Wednesday, March 30, 2016


                                         ALETHEIA Presents: A 'cmt' rarity --- A Shorty
                                             by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
(Expanded Version: 4/2/2016)
(Expanded Version 2: 4/4/2016; while our first expansion may have been barely
perceptible now the converse is the case; moderates and conservatives pay
particular attention to the new section a couple of steps prior to the end)

They are back again!
With their mighty pen
Offending with Truth
With BIG wisdom tooth

RD: "It's been awhile. I hope that we're not rusty." CJ: Excuses, excuses,
excuses. You don't look brownish red to me!" RD: "While B.O. has been offending
our two best friends the U.K. and Israel in that  order, we are going to honor our
Western Civilization buddies (although, Muslims have been replacing it in
Europe with their inferior culture. Khrushchev once said that America will be destroyed
from within. It sadly is happening in Europe.) throughout this article. We might give
Israel the same treatment in the ah-teed. RD: "CJ, CJ, I say CJ." CJ: "I'm busy working
on a piece for this article and don't wish to be fagged."

The penny dropped. Science documentaries are they fantasy or reality? Have you
taken note of that fact that lately a lot more women scientists and engineers are
appearing in what is supposedly a depiction of our present understanding as
regards cosmos, earth and humans? When in reality women comprise a small
but growing membership in these professions. Obviously, this is being done to
encourage young girls to take an interest in science and possibly consider a
career in science. We contend that documentaries on the National Geographic
Channel, the Smithsonian Channel and, the BIGgest culprit of  all, the Science
Channel are not appropriate venues for promoting social agenda. Let's look more
closely at the BIGgest Offender of Truth: Science Channel. For nearly a year their
documentaries on astrophysics and physics have included 20% to 50% females
(it varies from doc-to-doc) when according to the American Physical Society about
17.5% are women! We want our science documentaries to be accurate in every respect.
We want our reality straight! As Sergeant  Friday use to say in "Dragnet": "Just the
facts, ma'am." (We're not tipping our hand as to our age. We just think that shows
produced prior to '80s {MASH, Dick Van Dyke, Bonanza, Twilight Zone, etc.} were
in general superior to what came later. RD: "CJ, did we just go off on a tangent!?!")

The thesis offered for your consideration throughout this masterpiece is this: Do we want
minority rule; do we want the less then 20% of Americans who identify themselves as
liberals to dictate as regards all issues, especially, social issues? They control most of
the music, movie and television industries, as well as public elementary schools, high
schools and colleges --- and many private ones as well. Should we have natural, as
opposed to, artificial selection (evolution) at the societal level!?! Should society choose
to change or not on its own terms or be manipulated by minority rule!

We reiterate: Is there reality in documentaries. How about the crime genre' on
channels like CIN, OXY and ID. According to FBI and police
statistics, blacks are 15% of the population and are responsible for over 60% of
murders, rapes, assaults and robberies with over 60% black-on-black crime. Yet,
it is exceedingly rare to see a black criminal profiled in these shows. Are they
afraid to offend the Reverend Jesse Jackson!?! Do the liberals who operate most of
the TV networks wish to conceal the truth in these shows which claim to depict
reality? Are they pursuing some sort of a liberal agenda which necessitates their
sacrificing reality and truth.
      REMEMBER: you can't be a racist or sexiest or a homophobe if you have truth and
fact on your side. Liberals will call  you those names anyway because they don't put much
stock in truth and fact. (This also applies to American History; you've heard of
liberal revisionist history but not conservative revisionist history.)

We've said it many times in these here pages: you aren't a sexiest or racist or
homophobe if you are speaking truth and facts. (RD: "How can CJ be a homophobe
- which means fear of homosexuals - when he is 6 feet and 215 pounds!)
Speaking of homosexuals, their sexual predilection is: immoral according to the Bible;
unnatural and abnormal according to traditional psychology (before it was hijacked by
liberals in the early '80s); freakish or bad mutations according to evolution. Do you
seriously want to challenge our claim that they are freaks. Just look at their TV shows
like "Prancing Elites" and "I am Cait," as well as, their annual and national gay pride
parades (lower case g, p, p intentional).
       Back in the '80s and '90s, freakish liberal daytime talk show like "Phil Donahue"
"Jenny Jones" and company had as their favorite topic: homosexuals. It was part
of a liberal agenda: show it a lot and after several years the shock of it will abate for
the susceptible; after several more years hope that viewers will feel that it is wrong
but one shouldn't comment on it; finally, they hoped to achieve the goal of you
thinking that it was a normal but alternate lifestyle. Psychologists and psychiatrists had
to sacrifice decades of research at the liberal alter in the early '80s and declare that
it would no longer be classified as abnormal. It would now be classified as normal
and alternative. Phil and company took up the cause during two decades.
      Their efforts to promote homosexuality to make it acceptable to more people with
shows like "Prancing Elites" might backfire. We consider them to be comedies not
reality shows. They might even cause those moderates who have come to accept
homosexuality to reconsider their decision.

B.O. decides to allow women to serve in combat positions. It's not enough that they are
able to pass basic training and boot camp by meeting lower standards; it's not enough
that the don't train with, compete with and aren't  graded with men in basic and boot. No;
B.O. has to further degrade military. We all know how lousy little lying liberals (our
favorite alliteration is back) feel about the military; they're interested in liberal social
experimentation not national security. Wasn't it bad enough when he allowed the
limp-of-wrist to  serve openly while over 60% - super-majority or vast majority - of
uniformed personnel opposed it! B.O. doesn't know his onions!
       The self-same thing has been done by liberal and many moderate mayors: placing
women playing cop and fireman over public  safety! They are tossers.
        REMEMBER: you can't be a racist or a homophobe or sexist if you have truth and
fact as your companions. Liberals will call you those things anyway for they don't
place much currency in those attributes.
      Political leaders should be more concerned about what it does to the morale of males
in uniform - morale being traditionally a priority. Further, as I retired cop explained to me:
let women be coppers (slang for cops prior to the '60s) but don't make one my partner;
partners must have each other's back but not be compelled to spend an inordinate amount
of time protecting a partner --- men would do so because subconsciously that have a
predisposition to protect women; the bad guys will unconsciously  fire more bullets in the
direction of the male cop due to desire to protect weaker sex.
       They are the weaker sex. According to the "Journal of Applied Physiology" and the
"National Strength and Conditioning Association," the average man has 72.6 pounds
of muscle compared to the average women's 46.2; pound  for pound male muscle is 5% to
10% stronger. In addition, women generally produce 2/3 the amount of total strength
and applied force compared to men. They better not be assigned to hand-to-hand
combat, heavy-lifting, endurance situations, steep or high climbing. etc.!
        Haven't you seen in the TV series "Cops" that when a gaggle of cops are chasing
a suspect that the small little lady cop lags behind and never tackles suspect to ground but
looks proud as she escorts suspect - having been handcuffed by a man - to police car ---
accompanied by a male! CJ is 6' and 225 pounds, let's hope that a little fire-girl isn't there
to carry him out of a fire!
        What would happen if in the future news outlets begin reporting not just casualties
but male and female casualties: there were 10 male and 47 female casualties in today's
combat action. The public outcry would be deafening: those are mothers, wives, sisters
and daughters. Presidents might have to end wars prematurely and not in our best
national interests.
         Women and men serve proudly as support soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines and
on rare occasions find themselves in or near a combat zone, sometimes, unintentionally,
who can forget Jessica Lynch. The media portrayed her as a heroine...pardon. hero. What
did she accomplish: she was near the fighting because she couldn't use the map and
compass (many claim that Emilia Earhart vanished because prior to flight she had been
socializing and not devoting enough time to studying maps and using compass in concert
with them. Jessica might be in good company!); failed to resist capture; made no
attempt to escape. Is the what constitutes a hero!?!
The nonsense of the pay put in more overtime than women and tend too more
often take work home from the office. Hence make more money. Further, look at office
environment and you'll see that men have to do more work in the way of having to be
the one who replaces the water on the water cooler and places delivered materials on
the shelves, especially, the big and/or heavy packages and cartons. Have you
witnessed highway repair. The vaginas stand around with arms folded viewing the
penises unload equipment and materials from the truck.

Viva la difference...but no more for on children's channel's like Nick, NickJR, Boomerang
etc. it is common for boys to love to cook, girls to fight, girls to make boys look foolish and
girls to protect and rescue boys. (Yes, CJ but not RD has to suffer through shows like these
in the name of research.) These cable outlets are guilty of Offending the Truth!
Ever since the '80s, some girls and women have attempted to become  more and more
aggressive - verbally and physically. In real life this might not be the case due to anatomy,
physiology, sex chromosomes and hormones. While we don't subscribe to the nonsense of
sociobiology wherein you can be born with strong or weak homo-gene or greedy gene or
criminal gene for ultimately who you become is determined by what you learn in the
order that you learn it, what you experienced in the order that you experienced it and
who you knew, especially, in most cases, the kind of parents that you had. Weak or
strong gene will be overpowered by nurture/environment. Gender differences may be an
exception because of the reasons given plus the male receiving our larger dose of
testosterone later in gestation and controversial idea of slight brain differences between
the sexes.
      In "Star Trek: The Next Generation," female captains and admirals are referred to
as 'sir.' (BIG guffaws emanating from RD and CJ.) It is not a sign of equality but a laugh
provoking sign of female insecurity. It also represents women insecure in their superior
femininity. Pardon: I shouldn't have said that. It is only acceptable to accuse real men of
being insecure in their masculinity.
      Isn't it pathetic and wonky if women are learning how to be aggressive from movies and
TV. TV entertains unless you're consuming news, documentaries (many liberal-biased with
PBS having led the way) and intellectual talk shows. Situation comedies and dramas
shouldn't be employed as teaching tools even though TV Guide has expressed the converse.
     While you had man-actors prior to the '80s while since then Tom Hanks and clones getting in touch with their feminine sides and animals like Sylvester Stallone. The real man-actors
sounded, dressed and acted like men even comedy actors to a large degree, as well as, women-actresses having dignity and being real women not feminist manufactured....Pardon:
should we say 'actors' not actresses due to many  actresses preferring the term due to
 insecurity and penis envy.
    We don't think that you can use entertainment venues to try to teach women to go against
nature. Movies and TV don't reflect reality except, perhaps, the liberal bubble world
in which writers, directors, producers, actors and actresses (?) live. We have never seen
characters that reminded us of us or people we know or stories that reminded us of
something that happened to us or someone we knew. While mode of talking and
moving and dressing may reflect to a certain degree the times in which they are made.
Where have all the man-actors gone...they've been stripped of their manhood by liberals in
general and feminists in particular.
     And, what about the children? Should we give free reign to liberals as regards gender for
their social experimentation going as so far as dictating how parents should raise their
      REMEMBER: You can't be a racist or a sexiest if you have truth and on you side. Not that
liberals care about truth and fact.

In 1965 the lousy little lying liberals did it again as regards immigration reform of that year:
this won't change what America  is; we aren't controlling the nation; it doesn't represent
our societal BIG hand on the path chosen by society's own free will.  Fast  Forward: We aren't a Christian nation and we are multi-cultural.
      RD/CJ are no longer Christian but there does exist truth and fact. When our nation was
founded 98% identified themselves as Christians; today  the number is about 75%. As far as
the slaves they were busy mixing Christianity with west central African religions such
as voodoo. When are nation was founded - not counting the slaves - we were
European, especially, Western European ( we include UK and Ireland as part as Western
Europe, in spite of, of the useless U.N.'s reclassification in the '90s.)
      Fifty percent or more constitutes a majority and sixty percent or more the vast majority.
      Western Europe, especially, the U.S. branch is the best. Most people want to immigrate
here not elsewhere. (Although, we can no longer afford them.) While the immigrant's culture
contributed to our greatness over time they in time considered it to be an American
contribution. It didn't contribute to the degree that our Western Culture did (our roots).
Western Culture being our foundation and essence.
       The Melting Pot: You came here and over time you  became a part of Western Culture
putting you culture in second place and distant second place over time. This had been what
schools and parents wanted. Bring back the Pot!
       Now, you are evil if white, especially, male. We are separate portions on a plate. Citizen
against citizen.
        Abe Lincoln said that a nation divided can not stand. All must embrace the superior
culture and, once again, place theirs in second.
       Today, about 67% of the population is white trash. Isn't that the majority not the enemy?
God damn, no longer respect and want to imitate, those who work hard and become rich.
Get on you knees when you see a rich person for they pay virtually all of the taxes (otherwise
B.O.'s national debt would be even greater and our complete and ultimate  economic
financial collapse will come sooner) and fund the failed liberal social programs. To hell with
safe spaces  for sissy college students. Cultural Appropriation represents your
small contribution  to American Society and think of it as  such. You can built on Western
Culture but not equal it.
        Blacks just remember this: A Republican Lincoln freed the slaves;  the civil rights
legislation of the '60s wouldn't have passed were it not for Republicans for white southern
bigoted democrats opposed it; a Republican Nixon helped more blacks start small businesses
than any president before or since; a Republican Reagan is responsible for the fact that in 1990
there were more rich and middle class blacks than poor blacks for the first time in history; it is
Republicans who want school vouchers so that your children can get out of the  failed
unionized public schools (public schools coming from Marx's play book.). Republicans walk
the walk while liberals talk the talk. Yet, you're  so stupid that over 90% of you vote democrat.
        Western Civilization gave us Capitalism and liberals have been polluting it with
socialism. Return rights and powers  to state goverments, businesses and, especially, citizens.
        Like it or not, this is a Christian/Western Civilization nation. You can't argue with the
numbers. Let us return to: One  nation indivisible.

Let's end with physics...We're cognizant of the fact that this site is primarily for politics
and economics with a splash of Greek Mythology --- some articles with a BIGger splash,
nonetheless, we violated the rules by delving into social or moral or cultural (Reader's Choice:
whichever term you prefer) issues usually reserved for
(Social Policy for moderates and conservatives. Offending with Truth) and (Western Civilization and Social Policy.) While Website about Astronomy and Philosophy) and (Website for Astronautics and Space Policy.)
(Advertisement over)
       Once again, we are forced to express dismay at physicists over the last few decades
wherein they readily accept a mathematical theory before anecdotal evidence or when there
is little or none of it. The vast majority of physicists, astrophysicists and cosmologists keep
saying that the problem is with Einstein's Relativity for it won't fit into the Standard Model.
This in spite of the fact that the observational and experiments evidence for Relativity far out
weighs that for Quantum Theory with three new proofs of Relativity in the past few years
compared to one for the Standard Model (Higgs Field). The problem might lie with Standard
Model. Objects with mass like protons and objects without mass like light sometimes behave
like particles and sometimes behave as fields aka waves. Einstein's predicted gravitational
waves have recently been detected.  Einstein's gravity's hypothesized graviton proposed by
followers of Standard Model which would make it fit Standard  Model hasn't been proved mathematically or  experimentally. While there is a wealth of evidence  for Einstein's
Universe and virtually none for String Theory and Multiverse Theory which are compatible
with Quantum Theory. Maybe the problem isn't that Einstein must be made compatible with Quantum Theory and Standard Model but that they need to be modified to accommodate
Einstein or discarded! We have a right to be gobsmacked.
       We have Offended the physicists with Truth!!!!!!!!
        (And, we made liars of ourselves: when all is said and done this is not  a SHORTY!)

(Older articles are largely not out-of-date (this applies to all 5 websites). The few places
where they are can easily be considered from an historical perspective. (RD/CJ: "Please read
if you haven't already have done so as we worked hard on them! Pan will give you another
reason at where you'll also find a shocking and sinful offering
but not from {to a large extent} moral traditionalists, deists and students of science RD/CJ).

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