George and Marion Kerby Present: Not Quite All of Him
by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio, Dago Red, Sherlock Holmes
and Dr. Watson with Al Hitchcock
NUMBERS: We have Numbers: Our Ratings - Visits/Readers - for the Past 3 Weeks:
783, 261; 834, 279; 929, 307 (Numbers based on Google Analytics & AddThis Analytics)
{Cue the $5 an hour illegals to applaud}
Announcement: We wish to thank our Readers. Citizen Journalist will make a personal
appearance in the altogether at 11 P.M. eastern (7 P.M. Pacific) at
female readers (dress optional); Only female for we aren't a member of the less than
five percent who are immoral, abnormal, unnatural and freak.
CITIZEN You Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple JOURNALIST (Watch as he exploits
himself; he has no shame!) Google/AddThis Men from the future: 1,500, 525. Do it for the
Cripple: Email the articles on his web sites to friends and foes; tell them to follow @rickaddsite
on Twitter and be a 'Friend' of Richard DePersio on Facebook (He can't: reach his limit on
Twitter; being punished, having to stand in the corner by Facebook). Contact us if you would
like to be a contributor: moderates and conservatives only; politics, poetry, economics, humor,
science - go where your Muse takes You!
Visit us at Facebook: Second American Revolution, Diogenes Club (Mycroft: "I'm the Founder
of the London and the bizarre/fruity* San Francisco Branches - we are the only normal thing there
and we will seen be moving") - ours; Holmes Sherlock ("At you service, Quandaries a specialty"),
Twilight Zone Fans (Rod: "I have a bone to pick. How appropriate considering the nature of the
article. I haven't contributed in awhile!" CJ: "You contributing now."), Prisoner Fans (Number 6:
"I've been promised a return performance in the not to distant future." CJ: "That you have. As have:)
Bonanza (the Cartwrights). M.A.S.H. & M*A*S*H (Dago Red: "My second homes. Right, Duke?"
Duke isn't here; he's at MASH. Both at the same time - neat trick") Alfred Hitchcock Presents
(RD: "Al is in the house. Red Eye wants to retire that expression for overuse") - associates.**
RD: "Not long ago, we joked at rickaddsite: What will fed gov regulate next sugar!?! After all, it
is bad for your teeth and some adults overindulge and don't monitor their children's intake,
therefore, the vast majority must be treated like children. Well, BO is planning to regulate it like
alcohol and tobacco. And, we were being sarcastic!" CJ: "Our Founding Fathers wanted as few laws
and regs as possible: People should be free to say and do smart and stupid things; be good and
be mean - just so long as reasonable laws weren't violated. Gov wasn't to take care of people.
Now, the servants make more than the masters. Gov workers - salary + benefits - exceeds that
of those with the same type of job in the private sector. Do away with fed unions! Even Mr.
Liberal himself FDR hoped that they would never be created. Three percent of private sector
workers are fired or laid off annually - public sector: 1/2 per cent. It isn't because they better
workers - infamous for royal run around. Do away with gov unions: their salaries should be
75% of and benefits 85% of equivalent private sector workers with raisers for merit only. You
would have superior workers - those truly committed to public service." Kerby's: "When do you
guys get to the article proper!?!"
CJ: "Just one more thing, Colombo would say" Van Gogh cut off his ear and gave it to a hooker and
told her that it was valuable and that it would increase in value! Shakespeare: "Friends, Romans,
countrymen lend me your ears." CJ is giving you his ears! No; he doesn't think his readers are
whores and pimps.He just wants to give a gift that will keep on giving (wait until you see rickaddsite!
connect via Facebook: Second American Revolution).
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos followed by cosmos (which means world) and Offending
with Truth when circumstances warrant (Kerby's: "Haven't you already done that. Jumping the gun").
A few fays ago, some one mentioned on Facebook that the earth temporarily has two moons -
one the size of truck. We informed of that a couple of weeks ago in our series on asteroids and
meteors - sub-floors 1 through 9.
Comets aka dirty snowballs consist of ice with some dust mixed in. Asteroids solid with little
water; Kuiper Belt objects mostly rock with a considerable amount of ice; Oort Cloud objects are
mostly ice. Kuiper and Oort objects can be considered comets or potential comets (if they enter
inner solar system). Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune and, includes, Pluto (unless you consider Pluto to
be a dwarf planet). Oort Cloud is a spherical cloud around the rest of the solar system.
Virgin Galactic and phase out subsidies for four companies, including, SpaceX.
The ever generous CJ is giving you his valuable? lower extremities! {Cue illegals to applaud}
In the article, one floor below, we described Adam Smith's Invisible Hand as some one doing
something selfish and unintentionally giving a helping hand to most others. It has another meaning.
(Marion: "Sometimes, it seems that CJ has an Invisible Hand! My husband doesn't appreciate it.
CJ is a good friend and a bit of a flirt - I can handle him - - thus far).
Understanding Macroeconomics by Heibroner and Thurow (Prentise-Hall, 1981): "Adam Smith's
fame resides in his masterpiece, The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, the year of the
Declaration of Independence. All things considered, it is not easy to say which document is of
greater historical importance. The Declaration sounded a new call for a society dedicated to the
"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." The WEALTH explained how a society worked.
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Mercantilism and Physiocracy were
stepping stones on the road to modern economics. But neither made the crucial breakthrough of
seeing that the market was a system; that a market network possessed an internal guidance
mechanism to keep it on a steady course and that a society powered by a market was headed
toward a visible destination. Enter stage door right (for he is a favorite of all fiscal conservatives and
most moderates). He was a towering genius who had the insight.
The actors in the market want to make as much money as possible. What's to prevent them
from holding up their fellow citizens for ransom? The mechanism of competition: "For each person,
out for self-betterment, with no thoughts of others, is faced with a host of similarly motivated
persons. As a result, each market actor is forced to meet the prices offered by the competitors."
A manufacturer who charges more than other manufacturers will have no buyers; a job seeker who
asks for more than the going wage won't secure employment; an employer who pays less won't
find people who want to work for him. Buyers must bid against other buyers and, therefore,
cannot gang up against sellers. (We shall return to the Invisible Hand in our next article as my
hands hurt! {Beyond van Gogh: CJ gives you his upper extremities sans hands (needs for typing;
will leave for you in his will)}.
Al: "I see another commercial coming up. It's amazing what you see when you don't have a gun."
{run commercial} This A.D.D. moment brought to by Adderall and Raymond Chardonnay: the
working in opposition mixer. Cerebellum: coordinates body movement and maintains the bodies
balance and equilibrium; and let's you tell your body to do things like walking, talking and
chewing gum. Al: "He seems to have run out of commercials so that will be all for tonight. Goodnight."
{CJ now gives you his trunk sans one part (guess which part?).
Communism failed; socialism is failing; capitalism will fail within 30, perhaps, 15 years if we don't
slash spending. Crony capitalism is bad: nationalizing (socializing) auto companies; saving
selected banks and insurance companies - just one-step removed from nationalizing them.
Having auto companies face an unconstitutional bankruptcy judge B.O. instead of a real one. Giving
an advantage to certain companies by giving them a subsidy and not giving a subsidy to
competitors. These are all forms a gov crony capitalism for which Adam (our friend Adam Cartwright)
and Adam Smith wouldn't approve. This isn't crony but bad: gov stopping companies from making
incandescent light bulbs - unconstitutional and takes choice away from consumer/citizen.
For over a hundred years, progressivism (it became liberalism circa 1950) has been operating in
opposition to capitalism and they did great damage with socialistic bail-outs.
The National Labor Relations Board was in the news recently when it told a private company
where to build a plane - Boeing and it was unconstitutional for gov to dictate where a private
company is to build a product. B.O. thinks that the constitutional smells!
Let's Play: WHEN WAS THIS WRITTEN???: Yesterday? Last Year? Three Years Ago? Other?
"In effect, the government and the unions and the National Labor Relations Board are suggesting
that every business is to some extent a public utility and that therefore the one most crucial
decision regarding it, namely, whether it shall continue to operate or not, is under certain
conditions the business of the government rather than that of its owners. The implication of that
position shed light on the changing concept of socialism over the past generation.It used to be
that socialism meant simply government ownership of the means of production. As far back as
twenty years ago a leading theorist of socialism, Mr. G. D. H. Cole lectured the Fabian Society
on the necessity to recognize that outright ownership is merely a technicality. What, he asked, is
the purpose of government ownership if, instead, can with far greater convenience control
corporations by indirect means? What does it matter who owns the title to the business if wages
are in effect determined by government (through monopoly rights given to labor unions and through
minimum wage laws), if profits are controlled (through taxation), and if production quotas can be
set (as during wartime and periods of emergency)? -Socialism---American Style, Bill Buckley. Did
you guess: December, '64 when LBJ, Liberal Boy Johnson, was president? (Quotations from
Chairman Bill compiled by David Franke (Pocket Book, '71).
{I give you my head sans the stuffing; I given you everything except my two best parts}
*Gov or society should nit be in the business of sanctioning that which is abnormal, immoral and
unnatural. Thus far, six states have legalized same-sex marriages while 37 states have laws
against same-sex or non-traditional marrages (and fourteen of those states also have state
constitutional amendments banning them). Remember: Enfing 'Don't Ask/Fon't Tell nearly
resulted in ending bestiality as a crime and a court-marshal offense in the militarity. Republicans
prevented it from happening but for how long - before liberals in congress and the military attempt
it again. For more, please see Citizenj.
**Please visit our associats. Also: email our articles to your friends on earth or elsewhere or
encourage them to do a Twitter Follow (@rickaddsite)/Become a Facebook Friend: Richard DePersio.