Monday, August 5, 2013

                 THE FUNERAL

...for the week subsequent to the announcement of the
deaths of Richard DePersio and Citizen
Journalist: - 822; - 255; - 383; - 234; - 265.

               THANK YOU NOTE

Acting Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Dago Red: "We wish to
 thank you for our highest numbers ever coming on a sad occasion. Cyber-friends/Readers, RD and CJ would have appreciated your macabre sense of humor. We would also like to thank you for your generous contributions left inside the hatch of our flagship comsat rickcmtsite to help cover the cost of the funeral expenses. There won't be a burial as there are no bodies."

                  THE FUNERAL

FOX NEWS ALERT: "We are covering this funeral live from comsat rickcmt. The mourners are gathering: the Gods and Goddesses of Mt. Olympus, as well as, the lesser Gods and Goddesses from their abodes; Rod Serling and Al Hitchcock; the Cartwrights and the Mavericks; Number Six; Peter Gunn and Lt. Jacobs;
Duke Forrest, 'Me Lay,''Knocko'; Au Punch; the 
rest of the gang.


George Kerby: " Marion and I wished that
RD and CJ could have joined us." Common Person: "Citizen was the greatest writer in history bar 
none. I wish that I could kiss his ring." Average Person: "I beg to differ. Richard was by far the greater of the two. I wish that I kiss his feet." Zeus: "Kiss my ass, mortals." Mr. Body: "He - it was murder - created a great body of work at this comsat alone on politics/economics/history
and in particulars: Western Civilization; why hate
speech/crime though deplorable are unconstitutional
 as are class-action lawsuits; constructionism and
 the foundations of capitalism; traditional 
morality; real solutions to our economics woes 
unlike those offered by the so-called professional politicians; the threats to our way of life from 
the trio of FDR/LBJ/BO; he'd often surprise us with his choice of topics, out-of-left field,
throwing us for a loop." Mr. Griffin: "He knew when
 to lighten things up. Further, they were non-PC! 
Not afraid to tell the truth about homos, the poor, green unscientific global warming nuts, minorities, women-in-uniform,cripples. Let's not forget Momus' special brand of humor at pan-multi. Their genius
 is still visible." Zeus: "Let's not forget the 
bios of me and my pals. Have I got a BIG
surprise...nay, gift...for you in the not-to-distant
future." Ben: "I'm going to reveal my surprise now. After the services, we going to mosey over to the Ponderosa and saddle up to a side of beef being prospered by yellow Hop Sing. Plenty of food and beer." Pan "Party girls? If not, I'll supply the nymphs." Dionysus: "I'll provide the wine."
Ben: "Why not!?! RD and CJ wouldn't want us to
mourn their lives but celebrate it!"

                       THE EULOGY
Dr. Watson: It was Moriarty - Holmes' number one nemesis and challenge. Holmes and I were the 
intended victims. We still live thanks to those 
two gifted souls. Holmes did it for justice, the people of London, Richard DePersio,
Citizen Journalist and himself. "A few words may suffice to tell the little that remains. An examination by experts leaves little doubt that a personal contest between the two men ended, as it could hardly fail to end in such situation.
 Any attempt at recovering the {body} was absolutely
hopeless...deep down, will lie for all time the most
dangerous criminal {of his generation and towering above} the foremost champion of law {of his 
generation and a future generation}...if I have now been compelled to make a clear statement {of their lives}, it is do to those injudicious champions who have endeavored to clear [their] memory by attacks upon him {such us a quote at pan-multi} whom I shall
 ever regard as two of the wisest {and peculiar men}
 I have ever known."

               A MESSAGE FROM HERMES

Hermes: "Let me inform you..." Zeus: "I'm exercising my authority to interrupt! While CJ is in Elysian Fields and RD is in Asphodel Meadows, I could never say: 'The Hades with them.' Hermes, since we're in space, the floor or ceiling or wall is yours."
Hermes: "Zeus asked me to retrieve our friends
from Hades as he once did on behave of Persephone.
It is my understanding that there had been a
final problem with a solution that later
necessitated Sherlock's friend, Sir Doyle, to
return Sherlock from 'death.' I have a message
from our dynamic duo: 'To our friends, we will see
you at the Ponderosa. Who wants to kiss my feet?
I shan't be late. Morpheus: "I'm tired. Before I
sleep and then party, I wish to add my two obols.
This all comes to you courtesy of the Gate of Horn."
(Goodbye-Farewell-Amen - our final article 
immediately follows)


                               SOCIAL 'QUARREL' OVER: U.S. LOST
                                by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
                                  (Filmed LIVE before a studio audience)
{Thunderous applause and a Standing Ovation}
Mr. Ed: "It is indeed and honor and a pleasure to call RD and CJ to the comsat stage!"
[The female response to their triumphant return: fainting or dizziness or undressing}
Mr. Ed: "I want some tail."
Dear Cyber-Friends (Moderates and Conservatives) let's reminisce together, this being
our final article...
{Audience members shouting "Oh, no!" and "Say it isn't so." and "Don't leave us"
amongst other things. Some women: "Be the father of my child!"}
...Although, we made check in from time-to-time when the need to 'Offend with Truth'
overwhelms us. And, before the end of this live article, there will be some shockers!,
Mary Jane.
{Audience members hollowing in unison: "Praise, Zeus."}
Libs have been embarrassed by our number one position and have made every effort
consciously or subconsciously to undermine and sabotage it. They have taken a few bad
things in U.S.'s past as I it is representative of America. While we can't deny that they were
bad, libs have consistently lied about them to make them seem much worse: Robber
Barons (ignoring the good that they and the heads of smaller corporations did) and 
treatment of blacks. (Amongst other things, see: "The Truth About Blacks Colored).
      Recently, we were watching "Weird or What?" and they alleged the  Winchester
repeating rifle was largely responsible for most of the deaths of the red man by the white
man --- and that we should feel deeply ashamed! What a massive lib-lie! Over 85% of their
deaths were unintentional and from a historic standpoint these conquered fared well
(Amongst other things, see "Article with a special Name - Part Two").
      We have covered the above issues and others thoroughly and factually here and at pan-
multi and cj-rickadd. Of course, libs don't wish to talk about their past which included
 support for social Darwinism/Forced sterilization!
       Bigotry or Patriotism...Being against a group because of their color or religion, etc. is
just plain ignorant but what if you have valid reasons for being against a group like
 browns?! What is their real reason for coming: crime; their gangs pose a BIGger threat
 than any other - Italian, Chinese, Russian. How illegals receiver social services and heath
care at the expense of American citizens --- it's a door prize for violating our sovereignty
 by entering our nation illegally. Their children receive 'free' education in public schools
 paid for by your hard earned money taxed. And, we're suffering a debt crisis. Jobs? Most
of them don't come here to work but to commit crime and for 'freebies'! Legalizing the
 estimated 12 million will make matters much worse. We're talking about 30 to 40 million
 when they bring over their parents and children! We can't create that many jobs. Social
services and national debt. Our economic future prospects are dismal because it will lower
  intelligence of average American. Let's not forget: poor vote dem!
     One shall suffice...We will use these issue to demonstrate how thoroughly we covered
 an issue: "Call it What You Will"; Supplement Before Article Proper" (second purple
section); "Ah Punch" (forth brown); "Notes" (first purple); "...Mexicans Make Merry"
(second and third purple); More PP"; "A Message from CJ (fourth brown); Rod Presents
(second purple); "Number Six Presents (second black); "The Final Article (first black); The
 Final Article - Part Two." Please read or reread all, otherwise, we might come across as
 racist! Consider the facts and arguments. Remember: Most of their youth don't want to
acclimate: become part of the Western Civilization, including, American Branch Melting
Pot! WC unites; multi-cultural divides!!!! One America.
We've been warning about it for three years: lib social experimentation vs. national security
and public safety...How to ruin a fighting machine: nurturing and sensitivity classes!!! The
greatest offensive/defensive war machine is on a downward spiral that began in late '70s
when women wouldn't compete with, train with or be graded with men and they had to
achieve lower mental/physical test scores to qualify as support soldiers, sailors, 'airmen'
and marines. Police fearful of feminists orgs took a different approach when feminists
complained that virtually no women could qualify for police academy and when one did
she couldn't successfully graduate; they made mental/physical tests easier for everybody
 which is why there have been so many overweight and semi-literate cops. Fire departments
fought for years to keep there standards high in the name of public safety. A few years ago,
the succumbed to the relentless pressure and reorganized training and tests so that more
women and minorities could pass --- a trade-off for higher standards and having the best.
     Last year, the vast majority of Mariners and Special Forces indicated that they didn't
want to serve with openly gay. Immoral/Abnormal/Unnatural behavior trumps military
morale. BO orders America's Best to attend sensitivity training classes!!! America's
joke military!
     During the '90s, Billy-boy (libs wish to destroy our military) the women could serve
as fighter jock-ettes aboard aircraft carriers. (More details at pan-multi). Trainers are
compelled to pass fighting vaginas at a lower grade on mental/physical tests than that
required for men! The morale of fighter jocks has plummeted.
    Sadly our prediction has come true...BO doesn't understand why standards for ground
forces need by so high!!! He wants women to serve in ground combat if it means lower
standards for all or just females. He admits that fems might need to be NURTURED during
training!!! Oxymoron's: Combat-Sensitivity Training; Combat Nurturing. The Commander-
in-Chief (we use the term loosely) must have been given a direct order from his
wife-in-chief to institute changes. (Please visit cj-rickaddsite for "CITIZEN Offending with
Truth JOURNALIST,: "Cultural War: News from the Front,"
It is clear that when it came to HUGE-DRAMATIC-SHOCKING-SOCIETY SHAKING-
NATION ALTERING/TRANSFORMING Proposals that Founding Fathers didn't want it
easily done and wanted state involvement, therefore, they created the Constitutional
Amendment process. Time and again, presidents, congresses and supreme courts have
ignored this key Constitutional Component rendering them Constitutional Criminals!!! It
is difficult to pass a Constitutional Amendment for profound and rapid societal change may
be potentially dangerous in the long or short run and highly detrimental in hindsight. It is
far more powerful than a law and usually involve both congressional and state rights and not
congress acting in a vacuum without state involvement  on matters if such gravitas.
      Please read or reread: "Plato Presents Calliope." Add to article: Had U.S. Senators not
put state rights first and foremost, state legislators wouldn't keep them around. Founding
Fathers balance of power put out of kilter. Citizens directly choosing U.S. Senators was a bad
 idea!!! Result: Fed gov runs roughshod over states - a level of government closer to the
people. Just a few examples shall suffice: FDR's New Deal, LBJ's Great Society, BO's bailouts/
Obamacare/allowing homos to serve openly and women in combat.
     Remember: Conservatives and most moderates believe in the real Judeo-Christian/
Costructionalist/Capitalistic Constitution (by the bye, we are deists but go where the facts take
 us;  in a convoluted manner it must have something to do with our scientific background)) 
while libs believe in a secular/socialist/'living' constitution. We the government not we
 The People! The People should have a say: yea or nay.
     And, the Children suffered...
                               (To Be Continued With Mary Jane...chill)

                                          The GRIM REAPER...Part Two
                           Second Sun-title: Bringing All Americans Together
                 by (the previously late) Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
We can make USA responsive to the wishes of those of all political stripes: Cs, Ms and Ls.
 Members of the Supreme Court far removed from the U.S. Constitution not by time but
by ego. The self-aggrandized who believe that it is within the authority of 9 and their
authority alone to create America in their own warped image.
      Just a few examples, please: removing prayer and Bible readings from public
schools in violation of the Constitution according to those who knew it best: The Composers:
The Founding Fathers.. (See: "Please Read Posts. Below concerning Children - first red
section at You might have to really search hard for this
comsat, as well as, pan-multi and quasar but well worth you time fir the psychedelic
experience. Everyone can try: Facebook's Second American Revolution). Even lying about
 what Tom meant by separation of church-and state. Let's not be negligent: their recent
 proclamations on the immoral/unnatural/abnormal homos rendered from top of Mt. Supreme.
     The 20% who identify themselves as libs have the power for since the '60s, they have
controlled the TV, movie and record industries, as well as, most major newspapers and
magazine. And, of course, public elementary/high schools and colleges.
      Libs favor all kinds of family units except the traditional one. Making divorce acceptable
and single parenthood beginning in the '60s, there greatest crime has been to children! The
notion that women on welfare should keep their children and receive Aid to Dependent
Children. Dooming most of them to a life a failure and misery. Study after study has shown
that a child is best off in a mom-dad household functional followed by mom-dad
dysfunctional followed by single parent functional followed by single parent dysfunctional
(studies which follow children to adolescence and young adulthood to determine percentage
 which drop out of school, take up drugs, divorce, unable to hold a job, do time behind bars,
etc.; studies strongly imply mom-mom and dad-dad households wouldn't be in child's best
Let's get down to business...We think that most Americans know when a bill should be a
Constitutional Amendment. It doesn't mean spending and tax bills. It doesn't mean all BIG
 bills. It does mean social or domestic legislation which will profoundly alter the very nature
of American society.
     Perhaps, the House Speaker, the House Majority and Minority Leaders, as well as, the
Senate Majority and Minority Leaders can each choose two individuals - a member and a
non-member of Congress - to serve on a Special Constitutional Committee to decide when a
bill or a Supreme Court decision rises to the level of a Constitutional Amendment. The House
Majority and Minority Leaders would each choose a constitutional lawyer; if one
chooses a lib, the other would choose a constructionalist. to serve as chairmen. Fair and
Balanced. If they judge a bill to meet the criteria of an amendment, it would require
approval of over two-thirds of both houses and then be sent to the states where 38 states
must grant approval. A tie vote by the committee would mean that it is a bill. We don't
want to many CAs. State legislators can convene for two weeks every year or two to
consider CAs. If none, they can conduct regular state business. CAs come with a time limit
of one or more years to render a decision.
     You might ask, "What about emergency legislation such as BO.'s bailouts of auto,
housing, banking industries? (We opposed: we don't subscribe to the concept of too BIG
to fail. BO's solutions were socialist and he unconstitutionally played a bankruptcy
judge regarding auto). If approved by congress would it be too much to ask states to
go into emergency session. Perhaps, it doesn't rise to the level of a CA as it wasn't
concerned with social policy where most CAs should be. We're debating with
each other! It wouldn't preclude members of Congress from proposing CAs in the
traditional manner without the involvement of the Special Constitutional Amendment
Committee (should they be limited to considering social legislation or social and
     What is clear is that the Founding  Fathers wanted state involvement when it came
to changing the Constitution and making radical alterations to American society. You
might argue that CAs are only for altering Constitution not altering society. We contend
that it should be for both.
     Why? Amendment 10 in the Bill of Rights: Any power or responsibility not given
directly to fed gov by the Constitution shall be considered a state or a people power. Yet,
over the past 100 years or so fed gov has created new powers and responsibilities for
itself and has usurped state rights via a distorted interpretation of the Commerce Clause
or through legislation such as LBJ's Great Society Programs. Most new laws and
regs take power and responsibility away from citizens and businesses. All of which we
deem unconstitutional.
    Will there ever be a Special Constitutional Committee? Not likely because of
Amendment 17. A SCC would probably require a Constitutional Amendment. There
is the other method - tried trice unsuccessfully - wherein two-thirds of states call for a
Constitutional Convention to pass amendments which then must be approved by 38
states. we should contact our state legislators by visit or email or phone and demand a
Constitutional Convention. Waste of time? No; politicians pay attention to those who
contact them or members of their staffs for they know that those who take the time
to contact are likely voters and may even have influence in their communities. We
should contact our members of congress as well for the other method. Moderate
and Conservatives should be talking BIG-time about U.S. Constitution, state rights
and citizen's rights. It should be the Republican Party's Number One Issue. Perhaps,
with the internet, someday, citizens can vote on CAs - participatory democracy rather
than representative democracy. And, Amendment 17 should be repealed!!!
    Mary Jane...After decades and hundreds of billions of dollars, the War
on Drugs has been lost. It's been estimated that 75% of border violence would
disappear if Mary Jane were legal. Is it a gateway drug? Evidence isn't conclusive. We
have always staunchly opposed to its legalization. We worry that if it is legalized that
over time it will lead to the legalization of other drugs. In the self-same fashion that
legalizing same-sex marriage could lead to polygamy (those that want this perverted
lifestyle legal are examining the recent Supreme Court decision (what gives them
the right to legislate and alter society!?!); triads; three or more men or women;
bestial; man with of age daughter; women with pet rock. Libs have been degrading the
sanctity of marriage since the '60s. Bill Buckley, the Founder of Modern Conservatism,
came to support Mary Jane. We'd prefer a Constitutional Amendment, as opposed to.
a fed law enabling states to have their say (Remember: Our proposal for A Special
Constitutions Committee would have to have its parameters defined). MJ should only be
sold by doctors and pharmacists as part of their practices or they can open up facilities
just for its sale. They would note customer's age, state of health and whether purchase is
for recreational or so-called health purposes. He or she would determine dosage and
frequency of refills for each individual consumer. No new regs. Nearly every time a
new law is passed or reg instituted  is, we lose more of our liberty (See: "Upside Down
Article." here and "Facing Demise/Reg Laws Unconstitutional" at
group/newfederalism go together with this article like love and marriage/soup and
sandwich). We are confident that 99% of docs and pharmacists will act responsibility.
As a deterrent: If person commits a crime and being under the influence is a factor, doc
 or pharmacist can be charged with negligence. They would have to prove that they had an
appropriate regime for the accused and convince authorities. A second amendment
might be necessary to permanently forbid the legalization of the other drugs. It would
be a source of tax revenue in this time of national and state debts.
       Getting Back to Our Roots...A dream Constitutional Amendment that will limit fed
gov to those areas granted to it the  Constitution. It might be chaotic to make it
retro-active but future would suffice. Everyone would dance naked in the streets having
rediscovered their long lost freedoms. It will never happen.
      None of these things will come to pass. To say that we live in a free country is
laughable. To say that we have a capitalistic system is laughable. To say that we live in
a moral society is laughable. There is the Rule of Nine, Congress constantly passing laws
and the Exec Branch new regs and the power of the 20% who identify themselves as libs.
 The rights of Citizens, businesses, state and localities, the way our Founding Fathers
wanted it is ancient history. When BO assumed officer fed gov controlled 18% of the
economy and when he departs it shall be 35%. We all know how much better gov is at
running things than citizens and businesses! Most Americans have forgotten about the
'most transparent' president's 44 secret czars. Who know what they do as the good people
are in the arms of Morpheus. We didn't just loose the social war but the war to retain our
liberties. There will never be a Second American Revolution. The FFs wanted a fed gov
off to the side not in our face. Libs win.
      The Rise and Fall of Western Civilization, including, American Branch. Western
Europe and, importantly, the U.K. have fallen more rapidly than USA. Its genesis was in the
'60d when libs began knocking the greatest culture (bar none; no brag, just fact) in schools
 and elsewhere and with the passage of the Immigration Act of '65. The consequences being
multi-culturalism - which divides and doesn't unite. There is so much  WC to cover that it and
only it should be taught in public and private elementary and high schools. Embraced by all.
Leave you non-WC culture to the home or annual parades and college electives. One/United
nation. Within a hundred years, the majority of Americans will be Latino or Hispanic (whatever,
they prefer to be called). USA will be a Latin American nation. Can anyone named a
successful Latin American Country? Can anyone name a Latin American that is in the top ten in
anything? We are Number One in Military Power (although, BO props up Russia). We have the
World's Biggest Economy (which BO will destroy with debt). We are Number One in
Technology, including, space and medicine (not much longer due to BO policies). We are still
Number One in the Production and Distribution World-wide of Entertainment (although, the
quality of that entertainment has declined since  the '80s). Surprisingly, you would think
otherwise, we are Number Two or Three in manufacturing while we continue to slip due to
BO's unions.

The media along with public schools and colleges continues its efforts to create not reflect
society. Recently, the ABC Family cable network  aired a TV movie entitled, "Burlesque."
Synopsis: "..with the help from a savvy stage manager and a gender-bender host, a
cocktail waitress with a stunning voice becomes a performer in a club's musical revue."
This constitutes family entertainment to lib ABC. The whole family should pop popcorn and
watch together - parents to wee ones!!! Remember what Zeus did last time humans
Zeus: "I might do another Great Flood and once again allow my brother, Poseidon, to
save a man and a women on an ark to later repopulate humanity."