by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
"Kent: Is this the promis'd end?
Edgar: Or image of that horror?
Albion: Fall and cease ?"
King Lear, William Shakespeare
Citizen Journalist: "Is this truly the end?" Richard D.: "That's what they say."
Dago Red: "They; who are they?" Topper: "Us; all of us." Duke Forrest: "Let's do
whatever it is that we are suppose to do prior to disappearing with this page."
As is our wont, we begin with the cosmos (which means world) and, then, we
proceed to the world (and Offending with Truth!).
Going beyond earth orbit to the moon and further into the cosmos with
humans. It appears that what NASA will announce officially in September is
already being severely critiqued. While we are most pleased and, hereby take
bows along with those of our cyber-readers/friends who have taken action over
the past year. We have been recommending that you phone and/or leave a
message at the websites of your members of congress, as well as, key
members (listed in "Action Chain Letters" 3, 4, 5, 9) regarding various NASA
and non-NASA issues. At this juncture, it would appear as though we won
virtually all as regards NASA and Obama failed to score. (although, he is
succeeding regarding propping up Russia and restoring it to super-power
status: NASA, once preeminent in space is grounded and dependent on
Russia to be able to visit space station for which we footed most of the bill
and, further, unilateral concessions made in last year's arms agreement (See,
"A Bad Case of Treason" and "Action Chain Letter 6").
The Multi-Purpose Vehicle and the super heavy-lifter will be predicated
on the proven Apollo/Saturn 5 and Space Shuttle technologies but upgraded
and the partially cutting-edge technology of the defunct "Constellation"
program's R & D. Obama wanted to start from scratch wasting the $9.5
billion investment in Constellation and not having Americans return to the
moon. We explained in "Action Chain Letter 9" how returning to the moon
could provide a cost-effective way of dealing with energy crisis. (Patience is a
virtue; Offending with Truth shall come).
It appears that NASA will request $38 billion over 10 years (about 24%
of its total budget which is only 1/2 of 1% of total federal budget) which will
produce a MPV/super heavy-lifter with an unmanned orbital test flight of the moon
in 2017 and a manned loop around the moon test flight in 2021. It will eventually
take us to the lunar surface (for exploration and mining {silicon and He-3}
beginning in 2023 in our judgement), landing on Mars (between 2030-35)
and an asteroid (around 2040).
We choose to define Western Civilization as consisting of Europe, especially,
Western Europe plus the United States and contend that it is the product of
classical Greece and Rome, Western Christianity and the Enlightenment of
the modern era. Something prized by the vast majority of those who were a
part of it. Sadly, beginning in the 1950s, and progressively more and more
since then, it is something spoken of less and less, and no longer promoted.
When Western intellectuals do speak of it, it is the object of derision and
contempt. It demands that we rethink our immigration policies.
Protecting "American Identity" which is closely related to Western
Culture: During the 1891-1921 period, far more people immigrated from Eastern
Europe (especially Jews) and Southern Europe than did from Western and
Northern Europe.
Immigration Policy: The Immigration Acts of 1917, 21, 24 were designed
to severely limit immigration from E and S Europe and to completely close it
from Asia (we were particularly concerned about the Chinese and Japanese).
It was believed that people from these parts of the world were sickly and
starving and least likely capable of contributing to economic growth. Further,
experts contended that they were the most likely to have difficulty adapting
to American-variety of Western Culture.
There were those who took it to an extreme, such as, Margaret Sanger,
founder of Planned Parenthood (and one of Hillary Clinton's idols) and John
Maynard Keynes, economist (upon whose economic theories FDR's and
Obama's failed economic policies were based). They liked eugenics! They
a key role in over 30 states adopting eugenics laws between 1890-1930:
called for the sterilization of the mentally and/or physically impaired and the
sterilization of poor immigrant women, blacks, homos, promiscuous women
found guilty of committing crimes, even the most minor of crimes. Granted
enforcement of these laws occurred rarely but they did occur to the tune of
at least 75,000 sterilizations! Hitler got his ideas from American advocates
of eugenics and took them to a much greater level as regards Jews, Gypsies
and homos.
The immigration Act of '24 - good; eugenics bad.
The Immigration Acts of '52 and, especially, '65, were designed to rectify
what liberals deemed un-American immigration policy - say what! It shifted
primary immigration from Europe to Mexico, Central and South America,
the Caribbean Islands and Asia. We take it that this is truly American! Isn't it
anti-Western Civilization!?!
The browning of America: by 2025, whites will no longer be the majority
but the largest minority; by 2100 or sooner, Hispanics will be the largest.
Presently, browns are doing No.2 (second largest group in U.S. or largest
It should be noted that by far blacks are aborted disproportionately more than
any other race. Margaret Sanger wanted abortion to be legal; she didn't see it in
her lifetime. Progressives became liberals circa 1950. In a recent article, we
talked about how unions were anti-black prior to the 1960s. It makes you
wonder why over 90% of blacks vote democrat! Republicans: Lincoln freed the
slaves; Nixon did more to help blacks start small businesses than any other
president before or since; Reagan's economic policies resulted in there
being more rich and middle class blacks (we don't care that the Rev. Jackson
ordered Americans to employ the term African-American in 1988!) than
working poor and non-working poor blacks by 1990 for the first time in
history! Lib social policies have led to rampant single-parent black house-
holds and dependency on the kindness of Uncle Sam's here-comes-the-
dole/there-goes-the-pride social programs. Let's not forget the establishment
of the minimum wage and subsequent increases to it which has hurt blacks,
especially, black youths, especially, the unskilled and semi-skilled.
What should be the immigration policy of the United States? Here comes
Offending with Truth.
But first...An A.D.D. break brought to you by Adderall and THC - the pick-me-
upper: Call of the dogs: Cease some objectionable line of conduct, procedure,
conversation, inquiry, or the like; break off an unprofitable or disagreeable
course. The analogy is that of the chase, in which dogs following a wrong scent
are called off. - "Heavens to Betsy" by Charles Earl Funk, Quill Book, 1955, 93.
Citizen Journalist never calls off the dogs for he doesn't find it objectionable or
disagreeable to stay the course - even if it means Offending with Truth!...
Try this on for size: The physically-impaired should be terminated prior to the
age of 7 if they don't display substantial mental prowess and highly acceptable
social skills along with the retards and other mental deficients. Just kidding!
(Citizen Journalist is a cripple who feels that most - not all - physically and/or
mentally disabled are a drain on society and opposed "Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990" for economic reasons and for fear that it would be abused by the
disabled - he was precognitive). Terminating the mentally and physically crippled
should be a cause embraced by the modern liberal for it follows from his
We have run out of time and space. Be patient for we shall
return to the task at hand: offending callow sciolists in general and lousy little
lying liberals in particular...
*"The Final Problem" is the name of Doyle's Holmes story in which Sherlock and
his chief nemesis Professor Moriaty die together. Three years later, Doyle brought
Sherlock back due to popular demand and, besides, they were his most profitable
books. He had to supply an explanation as to how it was that the resident of Baker's
Street hadn't perished. Will Citizen Journalist ever return? Is he destined for
oblivion? Is this the end; will he ever be heard from again? Yes. Will he ever return?
No. Richard D.: "Extremely unlikely or as Sherlock put it in the "Silver Blaze" - 'A
long shot, Watson; a very long shot!'"
To be continued...