-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Dec 12, 2012 5:39 pm
Subject: Ah Puch - Part Three...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Dec 12, 2012 5:39 pm
Subject: Ah Puch - Part Three...
Narrator: "I can't get this picture our of my head. It's as
if I'm on a dark, gloomy, desolate road. I
can't shed this feeling of impending doom."
AH PUCH - Part Three
(Still in glorious black and )
(Part Three is followed by Parts four, one, two, respectively)
by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist, the writing staff and
contributing editors of Citizen Journalist/Cayuga/Shamley Comsats
(Notification of Font Change)
Al: "I'm ten thousand feet up on my magic carpet and, yet, I can swear
that I saw a billboard over there." {run commercial} Adderall, Seagram's
vodka and OJ - the better pick-me-upper. Drink responsibly. In the 'As is
our wont' section near the top of part one, we talk about the Big Bang.
With Al's permission, we do part two at Al Presents. The inflation that
followed the Big Bang was faster than light. The universe didn't violate
Albert: nothing can travel faster than light except space. We discovered
to our great surprise that after slowing down due to gravity, it proceeded
to inflate again when the universe was about half its present age: 13.7
billion years old. It's caused by dark energy which acts like anti-gravity.
It is embraced by astrophysicists and cosmologists in spite of the fact
that their is only a scintilla pf evidence and it is suspect. Why should they
trouble themselves with evidence (see: "Addendum to Supplement" at
www.comsat-ak.blogspot.com * If you have trouble connecting directly,
you can connect to our 5 comsats via Facebook's Second American
Revolution - available to everyone). {This info shall play a role later in our
film noir}
Al: "Goodnight."
(Please see: "Born Free" & "Erida"{especially, the last portion}at this venue).
Let's ascertain whether or not we are on the same page as regards definitions
as there are various. Western Civilization: Ancient Greece and Rome; Dark
Ages; Age of Discovery; Renaissance; Enlightenment; Industrial Age.
Western Civilization: Art; Science; Sculpture; Technology; Architecture;
Music. We might agree to include: Atomic Age; TV Age; Space Age;
Computer/Information Age. We contend that it applied to all of Europe sans
Northern Europe until about 200 years ago when it began to mean the U.S.,
Western Europe, especially, U.K.**
As we heretofore stated, Western Civilization (Western Culture, the West)
is all that should be taught in elementary and high schools. WC, including,
American Branch can unite us while multi-culturalism divides. There is so
much WC/AB that there isn't time for anything else. The culture of minorities
should be taught in the home, as college electives and celebrated with
parades (like Columbus Day which Indians love). Public school American
History textbooks are over 60% negative about US; that's ridiculous - it
should be 80 to 85% positive - that's accurate).
{Al to Director of photography: Dim the lights more. Use lift; film from
above operating table - I want the unusual camera angle}
***"Maybe we'd better get Dago Red," said {Mother Divine}.
"Call Dago," ordered {Duke Forrest).
"What can I do for you fellows," asked {the former} Father.
"Put in a fix," said {Mother}. {This country has gone down
for the count}.
{The nation's blood pressure} rose from nowhere {to 110/60 and
pulse from 50 to 70. Will she make it,Will it be a Case of Murder!?!}.
According to Mike Huckabee: "...President Obama and his zcars (CJ:
"Virtually all of whom are unconstitutional") our turning our country into a
weak-kneed, tax-riddled, Socialist-style state...They've used the government to
take over U.S. banks, two pf the 'Big Three' automakers, and enormous
financial institutions like AIG. That's socialism."
CJ: "BO's Labor Board will continue to unconstitutionally dictate to a
private company where to make its new product: in a union, not a right-to-
work, state. For more on BO's Constitutional Crimes, please see "Why
Regulatory Laws are Unconstitutional" and "A Bad Case of Treason" at
Alliance Defending freedom (strange bedfellows: deist CJ is a member):
Our national nightmare is about to get even worse!...Here's what you can
count on in the weeks and months ahead:
Advocates of homosexual behavior will push their agenda throughout the
culture (CJ: "We ain't talking Western Culture"), Pro-abortion advocates will
force you to pay to end the lives of more innocent babies, Radical atheists
will challenge Christian traditions (CJ: "anti-WC/AB.") and memorials, and
bully schools and local governments to remove them, the Obama Administ-
ration will appoint more and more liberal, activist judges, the federal
government will seek to seize more control over what you can say and do
(See "Erida" on hate speech/crime) -- and believe, or even what you church
can say..."
"Get Dago Red quick," yelled Duke at the first lull.
The {ex-priest sill a social conservative) was already
entering the OR.
"What will it be boys?," he said.
"All the Cross Action you got {USA is critical again}, plain
or fancy, but make it good."
Several articles back, we began the process of setting the record straight as
regards the truth as regards American history: Inggins, Coloreds and Robber
Children should be taught that 80 to 90% of Indian deaths were
unintentional and due to European diseases. As far as death in war, we did
kill Red men. While some remained neutral and some fought on our
side, the bulk of Indians sided with our enemies during the French and
Indian War, the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.
"Shaping America: Jefferson's Vision of America": "The term Manifest
Destiny was not coined until 1845 but the idea that Americans had a right to
expand, and an obligation to spread democracy and Christianity had been
driving settlers since the Colonial Era. The promise of the West: rugged, the
fascination with it being untamed, the possibility of escape, wealth, adventure
(now we paraphrase) Tom wanted improved relations with Indians and
Blacks and even considered giving a large portion of the Louisiana Purchase
to Indians and freed Blacks.
"Biography of America"points out a foreign observer described those working
meat packing lived in poor housing and at work they didn't look human with
their faces, hair and overalls covered in a mixture of blood and grease, and
their bodies so thin from the inhuman working conditions. At closing time,
they transformed in to an elegant group of gentleman! Tall, young with
trimmed mustaches, handsome plaid jackets, shined shoes and hats. Armour,
one of the so-called Robber Barons, provided schools and Sunday schools for
the younger male workers. The foreign observer noted that it isn't all that
clear cut (no pun intended).
The sales girl in the department store could save up and dress, as well as,
the middle class customers for industrialization resulted in lower prices for all.
We aren't attempting to minimize the harsh working conditions that
existed between 1865-1900 but to put it into perspective. Working conditions
and shorter hours began to improve with people like Ford in 1914 who also
increased wages threefold in order to secure the to best workers. These
changes were partly the result of government pressure but largely due to a
new realization: improved morale produced better workers and the
development of public relations: workplace and product safety generated
loyal patrons. Unions had no role as their power was weak at the time. They
eventually got in the '70s what they wanted: The Federal Product and Safety
Boards --- long after the BIG bad corporations had made most of the changes
of their own accord.
There are those that say that some on the following list were specific while
others implied 2012: Web Bot; Cayce; Newton; Nostradamus; Mayans -
(12-21-2012); Saint Malachy (his name can be pronounced two ways: the proper
way and the preferred way! Get our drift? Think on it).
*Give CJ a BIG Christmas gift: A record number of readers. Visits to
(Urania is very upset) and www.quasarpolitical.blogspot.com (Hermes wants
a going away present) have been poor to fair. Numerous posts at all 3 comsats
to enjoy. Remember: Anyone can connect via Facebook's Second American
Revolutions; cyber-friends - FB Richard DePersio and Twitter @rickaddsite
**We like to include 'Our Chosen People' who came here in large numbers,
1880-1920 from Western Europe and have done so much for USA.
***Thanks to the dead Hooker.
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