Monday, June 18, 2012

Fwd: PLATO (the Guest who never leaves)...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 9:07 am
Subject: Fwd: PLATO (the Guest who never leaves)...

Quatrain One:              Seeing a future of debt                                                         
                                      Libs tell us: It is no sweat                                                    
                                      Future has problems galore                                               
                                      Heed the warning, don't ignore                                          
Quatrain Two:              It's time for a call to action                                                 
                                      You must demand satisfaction                                          
                                      Oh, tell those buffoons on the Hill                                        
                                      We will no longer foot the bill                                              
                                                                            -Citizen 'Nostradamus' Journalist
"CJCS Comsats ambitious anthology of Western Civilization - one post at the beginning of all
five comsats (web sites)...Exciting masterpiece...Stimulating...Arousing to action."
                                                                            -Agape Cyanea Cum, critic, Athenian To Pontiki
                               by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and Al Hitchcock
                                    Sub-Title One: SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION***
                                      Sub-Title Two: GOODBYE*FAREWELL*AMEN ****
Preface One: seti@home First, the good news: 9 of the 20 top participants come from the
United States. Now, the bad news: Team USA has fallen from 5th to 8th place!!! Are you going
 to allow this humiliation to continue!?! Do the SCIENTIFIC and PATRIOTIC thing. (Roswell
       Facebook YOUTH for WESTERN CIVILIZATION invaded by a muslim and a lib with vitriol
 toward U.S. and Our Chosen People. Have no fear, Citizen Journalist was there. He put the little
muslim and lib in their place. Citizen Journalist on the job!!! He could use your help. Let's create
an army of Pro-American/Anti-Libs to periodically check out YWC for vicious attacks and respond
with potent attacks of our own!!!!! Moderate-muslim-Myth, Western Civilization and related issues:
See articles here, at Citizenj, quasarpolitics(including, three articles entitled "Our Chosen
 People" - one at Citizenj and two at quasarpolitics) and rickaddsite, including, but not limited to: Page
 1, posts 1, 3, 5,7; Page 2 - 6, 7. 11; Page 3 -2. Connect to our web sites via FB Second
American Revolution and Twitter @rickaddsite ). Western Civilization/American Branch at this site,
 including, articles with portions devoted to U.S. Constitution, Smith economics and western science -
check out all pages, Citizenj too. (Articles at this site. including, "The Return of Citizen Journalist,"
"Mission to Mars/Mission to Muslim," "Citizen Journalist: Savior or Bigot," "ingins, people of the dome,
cripples, others." Further, many of the articles at are directly or indirectly
concerned with WC/AB and attacks on it.
       Kevin De Anna and Justin Elliott haven't visited their 'YWC' venue in many moons. Do your
Cyber-Friend CJ a solid: If you know them, inform them that CJ has been operating in their stead
and would like to work closely with them on projects.
       As Frank Colombo would say: "Just one more thing," Visit 'YWC' and give 'little mohammad'
what for!!! (Pardon us for ending a sentence with a preposition!). Defend U.S. and Kikes.
Preface Two: Ratings, we have ratings! During May, we averaged 215 readers per web site per week.
Thank You!!!
       As you should know by now, we enjoy contributing to our Cyber-Friends' Pages on Facebook:
M*A*S*H (our favorite all-time TV show); Bonanza (Places); Twilight Zone (No. 5); Prisoner (Number
 Six at Number Six); Alfred Hitchcock Presents (No. 21); Facebook: Holmes Sherlock, TV - The
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes/The Return of Sherlock Holmes/The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
(Number 25). (Two imports from our best friends (in spite of numerous BO slights) the Brits:
Prisoner and 'Sherlock').
Preface Three: RD: "I saw Dan Blocker (Bonanza's Hoss) in a '62 episode of "The Rifleman" (the
phony mustache and beard didn't fool me!). And, Mike Landon (Ponderosa's Little Joe) in a '61 episode -
sans disguise," CJ: "Here's an interesting item from USA Today - One-Third of Americans believe in
astrology, 75% of them are women - for shame! And, they want to be taken seriously! As our society
becomes more scientific and technological - you are holding yourselves back. Ignoramuses! Sometimes,
we're in the mood for a little Virgo cusp mooning Leo."RD: "Getting your feet wet. Jobs such as movie theater
 usher and gas station attendant for high school students, high school graduates and college students begin
 the process of disappearing when the minimum wage rises. Let free market forces operate. As Smith taught
us: wages will become commiserate with the work being down. Fed Gov interference is bad, simply put. RD:
"Prominent astrologers are predicting BO win and UN says that we should return sacred land where
Mt. Rushmore (CJ was there in "Citizen Journalist is Missing" at ) is
located to Ingins. Mt. Rushmore is sacred to WC/AB! Who cares what they think: Astrology and UN
are jokes!"CJ: "Only in America: one-third of homeless are obese; 75-95% (depending on item) of
poor have cable TVs, cell phones, cars, computers, micro-waves, etc. There is poor and there is poor:
What would someone in Ethiopia think!?! There are those who feel that taxpayers should pay to
train and re-train poor and laid-off for jobs. There are quality/inexpensive training programs in EKG, phlebotomy,
medical assisting, typing, data entry and more for less than $500 in most neighborhoods (or take a
bus). Forgo cable or cell phone for a few months! And, another thing: Rich people get better health/
medical care and rightfully so: they pay for it. Because of them, the poor get better care than the poor in
 other countries. We enjoy the most advanced med tech in the world and most countries are moving
away from failed socialized medicine - which is where BO wants to take us!" RD: "The recent disclosure of
intelligence secrets profoundly jeopardizing American lives in general and some Our Chosen People's 
intelligence officers in particular is on a par with that of Clinton's China Connection
 ( -difficulty connecting directly? Connect via FB Second American Revolution
-- "wasn't he the guy who was in the buddhist..." page 3, article 3).
True to form: Our prefaces are nearly as long as our articles proper!!! 'Going out' with a BIG BANG!
As is our wont, we start with cosmos followed by cosmos (which means world) and Offending with
Truth when circumstances warrant (we might have already gotten a head start!).
       Orion and the Space Launch System using R & D from the Space Shuttle Program and the defunct
Constellation Project is on schedule as regards development and tests. It will take us to Mars or the moon
and Mars (our recommendations at ). Orion and SLS are woefully
under-funded while fed gov funds private sector efforts like SpaceX which would likely be receiving private
 sector investment bank support if they are and will be economically viable. Why is such support lacking?
Why has fed gov been subsidizing solar and wind since late '70s (rhetorical question). What would Founding
Fathers say!?! What do you say!?!
       Mission One: The X-37B was in orbit for seven months two years ago. Mission Two: It has been in space
for the past year (more at quasarpolitics).
       From the Serendipity File: The National Reconnaissance Office (which works closely with CIA and the
Air Force) is giving NASA - a gift - of two spare spy telescopes that are more powerful than Hubble and can
easily be modified for astronomy.
       The $4 Billion Question: In 4 billion years will our Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy (both spiral galaxies)
hit head-on or will it be a glancing blow: NASA: head-on! The Solar System will likely be flung further out than
its present location. Over a 2 billion year period, the two galaxies will merge (and become an elliptical galaxy).
As you may or may not know, Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist opposed the
American Disabilities Act of 1990 for not allowing free-market forces to operate; he also predicted that it would
be abused by lousy broke ones who pray to lousy Giles (more at rickaddsite, floor 8). Their unreasonable
demands create chaos in the world of the able-bodied.
       There are literally thousands of costly lawsuits by those crippled in one way or another. Time only
suffices for us to raise a few which shall suffice to illustrate our point. Shy Bladder Syndrome (yes, this is a real
condition; stop laughing!): Unable  to PP in front of others or in public restrooms. He held his pee until he
found gov commission that is considering his case. Don't be surprised if gov rules that ADA covers this! It would cost
 taxpayers (gov buildings) and businesses hundreds of millions to accommodate the few with this type of shyness!!!
 A women in a wheelchair is suing a store for kicking her and her miniature horse out. She claims that she needs
 horse - they can't be potty trained - to get around. If she wins, people will be suing for slipping and sliding on horse
 shit. Lawyers and accommodations cost businesses money which they add to the prices of the items that they sell.
 It means higher prices for all, including, physically-challenged (there, we were PC!).
       A few years back, we read in MDA Magazine about a movie theater chain which was ordered to comply with
ADA. They spent BIG $$$s consulting with disabled orgs and safety orgs and finally got their stamp-of-approval.
There would be a section between screen and regular chairs for the nuisances. They complained that it was
causing a strain on their necks to see the movie. It costs them BIG $$$s to make the accommodations and
they might be compelled to go out-of-business for they couldn't afford to implement new architectural changes.
MDA was critical of chain for making bad accommodations! They consulted with damn crippled orgs! We're not
certain how it was resolved. Another theater chain had a 'broken' section but women demanded that she
be allowed to sit in the big comfy chair that she brought from home! Most of these cases are unjustified.
Reasonable accommodation and it shouldn't mean that that should have access to every restaurant on the block
(see rickaddsite).
AL Hitchcock Presents...brought to you by Adderall and Cabo Wabo Tequila - the better mixer; the drink of
ex-champions. Fair and Balanced: Carson joked equally about Republicans and Democrats, including, presidents.
 Biased: Leno and Letterman, as well as, those two creeps on ComedyCentral (No, we won't go to the Guide
 Channel and look up their names, they're worse than the 2Ls and we shan't give them free publicity). While he wasn't
 a talk show host, Bobby Hope was an equal offender. Sadly, young...younger people, including, college students get
 much of their news and info from them - the decline of Western Civilization! {Our regulars know that our articles are
 live or on tape, before a live (not dead) audience or we use canned laughter). This presentation is being taped before
 a live stage crew. For the benefit of another type of cripple - the blind: Al is wearing a Sherlock-type cap and has a
sax-shaped pipe like the one our friend Sherlock sometimes smokes...wait...what's this?...bubbles not smoke is
emerging from pope...correction: pipe...wouldn't it be even funnier if it were the pope? (canned laughter)}. Al: "Good
evening, ladies and gentleman, and Dr. Watson where ever you are." CJ: "Al, we have a surprise for you and those
 watching. Like you, he is a frequent contributor to these illustrious web sites, nonetheless, your paths have never
crossed. We have a surprise guest. Come out from behind the curtain. {He has a bubble pipe too (canned laughter)}.
Al Joseph meet John Hamish; JHW meet AJH - we have a Sherlock Mystery: Why do share two initials!?! {Blowing
bubbles and shacking hands}. CJ: "John, thanks for coming. If you would be so kind as to wait backstage, you and Al
shall dine together, after Al's work here is consummated, courtesy of CJCS Comsats - that should be enough to cover
McDonald's!" Al: "Join me, if you will, as we contemplate the perfect crime. {run commercial: CJCS Comsats - Where
you go to be offended and whipped - you little masochist}. Al: "Thank you and goodnight."
CJ: "Drinking: Make mine a Scotch neat - on second thought, with ice containing Adderal." The N.Y. 'The Ol' Grey Lady'
Times***** suggests that we should lower the drinking age. Neurologists tell us that different parts of the brain mature
at different rates. Over 60% of 16 year olds achieve logical reasoning but complete self-restraint not until early adulthood.
       During sex in general and, especially, orgasm more of the female brain is turned off than the males. The average
man is much stronger than the average women. There might be an evolutionary reason: One of us had to be more alert
to surrounding danger - predatory animals.
       Taking paragraphs 1 and 2 into account, we wouldn't want girls under 21 going brain dead!!! (Unless you're into that
sort of thing).
Here comes another CJ Original Proposal...On saving Social Security, some have suggested raising the age of retire-
ment. We proposal a three-prong system: A) Retire at 67 (not 65) and receive 70% of what is due you until you die; B)
Retire at 69, 85%; C) 71, 100%. Couples are having fewer children and people are living a lot longer (the graying of
America). We need wise and experienced workers to remain on the job longer. Means-testing: Those whose average
worth during the past ten years was $3 million or more should receive - 55%, 70% and 85%; $1 to 3 million - 65%. 80%,
95%. We endorse: Saving Medicare by raising eligibility from 65 to 67 with means-testing; let private health insurance
companies compete for you - partially privatizing it; prices will come down, $20 billion annual waste and fraud in present
completely gov-managed program will be virtually eliminated because of profit-motive. Just like $$$s should be attached
 to child not to school, M$$$s should be attached to person not gov M-programs; private sector would offer more options.
       We keep hearing that saying that 49% of Americans don't pay Federal Income Tax is invalid because they pay other
taxes. We say that that is invalid argument. All Americans should pay something even if token amount. Why is it fallacious
 to say: 'But, they pay other taxes'? See: "Addendum: Original Proposal" at this web site. (Enjoy all articles on pages 1, 2 and
3 if you haven't done so already).
       Worth rehashing: Cut Capital Gains Tax from 15% to 5% for three years and, them, raise to 10% to stimulate investment,
 for wealth and job creation and enhanced R & D spending. More Proposals Original/Proposals Endorsed here and at our
other sites that other presidential candidates combined.
Let's Play: "Who Said it, When was it Said and When will it become the Law of the Land" with your host Grouch Marx. GM:
"{Hint for Question One} Either he's dead or my watch has stopped."
        "Extensive revisions of the basic labor laws are greatly overdo...1) No corporation which can be shown to
          have lost money during the average of the preceding few years should be required to bargain collectively;
         which means that management would {be} free to negotiate directly with individual employees. 2) And no
         labor union contract should deprive management  of the right to institute cost-saving practices and
         machinery; which means that management would {be} free to automate, without consulting the union."
My Cyber-Friends are amazing! They answered: "Bill Buckley, 1967; When we have a conservative president a la Reagan and
when moderates and conservatives control congress and libs like Polusi are muzzled!" Your prize an autographed photo of
a naked Citizen Journalist for the women and a naked Venus for the men and a naked Richard Simmons for the queers.
"Good men don't need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find ways around the laws."-Plato
Our Founding Fathers wanted people to be religious for they would be more likely to abide by laws and regs but didn't want a
lot of laws and regs. They wanted good people, their families and property to be protected by the gov from the bad people. They
wanted gov to protect the people from foreign invaders. The wanted gov to establish an environment in which the citizenry
could thrive unimpeded in their moral and financial pursuits. Laws and regs should be few and only when absolutely
necessary to protect the good from the bad and help facilitate commerce.
Picture 1: Seshat; Picture 2: Saint Giles; Picture 3: Roswell Graeae; 4) Picture 4: Artist rendition of Saturn S-N...A.D.D.-ing. Pass
 the Adderall. Go to: This is where picture belongs!
*A few months ago, Plato visited via the Einstein/Rosen Bridge and hasn't returned yet. He likes it here and is staying with CJ.
The guest who doesn't leave. It is difficult for CJ who only has two rooms or one room and a 3-in-1 (Living Room-Library-Command
Center Combo; recently featured in "Better Homes and Gardens"). **Graeae: the "gray ones" were also three old women with gray
 hair and one eye which they shared and passed around ---- in Greek (birthplace of WC) Mythology.
***Let's do ourselves a Second American Revolution. More about this at rickaddsite not here as my hand
has started to hurt and I'm losing control of it. Venus: "Hey! That's not my shell!" ****CJCS Comsats is going on hiatus.
CJ Anticipates becoming ill next week. Will return periodically to check in with you, let you know how I'm doing and to offend.
Seeking individual (s) to help with the workload. Preferably, single female, any color, 33-43, pretty (we'll be the judge of that)
moderate or conservative but willing to get down and dirty (you should be ashamed of yourself for what you're thinking - down
and dirty in pursuit of a story!), interested in science/technology or politics/economics or the arts. Actually, any qualified individual
 can apply. Ability to Offend optional. *****A very old lib, gray all over, whose circulation is anemic. As Greg's repulsive sidekick, Bill
Schultz, can attest.
(web site Citizenj: __________or _________is the biggest threat to American Identity, Western Civilization ------- and blacks!!!
HonorableXXXX Dishonorable Mention: ____________).

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