Tuesday, May 31, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, May 31, 2011 3:02 pm

(Why isn't this "Goodbye..." Part 2C or "...atmospherics..." Part 3 ? Damn it!!!
 "Why such Great Anger in those Heavenly Minds"? Most of what is
 composed by Citizen Journalist need not by read sequentially, including,
 multi-part articles and "Action Chain Letters."
 Speaking of "Action Chain Letters" - they are updated when necessary - -
 meant to be used during 2011; not out-of-date - we swear to NASA!
 Nectar of the Gods...Drink from the cup of words brought to you by
 Mercury from Mount Olympus...Dine on the food of the gods: Solo or
 Combo Plate - One serving or five or all...Enjoy one delicious "Action Chain
 Letter or savor the blend of two or six or more...It's alright to eat like the
 gods and make a pig out of yourself!).
            H*I*N*T* "...misunderstanding had been cleared up. It had been
                          an understandable mistake."/"...under certain
                          atmospheric, as well as metabolic, conditions and by
                          enforcing complete concentration and invoking unique
                          extrasensory powers, he was able to receive messages
                          and monitor conversations far beyond the the usual range
                          of human hearing."*
            Sub-title One: "GOODBYE*FAREWELL*AMEN*" **
            Sub-title Two: NATION Needs NASA/Non-NASA NOTIONS
                                         by Richard DePersio
(* & ** explained at "...atmospheric, as well as metabolic,..." Or, if you prefer:
 "atmospheric, as well as metabolic,..." Part One. Go with the flow. Don't raise
 your blood pressure!).
(This creation will be extremely offensive to the 20% of 'Americans' who identify
themselves as liberals; if not, we haven't done our job. Bonus: it might upset
over 20%!).
Preface: Citizen Journalist: "Another article. We usually have new articles
on Mondays and/or Wednesdays. Disabled and homebound; the workload
is becoming too heavy"...Richard DePersio: I don't think that I have a choice
but to agree with you."...CJ: "We need an associate editor or a contributor:
science/technology and/or movies and/or politics and/or economics and/or
humor and/or foreign policy and/or poetry and/or whatever - go where your
Muse takes you!"...RD: "The problem is: people don't want to work for free
even if they can reach up to 200 people."...CJ: Remember these inspiring
             "Your profession is not what brings home your weekly
               Your profession is what you are put here on earth to do
               with such passion and such intensity that it becomes a
               spiritual calling."
                                                -Vincent van Gogh
As is our wont, we start off with the cosmos (which means world) and, then, we
address ourselves to the world...
NASA has discerned that there is 100X more water in the moon's mantle than
previously thought and that the water-ice in craters around the north and south poles
are the result of eruptions billions of years ago and not deposited by meteors and
comets as previously thought. This subjects to question the consensus view of
scientists that a Mars-sized objecte hit earth knocking of material - the debris
which coalesced to form a nearly dry moon (virtually all water disappearing as a
result of evaporation caused by the heat generated by the impact). These conclusions
were drawn from re-examining rocks brought back by Apollo 17 - the last moon landing
and the only one to have a scientist-astronaut, geologist Harrison Schmitt (All the
Mercury, Gemini and Apollo astronauts were test pilots and engineers - the term
scientist-astronaut was also employed for the three SkyLab Space Station missions
which followed Apollo; the term was changed to mission specialist for space shuttle,
and later, International Space Station missions).
       Speaking of Harrison, he recently suggested that most of NASA's responsibilities
be turned over to a new agency which he calls "National Space Exploration Agency" in
order to reinvigorate to the level of the 1960's. His proposal isn't necessary now that
Obama's efforts to destroy NASA have been defeated (this isn't the part of the article
that will offend; if it does - great!). NASA will build on Constellation Program R & D and
construct a heavy-lifter, a super-heavy lifter and Orion-like craft for missions well beyond
       Speaking of moon water, there are a growing number of republicans and democrats
too who want to over rule Obama and reinstate the Return-to-the-Moon Project that he
canceled. Water might be used to drink. We could spit it into H & O: H as a fuel to go
beyond the moon and O to breath; a lot of money saved if we didn't have to carry a lot
of water to the moon and beyond from the high gravitational field of the earth. NASA
and the moon can play a vital role in solving our energy crisis in a cost-effective manner -
See: "ATBTC," Action Chain Letters 4, 5, 9, 10.
On the lighter side: "I must reluctantly observe that two causes, the
abbreviation of time, and the failure of hope, will always tinge with a
browner shade the evening of life." -Edward Gibbon
Take aim and fire... Let's offend by speaking the truth and using the facts...There are
18 liberal and moderate-liberal states - all in the NE and on the west coast, including,
N.Y. and California; 28 conservative and moderate-conservative states; four - Florida,
Ohio, Michigan and New Mexico - moderate or swing states. Other than the little
states of Vermont and Massachusetts, New York and California are the most
liberal states in the union. Most Americans can't relate to the people, the structures
and the behavior of New York City and Los Angeles, including, Hollywood; they
wonder if these strange places are part of the same country as theirs. Yet, it is the
thoughts and images generated in these places that produce the picture of (Be patient;
will offend when the mood is right; where were we?)
America that most people in foreign countries have: a greedy form of capitalism,
immorality and a blatant disregard of the needy. Further, liberals control the major
T.V. networks, all the major movie studios and record companies, most of the major
newspapers, public elementary and high schools, public and private colleges.  As
strange kind of liberalism when it comes to the entertainment industry: liberals on
foreign policy and defense, lib on social issues, lib on domestic issues but what about
the domestic area known as economics? They are capitalists who decry and deplore
capitalism while they reap its rewards: hypocrites! Most democrats in congress are
libs while most grass-roots dems are mod-libs. Only 20% of Americans identify
themselves as libs but they control virtually everything, don't truly represent their
constituents, produce the image that the world has of us.
       Recently, Mayor Bloomberg of N.Y. (registered Independent) offered to endorse
and contribute $$$s to the campaigns of republicans in the State Legislature who
voted in favor of gay marriage. Isn't it a crime to offer to buy votes? (Couldn't he have
the decency to do it surreptitiously like others and not as many as you think).
Momentarily, we will tell the truth about homos: moderates and undecided will
read with on open mind; libs never - even when facts are staring them in the face!
We interrupt this article for an A.D.D. Moment sponsored by Adderall and Maxwell House
Coffee: "Bureaucracy...One must bear in mind that the expansion of federal
            activity is a form of eating for politicians."
            "Capitalism...'The trouble with socialism,' a European observer once
            remarked, is socialism. The trouble with capitalism is capitalists.'"
            "The salient economic assumptions of liberalism are socialist."
Were these remarks made over the past few years?...Some things never change...
"Quotations from Chairman Bill by the late Bill Buckley (he was alive when he made them;
Pocket Book, 1966). The statements were uttered, 1964-66...The more things change,
the more them remain the same is an ol' saw this is still valid.
Recently, in Oakland (California, naturally), guest speakers addressed fourth
graders telling them that gender is in your head and heart; it is alright for a boy
to pretend to be a girl as often as he chooses or to choose to be of no gender;
ditto, girls. Boys can want to kiss and want to marry boys and dress like girls; the
converse for girls. It all likely hood these immoral lies will be taught throughout
the state. There's a saying: So goes California, so goes the rest of the country!
Libs claim that they're doing it to reduce bullying. Children never had a
problem with gender-identification until libs created one. Conservatives
maintain that they are trying to indoctrinate young minds into liberalism.
Liberal social experimentation is a dangerous thing, especially, when it
come to impressionable minds. It makes us want to upchuck!
      We ask you: Does what happens in New York and California reflect
your views and beliefs? We classified states. When individuals are only
given three options, they choose: 40% identify themselves as conservatives;
30% moderates; 20% liberals; 10% out-to-lunch.
      Homosexuality is immoral according to the Bible and the Dalai Lama
(RD: Don't do it. CJ: We got to tell it like it is. RD: Must we do it again?
Think of the repercussions. BB: Go for it!). Do the research. The koran
promotes killing infidels: Jews, Christians, including, gays. Evil consequences
should befall those who don't moon the moon-god! (The 'muslim brotherhood'
aiding and abetted the nazis during WW2, they give financial support to
hamas and hezbollah {lower-case letters intentional} and so-called
moderate mosques in the U.S. {moderate muslim myth - nice alliteration,
if we do say so ourselves}. Perhaps, there is change afoot: the Muslim youth;
we shall see).
       By the way, they are bad mutations in evolutionary terms. The field of
sociobiology is a relatively new field having had its genesis in the 1950's.
You can be born with a strong nasty gene or criminal gene or home gene
and your likely to grow up to be nasty or criminal or homo. Most
psychologists, sociologists and evolutionary biologists want to make
excuses for bad behavior: they shouldn't be punished or condemned
for they can't help being what they are. Others harbor the view that
genes generate dispositions: if you're born with a strong greedy gene,
nurture and environment will determine if it will fully manifest itself.
What utter nonsense. Why not just say that it is environment/upbringing
which determines: everything that we learned in the order that we
learned it; everything that we experienced in the order that we
experienced it; everyone we knew, especially, parents. Some
homos choose to be such; others are homos because of the damaging
parental-style of one or both parents; others, as a result of, a
traumatic experience early in life. The limp-of-wrist can be cured if that
consciously and subconsciously so wish it.
      Tell us that you like boys instead of girls; that you like to wear
girl's clothes; that you like to be spanked or tied-up - and, we will
tease you - - you asked for it. Get back in the closet with your
perversions and don't flaunt it in front of us and our children! Do
whatever you damn please in your genes behind closed doors. Only
5% of the population is freak!!!
          'But the longer I live on this Crumpetty Tree
           The plainer than ever it seems to me
           That very few people come this way
           And that life on the whole is far from gay!'
                                -Edward Lear
Gay as in abnormal, immoral and unnatural! Please check out "Action
Chain Letter 6" at groups.google.com/group/newfederalism - as valid
as ever.
In the right; not in the behind!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


-----Original Message-----   Part One: "...atmospheric..." and Part Two "GOODBYE*
From: b rrdd3939@aol.com     FAREWELL*AMEN* Below. Although, reading in order
To: rrdd3939@aol.com                                 isn't absolutely necessary.
Sent: Wed, May 25, 2011 7:14 pm

                                  Abbreviated title: "GOODBYE*..."
                                       by Richard DePersio
RD: "We're back"...Citizen Journalist: "We sure are"...RD: "Let's get to it"...
CJ: "It's nearly impossible for me to disagree with you."
Where were we?...We remember: As always, it is our wont to commence with
cosmos (meaning world) and then cover the world.
Back to the Future...Futurists come from many disciplines, especially,
sociology, science-fiction, physics. The genesis of the field can be traced
back to the late 1960's and one of its pioneers was sociologist Alvin Toffler.
He stated in "Future Shock" (1970, Bantam Book), "...In stagnant societies
there is a deep psychological need for novelty and stimulation. In a
accelerative society, the need may well be for the preservation of
certain continuities...ritual...surrounding birth, death, puberty, marriage,
and so on-helped individuals in primitive societies  to re-establish
equilibrium after some major adaptive event had taken place."
Even in our secularized urban society ritual continues in the "...
appearances of our heads of state, in religion, in business." The
exchange of Christmas cards "...is an economic monument to the
society's continuing need for some semblance of ritual."
     Your asking: "What does this have to do with cosmos?" CJ: "Be patient.
We're getting to it."
     "In the future, we can anticipate greater variety in the kinds of
rituals adhered to in family life." He talks about a nutty family who
does a secular grace thanking John Sebastian Bach, husbands and
waves speak of "our song" (soon husband and husband; we type while
limp of wrist). "...we need to mark off certain regularities for
preservation...we may even need to manufacture ritual." Less we lose
our heads.
     "In the United States, the arrival of spring is marked for most urban
dwellers not by the sudden greenness-but by the opening of the
baseball season...What ever happens in the stock market, or to
world politics, or to family life, the American League and
National League run through their expected motions."
     "As leisure increases, we have the opportunity to introduce
additional stability points and rituals into the society, such as
new holidays, pageants, and games...could...provide a backdrop
of continuity in everyday life, but serve to integrate societies,
and cushion them somewhat against the fragmenting impact
of super-industrialization...holidays to honor Galileo or Mozart,
Einstein or Ce'zanne." There is a method to our apparent madness.
You've been waiting with bated breath:
     "We might create a global pageantry based on man's conquest
of space...Even now the succession of space launches and capsule
retrievals is beginning to take on a kind of ritual dramatic pattern...
transfixed as the countdown begins...for a fleeting instant, they
share a realization of the oneness of humanity and its potential
competence in the face of the universe...by regulating such events
and by greatly adding to the pageantry that surrounds them, we
can weave them into the ritual framework of the new society and
use them as sanity-preserving points of temporal reference.
Certainly, July 20, the day Astronaut Armstrong took "one small
step for man" and "one giant leap for mankind," ought to be made
into an annual global celebration of the unity of man." (Due to an
editorial-demon the end of this section appears at the end!).
An A.D.D.ed Aside sponsored by Carnation Evaporated Milk:
Frontal Lobe: Controls many functions, including, movement,
emotion and PERSONALITY.
Where were we? What distracted us? What? Our brain! Bad brain! And,
 Baloney - that our personality is in the genes. It's environment not
preprogramming. Damn it! And, go to hell!
Not many people exchange Christmas cards anymore, do they?
Back to the recent past: "...atmospheric..." Part One of this article, we
discussed the role of the fed gov and the limits thereof - "Enumerated
Powers" and "Amendment 10" in the Bill of Rights - at www.rickcmtsite.
blogspot.com and, if you had a technical problem with it, /group/
rickcosmos-eclectic. While our Founding Fathers didn't specify aeronautics
and astronautics, not even Ben, clearly NASA is a function that can
only be done, and only be done well, at the federal level and would
receive the blessing of George, John, Tom, Jim and the rest of the
Revolutionary gang.
       President Nixon called it the "Greatest day since the Creation."
humans working on a heavenly/celestial body for the first time. And, all
it merits is one of those semi-official national holidays called "Space Day"!
No wonder, we've lost our sanity! It should be a real full-fledged national
holiday observed and celebrated in home, bars and public places like
parks. Flags should be waving coupled with fireworks displays. We can go
with one of two options: 1) Celebrate the day of the moon landing: Apollo 11
Day or 2) with can pull out all the stops and go with Apollos' Day: Independence
from the bound of earth's gravity and Lee Independence Day (the day that the Lee
resolution was approved by the Second Continental Congress declaring our
 independence; it was on this day that John Adams wrote to his wife and
said that it - July 3 - should be celebrated every year with parties and
fireworks. July 3: Two Independence's and July 4: Verbal approval of the
Declaration of Independence ratified with a few members signing, including,
the President of the Second Continental Congress, John Hancock. Two
days of super-sized PATRIOTISM!!!
It's time for a pleasant break:
                           "I praised the myrtle and the rose at sunrise
                            in their beauty lyings,
                            I praised them at the start of the short day's close,
                            And both were dying."
                                               -Christina Rosetti, Age 7
As our regular readers know, we have compiled a list of 17 Constitutional
Crimes against Obama (and 3 borderline charges against President Bush).
New readers, please check out "A Bad Case of Treason" located at /group/
newfederalism, we believe - which contains most of the infractions. It
will give the House a leg up should they choose to inp....investigate.
We are confidant that moderates, not libs, will grant our list a fair hearing.
     There are allegations that Obama has violated the "War Powers Act."
It doesn't make our list. Virtually all presidents since and including
Nixon have considered it unconstitutional - as do we.
     We believe that our Founding Daddy's meant for the President as
Commander-in-Chief to initiate war or respond to an attack or provocation
or a potential threat immediately and not have to secure a "Declaration of
War" from congress unless, the president, in his judgement felt that
time permitted. Check-and-balances: The president has funds to
conduct war for a limited period of time; congress can cut off funds
after the war has commenced due to their power of the purse. It
isn't likely that it would undermine the president but it reserves
that right.
We supported the war in Afghanistan. We have 100,000 troops there,
we should reduce that number to 45,000 over the next three years
(not ironclad; subject to change). Such a plan shouldn't be released
publicly as the enemy would make use of such knowledge. Efforts
to help Afghanistan create a homegrown democracy, built its
infrastructure, train its security forces and humanitarian aid should
stop in three - if possible, two - years - at which time the useless
U.N. can be of minimum value to that country. We need three U.S. bases
to continue to capture and kill the member of al-Qauda and Taliban
and more. One base in the south, one base at the border with Iran
(we might have to surgically remove their nuclear facilities or
aid those seeking freedom in Iran - based on past performance
these are two things Obama is unlikely to do), one near NW Pakistan
(the enemy is located there and in the south).
     Cut off funds immediately to Pakistan. We hear you: "You can't
do that, Pakistan is our main entrance and exit points of troops
and supplies to Afghanistan."
     Our best friends in the world: 1) U.K.; 2) Israel (U.K. and Israel
have been offended and mistreated by the little 'o'); 3) Australia;
4) Japan; 5) India; 6) Canada; 7) Columbia; 8) Poland; 9) Czech
Republic; 10) Brazil.
     Pakistan is terrified of a nuclear attack from India (both are
nuke nations) - they're just being paranoid. We should capitalize on
it. We asked a Pakistani about Kashmir which is occupied by
Pakistan (50%), India (40%), China (10%) and he told us that he
didn't understand dispute because the area has no oil, natural
gas, coal, gold, silver, etc. The farmland is very poor in this
mountainous region. Let India have it. The U.S. should occupy a
portion of NW Pakistan along with India. Our third base would be
in NE Afghanistan/NW Pakistan; India would establish a base in NW
Pakistan. So what if Afghanistan and Pakistan object. We are
waging a war against terror; we must do everything within our power
to protect the U.S. and our true friends from evil muslims. We
would have access to Afghanistan from these bases plus over flights
of Pakistan from India. Muslim Pakistan is our enemy. We are
better with Indian intelligence on Southern Asia, including,
Afghanistan. We can trust India. Sometimes Pakistan assists us;
sometimes, it assists the enemy - duplicitous.
      What about the U.N.'s World Court and international laws?
We are the only super-power in the world, therefore, we must be
cut slack. Big bullies? We've rescued the world many times,
nurtured home-grown democracies, our gov and citizens have
done more humanitarian aid than virtually all other nations
combined, we protect most of the cosmos.
      Extremist? As the late senator Barry Goldwater
said (yes, he was indeed alive when he said it), "Extremism in
 the name of liberty is no vice." We've been reducing the number
of nuclear-tipped ICBMs in compliance with arms agreements, we
should replace those tips with conventional ones so that we
can act from a distance. Pakistan and other nations will pee
their national pants. President Bush removed bin laden's HQ and
training camps from Afghanistan and prevented them from
setting up shop in Sudan and Iraq. Over the past two years, they
have been establishing themselves in NW Africa and, more recently,
have been moving eastward. What is Obama doing about it!?!
What's old is new again or some things never change:
        "The Constitution was once an instrument by which the
          objective rights of individuals to use or abuse was
          generally secured. Now it is only an interesting
          intellectual challenge for bigthink sociologists who
          wrest from its Miltonic sweep and directness
          byzantine little sophisms that permit them to have
          their way in pioneering new civil rights, new
          prohibitions against school prayer, new electoral
          metaphysics (one man-one vote)....the Constitution is,
          at least temporarily, gone...."
Was this written during the past ten ears? Surprise!:
                   -Quotations from Chairman Bill (Bill Buckley), Sept. 20,1966
How the following two paragraphs got here when they belong
up there is one of the mysteries of the cosmos...
      It (Apollo 11) will barely, if at all, be mentioned by the media this
year as in most past years. Recently, we pointed out that the media and
 teachers had forgotten the 50th on the 5th at Facebook: NASA_Ares and
 in "The Devil Made Me Do It" Parts One and Two. The fiftieth anniversary
 on May 5th of the late (he was alive at the time) Alan B. Shepard
 becoming the first American to fly in space.
     By the Bye: Not many people know this but Neil actually said, "One
small step for A man, One giant leap for mankind." We didn't hear 'a'
because of static. The message got across though, And, we here, shall
always remember and be grateful that we are Americans.
 We forgot how do do Word Perfect. See you in the Funnies.
To be continued....


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fwd: "...atmospheric, as well as metabolic, conditions..."

-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Wed, May 18, 2011 5:27 pm
Subject: "...atmospheric, as well as metabolic, conditions..."

  H*I*N*T*  "A Misunderstanding had been Cleared Up. It had been an Understandable
                 Mistake."/...Under certain Atmospheric, as well as metabolic, Conditions
                 and by Enforcing Complete Concentration and Invoking Unique
                 Extrasensory Powers, he was Able to Receive Messages and Monitor
                 Conversations Far Beyond the Usual Range of Human Hearing"*
Subtitle 1: Goodbye-Farewell-Amen**
Subtitle 2: NATION Needs NASA/Non-NASA Notions
                                              by Richard DePersio
(We hope that Citizen Journalist didn't overhear our telephone conversation with
his doctor, Doctor Henry H. Harley. Last year, CR was treated for his addiction
to alliterations at the "Riley Rehab Right of Raleigh {N.C.}." We fear that
he is experiencing a relapse).
Preface: This constitutes our Swan Song. AddThis and Google Analytics tell us
that we enjoy a respectable number of readers for which we are extremely
grateful...Thank you, readers/cyber-friends...Regrettably, there has
been a paucity of feedback: We want Compliments...alright...Constructive Criticism
too! (Oops! 3Cs). Regrets, we have a few but than again to few to mention.
Through it all, we stood tall and did it our way. There were times, we're
sure you knew, when we bit off more than we could chew but through it
all, we stood tall and did it our way.
Normally, we start off with the cosmos (which means world) and then deal
with the world. Voltaire's attitude was: Oh God, if there is one,
save my soul, if I have one. And, after creation, God laid back and with
free will allowed humans to make a mess of things. We concur but
wouldn't blame all humans but that group which considers itself
intellectual and sophisticated and looks down at the majority: lousy
little lying liberals! (Pardon).
       Recently, Mike Huckabee announced that he would not seek the
presidency. He ruined things for us. While it is premature to endorse
anyone, we were tentatively going to endorse (subject to change):
Huckabee for President and Cain for Vice-President.
Huckabee held up the stars. We spoke about the military's DARPA
Program (some of its projects are top secret) in the past. Recently,
a joint DARPA/NASA project was initiated called "The 100 Year
Starship Project" (did we mention this project before?). In
January, they conducted a workshop for strategic planning. Now, they
are taking suggestions during this study phase on creating a
business-style model which is multi-disciplinary in nature that will
make long distance space travel practicable and feasible which,
hopefully, will encourage private investment.
      It makes sense when NASA awards contracts to private companies
for products and services. NASA has its own programs, as well as,
those it does jointly with private companies or with NASA monitoring.
We are vehemently opposed to all subsidies on constitutional and
financial grounds. The fed gov is issuing $$$s to private companies
like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic to develop cargo and manned crafts
and rockets to go to and from space station. This should be done by those
who invest in risky projects - they are good at picking the right
projects - and generally make a profit. This shouldn't be the role of fed
gov (nor investing in green technologies) with taxpayer money. We
won't be paid back nor will we enjoy future dividends! Further, they
will charge NASA for trips to and from space station! This money
should be used to develop NASA Ares 1 heavy-lifter and Ares 5 super-
heavy-lifter or lifters based on the $9 billion invested in Constellation,
including, Ares R & D and testing. Obama wants to start a heavy-lifter
program from scratch! Wasting taxpayer money.
       Isn't this refreshing, original and converse: private sector investment
in a gov project - NASA/DARPA!!!
      (We need NASA, please see "Space Shuttle Spin-offs" (3Ss, please
pardon CR, he knows not what he does) and "Action Chain Letters,"
including, "Action Chain Letter 10" and "ATBTC..." at groups.google.com/
group/rickcosmos-eclectic, /group/newfederalism).
Let's take a break for a light and pleasant moment...
                "As every man must die, so every man may see that
                 he must die; as it cannot be avoided, so it may be
                                                  -John Donne
Here's a novel idea: Return to Constitution, more specifically, "The
Declaration of Independence", "U.S. Constitution, including, Bill of Rights"
and "Federalist Papers." Liberals, formerly known as progressives, have
insidiously and progressively abused the "Commerce Clause,"
"Enumerated Powers" and the following line in the Constitution: "...the
general welfare of the people."
       One of the enumerated powers granted fed gov is regulating trade
between U.S. and foreign nations and between the states. Dem-controlled
congresses over the past 100 years have invoked it for non-trade matters
and intra-trade. A year ago, Obama seized control of all water within
the U.S., including, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams intra-state, water not
shared by more than one state, including, the puddle in front of your
house! by invoking "Commerce Clause." Such actions have reduced
state powers and individual liberties.
       Some of the other "Enumerated Powers" are: manage a national
military; coin money; grant copyrights; manage a post office; make
treaties; establish fed courts below the U.S. Supreme Court; you get the
idea... areas best handled at the federal level and matters that demonstrate
our unity as one nation under God (Libs hate that!; our Founding Fathers
felt otherwise).
        Amendment 10 in the "Bill of Rights" makes it clear that any powers
not enumerated shall be considered state or people powers. Sadly, about
a century ago and most notably FDR's New Deal in the 1930's and LBJ's
Great Society in the '60's, liberals took note of "the general welfare." They
concluded that, in spite of, the Federalist Papers and the first 100 years
of our nation that it meant things like fed involvement with Social
Security for the elderly, Welfare for the poor, SS-disability for disabled,
etc. (Citizen Journalist is a cripple. He was hospitalized in 1990 for a
fractured rib. A nurse said, "You must be so excited that the "National
Disability Act" was just passed. He responded, "WE opposed it." She was
nearly shocked out of her nurse's uniform!).
       Look at the Enumerated Powers, Amendment 10 and Federalist Papers:
Fed gov should do those things best done at national level and those
things that are for all Americans (general welfare) and not specific groups
of people. Further, they mismanage, waste billions, billions in fraud when
they get involved with areas beyond their proper purvue. Liberal Supreme
Courts have condoned or have looked the other way while state and
people powers were slowly  reduced in breath and scope. Soon we
will need a microscope. Before you know it, fed gov will be taking porno
pics and molesting. ("ATBTC: A New Beginning" Proposal 17).
An A.D.D. moment sponsor by CitiBank (now, part of fed-controlled
nationalized banking courtesy of Obama - a major CONSTITUTIONAL
               What is the difference between the degrees Doctor of
               Dental Surgery (DDS) and Doctor of Medical Dentistry
               The title depends entirely on the school's preference
              in terminology. The degrees are equivalent.
              -"The Handy Science Answer Book," Carnegie Library
              of Pittsburgh, 1994.
Economics...The truth about Federal Income Taxes: 50% of Americans
don't pay them; 25% get a return; the wealthiest Americans, the top 1%
pay 30% of them - they pay more than their fair share and don't mind
during good economic times: they pay less %-wise but more dollar-wise
but are collecting a lot more green due to Reagan/Bush cutting tax rates
and eliminating loopholes and deductions.
       What FDR and Obama taught us: Big $s in the form of stimulus
packages due little or nothing during bad economic times; What we
learned from R & W: Cutting tax rates does the trick. Non-lib JFK knew
this as well.
       Oil companies are stealing us blind: Think on this the next  time that
you go to the pump - 7 cents of the dollar that you pay goes to big bad
oil while 41 cents goes to the state (tax) and the rest goes to refineries, the
transporters of oil, the gas station, FOREIGN COUNTRIES, (TERRORISTS),
*The first part of quote comes from "M*A*S*H* Goes to Paris" (by Richard
Hooker, 1975, Pocket Books) and the second part from "M*A*S*H*" by
Richard Hooker, 1968, Perennial Books). Few people know that it was a
novel before it was a motion picture (1969) and a T.V. series (1972-83). Even
fewer know about MASH Goes to New Orleans/Maine/Paris.
**The title of the M*A*S*H* series finale.'
Your going to miss Citizen Journalist after he boards his starship for
destinations unknown. His ability to discern unusual connections, his
special outside sources, his extensive traditional library and his tools for
generating original ideas and proposals.
"You are number 6" "I am the new number 2" "Who is number one?" - The "Prisoner"
T.V. series, U.K. import. CJ (disabled/homebound) is number 1!!!
             "Look in my face; my name is Might-have-been; I am also
              called No-more, Too-late, Farewell."
                         -Dante Gabriel Rossetti


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Sun, May 22, 2011 3:40 pm

           H*I*N*T* "A Misunderstanding has been Cleared Up. It has
                         been an understandable Mistake."/Under Certain
                         Atmospheric, as well as Metabolic, Conditions
                        and Invoking Unique Extrasensory Powers, He
                        was able to Receive Messages and Monitor
                        Conversations Far Beyond the Usual Range of
                        Human Hearing.
    Subtitle One GOODBYE*FAREWELL*AMEN* **
    Subtitle Two Nation Needs NASA?Non-NASA Notions
(* and ** See end of Part One for explanation).
                                       by Richard DePersio,
Preface: The Long Goodbye...This represents part two of a three part
series - the finale.' Citizen Journalist may appear sporadically in the
future and regularly if he can secure an associate or two.
       Tammy Gordin's has eclectic interests, including, astronautics
and poetry. She has kindly contributed this creative piece to our
swan song.

Sonnet XXXII by Tammy Gordin,
The Space Station's golden solar arrays
squeeze the last morsel of energy
from each orbit. An instrument surveys
all dosages of power at every
diurnal spin as they revolve around
the planet. Large measures of power will
be sucked into the batteries. Compound
silicon solar cells dominate. Still,
it is the rotary joint that lets
the panels track the sun and seize
the rays. ISS spins until it sets
into shadow. It performs this with ease
just like a geometry, zipping all through
limited plasma fields of cobalt blue.
By Bat-Ami Gordin link for picture is
credit goes to ISS astronaut Ron Garan
 thanks for liking my work, and for wanting to post/publish it.
We win; Obama loses. We encouraged our readers to phone or leave message at
websites of members of congress in our "Action Chain Letters" on
 a number of issues, especially, NASA. Recently, the Senate "Committee
on Science, Commerce, Transportation," headed by www.bolde.senate.gov/public/,
scolded our NASA, rightfully so, for failing to make progress on developing
a plan regarding NASA's primary directive: manned space flight. In a letter,
the committee expressed its concern that the U.S. would lose its
preeminent position in space exploration with all the technological/
economic ramifications thereof. It further stated, the Authorization Act of 2010,
"also requires NASA to leverage previous investments in the Shuttle
and the now-canceled 'Constellation' Program to develop a Space
Launch System (SLS) capable of carrying multi-purpose crew vehicle
(CJ: Orion)...which requires NASA to use existing contracts,
workforce, and capabilities to the extent practicable to develop the
new system.'
     This constitutes a victory for us. Obama wanted to start from
scratch in developing a heavy-lifter and super-heavy-lifter which would have
meant that the $9 billion investment in CONSTELLATION would have
gone down the same presidential black hole as stimulus funds and
cash-for-clunkers. He so enjoys wasting taxpayer money! Note bene':
All the member of the Committee - bipartisan - agreed! A 21-rocket
salute to common sense!!!!
(Part two will continue, we are experiencing a technical problem).