B. H. would do about ten specials per year, two of
which showed him entertaining the troops, including, the famous Christmas-with-the
Troops specials. Talent? All of his specials landed in the top ten for the year for
number of viewers against other specials and episodes of weekly series. Most years,
his Christmas special was No. 1! He did 60 U.S.O. tours starting with domestic
military bases followed by entertaining the troops during WW2 to the Persian Gulf War
and during peacetime as well. His Christmas specials would have over 60% of T.V.
sets in America turned on tuned into it! In contrast, an episode of the No. 1 rated
show of today attracts 25 to 30% of turned on sets.
       He contributed a great deal of money to charities, especially, the U.S.O. He
gave his time and his Christmases to the troops. The dirty little secret: his high-rated
specials of which those of him entertaining the troops garnering the highest
ratings commanded tons of money from sponsors. Faith, Hope and Charity: He was
paid a mint for those specials! Technicality here: He could claim that he entertained
troops for free but he was paid handsomely to be shown on T.V. entertaining you
in clips of him entertaining the troops. It wasn't just faith, hope and charity that
made him one of the richest men in Hollywood!
       A Hollywood myth promulgated by the studio and excepted and perpetuated
by the media: B.H. and Bing Cosby were best buddies when they worked
together (the famous series of "Road" movies from the mid-'40s to the mid-50s)
and when they weren't doing so. Not many people know this: B.H. was miffed
with Bing for not appearing with him on more U.S.O. shows and, further, when
Bing "White Christmas" Cosby R.I.P-ed, his wife begged B.H. wife to get B.H.
to attend funeral. He reluctantly did so having not seen Bing "The Crooner" in
many years.
       A temporary aside: Bing had his own charitable endeavors. Our first cousin-
once removed was a Catholic missionary priest in the Philippines. He would
be sent to a village for five years where he had to serve as priest, administrator,
medical care-giver, arbitrator. Father Edward De Persio (notice the space
between the 'e' and the 'P' unlike our version - R.D. {Di persia or Di Persio} will
- CJ will insist - explain it to you some time) had to build a church, school
(we were remiss, he had to serve as a teacher too!) and med facility. He
would be sent to U.S. for two years of R & R but would only consume one -
we sometimes saw him during these visits. He had to return to doing his
God's work (over 35 years!). Would he be sent to the same village. Nope. He
would have to
start from scratch in another one. He went to his Maker (nice euphemism) in
the mid-80s. We 'discovered' our second cousin Ed De Persio in 2003 and
guess what we found out? Forget it. You'll never guess it. Bing "On the Road
to Morocco" financially-assisted and contributed materials to help facilitate
 our cousin's missionary work.
We interrupt this report with a report: We HAD to take a break! Time: 3 P.M.....
You are cordially invited to the Big Party celebrating the 50th anniversary of
Al Shepard becoming the first American to fly in space on May 5th at our
place: take a right a Crater Tyco - you can't miss it! You can meet me in
person prior to the 5th - the 4th - by taking the Einstein/Rosen Bridge (don't forget
to pay the toll) to Facebook: NASA_Ares (gift optional).
Speaking of Jerry Jewish. We might be 'one of his kids' and he might be 'one of our
Chosen People' but we tire of him reminding us year-after-year at his (it's all about
HIM) MDA telethon how he isn't paid for his efforts and that he works throughout the
year for MDA. We applaud him! However, what's to prevent his family members
and friends from accompanying him as he tours the nation meeting with COOs, CEOs
and CFOs raising money for his cause. We would imagine the he and company fly
first-class and stay in the best suites in the best hotels. Who supplies his wardrobe.
MDA no doubt grants him an unlimited expense account. It is reasonable to assume
that he takes the fat cats and moneybags to the best restaurants and clubs and
country clubs - if Jews are allowed - and movie theaters and playhouses. Your
partially compensated! Stay reminding us that you aren't paid and your noble
activities will be even more admired.
Let's brighten things up: Where (color where available) were we? We could give you
more examples but you get our drift. The inordinate amount of coverage to some and
the paucity of coverage to others. The networks will say: The Devil Made Us Do It!
You, dear reader, being the devil. They give you what you demand. You lead and
they follow. Let's cogitate on that...
       (Change of color where available). Prior to the 1980s and the birth of modern cable, and
later, satellite T.V. No. 1 shows enjoyed an audience of 50 to 57% (percentage of T.V.
sets turned on and tuned into that program). Since about 1980 that percentage has
plummeted to 25-30%! The other experts attribute it only to competition from cable/sat.
This expect claims that that is the number one reason but there are two modest- or
moderate-sized other reasons. They are: 1) A deteriation in the quality of the writing,
directing and acting and 2) The major and minor broadcast networks dramatic
acceleration, as we move from '80 to present in dirty, off-color and double entendre'
jokes and more exposed skin (No prude here: we enjoy in moderation and later at
night because of children). 85-90% of American believe in God, 78-80% identify
themselves as Christians (sharp increase in number of evangelicals over the best 30
years) and 60-65% (reflecting various polls and studies - reason for lack of precision).
attending services regularly (one a week or more) or semi-regularly (once a month or more).
We can't imagine that they moved to cable for filthier stuff. 40% identify themselves as
conservatives, 30% as moderates and 20 liberals (10% out-to-lunch; don't know who they
are). Interestingly enough, of the top 15 cable shows, 3 are from the Disney Channel,
3 are from FoxNews (the no.1 cable news network) and 3 are wrestling shows - go figure!
Are the major networks giving you what you want? Prior to 1980, 90% of T.V. sets
turned on were set, in prime-time, to the three major commercial broadcast networks; now,
50% shared by 4 major and 2-4 minor networks. When you had the "Family Hour"
beginning at 8 P.M. quality shows like "The Waltons," Happy Days" and Little House on
the Prairie" were popular. Now at 8 (7 central and mountain) parents are embarrassed when
they're watching T.V. with the kids. If we ran one of the major broadcasts networks, we'd
bring back family-friendly T.V. It wouldn't succeed today? Back in 1984, NBC was
hesitant to put "Cosby" on the schedule - they felt that it was an old-fashioned-type sitcom
and wouldn't succeed...the rest is history! It is possible to write a show were every joke
or every other joke isn't dirty. We submit this opinion a long with our evidence for your
We interrupt this report for a report: We had to take a break - rare visitor - - a nurse - - -
black and pretty, otherwise, she wouldn't have entered my spacecraft. Time: 5 P.M.....
A few weeks ago, when the shooting by Syrian government had just commenced, Hillary
- what a piece of work - stated the the Syrian dictator was now a reformer.... Syria is about
 to become the newest member of (the joke org.) U.N.'s Commission on Human Rights!!!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.
In order to keep abreast of everything that is transpiring, we even watch that which we hate,
such as, MTV, Current (co-owned by Al 'Pasticcio-nut' and 'Internet-inventor' Gore), IFC,
Sundance, G4 and MUN2 (and, we didn't even speak Spanish; it's a dirty job but
somebody has to do it!) and Community Access T.V. after midnight (you know what
I'm talking about normal guys!). Well-informed CJ. Like men used to say, "We only buy
"Playboy" for the articles. Hypocrite? No, non-prude, moderation and we're worried about
the children. We even suffer through liberal MSNBC and CNN. Liberals who have been
transforming America into a amoral or immoral, secular, socialist or communist nation
for the past 100 years. Also, in 2007, prior to Beck and others, we labelled the ACLU the
most dangerous liberal org in the country. Did you that that its founder, back in the
1920s, stated to members that their overt mission was to protect civil rights and that their
covert mission was the socialization and secularization of America!
Jaun Williams, liberal on fair-and balanced FoxNews or token black or Latino points out that
between 1997 (CJ: Republicans forced Clinton to sign in 1996) and 2008 (Obama watered it
down in 2007, we are predicting dire consequences) Workfare which had replaced Welfare
resulted in a 60% case load reduction. Poverty fell across-the-board, including, black
poverty and children living in poverty. Liberals want to keep poor poor for poor vote
damn dem!
By the Bye, Armstrong concurs with our space positions while Buzz doesn't. We are
confident that if Al were still with us that he'd be with us.
Obama's so-called "Tax Increase on only the Rich," will effect 47% of small businesses
which create far more jobs than big businesses.
And, now, for our major proposals on education, embassies and medical services...
We tire. We will leave you, for the time being, with something upbeat:
                                       "As every man must die, so every man may see
                                        that he must die; as it cannot be avoided, so that
                                        it may be understood."
                                                              -John Donne
Did we make it? It's 5:05 MT.
What about ball-lightning? TO BE CONTINUED....


Monday, April 25, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Mon, Apr 25, 2011 12:04 pm

                                      TRAVELLING REPORTER
                                        by Richard J. DePersio
                    (rickcmtsite's sister sites: YouTube: Rickaddsite and groups.
   ; Flagship site:
          com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic; EM & PT-type Copyright, U.S.-pending)
(Editor's Note: Citizen Journalist approved: Citizen Storyteller. R.D. composed this
short story on his 21th birthday. Back then, he used 'J' for John in his name as
his middle name. Actually, it was his Catholic Confirmation Name from when he
had still been a Catholic; now, moral traditionalist? He selected John to honor his
father. Shortly thereafter, he dropped 'J' and John because he wondered if it
was technically legal to use a confirmation name for a middle name. He uses 'J'
here in honor of and dedicates story to the late/great John Daniel DePersio.
                             Now for something different from R.J.D.).
Sam Nelson; people call him Sniff. He earned this nickname from his peers because of
his uncanny ability to sniff out the news. News: that is something that he didn't write about
for weeks. The publisher told the editor, "He lost his sense of smell - he is through!" The
editor is not only Sniff's boss, but a close friend - few were friends of this moody
character; he felt that his friend and drinking buddy deserved one more chance - on top of
the other recent one more chances.
       "So that's the story - either you come up with a story by the end of the week or your
career will be at an end," said Jim, the editor, who had an interesting way of putting thoughts
into phrases.
       "I've been working on one," he retorted.
       "Yes, that is what you have been saying for weeks. The publisher just won't buy that
story any longer," he then momentarily paused. "He is the one who pays the salaries - if
you don't produce, you don't get paid; it's as simple as that. Maverick kept saying "I'm
working on it" and he was; you can't feed yourself on an empty: 'I've been working on it.'"
       "Your coming over loud and clear," was the reply. Sniff then reached into his jacket;
his hand emerged with a tin bottle for Sniff was a journalist of the old school, of bygone
days. "Want a sip," he inquired.
       "Now listen: I want to be able to read what you write," the editor stated forcefully.
"Remember: I said, one week!"
       Sniff returned the cheap whiskey to his pocket. "What kind of a story do you want?"
       "A good one - a story that is entertaining and unusual," ordered the editor.
Sniff mused over his instructions; he came up with nothing! Funny how age and drink slowly
rob a guy of his ability to think. On Tuesday, he drank; on Wednesday, he drank; on
Thursday, he drank. On Friday, he decided: after this hangover, I will get to work. He
came to the conclusion that he would start off with a man-on-the-street type of thing.
Yes, he would interview people on the street; hopefully, he would come up with enough
material for a story that was entertaining and unusual.
       It took him many hours and many cups of coffee to get his rusty brain started.
Success did not come easily. He asked all kinds of questions on a wide range of
subjects, but - nothing. Nothing - until he decided on a good question. Jim does not
mind scientific stories as long as they aren't too deep. He decided to ask men and
women, "Would you, if you had the opportunity, be willing to be the first person to
communicate with an alien - the legal variety from space - and, further, if you did, what
would you talk about?" He asked quiet a few people. Little did he know, he would
soon have a story; one that was entertaining and unusual....
En route from afar was a group of six. They were relaxing aboard their interstellar
craft. One could go from star to star in practically no time thanks to
advances in rocket propulsion. This craft from the stars came with an important
mission. Luckily, they were not to unlike the beings on the planet that they were
visiting. Only the most careful scrutiny would reveal their differences. For a
number of years their race picked up radio transmissions of this race, that had
escaped into space. They often picked up radio waves modulated with primitive
intelligence which they used to gain knowledge of the language and customs.
        They landed in an obscure area; so that they would not frighten the
primitives, especially, gays, illegals and muslims (Citizen Journalist: the latter five
words did not appear in original story). Interstellar law forbids "one in any manner,
shape or form to harm either physically or mentally stagnant or developing species."
This will represent the first time an encounter with this species will ensue.
Sniff was walking with his eyes facing the ground, when he looked up, he saw
an individual who looked lost. "Are you busy," Sniff asked.
         "I'm just standing here looking lost," was the strange reply.
         "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?," said Sniff.
         "I have a few questions for you, but, even though I am your guest, I will
relinquish the right to go first," stated he who came from the stars.
         Sniff thought: this guy certainly says odd things.
         "If you had the opportunity, would you like to talk to someone from space?"
was the first question.
         "It's a pleasure," was the reply.
         "Sniff stared; unaware that he was being complimented. "If you did - what
would you talk about?," was the second query.
         "Well," he responded, "a number of things. I would ask questions about
the language, customs and that sort of thing. I would ask them if they liked
being what they are. Oh, and, of course, I would solicit their feelings on
finding that they are not alone in the universe. That sort of thing."
         "You are odd," said Sniff, bluntly, in his usual boldness.
         "Don't insult what you don't understand," was the reply.
         "What are you," said Sniff, sarcastically.
         "Well, I should not tell you, but, no one will believe you, anyway. It
will probably get you committed. But, you want to know. I am from space!'
         At this point, Sniff swiftly walked away and hollered, "You're nuts!,"
he said in a very threatening voice. He proceeded to the nearest bar. The
guest quickly proceeded to his starship.
Back in the ship, he explained his misfortune in not getting the story.
         "The editor of the 'National Inquirer' will fire you!," said R.J.D. his
                    Always: Always the perennial search for Truth.
                    Out there; Out there is a story, the Big Story.
                    And, there is much competition.
                    But, if you want the Big Story, you'll get it.
                    This is not a species that gives up; at least, not
                    most of its members.
                    They'll be back; not with that one, but, one of
                    the other six.
                    It is Written in the Stars...
(Postscript: Has his writing style changed much since he wrote this?; All
profits go to charities and not-for-profit orgs; If there
is a God and a Heaven, he is requesting that Bob Hope sing "Thanks for the
Memmories" for Mildred and John).
Enjoy other material at this site.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fwd: IN and OUT of PLATO's CAVE (totally new version)

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 17, 2011 1:59 pm
Subject: IN and OUT of PLATO's CAVE (totally new version)

IN and OUT of PLATO'S CAVE (totally new version)
A Star is Born/A Tale of Two Nieces: R. DePersio is close to his nieces; although,
they live far away and he rarely sees them. Alexa (age 11; magnetic school) and
Katie (age 15; magnet school) have registered a star (RA20h1m46.62s
D38degrees4'47.97") in the constellation Cygnus with U.S. government with the moniker:
Richard J. DePersio; added a note to the Music of the Spheres (you are welcome to
visit him on a planet near the star; bring plenty of beer or don't bother to visit!).
We endorse without reservation NASA, "ChildFund International," "Judicial Watch,"
"Alliance Defense Fund" and strongly recommend,
/group/science-space-technology, "Satellite Launch Charts."
Be the first kid on your block to collect all 9 unorthodox "Action Chain Letters (plus
addendums and supllements) by visiting, /group/
newfederalism and /group/rickcosmos-eclectic (stale bubble gum not included).

                                        IN and OUT of PLATO's CAVE
                                              by Richard DePersio
We are going to start at the end. Subsequent installments will reveal the thought
process employed, offer justifications for conclusions and supply details.
After years of searching, I have embraced Deism with a taste of Plato. I have
problems with the Bib...
We interrupt this article with a Special Bullitten: Citizen Journalist has apprehended
the heretofore nebulous Richard DePersio (alias, Rick; alias, Citizen Reporter;
alias, Rickcosmos). We think that we know him from various sources or do we?
Transparency: Do we know him any better than one of Obama's 44 stealth czars?
Who are they and what do they do in the shadows by day and in the dark at
night when most good Americans are sleeping? If we know R.D., we need to
know more. Citizen Journalist (you can call me C.R. but you don't have to call
me Rick) always had a policy regarding books, especially, those of the
non-fiction variety. He wouldn't purchase a non-fiction which didn't contain an
"About the Author" section for he wanted to know the level of professionalism
and the degree of credence to place in the words of the scribe.
       After an expensive and extensive search in four continents (North America,
South America, Europe and Antarctica), including, searching in garbage cans,
we learned the shocking truth!
       He became interested in astronomy and space exploration at the age of six;
politics at ten; economics, foreign and defense policies at the ripe old age of
fourteen. American history - his roots - at eighteen. R.D. began to dabble in
various other sciences after nineteen. He didn't find the classroom conducive
to learning and likely enjoyed A.D.D. having been diagnosed with regular and
two variants as an adult. Only student to argue with nuns; didn't realize that that
was a no-no and that he was suppose to fear them. More pride of self-ed as
opposed to schooling. Strange kid (Not by design by via employing hindsight):
Started reading the newspaper at ten, everyday at thirteen; began attending
meetings at the local Republican club at fourteen - only kid there - - didn't
realize that he wasn't suppose to hobnob with the big shots.
       Did that: Was involved with seven institutions of higher learning after
high school; motivated by the acquisition of paper. (Completed three years of
college) Earned an associate-of-arts degree in liberal arts with a concentration in
science journalism; certificates in computer applications, space and general
science, business management and medical assistance. R.D. completed an
internship in museum/science education.
       The fun will begin momentarily....C.J. has opted to place Epilog prior to
Fun...Will resume article proper soon: same time, same channel...Is he a
grammatical though breaker?...Don't say a word: He packs a punch and has
big friends: on the couch are George, John, Tom and Jim, all about are Topper and
                                           by Citizen Journalist
Obvious...Subtle...Superficial...Deep...Face-value...Multi-lay ed.....He never gives
his true age...Prides himself on his honesty...Shoots-from-the-Hip/Non-P.C./
Pulls-No-Punches....Thinks that he knows more about outside than people who
go outside...Modest International Man of Mystery...Look at him and what is
transpiring behind him...He resides In and Out of Plato's Cave...
           His first black friend (we needn't say "African-American" because the
           Reverend Jackson ordered everyone to do so in 1988) Harriman (who was
           passing) said of "Krazy Kat" what C.R. thinks is applicable to R.D.:
           "May in some time...let in the light which is now to our meager vision
            denied...For you will understand him no better then we who linger on
            this side of the pale."
           "It's wot's behind me I am. It's the idea behind me (with ever-changing,
            shifting backgrounds) and that's what I am."
           "He is but a shadow of himself caught in the web of this mortal skein."
'cause of the cause.
As a child and teen and since exposed to old and new. Good taste and not as old
as you might think.
                                    Best Movies (the envelope, please)
                                          As told to C.R. by R.D.
           1) (Temporary aside: Once compiled a list of his 50 favorite movies and
               was shocked to discover that as a rule he hated musicals but his
               favorite movie was) YANKEE DOODLE DANDY (Patriotism? See best
               T.V. series which was irreverent);
            2) Twelve Angry Men;
            3) 2001: A Space Odyssey;
            4) Good fellows;
            5) The Pink Panther;
            6) Hanoi Hilton;
            7) Blazing Saddles;
            8) The Day the Earth Stood Still;
            9) Devil's Advocate;
           10) Hear No Evil, See No Evil
                                                  Best Songs
             1) Jumpin' Jive (Cab Callaway);
             2) Wayward Wind (Patsy Kline);
             3) Yankee Doodle Dandy (James Cagney);
             4) Pomp Stomp (instrumental, Woody Herman Orchestra);
             5) Yesterday (Beatles);
             6) Birth of the Blues (Sammy Davis Jr.);
             7) My Way (Frank Sinatra);
             8) The Gambler (Kenny Rogers);
             9) Is that All There Is (Peggy Lee);
            10) It's a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)
              (R.D.'s Godfather knew "Rat Pack")
Best Singers (not in order): Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Nat 'King' Cole,
Billie Holliday, Buddy Holly, Bing Cosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Louis
Armstrong, Chuck Berry
Ponder this: Have today's singers listen to an hour of one or more of the above
singers. What they then be capable of getting on stage!?!
                                     Best Television Series
               1) M*A*S*H*;
               2) Bonanza;
               3) Dick van Dyke;
               4) Burns and Allen;
               5) Twilight Zone;
               6) The Prisoner (with a nod in the direction of our British friends);
               7) All in the Family;
               8) Taxi;
               9) Odd Couple;
              10) I Love Lucy
   (It's wot's behind me)
                                             The MUSES
                1) Tom Jefferson;
                2) Jim Madison;
                3) Tom Paine;
                4) Rod Serling;
                5) Arthur C. Clarke;
                6) Isaac Asimov;
                7) Carl Sagan;
                8) Arthur Canon Doyle;
                9) "Ellory Queen";
               10) Groucho Marx
The museless: Charlie Sheen..."Who's number one?"...To be continued: In Plato's Cave...
When? Upon the return of the A.D.D. train to the "Village"....
See you in the funnies...