Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fwd: Erida...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 26, 2012 8:25 pm
Subject: Erida...

                                by Richard DePersio JANUS Citizen Journalist
Known for having prefaces nearly as long as our articles proper, CJCS
Comsats is deeply honored in having received the 2012 Fore Award
bestowed by AA (Anterior Association).
Errorist and his glifnard zhopa uleh
Snecret is their only way, shizzle, you say
And, we predict pharisical delaitte
If they remain in power, people no say
                                  -Citizen Snoopy doggy doggy Nostradamus Journalist
Dr. Watson: " with interests of such importance and implicates {Billy-
Boy Clinton and B. Obama, as well as, mayors}. No {research}, however, in
which Holmes was engaged has ever illustrated the value of his analytical
methods so clearly or has impressed those who were associated with him so
 deeply. I still retain an almost verbatim report of the interview in which he 
{annotated} the true facts of the {precarious situation] to {RD and CJ
regarding the placement of Western Civilization, including, American Branch,
as well as, national security and public safety in jeopardy. Holmes supplied
the research for articles at this haunt and for posts at
connecting via Facebook's Second American Revolution, if you can't connect
 directly. Of particular concern, women in uniform and the degradation of the
 prowess of naval fighter jets. Further, we can wave bye-bye to WC in the
Number Six: "JW, what you wrote is similar to what you wrote in the Naval
Dr. Watson: "Holmes said, '{The U.S. and U.K.} have not yet met their
Waterloo, but this is {their} Marengo.'"
Dago Red: "JW, you nearly repeat yourself: ...Abbey Grange."
Hoss: "Where is my friend, Sherlock?"
Dr. Watson: "He's with RD, CJ, Aphrodite and Mycroft in the Diogenes Club."
He likes to chill in the 'hood with his homies...Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/
Non-PC Cripple' Journalist gets around (Facebook): Holmes Sherlock; MASH;
Bonanza; Prisoner; Twilight Zone; Youth for Western Civilization; Diogenes
Club. "Thanks, Bruce."
RD: "Say it isn't so! Bush to BO. According to Global Economics Forum's Index,
we have gone from No. 1 to No.7 in competitiveness!" CJ: "I've been watching
The Rebel from the '50s about a confederate soldier after the Civil War. He
still wears his uniform. We bring this up because we want our many black
readers to enjoy it too." RD: "Since BO took office, the number of Americans
receiving food stamps has risen from 31,000,000 to 52,000,000!." CJ: "Hoss
means gentle giant. Right, Hoss. He must have left. He's going to be sorry, I was
going to treat him to a BIG meal!" RD: "We opposed bailouts (crony capitalism -
just plain uncapitalistic). Selected banks and insurance companies which
received bailouts have paid taxpayers back while auto companies have not;
they only appear to show a profit because they are being subsidized. CJ: "Who
was suppose to be the first man on the moon? Find out at rickadd. RD: As
deists - reason not faith - we find it fascinating that most physicists believe in
numbers but not God." CJ: "We saw a doc in JLTV (America's Chosen Network)
on Orson Wells. He definitely was the greatest director in movie history bar
none. It's interesting that he felt that knowing history and literature were
 important to a director. We say: The most important people being the writer,
producer, director and actor, respectively. Of course, they aren't paid in
proportion to their worth. We also enjoy the late Jew-Boy Allen Funt's Candid
Camera on JLTV. It should be considered the first reality show." RD: "We've
taken positions on controversial issues, including, guns and Class Action Law
suits. And, we proudly and boldly do so in this offering." CJ: "Candid Camera
TV inception in '48. By the '70s, Allen was being asked to guest lecture before
college psychology classes."RD: "Teachers in Chicago make nearly twice as
much as the average American. The average charter school kid outperforms the
 average public school child - and their teachers are paid less. Put children
ahead of teachers. We reiterate: convert most regular public schools into public
 magnets, charters and (sell) for privates. (Private, mostly Catholic, outperform
public mags and home school-ers who, in turn, outperform pub regs. Parents
are better teachers! Give the children of the non-working poor, the working poor,
 the lower middle class and the mid-middle class an opportunity to get a real
education via vouchers." CJ: "Do you remember Welcome Back Kotter ? Who
would have thought that Vinnie would grow up and be accused of being gay
after a trip to a message parlor."
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos followed by cosmos (meaning world).
The asteroids in the outer part of the asteroid belt contain a lot of water. It isn't
surprising. When our solar system was forming, the inner part was hot because
of the forming sun and, therefore, water was in a gaseous state. Further out
water could exist as liquid and ice.
in 2011, the useless, anti-American U.N. decided to place our best friend, the UK,
in Northern Europe. Where do they get off! It was and still is part of Western
Europe. UN be damned! We consider the US and Europe, especially, Western
Europe followed by Souther Europe to be part of Western Civilization or Culture;
Northern and Eastern - no. Articles, and portions thereof, concerning WC here,
rickadd and Citizenj.
       *Experiments have been conducting involving cartoons of fish. One fish leaves
the group. White Americans and West Europeans (UK included!) and melting pot
non-whites describe the fish as being brave, going on his own, wanting to get
away from the group, tired of it, left because it couldn't be the leader. While
Chinks and Japs conclude that the fish was kicked out of school for not obeying
the rules, he couldn't get along with the group.
       Further, eye movement shows the Asians to focus on group while WC-ers
focus on individual.
       A distraught yellow college student kills female student with whom he was
in competition, others for good measure and self. When his Chinese friend found
out, he and his wife concluded that he wouldn't have murdered if he had
married wife's friend whom he had dated (Oriental mind is inscrutable). Whitey
friends and US press: he was a time bomb and would have killed that women
had he married her along with self. Chinese press: he couldn't acclimate to US
culture; easy to get gun in US; it wouldn't have transpired had he been in China.
      WC-ers think in terms of independence, being in control, want to influence
others, be sure of self, state their preferences strongly, quick decision-making,
positive, unique self. Will tell quests at party, "Help yourself." Cs & Js would
never do such a thing. No choice. Attention to guest. You should know what is
best for them.
      There might be a religious aspect to it. Centuries of the ol' Protestant Work
Ethic (although, it has been waning last few decades): work hard (take on
more than one job if necessary); individual achievement; control over
environment; personal responsibility; self-sufficiency; make a difference; stand
out. The Buddhist tradition: sympathy, compassion; transcend individual desire;
well-being of others. When the former are asked to describe themselves, four
our of five positive; the latter, four out of five, negative. They are focused on
areas in need of improvement.. They have a profound desire to improve self so
as to not let others down rather than getting ahead of others.
      One wonders if change is in the air...We introduced Japan to capitalism
about 60 years ago; Chinese has been developing a home-grown form of a
free-market system for about 30 years.
      We don't think that WC is in-born. It is our environments: home; neighborhood;
clubs; churches; schools. Although, the process of disparaging WC in public
schools began in 60s (see footnote), what effect will it have on the thoughts and
 attitudes of the young?!?
On curtailing free speech in violation of the Founding Fathers wishes...What next?
Outlawing videos and the written word that muslims find offensive!?!
      During the '90s, inappropriate limits were placed on citizens with hate crime
and hate speech laws designed to protect from assault, injury, murder, damage
to property, bullying, harassments, insults, etc., based on race (nigger), gender
poontang), sexual orientation (faggots), sexual identity ("I have a penis but I'm a
girl), etc. Keep your perversions in the closet and you won't be 'victims' - don't
parade it in front of our children.
      This represents an attack on our freedom. The Founding Fathers felt that the
government shouldn't interfere with people saying smart and stupid things. And,
people had a right to respond in kind. Even negative speech shouldn't be
suppressed. People shouldn't be punished for what they might have been thinking
- thought police; for some of the charges involve perceived thought in some cases.
It adds an element of bias to traditional crime. This is wrong. Charge someone
with a crime not a crime and an add-on; an add-on which violates part of our
number one right in the Bill of Rights. Libs just love creating new laws and regs
which limit our freedom or control us or take care of us.
      Sticks and stones...If we deck a gay while calling him a gay, we should only
 be charged with assault. If we place swastikas on a synagogue (something that
we would never do to Our Chosen People), we should be charged with defacing
property. What limits will be placed in the future?!? Will articles be censored?!
Will gov prohibit speech unfavorable to the powers that be?!? Libs have been
chopping away at free speech rights for decades.
**Another CJCJ Comsat first (drum roll, please): Addendum to an article - Born
Free - within another article. More on the lies being taught to our lads (feeling
British). It was a BIG bad Robber Baron who cut the workday to 8 hours and
doubled wages in 1914 - long before UAW existed. Why? To attract the best
workers. Adam Smith's Invisible Hand (See series within a series of articles about
 AS at this site). Other automakers did the self-same thing. It's called competition;
 it's called capitalism!
       Unions opposed new machinery in the workplace, such as, forklift which
would prove to make workers more productive, thereby, increasing company's
and their profits - Invisible Hand.
       The Wagner Act of '35 had a section prohibiting discrimination against black
members. Unions had it removed. We told you about the meaning of the union
slogan: look for the union label. Libs as hypocrites not taught in public schools. As
we stated in article proper: children learn about the glorious unions beginning in
first grade! Hypocrites: do you remember a few years back during hearings on
bailouts when BO and lib members of congress made an issue of corporate execs
 salaries and corp-supplied private planes and mainstream media amplified it.
Conservatives and moderates were denied microphone to point out that union
bosses make over 500,000 per year and have private union-supplied planes!
Al Presents A Thanatos' Pleasant Thought for the Day: Here! Creep, Wretch,
under a comfort serves in a whirlwind: all Life death does end and each day dies
 with sleep."-Gerard Manley Hopkins. Al: "This solo from a strolling troubadour." {run
commercial} Richard DePersio/Citizen 'Pretty Fly for a White Guy' Journalist of
CJCS Comsats (web sites) best in the cosmos - so says Calliope. Ode to chalk -
form of limestone. Oh thee chalk, ye beautiful chalk used as a filler or  extender
or pigment in so many lovely things: ceramics; pottery; cement; brick; putty;
cosmetics; crayons; toothpaste --- and more. We thank thee. Al: "Our {sponsors} can
speak volume and insist on doing so."The Sons of Liberty met in a tavern and drank
 rum punch, including, Samuel Adams (!) prior to dumping tea into Boston harbor.
Add Adderall to give this patriotic concoction even more punch! Al: "Goodnight."
It would appear that Mormons share a belief similar to some ancient Gnostic
groups and to the Rosicrucian who have been around for a few hundred years now.
The concept of Jesus as having been fully human but by a lifetime of effort and
work transformed himself into a superhuman or a semi-god. And that we can all
aspire to the same; although, not to his degree and extent.
       Mormon leaders are top-of-the-shelf capitalists even having a bank in Los
Vegas which helped finance its development while simultaneously being opposed
to the sin of gambling. We like the way that they think!
       Christians, especially, the evangelical variety don't acknowledge Mormons as
being true Christians and consider them a cult. One could make the case that the
various Ebonite sects (Jewish-Christians, we now call them) and the various
groups which followed Paul (Pauline Christians, we now call them) were cults.
       Mormons believe in a spiritual God (God the father) and goddess (god the
mother; they are forbidden to pray to her) giving birth to a son and creating
a goddess. A son who grows and unites with his god the mother. His 'parents'
give him his own universe. Their son will grow and get a universe of his own.
Cycles. It  would appear that they had the concepts of an oscillating universe or
many universes nearly 150 years before astronomers!
***They feel that God is knowable and approachable. Continuing revelations by
church fathers enable modifications of doctrines and practices. Mormons
contend that they are indeed Christians: the believe in and prayer to Jesus and
embrace the Bible as sacred. Virtually all evangelical Christians don't feel that
their expression of belief is legitimate; a smaller number of Catholics and an
even smaller number of mainstream Protestants concur. They have a problem
with what they consider non-Christian texts. Nonetheless, a recent Pew Poll
indicates that 80% don't have a problem with or don't care that Romney is a
Mormon and it won't influence how they vote.
       Mormons point out that they too are a church of Jesus. Some of their
distracters claim that they are demonic and that their prophets were false
prophets. Mormons don't accept the Trinity. Christians, especially, Catholics
and Evangelicals actively proselytize - they're in competition. Can this inspire a
degree of annoyance, if not, hatred?
Al Hitchcock said "goodnight." his work done, departed. This is your Citizen 'Lap
Hog' Journalist saying "goodnight" so that you can enter the arms of Morpheus.
Momus: "I can now be found at my new hangout
OFFENDING with TRUTH." CJ: "Momus you're interrupting my people's sleep -
unabashed self -promoter." Momus: "I learned from the best 'LP."
*Partly predicated on PBS/CUNY series "Discovering Psychology: Episode -
Cultural Psychology" by Philip 'Stanford Prison Experiment' Zimbardo. On falling
a few notches. This represented one of the final episodes. He just couldn't
contain his inner lib. Then again, PBS-Stanford-CUNY - enough said. He
conducted the famous or infamous, impressive/valuable experiment in the early
 '70s. It wouldn't be for another 10 years that lib orgs and gay lobbies would hijack
this social 'science.' He talks of the genocide of the red man by the white man. no
such genocide took place as pointed out in "Born Free" a few floors down. (Do read
all the article on these here pages). He continues the spread of lib revisionist
history or lying! Philip talks about the 'cruel' efforts to get some young 'scalp-
collectors' to abandon their culture and embrace Western Civilization, including,
Christianity in special schools in the late 1800s and early 1900s. As we see in
 "Born Free", they turned out to be the most likely to succeed in American society -
 in some cases inside and, in other cases, outside reservations. Psychologically,
we suppose that he couldn't help himself. As Flip would say, "The devil made
him do it."
Do share articles (giving credit where credit is due; PT-type copyright) and do
recommend comsats (web sites) to friends and foes.
**Loosely based on an installment of Stossel. Thanks, John.
***Some information from Religion and Ethics Newsweekly on PBS.
CJ: "Goodnight. I got the last word!" Plato: "Goodnight and pleasant dreams...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fwd: Calliope (is back & as inspiring as ever!)...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 10, 2012 7:38 pm
Subject: Fwd: Calliope (is back & as inspiring as ever!)...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 10, 2012 7:24 pm
Subject: Calliope (is back & as inspiring as ever!)...


FOX NEWS ALERT: "Richard DePersio reporting. Citizen Journalist has returned
from his fantasy honeymoon with Aphrodite having been brought together by
her son, Eros. The honeymoon climaxed with a BIG 'O' on top of Mt. 'O.' He
calls her his BFS - balls, foam, shell. Dionysus supplied apple wine. Bless his
drunken soul. Naturally, this reporter was there.

It's casual Mondays at CJCS (Citizen Journalist/Cayuga/Shamley) Comsats:
everyone is partially or completely undressed, including, aka Venus.
At web site 'Citizenj' we have written about Judicial Watch's efforts to insure that
the anticipated very close election is fair. Most states have 'dirty' voter registration
records wherein felonies, illegal aliens and the dead (if he can't vote - a living lib
made vote in his stead) are registered. We know how these individuals would be
inclined to vote. Libs would be pleased; most moderates and conservatives the
converse. Hades has promised to do his part by being extra vigilant regarding
'registered voters' who might try to leave in order to cast their ballot. He will cast a
long shadow over them!
A message to our new readers...Our articles are two weeks to two years old but for
the most part are still relevant and not time-sensitive; the prefaces might be dated
but that doesn't pose a problem for they are dated (and contain valuable information).
Do enjoy our trilogy: "Citizen Journalist is Missing" ("Last Bow," "Citizen Journalist is
Missing," "The Radio Show," "Location Unknown," "Red-Headed League," "Gone
fishin'") at ; "The Return of Citizen Journalist" at this
venue; Prequel: Citizen Journalist in the Diogiones Club" at (If you encounter difficulty connecting, everyone
can connect via Second American Revolution at Facebook).
Go on a treasure hunt for our fictions: "A Pie in the Sky" and "Traveling Reporter.
Check out all pages, all web sites.
At this site, our gems include; 'Notes" and "Friendly Advice from CJ to BO (fast forward
to sex selection abortions at 'Citizenj'; Not Quite all of him"; "(column)"; Potpourri";
"Nation Needs NASA/Non-NASA Notions"; "Nighthawks Diner"; "The Cartwrights
Present'; Why such Anger in those Heavenly Minds"; "Dago Red"; "Al Hitchcock Presents";
"The Truth about Blacks Colored"...and MORE!
There are our series on asteroids and Adam Smith...No, Adam had nothing to do with
asteroids but can be considered anti-Keynesian; special sections within a series of
We can be found at Facebook: Youth for Western Civilization; MASH; Holmes Sherlock;
Diogenes Club; Twilight Zone; Bonanza; Prisoner. CITIZEN Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/
Non-PC cripple JOURNALIST does get around!
We have been accused of having prefaces nearly as long as our articles proper.
We anticipate being accused of having a picture section taking up about the
same amount of space as this article.
                                     ("UPSIDE DOWN ARTICLE," one floor down)