-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 11:58 am
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 11:58 am
Does this mean that this is the supplement to the article that follows or does it mean
that it it the supplement to the article not yet written?
SUPPLEMENT with a CONVOLUTED RECOMMENDATION: Please read or reread sections
on WC/AB at Building Two (Page 2), Floor Six - "Number Six Presents..." and Floor Four -
Rod Presents..." and Building One, Floor Two - "Notes" - reading in reverse order is
recommended, reading or rereading articles in their entirety is encouraged.
Newsweek: Attractive, statuesque blond on cover with 3 year old boy (looks 6) standing
on stool breast-feeding; Time: BO on cover with the words: America's first gay president
Recently, we wrote about the "Progressive Movement," including, the sterilization of the poor,
blacks, etc. (Check it out; You'll be shocked!). PM, Wilson and FDR (the period of 1890-1940 which
included FDR's failed Keynesian economics; the self-same economics that failed BO!) did
some good during those years but the bulk of it was bad. Worst of all, it paved the way for the
mid-60s when the big-scale destruction of WC/AB commenced. We had the birth of the: modern
women's movement; the drug culture (libs and in-the-closet social libs-the libertarians want to
legalize - aren't enough bad things already legal -- aren't there enough bad choices for people
to make? --- minors under 21 are using while it's illegal, don't you think that minors will secure
more ease of access and more will partake if it were legalized for those over 21? {personal note*};
the sexual revolution (though aspects pleasurable - not good for society in general and kids in
particular -- and believe you me, children as young as ten have access to it {blame feminists!**};
LBJ's great society programs (in our opinion, unconstitutional fed gov programs). You might argue
that a little good came from those but was it worth the bulk that was bad!?! (Did we witness and
experience a type of run-on sentence or a run-off-at-the-mouth sentence?; You might argue that
certain letters should have been capitalized, we opted otherwise to demonstrate our disdain!).
It is 7 P.M. where should we go from here?...Inspiration needed...Let's hold hands (boy-girl-
boy-girl - none of that unnatural boy-boy on my watch) in a circle and prayer to Calliope...It's
7:30, we're back and ready to put pen to paper, if you will...
There was the Immigration Act of '65 (which we have addressed in detail; search for it!) wherein
once again, we experienced 'lousy little lying libs' (our favorite alliteration). The fast majority of
Americans opposed it - not because of bigotry but a desire to retain WC/AB. Libs assured us that our
fears were unfounded and the 'Act' would have little effect. Reality: it would dramatically increase
the presence of those from Latin America and, to a much lesser degree, Asia and the Middle East.
Whites of European decent/proud WC/AB embracers would decline in pop from about 80% to 57%
(today). Projection: BY 2040, whites won't be the majority - there won't be a majority - whites will be
the largest minority. The combined total of the other minority groups will outnumber whites. Does
it constitute bigotry to want to prevent this from coming to pass? No! White Europeans and their
descendents made our nation great and to a lesser degree - the Melting Pot of others -- who proudly
acclimated and contributed and benefited from learning WC/AB not multi-culturalism --- one UNITED
States!!! WC/AB: Ancient Greece and Rome; Dark Ages; Christianity; Age of Discovery; Renaissance;
States!!! WC/AB: Ancient Greece and Rome; Dark Ages; Christianity; Age of Discovery; Renaissance;
Enlightenment; Industrial Revolution - history/science and technology/theology and philosophy/
paintings, sculpture, architecture/literature, poetry, music/customs and traditions. So much to learn,
so little time. Leave multi-c for home and college. Sadly, just like American revisionist History had its
genesis in the mid-60s, so did the process of degraded WC commence - sacrificed at the lib alter of
PC!!! No one is suggesting that WC/AB shouldn't be displayed warts and all but over 60% negative in
textbooks!!! It should be 75% of positive stuff for all to enjoy, celebrate and embrace - white and non-white;
European and non-European. All can built on the historic/cultural heritage and legacy that made
America great with multi-c present and contributing in the background. Instead, we have things like:
Muslims destroying small towns (See: this site, page 2 - "Rod Presents Twilight Zone's Mission to Mars/
Mission to Muslim"). Pride to share. Instead, since the mid-60s, the presentation of WC/AB has gotten
progressively worse in our public schools.
We have to go next door in order to work on an article for our web site Citizenj. We shall return...
Where back...Our first gay president...Traditional marriage - one man to one women dates back to our
roots: Ancient Greece. Libs in general and BO in particular want to put the final nails in the coffin of WC/AB.
We have presented you with three sound arguments (Science/Theology/Traditional {pre-PC} Psychology
as to why Homo is abnormal/immoral/unnatural and that society and gov should not be in the business of
sanctioning and condoning aberrant behavior - most others give only one argument while a few supply two (see
'rickadd' & 'Citizenj' via FB Second American Revolution and Twitter- @rickaddsite). No one cares what they
do in private - out-of-sight of innocent young children.***
Long before the recent controversy, we have been saying for years: Being a successful mother and housewife
are two of the most demanding and potentially rewarding professions that exist. Leave it to libs to degrade
stay-at-home moms - a hallmark of WC. Further, coarse language in casual speech and in mixed company has
gotten progressively worse since the sixties. Small consolation: Western (and Southern Europe) - the heart of WC -
has descended further than we.
In 2010, gay Kevin was introduced at a gay pride parade in an edition of Archie and spun off into its own comic (no
doubt to indoctrinate the young). Last year, DC (Declining Civilization?) Comics announced that Superman would
no longer be for "...the American Way" but go international; soon a DC superhero will come-out-of-the-closet or
beauty parlor or ballerina school -- or, perhaps, phone booth!
WC also stands for water closet which is where Western Civilization will go - down the WC if libs have their
druthers. Damage by libs: words - revisionist history; deeds - media, schools. Due largely to the blue states of New
York and California (Hollywood).There is hope: Youth for Western Civilization (their symbol is shone at article's
top) exists on about seven college campuses and is dedicated to Western Values and Traditions. It opposes:
radical multiculturalism; socialism; mass immigration; the poisonous and bigoted leftist campus climate. Their
motto: Defending the West on Campus. Find out how you can aid them in their noble endeavor.
As Lt. Frank Columbo would say: "Just one more thing."Does WC/AB society benefit from Time & Newsweek!?!
*My sister, Donna Journalist, has a 21 years old son who has been "Straight Edge" for many years; it's a
movement in which you swear off cigs, alcoholic beverages and drugs - he even has tattoos on his feet which
read "One life, Drug Free." I am very proud of Mike. I hope that he wants to be like me in certain ways but not:
I started smoking and drinking at 16, heavily at 21 and quit cold turkey 5 years ago.
I started smoking and drinking at 16, heavily at 21 and quit cold turkey 5 years ago.
**There were the feminists in the 60s and 70s encouraged women to be sexually promiscuous because they
now had the 'Pill.' Meanwhile, they were critiquing and bemoaning prostitution, pornography - and even short
tennis skirts claiming that these women were 'objectifying' themselves. Women Lib was always a Study in
Contradiction! What did they get: sluts and even more p & p! They were too stupid to realize that they were
promoting it. Another example of their contradictory philosophy: A women has a right to be whatever she wants
to be - so long as it meets witch our (N.O.W.'s - National Organization of Women) approval -- they frowned on
stay-at-home moms! Lacking pride, they wanted women to be in traditionally male professions even if
standards had to be lowered which in effect meant women would be playing at it!
***We applaud Facebook for banning a repulsive photo of men kissing judging it to be obscene. We suggested
that they limit photos of scantily-clad women until after mid-night eastern time for the sake of innocent American
children. While FB is for those 18+, many minors have access to it. It is available 24/7, nothing can be done for
children of other nations but at least ours can be protected.
Addendum to Supplement (No Title; We Pushed the Envelope of English Language Far Enough)
Definition of life: growth through metabolism; homeostasis; reproduction; adaptation via natural selection &
positive mutations. As Frank would say: "There's something that bothers me."
We have established here and, especially, at 'rickaddsite' and 'Citizenj (see above on how to connect) that
homos are freaks....let's be PC...bad mutations for they wouldn't be inclined to support the survival of the species
if faced with extinction. Studies have shown the a much smaller percentage of homos want to marry and a much
smaller percentage desire to be parents than do heteros. (It has also beem shown that it would be bad for a child
to be raised by parents of the same gender - see Citizenj). Marriage of one human male to one human female are
parenting are hallmarks of WC. Evolution has made sex, including, orgasms pleasurable for primates, whales,
dolphins, seals with a strong sex drive toward members of the opposite sex.
Definition life: reproduction; positive mutations...Homos?
What of the child-less for reasons other than homo? Mild deviant not to the same extreme as homo; would be
strongly inclined, if capable, to save species; normal attraction; more likely to want to adopt, if qualified.
(We write for moderates, moderate-conservatives and conservatives. Ladies, there a lot of good stuff down below!
...And, at others pages at this site).