-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Mar 21, 2013 6:29 am
Subject: Fwd: THE OLYMPIANS are COMING!!!...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Mar 21, 2013 6:29 am
Subject: Fwd: THE OLYMPIANS are COMING!!!...
Part Two with a Slightly Different Title than Part One
(Complain to English teachers about our liberties)
by Richard DePersio and Aphrodite/by Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope/
by the GANG LISTED at the OUTSET of Part One (one floor down)
Editor's Note: "This live article is produced by Calliope. She and RD are no
Editor's Note: "This live article is produced by Calliope. She and RD are no
longer an item - age difference had nothing to do with it; Rick, since age 19,
has been partial to older women. Break-up was amicable. They are still
good friends and will continue to work together to bring you the finest. It
isn't wise to get a muse (goddess) angry! Speaking of older women, Rex
has been spending time with Aphrodite.
What was the relationship between Jonathan Higgins and Robin Masters?
What of RD and CJ? Beyond the fact that they have great taste in women!
And, are never seen at the same place at the same time.
Can we win? Can America survive? Do we have minority rule in our country?
Are our children being educated or indoctrinated. Are citizens and orgs
capitulating? Do we still live in a free nation? {audience waving Ol' Glory}
FOX News Alert: "A reliable source related the following to my producer.
Hephaestus reported to RD upon RD's arrival that he was
minding his 'own business,' that is, 'working alone save for his apprentices
on the new Comsat-RickCmtSite when he peered through the porthole and
spied a sight' unbelievable: lightning in space! Even more disconcerting two
large hands: one holding a sickle and the other a scythe! He continued to
relate his story. He said, quoting that notable philosopher Yogi Berra, 'It
was deja vu all over again!' RD being ever diplomatic for it unwise to
offend a god said, 'I count you as a treasured friend and I'm a great admirer
of you and your work having contracted you to interior decorate our five
comsats with a free hand - regular size. They both laughed when RD joked,
'Don't forget the 70 virgins!' You like most Greeks are notorious for partying. '
A noble quality! Are you sure Dionysus wasn't here?' Rick grinned,
RD is approaching. Granting us a BIG exclusive. RD: "There's nothing to
worry about. Astronauts have seen UFOs which were later explained. Or,
couldn't be explained due to a lack of data; they couldn't stick around to
investigate. Reporter: "Give me a scoop; something BIG! Rex: "Let's have
a BIG hand for designer/builder aka Vulcan.!"
Reporter: "Cover-up! Viewers, I will remain on top of this story until we get
honest answers! I'm a pro and no one and nothing will dissuade me from
my sacred commitment to you. Hephaestus is approaching with fire in one
hand and an axe in the other --- he isn't smiling. Signing off."
Everything is BIGger in Texas, including, IGNORANCE and
INDOCTRINATION!!! Once the Biggest conservative state in the nation,
recent events are most disconcerting. The latest: Having non-Muslim girls
in a high school wear burqa as part of a curriculum which included efforts
to diminish the importance of patriotism and Christian values and replace
them with socialist and Islamic teachings. The C-Scope Program also
described our Founding Fathers as terrorists. In a recent articles, we
explained why that was absurd. (Aside: Christians in the military are being
marginalized while Muslims are accommodated. The students - candidates -
for brainwashing - were required to design a flag for a possible future
socialist USA! No mention of how women are treated in Arab countries!!!
Parents and Grandparents: Is this what you want? Multi-culturalism, as
opposed to, Western Civilization!?! Often depravity eventually spreads to
most public schools.
In the BIGgest lib state California students at a basketball game have
been suspended for chanting "USA, USA, USA!." Both teams had
Mexican-Americans. So what if chanting team had fewer. Further, aren't the
Mexicans on the other team legal and American!?! Libs have always been
uncomfortable with patriotic spirit (and America being number one - more
on that in a moment). Other attack on WC. (Other cultures don't faire well
historically except. perhaps, Orientals, especially, Chinese). Let's get
together and it will be alright: Those of European and non-European descent
should rally 'round the flag - and WC, including, American Branch.
Do we live in a free country? Ever time a new law or reg is passed
or approved, we - citizens and businesses - are diminished. See:
"Upside Down Article" at this comsat. On your way to article, pay a
compliment to aka Vulcan and his assistants by chanting: "Ancient Greece,
Ancient Greece, Ancient Greece!" Non-Greeks won't be offended for they
take pride in our heritage.
In Hong Kong, it takes one form and one week to start a new small
business. Here: you have to hire a lawyer, fill out dozens of forms and
wait months. We were once like HG but as the years passed gov at
all levels distrusted citizens who are motivated to do the right thing and
secure repeat business. Dozens of new regs on a monthly basis and
most of which are unnecessary, silly and redundant. Discourages new
businesses and job creation; encourages some to open up their company
elsewhere. There's an expression: Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
That might have been a reasonable statement many years ago.
It appears that the Cub and Boy Scouts are on the brink of caving, in
spite of the fact, that the US Supreme Court ruled in their favor
several years back: Scouts need not have gay members or leaders
because of their Christian principles and semi-church-like status..
(Remember: You can't discriminate against that which is immoral (Bible),
abnormal/unnatural (traditional psychology) and freak (Bad mutations in
evolutionary terms; although, we don't subscribe to view that they are
born that way -- sociobiology is lib bullshit!!! Stay in-the-closet! Global
Warming and sociobiology represent bogus lib-science whose research is
supported by YOU!).
Scouts have been the true victims of discrimination! In recent years,
local govs disregarding Supremes have denied them access to parks.
Many packs and troops met in public schools free-of- charge are now
either denied permission to meet or must pay to cover heat,
electric, etc. Although other groups can meet, including, gay clubs after
school hours - still for free. Attacks on WC continue. More examples: See
articles here and at our other locales.
We played with toy guns and those inch or so high toy soldiers as a
child. NO - we didn't dressed undress GI Joes!!! And, we don't turn out
to be psychopaths. These people are hell-bent on murdering and will do
it one way or the other. New laws and regs restricting the rights of
law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves, their families and
property are unconstitutional And, the lib-media depicting gun owners
as crazy for wanting to protect theirs is wrong. Not only did our Founding
Fathers want citizen to own guns, they didn't want them registered!
See: "Born Free."
See: "Born Free."
Public schools out-of-control: First grade boy suspended for using
hand t represent a gun. Why not tell them that soldiers are bad men!
Oops! I gave teachers an idea. Third grader suspended for making a
gun out of a pop tart should have been praised for creativity! Toy
soldiers removed from cup cakes that a little boy brought to school to
share with his classmates! When we were boys, we played cowboys-and
-Indians and cops-and-robbers. By nature, boys are energetic and enjoy
roughhousing. Suppress nature with medications. The public school
teacher orders parent to put child on drug for ADHD or whatever and
sheepish parents do so. Teachers used to think that parents were the
boss. The sissification of young males. The oven bake oven will come in
black to encourage little boys to bake instead of climbing trees because
a 13 girl pressured Hasbro company into it (our Robber Barons are rolling
in their graves!). Bullying: We were bullied and we also bullied. It prepares
child for real world - adult world. Forget lib-biased psychology and
exercise some common sense: what is likely to transpire if a kid says to
another kid I like you just the way that you are or I'm worried about
your heath. Please loose weight - nothing! Now, try this on for size (extra-
large): you're a fat disgusting pig - child is more likely to modify his behavior.
Our spirit of competition goes back to the Ancient Greek Olympics.
More and more p-schools are no longer placing A-test papers on bulletin
boards so as not to crack the self-esteem of the non-As. Traditional
thinking was: Reward the A-student by displaying his talent or skill, and,
thereby, hopefully motivate the others to work harder so that they too
can get the gold (their paper prominently placed; unless you were like
CJ as a boy, heavily into self-education, he didn't give a tinker's damn
concerning grades). A nice segue: Most public schools are
doing away with games in which there is a winner! What would Milon of
Kroton say? (Worse anti-WC Olympics officials want to remove Milon's
wrestling from competition - one of the few ancient competitions that
still remain in the modern version!).We hope Olympics Founder Zeus
doesn't find out! School is suppose to prepare child for adult world:
capitalism/competition. Assault on WC.
Rumor has it that James Dotson is retiring as head of "Focus on the
Family" and that org will moderate. Only 20$% of Americans identify
themselves as lousy little lying libs; yet, they have grown their power
since the '60s: seizing control of music, TV and movie industries; most
major newspapers; p-elementary/high schools and pp (public & private)
colleges. We aren't in favor of legislating morality but are in favor of
undoing immorality legislated by libs. {audience applauds wildly}
Let WC unite while multi-c divides. Also: in part one, we described
WC. Eastern Europe not part of it since Ancient Rome. We want an
exception to the rule: Jews who migrated here from Russia and Eastern
Europe between 1880-1920 and descents. Can you name a famous -
good - Muslim!
Republican efforts to kiss up to Latinos/Hispanics with pathway to
citizenship and WC destruction. We know real reasons that illegals come
here: commit crime; social services and healthcare at US taxpayer
expense; refusal to assimilate.
Studies have shown that there are profound differences (See: "Ah
Puch," a few floors down) that can't be glossed over (See: "Erida-Erida-
Erida," second red section, at this venue) that Western Europeans,
Americans, including those who have become part of the melting pot
(Zeus love them for they want to be a member of the winning team), do
think in a different fashion than others. We must always built on WC to
reach the stars; we shouldn't tear it down. More on this momentarily. Al
has to depart comsat soon to direct "Vertigo" (which being here is giving
him), therefore must make his contribution now...
AL is in jail, sign reads: Do Not Feed. Al: "When my doctor says strict diet,
he means strict diet. I don't want to concern you with my petty problems.
Now, we pause for sponsor identification {Al frowns} then, I'll be back.
grin} {run commercial: Announcer: "Need a pick-me-up? Try Brazilian Rose
with our twist: cachaca rum, triple sec, guava juice (we'll accept from
other cultures when they have something really worthwhile to offer) and
Adderall. (Stuff from other cultures like this should be taught in the home,
celebrated in parades and taught in college electives - the best from the
others - be open to it)}. Citizen (Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple)
Journalist says: "Them there cripples with their ADA Act are at it
again. Grand Valley College in Michigan had to award a girl $40,000!!! for
telling her that she couldn't be on campus with guinea pig - her helper pet
for stress. Men and women of yester-year were a sturdier stock. It's right
up there with women with stress or in wheelchair demanding to be
allowed in restaurants and on planes with pigs and miniature horses -
dangerous or heath risk -- who cares say libs: girls and pigs is in the Bill of
Rights! For more on the surreal world of cripples and libs, please see,
various posts at pan-multiverse." Al: It is with great philia indeed that
I present the following...{run commercial: RD: "Beauty tips from the best:
Aphrodite kallos. locations throughout Greece, on Mt. Olympus and at
rickcmtsite. Call: 1-800-KALLOS, by appointment only."} Zeus created
the first woman: she was made in heaven and every god contributed
something to make her perfect: Aphrodite gave her beauty, Hermes
persuasion, Apollo music, etc. Al: What a nice story. Aphrodite is so
generous. A reminder: "Vertigo" will soon be appearing in a theater near
you. Goodnight. {He might be in a hurry but he takes three curtain calls!}
What is the future of USA: The prime inheritors and benefactors of WC?
We interrupt this live article for a...
FOX News Alert: We reported earlier on the BIG hands and lightning bolts
seen in space! Reliable sources tell us the mighty Zeus has been in touch
with his uncles, the hundred-handed giants. We are not yet certain of the
connection between this and what was seen, if any. Meanwhile, in the came
of agon, we have numbers. www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com - Last Week: 294;
Previous Three Weeks: 403, 313, 326. www.comsat-ak.blogspot.com - 69; 375.
- 26; 349. www.cj-rickaddsite.blogspot.com - 70; 351. we'll be the first to say
that these constitute top-of-the-shelf numbers. Zeus: "Ye, mortals can do
better regarding last four - take it from good to better and make me proud.
Cyber-Friends/Followers connect via Facebook Richard DePersio or Twitter
@rickaddsite Anyone can connect at FBs Second American Revolution or by
looking at Page 2 or 3 during Search. Thanks for the numbers." {Applause}
It's likely subconscious and not conscious on the part of BO but libs are
uncomfortable with patriotism, overt displays of religiosity and American
Excellence, Who can forget BO's World-Wide Apology Tour for American right
off the bat: during year one of his presidency.
We challenge anyone to say that he isn't downsizing America! Across-
the-Board: Destroying military be placing lib social experimentation ahead of
national security; destroying NASA, we were in first --- way in first with its pure
science and all the applied science/technology/spin-offs - now we can't even
get to space station without Russia; he is also threatening our number one
position in medical technology with Obamacare; an anti-oil/natural gas/coal
policy which will result in dramatically higher energy and food prices;
unprecedented fed gov control of financial sector, we all know how well fed
gov manages things --- policy that will guarantee stagnation, little innovation
and a virtually worthless $; regs that will prevent new small businesses from
being created; debt that will lead to our demise due to his anti-rich/ middle class
and BIG business policies - and his hatred of competition-agon (the heart of
capitalism) and his social 'Reverend Wright' justice schemes!!! {Audience: "BOO
- tar-and feather him}
{Holmes and I} had reached {deck two as Hephaestus escorted us with a
torch} as we talked, and were walking down a {corridor} Sherlock Holmes
stopped at the door... {Hephaestus} cautioning not to speak, he led the way into
the hall. Through the glass paneling I caught a glimpse of a large and
luxurious room in which a considerable number of men - Homer, Plato, Heracles,
Pompey, Galileo, Shakespeare, Mycroft, Rod, The Prisoner, Little Joe, Dago
Red - were sitting about and reading papers {nary a computer device to be seen}.
{Hephaestus signaled us to go to the Stranger's room where we could talk; I had
never seen Holmes as pleased a he took in this remarkable replica of Diogenes
'...I solved it," said my friend, smiling.
{Details to be supplied later. The only Fox here is Schultz-ey. RD location can't be
disclosed. He gave me a note which reads: } "If you will only come round to the
east gate {in a few moments} you will will (sic) very much surprise you...But say
nothing to anyone upon the matter {save TITANOMACHIA TWO}
{Audience - total silence}
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Date: | Wed, 20 Mar 2013 17:25:47 -0400 |