-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 31, 2013 9:39 pm
Subject: Fwd: BO OFFENDS...
A Live Presentation with FX by Mr. Griffin
Richard DePersio*
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 31, 2013 9:39 pm
Subject: Fwd: BO OFFENDS...
A Live Presentation with FX by Mr. Griffin
Richard DePersio*
On the bottom and hopeless
On the bottom and rope-less
Unable to reach the top
She: An utter, complete flop
In the depths of depression
There is no resurrection
Oh feeling low and joke-less
Out of it, A complete mess
She: Experiencing despair
Tell me: Does anyone care?
Oh on ocean, No mae west
She was once the very best
She: Hopeless, rope-less, joke-less
A Second American Revolution
**Is solution for nation
We are in hell, it is true
Take note: Whatever you do
She is still red, white and blue
by Mr. Boddy with Mrs. and Miss Scarlet
The last thing we need is for all combat soldiers to have too much
There's a doc series called "The Mechanical Universe," produced in
'85 and hosted by Prof. David L. Goodstein (another wonderful Jew!).
The episodes begin and end in front of a classroom. More on that
He stated that Newton, Shakespeare, Michelangelo and
Beethoven were brilliant gems in Western Culture. Physics/
mathematics-Music-Drama-Fine Arts --- collectively they are the
crown jewels of Western Civilization. He referred to the Sistine
Chapels hand of God for both Enlightenment Thinking and
Christianity are integral components of the Western World.
What is shocking is that four egg rolls (not PC of us) were
sitting in the front. Clearly, David is an insensitive throw back for
beginning in the '60s and even more so since the '80s. libs who
control public elementary and high schools, as well as, colleges
have been denigrating WC, including, AB (American Branch) and
encouraging multi-cultural crap. WC is the greatest civilization in
history bar none. "No brag, just fact," as grandpa Sonnet used to
say in the '60s series "The Funs of Will Sonnett." While WC unites,
multi-c divides. Things were different historically in public schools.
Bare in mind: There is so much WC/AB to cover only it should be
taught in in elementary and high schools. Leave mc to the home,
parades and college electives.
No one has attacked Western Civilization in general and Judeo-
Christianity more than BO. And, no one has done more to
replace the Judeo-Christian/Capitalist/Constructionist U.S.
Constitution with the secular/progressive 'living' constitution
than BO with FDR and LBJ vying for second place.
Liberal President Carter should be credited with forcing
Wicker into the U.S. Military's Chaplain Handbook in '78 over
the objection of the chaplains. Come fly with me.
There was a time when we would have said: Over my
dead body would a prez blatantly violate the U.S. Constitution.
How, could we forget the alphabet presidents: FDR; LBJ; BO!
You would think that BO would be satisfied with violating
Amendment One once by attempting to force Catholic schools,
hospitals and charities to directly or indirectly pay for
contraceptives (this should be the business of fed gov!) in
violation of their principles but he wants a double: forcing
chaplains (most of whom are Christian) to perform same-sex
marriages. In the case of the former, Catholic Church will
likely pay daily fine or shut those institutions down creating
great chaos for the nation and BO! Libs will blame pope.
(For more on BO's disregard of U.S. Constitution, please see,
"A Bad Case of Treason" at www.cj-rickaddsite.blogspot.com ).
BO has made it clear that chaplains that don't comply will be
compelled to leave military. BP would love that!
He is the first non-WC president. His father and
grandfather were Muslims born in Kenya. He has a Muslim
aunt living illegally in our country. BO suffered an identity
crisis as a teen which is when his Christian mother secured
a social justice religious advisor for him. As a young adult, he
found another: God damn America, Rev. 'Wrong.' Another
presently visits the White House.
He is removing anything that smacks of Christianity from
military prayers, hymns, traditions and ceremonies in clear
violation of the Founding Fathers while bending over
backwards to accommodate Muslims.
Men protect women. BO want women to assume most
combat roles. Last year, they asked for female volunteers
for infantry officer training. Two volunteered and both
failed. Will they lower the mental and physical standards and
required grades to pass in order to accommodate women!?!
Is BO interested in national security or liberal social
experimentation? Last year, he allowed gays to serve openly
(fed gov shouldn't be in the business of sanctioning behavior
that is immoral according to the Bible, abnormal/unnatural
according to traditional psychology {before it fell victim to the
political pressure of feminist orgs and gay lobby in early '80s
when decades of research had to be abandoned; how can
anyone consider psychology a social science and psychiatry
a medical science!} and abnormal in evolutionary terms
{although, we don't subscribe to the view that they are born
that way; sociobiology is baloney}). Military morale should
trump homos: over 60% of infantryman, Marines and Special
Forces didn't' want to serve with the openly gay; 30% didn't
mind; 10% hadn't formulated an opinion.
A few years after the all-volunteer military was established
(Nixon), it was decided to allow women (who had been
WACKS and WAVES) into the regulars and reserves but
they would train, compete and be graded (lower grades to
pass than men) separately from men (Carter). At about the
same time police departments around the nation in the name
of liberalism not public safety lowered the mental and physical
standards for all because women couldn't successfully qualify
for nor graduate from police academies. You got you fem
cops and overweight and English language-challenged cops
too! Fire departments fought for years to keep their
standards high but a couple of years ago had to redesign
tests not to produce better firemen (fire fighters) but more
females and minorities!
Lib Billy-boy Clinton (he only changed after Republicans
seized control of congress; opposed what they did, was
forced to comply and took the bows when measures worked)
was interested in punishing males for Tailhook scandal of '93
with no study first or regard to national security. Male
sailors verbally harassed, molested and raped fem naval
offices one-on-one who were unable as to defend themselves.
Billy-boy wanted fighter chicks to join the fighter jocks
flying navy fighter jets off of aircraft carriers. According to
former Navy Secretary John Lehman: the ol' swagger and
confidence of the warrior fighter jock culture has been
removed, morale is low; trainers are pressured to pass
Military issues: Ares approved.
Libs like BO want to destroy military and downsize our
nation for they are embarrassed by our number one position
in the world and want to reinvent USA with their warped
lib/socialist principles.
Make your voice heard. Politicians pay attention to
phone calls made to their office; they know that those
who phone are likely voters. Secure phone #s of your
U.S. Senators (just supply name of your state),
congressman, White House and Department of Defense
by calling 202-224-3121.
FIGHT for WC/AB!!!
*PT-Type copyright.
**Slip showing
To be continued...