-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 10:19 pm
Subject: ingins, people of the dome, cripples and others
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 10:19 pm
Subject: ingins, people of the dome, cripples and others
ingins, people of the dome, cripples and others
by Citizen "Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-P.C. Cripple" Journalist
and Richard DePersio
Dago Red: "Their making it difficult for us to exit stage door right." Citizen
journalist: "They sure are! The numbers are just in from Google regarding our
five group sites: 295! . We are still waiting for AddThis Analytics'
numbers for regular websites. Last month, we had a combined total of: 257."
Richard D.: "We started with 17, two and a half years ago. We
certainly worked hard to get to this point. The best way to connect to group
sites is directly and regular websites via 'Home' and 'Profile' Pages.
Cyber-readers should click on ads from outstanding companies. Our profits
go to the worthwhile charities and non-profits listed." DR: Let me add:We will
interrupt this article if we get numbers from AddThis."
As is our wont, we commence with cosmos (which means world) and then, we
proceed to the world and "Offending with Truth."
Admittedly, NASA's manned space program has been limited to earth
orbit for over 35 years now! And, now, we are told that plans for a super-heavy-
lifter with Orion-based craft perched atop to free us from earth orbit won't be
ready for congress until the Fall; they were suppose to be submitted in early July.
And, further, the heavy-lifter version with an Orion-based craft to carry astros and
cargo to and from space station is still on paper with
no scheduled construction and testing. This article should be accompanied by
a picture. Visit website indicated. Tell 'em, Charlie...no, Citizen Journalist sent
you. If he is right, no purpose would be served by crying over spilled rocket fuel.
Rectify and incorporate rectified Ares-concept into planned heavy-lifter and
super-heavy-lifter. Read article at his website called "Safer, Smarter, Cheaper,
Lighter Ares 5 (we don't agree with most of his other ideas).As you know, the new
heavy-lifter program is expected to be predicated on upgraded Saturn 5 and Shuttle
technologies and the R & D from the now-defunct Ares program.
Our Cyber-Readers and NASA-supporters know the solution: End subsidies
to SpaceX and Orbital Services (we correct ourselves: previously, we blamed
Virgin Galactic; it is funded by stock- and bond-holders not corporate welfare).
This year, SpaceX and Orbital Services are receiving $750 million apiece; over
three years, they will receive $1.9 and $1.6 billion respectively. NASA will have
during that period $7.5 billion or less for its heavy-lifter programs. No wonder
it is having problems. It should have $$7.5 + $3.5 = $11 billionor doomed to fail!
Let's be capitalistic (Virgin) not socialistic (Space and Orbital)!
It's an able-bodied world: Cripples welcomed but they shouldn't mess it up for the
rightful owners with costly and unreasonable demands.
Anytime that we watch "Cops," we notice that when a herd of cops are chasing
a suspect that the female cop is bringing up the rear - and it isn't always a pretty
Gay San Francisco doesn't want criminal record to follow ex-con except for
violent crimes and crimes involving children. They want such ex-cons to be able
to lie when applying for a job or apartment: Have you ever been arrested - no;
Have you every been convicted of a felony - no. Getting off to a good start by
lying.What did we say regarding gays?A parent shouldn't have the right to demand
sissy or lesbo teacher be fired but should have the right to demand that their
child be transferred to another classroom. The owner of an apartment should have
a right not to rent to a gay or gay couple if minors are living on the premises.
The rights of parents and property owners should trump the rights of gays. It's
your property and your children. You can't discriminate based a race, color,
ethnicity, religious affiliation (normal and moral; except for religion biological).
Homo is an abnormal behavior. Libs think that your paycheck is theirs and that gov
can spend it more wisely than you and that they should determine how much of it
that you can keep and that you should be grateful. Homeowner and potential
employer should know if you were involved with armed robbery even if no one
was shot, any kind of robbery, forgery, defacing property, drugs, etc.
More students in college got As last year than in 1960. Don't tell
us students are smarter. Isn't it more likely that social promotions have arrived
in colleges and universities, thereby, devaluing a college degree + financial debt.
As we pointed out, high schools must do a better job at preparing young for
adult world after high and more young should attend trade/vocational colleges
as advertised on t.v.
An A.D.D. break sponsored by Adderall and Coca Cola (1886; contained cocaine
until 1903 - it was sold as an over-the-counter medication for many ailments; prior
to 1960s drugstores served sandwiches, sodas, coffee, etc; prior to 1903, people
would order by saying, "Give me a shot in the arm!" A & CC - good combo):
How fast do your finger nails grow?
They grow about .8 inches per year. The middle or 'F' finger nail grows the
fastest: the longer the finger, the faster the nail growth. Fingernails grow four
times as fast as toenails. Howard Hughes was an authority.
We interrupt this article for an update on ratings...Google: rickcosmos: 113; nasa:
60; newfed: 47; sciene-pepublicans: 13; yellow: 62. AddThis Anaylitics:
add: 5; quasar: 6; Citizen: 4; cmt: 5; comsat: 5. Total: 295 + 25 = 320! Last month:
287. THANK YOU!!!
We are shocked that Omaha, Nebraska of all places will be teaching social justice
in public schools! The lousy little lying liberal version; the liberation and black
liberation theology version: "God damn America!"
They use it to justify the progressive income tax which punishes people for
working hard by placing them in a higher income bracket. They use it to increase
gov spending on failed social programs.
They lie about Jesus. Jesus wanted people to voluntarily contribute money
to help the TRULY needy. He never preached about a role for gov in helping
the needy nor did he talk about income redistribution: Jesus didn't work with
Robin Hood - take from the rich and give to the poor. They lie about what Jesus
meant by social justice.
The Compact Guide to World Religions (byDean C. Halverson, International
Students Inc.): "First, the sharing was voluntary, not compulsory. Property was
always deemed to be private until the owner chose to contribute it (see Acts5:4).
Second, while believers are encouraged to share with those in need, they are
never told to share with those who are able but unwilling to work for their own
livelihood (2 Thessalonians 3: 10-13).
"...the implicit popular wall against doctrinaire collectivism, which true
enough had stood largely firm since the end of the end of the New Deal, has
been breached. The people, counting themselves well off, are prepared to see
the budget rise a few billions, and their social security taxes increased by a few
hundred dollars; and they appear uninterested in the presumptive case for
anti-statism, which is the presumptive case for freedom. Trouble Ahead."
(Was this written recently. No; it was written in 1965). Quotations from Chairman
Bill (Buckley), compiled by David Franke, Pocket Book. Let's continue: "'The
Great Society (Johnson's massive social programs which are still with us-editor
Rick) is concerned not with the quantity of our goods but the quality of our
lives.' ...this is something very new in the political theory of free nations.
The quality of life has heretofore depended on the quality of the human
beings who gave tone to that life, and they were its priests and its poets, not
its bureaucrats."
Common sense: higher taxes on businesses of all sizes results in less
investment in new plants, new workers, research, etc. - higher taxes means a
smaller return on investment which means less economic growth. Libs want
to raise taxes to provide GENEROUS assistance to the disadvantaged; actually
tax increases discourage the kind of investment by business which might make
them better off.
naked economics (by Charles Wheelan, 2010, Norton and Company, Inc.):
"...many economists argue that we should not care about the gap between the
rich and the poor as long as everybody is living better. In other words, we should
care about how much pie the poor are getting, not how much pie they are
getting relative to Bill Gates." Lib think: "Relative income does matter. Envy
may be part of the explanation...in complex social environments we seek ways
to evaluate our performance. Relative worth is one of them." Not only should
you share your hard-earned pay check with them but you should be concerned
with their self-esteem!
Johnson's Great Society started with increasing the slice and quickly
became insufficient if pie slice wasn't growing proportionately as big as biggest
and medium-sized slices!
In so much as we only purchased so much space, we will have to get to the
red man next time in debunking the revisionist American history be told to you
and taught to your young.
As always, it is our preference to end on a positive note: Recently, Cordoba House next
to "Ground Zero" overcame its last legal hurdle - it will be built!!! Hundreds of years
ago when the Cordoba mosque was built in Spain it stood for muslim victory there
- as it will here, in spite of talk of a name change. We hope that no one blows it up!...