Wednesday, November 19, 2014

                               (boring but equally valid title)
                                       (try this on for size)
                   HERMES, CHARON and HADES PRESENT
                                         (your final option)
                   by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist
***LIVE***The ol' gang is here: Peter Gunn, the Maverick
brothers, Duke Forrest, Topper, Me Lay, the Prisoner, Knocko
 --- past contributors all. And, the gang on Mt. Olympus - and
so many more.***LIVE***from comsat rickcmtsite ***LIVE***

Citizen 'Your Shoot from the Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist
putting his best foot forward...
     Oh why did Clio and Melpomene conspire
     To make lives dire via Reverend Wrong's Liar
     Two years hence if we survive, we will need brain bleach
     As 'the one' obamafuscates, nadir reached
                                -Citizen 'Nostradamas' Journalist
(The rest of these quatrains reside at "Calliope Presents
Headlines in Search of Articles," as well as, quatrains at
other locales at this comsat. Plus an ol' school poem at
"BO Offends" and the cherry on the sundae at "A
Message from CJ" - a tribute which should put the powers that 

be in a favorable disposition.
What in Hades are we alluding to for crying out loud!?!
       Go to Hades, BO! Go to Tartarus.                       
       RD/CJ have an unusual request: a visit to the Elysium 
Fields --- in search of the ultimate party. Only three mortals - 
Orpheus, Odysseus, Heracles - successfully entered and left 
Hades but didn't spend time in  Elysian Fields. While technically
Elysium Fields is the permanent resting place of heroes, we are
 petitioning for a change of policy: visitation rights  for the
 greatest of writers. Our writing speaks for itself (see 'Epilog" a
couple of floors below) but if that doesn't suffice, we
have initiated and cultivated a relationship with all the
gods, goddesses and muses, including, the two who are the
most appropriate to present our case: Hermes and Calliope. We
suggested that they present our petition to the goddess of
Spring and wife of Hades, Persephone, who might be more
disposed to look favorably at our request.
       There were few shrines/temples, all small to Hades whose
 name people fear to utter. Few paintings and statues as well. 
Fate condemned him to preside in the underworld not choice,
       Hades the Softer Side:  Hades loneliness prompted him to 
take a wife. He presides over that which is down: gold, silver,
 gems; fertile soil. Nonetheless, no one celebrated the god 
persona non grata save for one cult which calls him Plouton rather
 then his dreaded name.  We commissioned our friend Vulcan
 to create a magnificent monument in a beautiful section of 
comsat  and an 
impressive statue at this our flagship comsat. Not they we
 are attempting to bribe Hades; we'll claim to our death that
the plans had been in the pipe. (We'll do anything
to get into the party-place - short of selling our soul...
let's not be hasty). 
       Hades not welcomed at nor desirous of spending time on 
Mt. Olympus and few  gods and goddesses reside or visit
 Hades. (The Erinyes are welcomed guests).Though he rarely 
leaves his abode, we hope that he will visit monument and 
statue in his honor. Only the shadow knows. Has the helmet, 
will he travel!?!
Mary Jane is for the states...
BO is too stupid to realize it but he is promoting the thing
that he hates most: state rights! Indeed, setting a precedent
 States are legalizing 'mary jane' in violation of federal law.
 In effect, they are invoking the Doctrine of Nullification. 
Something that had been successfully suppressed, although,
 still championed by many. (We contend that People's 
Assembly would be preferable to Nullification --- see some 
of our original proposals at "Supplement (with its own name) 
Dike Presents Constitutional Amendments the Other Way --- 
check out all proposals, especially, eight and one). 
Nullification unleashed by BO could lead to interesting 
developments in the future to say the least. 
       While the full-of-themselves-nine-in-robes ignore 
Amendment 10 and the fact that states and localities always
 had marriage requirements as part of their domain. Further,
 with 33 state laws and/or state constitutional
amendments against perverted marriages with
the balance in favor or undecided --- we would have
hoped that the states had invoked Nullification. 
with precedent now established. The door is open in the 
future for states nullifying federal laws and judicial 
decisions - courtesy of BO! (People's Assembly would be 
less chaotic).
Sherlock, who has contributed his genius to numerous
posts, wishes to be acknowledged. Sherlock: "A long shot
Watson; a very long shot!"... It is quite a three-pipe
 problem...My name is Sherlock Holmes and it is my
business to know what other people don't know." Just a visit.
Could RD/CJ they bring guests?...
Three liberal strikes and marriage is out...
Liberals took a three-prong approach to destroying the
sanctity of marriage. Principally in the '40s and'60s,
they instituted the marriage penalty on income
taxes --- hurting, interestingly enough, the two-wage
earner marriage! These who profess to be championing
working women while denigrating stay-at-home moms
--- too ignorant to realize that being a successful
housewife and mother are two of the most demanding
and potentially rewarding professions that there are!!!
The marriage penalty encourages cohabitation, as
opposed to, marriage. Is it the governments job to
desecrate a sacred tradition!
       Their attack on marriage continued in the '70s
when women giving birth to bitches and bastards
became eligible for social services, including, Aid to
Dependent Children. Libs love to feel good about
themselves at the expense of others. Aren't we
wonderful for we are keeping families intact. This,
in spite of the fact that studies have shown that
kids are best off in mom-dad household functional
followed by mom-dad dysfunctional followed by
single parent dysfunctional followed by single parent
dysfunctional. (Studies strongly imply two-mom and
two-dad not in the best interest of child --- but liberals
want to feel good about themselves).Libs just want to
 feel good about themselves and never let facts messy up 
their lib world. So what if they suffer deprivation: food,
water --- and love. So what if they're in a crack
environment. So what if it becomes a generational
thing with children, parents and grandparents on
the dole. So what if most of these children are destined
to grow up to drop out of school, unable to
 hold a job, take up drugs, have babies out-of-wedlock
 like their mother, wind up in prison, according to the
numerous studies. They need to feel good about
 themselves. (Reminiscent of their concern 
for the teachers instead of the children!). Take the babies
 away unless proof provided that they can raise child
without being parasitic on the hard-working and that there 
will be a strong male presence in the life of the child. 
Interesting fact: the wealthier and more educated the 
women, the more likely she is to give out-of-wedlock 
baby for adaption. The waiting list to adopt infants is 
extremely long - this would dramatically shorten the 
list for heterosexually married parents. Put the children
first! Put the children with a married couple!
      Strike three: deviling marriage by permitting the
same-sex variety. We have explained on numerous
occasions (just take elevator to the floors below) that
government shouldn't be in the business of sanctioning
bad behavior. Three strikes and you're out: traditional
reason against homo (Bible) plus our two (biological/social)
scientifically original. Perversion should be private and 
not in front of the impressionable ones.
      Our Founding Daddies made religious protection
number one in the number one amendment. Will it
compel members of the clergy to perform perverted
marriages and chaplains to unite service members or
a service member with a non-service member in
violation of Amendment One!?! What should take
      Marriage should be protected as the sacred union of
one man with one women as a special family entity,
perhaps, leading to a blessed family unit perpetuating
our species. It should be protected for religious,
historical and cultural reasons. (Full disclose; RD/CJ are
deists, non-religious. Their position predicated on
Founding Father, Founding Documents, tradition, 
widely accepted precedents).
Back by popular demand "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" with
Al taking a final bow.
Al: (Al with fishing rod and bathtub) "I can't understand
it. How stupid of me. I must put in water... This isn't
as absurdly irrelevant as you think. Yell, anytime you hear
today's word bathtub mentioned. Other topics like marriage
too controversial. We'll have to settle for bathtub. We have
now passed another tombstone along TV's highway to
culture." "Alfred Hitchcock Presents brought to you by 
Adderall and bathtub (yell) gin (ethyl alcohol and juniper 
for aroma and flavor) - truly the better pick-me-upper! (By-
the-Bye, Hermes invented writing). Al: "Welcome back,"
Bathtubs (yell!) became popular and widespread with the
Roman Empire (part of the greatest culture (Western) not hip
 hop or Latin or African or Muslim - they aren't number one
in anything! Oriental (they hate that term, therefore, we
employ it) place. We win while others don't show. Back into
 the tub (yell). Rich Romans had in home but all Romans
 enjoyed public baths for cleanliness, socializing and
transacting business. Socializing and transacting business
 also transpired while you sat next to others for group potty
(toilets). Also sponsored by CJCS (C for Cayuga and S for
 Shamley - determine nature of these productions companies
 that merged with CJ Comsats a couple of years ago and win 
a trip to comsat quasarpolitical! Hermes place). Al: "While I
struggle with my jacket, perhaps, you'll accept missive from
 sponsor. (Test Pattern {younger in audience unfamiliar with
this sight. Confused, they are}. No more commercials: going 
out-of-business). Al: "Why am I still struggling with my
 jacket? Wait. There's a note inside: occupancy by more then
 one person is prohibited by law. Goodnight. Ann Boleyn
walked about with charm with head tucked under her arm."
I shan't be back. Now don't you lose your head over it.
According to the Good Book...
We shouldn't apologize for slavery for it existed for
thousands of years and all around the world. The Bible
doesn't condemn it; it only makes a few suggestions
concerning it. It wasn't until late in the Enlightenment that
a few began to have some qualms about it
.      We shouldn't apologize to the Indians for  one group
conquering another group goes back thousands of years and
was practiced world-wide. We didn't rape  the conquered
women (accept for isolated cases) and enslave all the man and 
women as was customary historically. Concurrent with us,
 Spaniards were doing things the traditional way (rape and 
enslave) in the southern part of New World: Mexico, Central
 America, South America and the West Indies. The Injuns
 who are thriving today embraced Western Culture while
 those who chose government handouts are living in dire 
straits! ( Our treatment of the conquered was unique. 
Although, the Romans did partial version. To various degrees
 the Roman Empire's policy on rape, enslavement, purloining 
the wealth. Little of it at first; more of it with the passage of 
time as the Empire become larger but never total. Rome
conquered the rest of Italy and allowed those cities local
government save for foreign policy and military issues. We
allow reds nation-status in reservations).
        Visit a European nation and you will discover that over
70% of its public school textbooks are positive about their
history. Sadly, the average American history textbook in public
 schools is over 60% negative concerning our past. Certainly, 
we have even more reason to be proud than Europe. It's do to
 the insidious liberal revisionist history. President BO continues
the policy he initiated upon assuming office: travel the world
and apologize for what he perceives as our shameful past for
he thinks that this results in friends and foes liking us better!
Apologize for what? America bringing freedom to more 
countries than the rest of the countries of the globe combined! 
What? Winning WW1, WW2 and the Cold War! What? The
glorious 30%, especially, 1%. They had the best healthcare and
rightly so: the paid for it --- but thanks to them the rest of us
enjoy the best healthcare in the world; the healthcare of our poor
is superior to the rich and middle class in other countries. Thanks
to the 1% paying the bulk of the income taxes the poor (?) in
America have microwaves, BIG screen TVs, cars, computers,
smart phones and so much more. Lazy bums accept for truly
disabled. Do you remember the Wall Street Smellies. They 
should kneel to the 1%!!! What? The most advanced space/
military/medical technologies (although in decline due to first
anti-American president!). What? The American Miracle - going
 from being one of the poorest countries on earth on 1870
to the richest in 1800! (B Hussein O is also the first anti-Isreali
 president via his pro-muslim policies. The closet Muslim is beside
himself when the little mohammads are critized or offended but
rarely condemns the suicide bombers and head removers of 
Christians and Jews! Similiar to U.S, Muslim headers and clerics
 largely remaining silent when there is a Muslin attack anywhere 
in the world with a few making largly perfunctitiry statements of
condemnation. Check at least three pages of articles in this and
so much more),
         Progressively (perfect word choice) public schools have
gotten more and more negative about American History and
Western Civilization beginning in the '60s. Why? The fact
that the bulk of major and medium-sized inventions and
discoveries since 1970 being made by Americans with our
Western Civilization Brothers of Western Europe in second!
         Did you know that NASA is completely or partially
responsible for over 30,000 inventions and discoveries since
its inception in 1958. One of the few successful government
entities: a return of $5 within 7 years for every dollar budgeted.
via spin-offs and technology --- make life better and more
enjoyable plus greatly expands our understanding of man (oops,
and women. Don't want PC Police getting their panties in a 
knot!). No more! As the first anti-American president
destroys NASA, the military, Medical technology/healthcare.
the energy sector and the U.S. economy in general!
Rod Serling on CJ: It is not true of he. "Being like everybody
is the same as being like nobody.' RS on RD/CJ: "God
created the heavens and the earth. It is man's - and women's -
to create their own particular and private hell."
Heading toward dictatorship...
As BO continues to pee on our beloved Constitution, what
will transpire if he is not stopped and reversed prior to his
      We fear that the next president - Republican or Democrat -
will use Constitution as toilet paper. No politician will
willingly forfeit the powers that he inherited - he will built
upon them! (Establishing "People's Assembly" might help).
(Bathtub - yell; dictatorship - do the selfsame thing!).
Dago Red: I so enjoyed being COO to RD/CJ's CEO.
"Something had to break, and I was afraid it was going to
be our friends...They're not well, I tell you. They've been
pressed to hard...Something got to happen."
Mycroft: Wasn't it your Yogi Berra who said "it's de'ju vu,
 all over again, Seems as if I been here: RD/CJ, departure;
discontinuation CJCS comsats.
On being stupid: broads and blacks...
Democrats in the last few elections have alleged that
Republicans are waging a war against women and blacks.
As we heretofore stated the 'marriage penalty' discourages
marriage by hurting women, especially, those that work
outside the home. Further, BO-care is hurting far more
women (higher premiums, higher co-pays, smaller
networks) than it is helping. Every election you can count
on the vaginas to vote democrat over republican in large
       Over 90% of blacks vote democrat who take them for
granted. The ass talks the talk; the elephant walks the
work. They're too stupid to realize it!
    Who freed the slaves?-Republican Lincoln
    Who passed the Civil Rights legislation of the '60s?-
It passed because of Republicans for virtually no southern
democrat - all bigots at the time - would vote for it!
Which president enabled blacks to start more small business 
than any president before or since?-Republican Nixon
Whose economic policies made it possible for rich and
middle class blacks to outnumber poor ones for the first
time in '90?-Republican Reagan
      Where not saying that dems ignore you; were saying 
dems hurt you. What do you do? Vote for them!
Unemployment amongst blacks is double that of the
country at large and triple for your youths - 18-30!
       In '64, when the lousy little lying liberals (you knew 
that sooner or later, we would use my favorite alliteration!)
were hurting working women, they were hurting darkies
with immigration reform - immigration reform that 
enables brown over the past twenty years to replace 
chocolate as the largest minority in the U.S. --- with a
the accompanying loss to you in economic and political clout!
      Legalizing illegals will take jobs from the poor,
including, you. The kind of jobs that some of you are
willing to take during bad economic times. 
      In spite of your objection, democrats equated gay
movement with your civil rights movement!
      Legalizing the estimated 12 million - 9 million
Latino (Hispanic), 6 of these 9 wet backs while the rest 
are from all over the world, including, honkies! Ed
Butosky of Chapwood points out that they cost us $24,000
per while they only offset this by $10,000 via their
economic activity. We would have to create 5 million,
full-time, $50,000 jobs to offset this cost. This isn't
very likely as computers and robots reduce the number of
humans - 'humans need not apply' will be a sign that will
be popping up all over the place in the not to distant
LESS YOU FORGET: Illegals mainly come here to
commit crimes as individuals or to join Latino gangs. Illegals
mainly come here for the 'freebies' which aren't really free
for they're paid for by all hard working, tax paying Americans
of all races, nationalities and ethnicity. How do they get their
'freebies'? Liberal governors, county execs and mayors illegally
instruct social workers not to look for proof of citizenship from
applicants for social services. They get 'free' emergency and
non-emergency care in our hospital emergency rooms and their
children 'free' education in public schools. Remember the
national debt: it will only get worse when they're legalized.
We must CUT spending across the board. Smart cuts with
nothing sacrosanct: military; aid to poor, elderly, disabled;
housing; healthcare; transportation; etc. BO doesn't want to
lead and make the BIG painful cuts. He thinks that it makes
him a good guy. The longer we wait, the more painful the cuts.
This is what the next president faces!
yell and bathtub
We can afford 'anchor babies. In politics, we say conservative and
liberal; in law, we say constructionist and liberal. A liberal judge
is doctrinaire and will rule lib 100% of the time; constructionist
judge or justice 90%. Why? Constructionists exercise fidelity to
our founding docs. Take the words literally, don't expand on
them, don't twist out of shape to suit a political agenda. On those
occasions when Founders somewhat vague, they attempt to
place in context with what proceeds and succeeds passage. Struggle
to ascertain the Framers intent. Will consult when absolutely
necessary - as last resort - other writings - formal and informal
penned by the geniuses of lore. Constitution and laws: Liberals are 
creative and read between the lines and imagine ti see things that 
aren't there. They are incapable of being cleanse of the bad
habits. bathtub and yell
      Liberals subscribe to the bogus, progressive, 'living'
constitution. In contrast, constructionists the genuine Federalist/
Constructionist Constitution. Sadly, the former is taught to your
children in school. Free for all. Anything goes. Interpret, liberally!
      In all fairness, even a constructionist can be a cretin devoid
of a scintilla of intelligence as when chief justice ignoramus
ruled that BO-Care was a tax bill when dems in congress went
out of their way to not label it as such. He compounded his\stupidity
by stating that as a tax bill he deemed it constitutional. Chief
A-hole doesn't know that tax bills must originate in the House.
BO-care first came out of Senate where it was concocted behind
closed doors in the dark of night. Have the decency of stepping
       Children born of legal parents are automatically legal
 themselves. Amendment 14 stipulated that the newly freed 
slaves and their offspring were U.S, citizens. The AMENDMENT
 is CLEAR! It is only applicable to this specific and special 
condition. Liberals want to read their philosophy into damn legal 
docs. Liberal vs, Constructionist. Anchor babies: babies born to
 illegals are automatically U.S. Citizens - NO! It was written for 
blacks and can't be subjected to inflation. We can't afford them:
 NATIONAL DEBT! They're parents serve as good examples:
 break the law from the get go and then promise that you'll be good
 citizens. 'Freebies: Uncle Sam as Uncle Sap! It should be a god 
damn felony to breach our sovereignty not a mere misdemeanor
 and we should quadruple fine for business who hire trespasses. 
Some crossing the border could be terrorists while other could
 carry disease by not going through the normal immigration process;
getting a good cleaning and examination, (bathtub!)
       "America's Book of Secrets" on H2 has revealed that BO's
policy of allowing illegals to earn citizenship by serving in the
military for two years has resulted in their securing the
military's Grade A training and after two years joining or rejoining
Latino gangs! (These gangs are a BIGger threat than Italian,
Chinese and Russian mafias combined). The first anti-American
president wishes to expand this program!
       Legalizing the illegals will turn us into an inferior Latin
American country (can you name a Latin American country that's
number one in anything accept maybe soccer!) They'll bring
up their children not already here, as well as, their elderly parents.
They pop out far more babies on average than blacks and whites.
Bad for black political clout and bad for the U.S.'s ability to
remain competitive on the world stage.
        Grow up! Offending with Truth: it isn't bigoted or racist or 
sexiest when backed up by truth and fact. Joking: sometimes a
joke is just that - a joke. Vaginas, chocolates, cripples and little
mohammad's need to be less sensitive and more like grown up
white men! A lead scientist for Rosetta Project being made to
apologize for a somewhat sexy shirt worn in TV interview by
liberals in general and feminists in particular. This served to 
overshadow the historic scientific mission - making the shirt the
story! Grow up!
(More OFFENDING with Truth (for some): preserving Western
Culture; the IQ facts and browns; the drug connection; liberal 
colleges giving preference treatment to them over our own. Please
check out; "Double Title" (fourth purple section); "Offending
with Truth (third purple, toward end); "Hermes Many
Messages (green); and more.
Plato: "A hero is born among a hundred. A wise man is found
in a thousand. An accomplished one might not be found in a
hundred thousand." I found one in the nature of CJ  sans
RD. The Elysian Fields are for heroes. RD has slim chance with
opening Elysian Fields for the BEST writers - visit or after demise.
Hermes and Calliope will serve as his barristers. Rumor has it
that Momus will offer his services - A Oh! "He was a wise man
who invented beer." (RD: "Plato should know better: it was the
god Selinus who invented beer!"). Socrates (Plato's
teacher): "Oh Pan and all the other gods ...grant that I be
beautiful inside...May I consider the wise man rich. As for gold,
let me have as much as a moderate man can bare and carry
with him." RD: "As for me: I want a lot of Plouton's gold!"
We need Tort Reform and more gold: "Article Upside Down"
"Addendum (Original Proposal"). Girls who want balls in
uniforms (military, police, fire, etc. are average or below par by
 messing with standards and requirements so they can play 
(see numerous posts). Penis Envy: Now BO is considering 
fiddling with standards/requirements/traditions so women can
 play in special forces - Rangers, Seals, Delta, etc. It's about
 liberal social experimentation not national security and public 
RD/CJ have worked on stage and the crowd is going wild.
Rod S, : It's pandemonium! Unidentified women yells "Bathtub.
Don't leave us and throws her panties on stage."
A parting shot at liberals (bathtub)...
George, John, Tom, Jim and Company wanted a government to
protect our life, liberty, happiness and property from damage
and theft. They did not want a daddy and a mommy BO
taking the bulk our hard earned money and taking care of us and
our children as they see fit. They wanted small, weak government
largely off to the side as we ran our own lives. Intervening when
we were threatened in our pursuits by foreign enemies or bad
boys or government itself! Hence, they wanted the citizenry to
bare unregistered arms to overthrow a government that became
tyrannical and violating the founding documents, Registering
weapons would mean confiscation prior to our ability to revolt.
They didn't want government doing much but felt local
should do more than state and state more than fed. Police and
fire would be acceptable but telling people that they couldn't
put soda (had it existed) in the mouth -  no! Ticketing people
for not wearing seat belts - no. Banning candy because it's
bad for the teeth - no! Americans should judge or misjudge
their intake of sweets. They felt that Americans had
an equal right to say and do stupid things as they did smart
ones. Liberals think that Americans are stupid and reckless and
need BIG Brother to take care of us. Study after study wherein
streetlights and signs have been removed from busy
intersections resulting in congestion and crashes - WRONG!
Traffic moved smoothly and orderly with greater courtesy -
people signaling to the other to go first. Americans are up to
challenges! Other types of tests have demonstrated the same
thing. We are over regulated and citizens and businesses
aren't free. While the Founding Fathers didn't want BIG
government, they want local BIGger than state and state

BIGger than fed - we got the opposite. With rights and
powers - thousands of new laws and regs each year - being
taken from citizens, businesses, localities and states. We
are diminished.
     Libs have largely prevailed on economics and finances
since the FDR '30s (even his Treasury Secretary said that
New Deal failed) to LBJ to more BO Kensyian. Liberals
have by an large prevailed on social and domestic issues
since LBJ! The Cultural War is over and America lost!!!
     How is it that only 20% of Americans identify themselves
 as libs and yet managed to prevail; how is it that we have
minority rule in USA!?!
             "Consistency of the minority - a convinced,
               coherent minority forming a representative
               subgroup of individuals can greatly 
               influence majority opinion. It is most
               important that the minority is consistent
               in its position if it is going to have any
               effect on the majority."
                                 -Adrian Fumham, 50 Psychology
                                   Ideas You Really Need to Know
                                   (Quercus Publishing, 2008)
This and a pliant moderate/undecided constituency coupled
with control of most of the TV, music, movie and newspaper
industries. Throw in control of public elementary and high
schools, public, as well as, many private colleges. Liberal
minority begins in '60s seizing control of media and education 
coupled with liberal congresses, judges and justices. What could
 the vast majority do? They subscribed to traditional morality and 
social norms with everyone virtually on the same page except for 
the liberal powers that be. Their agenda: call them names, bully
intimate;  shout down alternate points of view; ridicule; many
chose to ignore the vast majority. Result: with their false,
consistent, repetitive message, they stayed on course 
 and their message was heard from sea to shining sea!!! Granted,
they won over some moderates and undecided but for the most
part shut down dialog --- intimated the majority from expressing
their views or got  members of majority to profess change of
heart for fear of ridicule. The liberal jugguarnaut acting consistently
 successfully MARGINILIZED the MAJORITY! What good polls?
 America is now but a shadow of its upright former self. Pity the
 children! The Silent Majority has been silenced permenently. Can't 
be undone: Codified in law and beaucracy. Culture war is over. We 
don't have a ghost of a chance of bringing it back from the dead...
Topper: Marion and George Kirby and I are all in (oops, I
ended a sentence with a proposition!). Let's momntarily escape from

"It's devilish, Mr. Holmes, devilish! It is not of this world.
Something has dashed the light of reason from their minds.
What human contrivance can do that," {laughed Aphrodite.}
"I fear," said Holmes, "that if the matter is beyond
humanity it is certainly beyond me, Yet we must exhaust
all natural explanations before we fall back on such a theory
as this. "
Holmes, baby, don't be so stuffy. Just sit back and enjoy the
ride!, Aphrodite advised.
"Roll up. Roll up. Roll up. Roll up. Roll up.
  I've got an invitation.
  Roll up for the mystery tour.
  They got everything you need.
  Satisfaction guaranteed.
  Roll up for the mystery tour.
  The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away.
  The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away.
  Dying to take you away.
  Take you today."

"Oh no, man," Mother Divine said. "I ain't caterin' to no
  special parties..." Would you do it for a "gold medal,
 {inquired the Painless Pole.} For gold, he acquiesced.
Our friend Hermes escorts us to Acheron River where
we dutifully give our obols to Charon. We are all
anticipating the mother of all parties. We aren't
disappointed. What a band! The Olympians: our friend Pan
( ) - panpipes; Satyr -
aulus; Triton - conch; Euterpe - flute; Apollo - lyre; our
friend Sherlock - violin (the only mortal in the ensemble).
There's Terpsikhore leading those lovely nymphs in dance.
Aren't they lovely! (rhetorical question). Here come the
BIGgest partiers of all: Dionysus and Silenus! The bands
selections are highly appropriate: Red, Red Wine; Sweet
Cherry Wine; Beer Bottle Boogie. Now RD/CJ flirt with
disaster with a BIG potential pay-off. What should we do?
Brother  Zeus and sister Demeter (goddess of harvest and
agriculture) produced Persephone (she wears two hats:
goddess of Spring/Queen of the Underworld {Zeus' beloved
wife that he made her is equal). On the one hand, Hades
will be pleased that we are saying "thank you" by honoring her;
on the other hand, Spring and Summer aren't happy times for
Hades as he is separated from his wife. Without securing
advanced clearance: We -  RD/CJ -opted to throw caution to 
the wind. Everything had to make this the BIGgest Party Blast
 in history and in the universe. No holds barred. Yes,
 segregation had to reign. the May Poles: those for gods and
 goddesses; the ones for the heroes; those for the mortals. All
 danced and laughed under the poles. RD/CJ proud spent some
time at the G & G May Pole nicely positioned behind nymphs. 
What a relief it was when Hades gave his stamp of approval 
by briefly dancing! Rod: I've been from the Twilight Zone to
the Hades Zone. Socrates: "Death may be the greatest of all
human blessings." Wow! They're now playing "Take it Off, Take
 it All Off" - and the most beautiful women goddess is doing
 just that!!! Why do we guys feel a need to shave (Noxema). 
Zeus is supplying the special effects - lightning and thunder 
without rain! Sadly the band is playing "The Party's Over."
CJ: "Hades invited me to stay for awhile." RD whispers to
CJ: "Are you sure that's wise. I don't think that it bodes well."
CJ: "Leave me. I know what I'm doing. I trust him."
RD returns home. He enters his living room. There is a
shadow on the wall then invisible. He then spies gifts on coffee
 table  from Hades - a very large nugget of gold (thankfully 
more than a moderate man would bare and carry) - - and a
 very special helmet! It shall forever remain RD Janus CJ.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

                                        Sappho Presents a Plutoid*
                         by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist
Offending with Truth: Lovelies to Lousiness
The Social or Cultural or Moral War is over. And, Americans
lost. The 20% who identify themselves as liberals won. The
War was waged since the '60s. They won every battle and
should be recognized as the victors. The last battle: When
silence speaks volumes...Several states which banned
same-sex marriage saw an Appeals Court rule that the
ban was unconstitutional. Appealed. The Full-of-
themselves-Nine refused to except appeal and, thereby,
in effect declared same-sex marriage the law
throughout the land. This in spite of the fact that 33
states had laws and/or state constitutional amendments
outlawing non-traditional marriage (only 10 of the 
states condoned these unions with the remainder not
 having rendered an opinion). The hell with state rights
and the wishes of the vast majority of states! They
didn't think that it even merited  a hearing and debate 
in the their court.
      Clearly this hollowed for a Federal Constitutional
Amendment due to the profound effect on American
society. (See "Supplement (with its Own Name):
Dike Presents Constitutional Amendment - the
Other Way," three  flights down for details). This
is the same court which ruled that Obama-Care
was a tax bill and constitutional. This in spite of the
fact that it originated in the Senate and tax bills
must originate in the House! Sadly, we have a
Constitutional Criminal in the White House plus
nine more who think that they are above the
Constitution, the Law and the People!!! It is
likely that the already out-of-control judges and
justices will legislate rather than adjudicate even 
more and that the next president - be he republican
or democrat - will build on BO's disregard for
Constitution and law. We are moving headlong into
dictatorship. Now even more, we need a
People's Assembly (see "Supplement (with a name):
Dike...," three floors down).
      Should the government and society be in the
business of promoting and sanctioning that which is
immoral according to the Bible. abnormal/unnatural
 according to traditional psychology (before it fell
victim to liberalism in general and feminist and gay
organizations and lobbies in particulars) and whose 
practitioners are freaks or bad mutations in 
evolutionary terms. Three strikes and you're out!
      It doesn't make a difference if that are born
freaks or are suffering from a psychological problem.
We don 't subscribe to the view that it is
biological/nature. Why? Liberals use it as an
excuse for bad behavior. Homos can't help it for
the were born that way - with a strong homo-gene.
Criminals shouldn't be punished too severely as
they were born a strong criminal gene. Mean, nasty,
and stingy people are born that way. Two years ago,
the prestigious John Hopkins Hospital declared that
pedophiles are born that way! Thereby, minimizing
the bad behavior.
      We are the product of everything that we
learned in the order that we learned it, everything
that we experienced in the order that we
experienced it and the influence of others - in
most cases the BIGgest influence being parents.
When one is experiencing a psychological problem
it is extremely difficult to determine the causes. 
This from the trillions of bits of data in our brains.
       Nobody cares what homos do in private - so
long as it doesn't involve children - but they
shouldn't be allowed to present their perversion in
public (great alliteration, commenting on our own 
writing) in front of the children. It's bad enough
that they have their annual pathetic, public 
perversion parades (another nice alliteration) in cities 
throughout the nation. I defy anyone who has seen 
their mode of dress and mode of behavior at their
 parades on the news to tell me that they aren't 
freaks! The ass holes won and we give them a
limp-of-wrist salute! We can't resist an alliteration:
monumental mockery of morality.
       It isn't homophobic when you have truth and
facts on your side. Who are we going to Offend
with Truth next. 
       The Islamic Society of North America is
lobbying the Justice Department to have any
criticism of Islam classified as a civil rights violation. 
It wouldn't surprise us if BO's Justice Department 
acquiesced. To hell with free speech!
       The ISNA is going to love this...
       We've said it many times and it bares
repeating...We saw a Muslim-turned-Christian
women and a Muslim cleric in two separate
interviews state the same two things: 1) Islam is 
religion of violence and 2) Over 60% of
Muslims are radicals or radicals pretending to
be moderates and moderates who can be
gently pushed into being radicals. Of course,
radicals can easily become terrorists. We
believe that the truth lies with the so-called
moderate mosques in the U.S. When there is
a terrorist attack anywhere in the world the
vast majority of mosques are silent while the
remainder issue a short, perfunctory statement
of condemnation. Further, many of these
so-called moderate mosques receive a  
donation from the Muslim Brotherhood.
The MB aided and abetted Hitler and partially
funds Hamas and Hezbollah!
        Naturally, Presidents Bush and BO can't
speak the truth for fear of verbal and physical
Muslim bashing. Verbal would - unless the
little mohammads get their way is protected
speech. They don't trust Americans. Very
few would engage in the physical without
probable cause: to stop a terrorist. They should
be honest so Americans would be more
vigilant (we didn't say vigilante!) as the are
terror cells in all 50 states. Your nice Muslim
neighbor might really be nice and moderate
or nice so as not to generate suspicion.
       There should be racial-profiling at
airports instead of feel-ups and porno pics of
little girls and blue-haired old ladies. Airport
security should return to the hands of private
companies and paid for by the airliners. We
have a debt crisis that isn't being addressed
and will lead to the BIGest economic/
financial crises in our history from which
we are not likely to recover. Nothing can be
sacrosanct from elimination or cuts for
everybody has their pet item that they feel
shouldn't be an the budget butcher's block
which will prevent any cuts. Further, one
airport (we forget which) in California was 
allowed to remain in the private sector and it 
consistently scores higher on airport security
tests than the unionized government security
 forces. Of course, if privatized there would 
have to be a small FBI detail to determine 
probable cause. That's all we wrote. No BIG
*Plutoid - our name for a note or small or
short article
For more on these issues Also

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

     Double Title: Pythagoras Presents I was a Nielsen
             Calliope Presents The Greatest Author Never Known
                       by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist

Warning: He's back! After a long hiatus, they took a long road 
to get back. Hide the children! Does he still have it? Does his
mighty poison pen for liberals still contain ink? Will moderates
and conservatives still be shocked by his original arguments
for the right positions? You've been warned. CJCS Comsats
takes no responsibility for any anguish that may be
suffered by those who choose the road from here to the end...

In recognition for your long wait, we give you a gift: two
titles. Count 'em if you don't believe it. Do they still have
what it takes? How can we prove that RD/CJ have really
 returned? Article Producers Pythagoras and Calliope are
mulling over the problem...Please be patient...Holy Moly! -
have they got a solution!...

We consulted with Zeus and he will allow hero Odysseus 
to help prove that they aren't impostors in our mists;
after all, its been an awful long time. Odysseus: "My
friends RD/CJ know that Homer and I are responsible
for sayings used today. Further, you are cognizant of
the fact that RD/CJ socialize with Greek mythological
RD/CJ: No friend of ours gorgon Medusa is probably
 responsible for generating the expression: Looks that Kill!
Our friend Odysseus should likely be credited with at
least two.  On his journey of over twenty years,
Odysseus was presented with numerous obstacles in
his quest to return to his wife and kingdom.
Up ahead was a 'folk in the road': go one way and
you would encounter wandering rocks (actually boulders)
which tore ships asunder; choose the other route and
 there was a whirlpool and  close by a sea monster.
This likely gave rise to the expression: Between a rock
and a hard place. (Which route did he choose? Ask
Homer). Circe's expressed her opinion of men
by turning Odysseus crew into pigs (perhaps, this led
to the expression: "Men are Pigs." We are not, it's
just that sometimes we can't help ourselves when
eating and around women!). Our friend and colleague
Hermes ( ) gave
Odysseus a magical herb to protect him from sexy
Circe's spells called Moly. Oddy was wowed by this
gift to the gods resulting later in people saying 'Holy
Moly' when impressed or surprised...That should
satisfy our Readers (Between the ages of 16-18,
they published World Astro News with 53 readers
around the country. For the past few years, they've
had the Goggle websites where they enjoyed  up to 
1500 readers a week. Holy Moly!).
BIG EGO ONE: RD/CJ: "We were a Nielsen!" They 
had the power to determine which shows stayed on
 the air and how much advertises could be charged. 
They were special as they were a part of it longer than
average as they fit the demographics that they
required at the time perfectly: age, income, gender,
level of education. (Like so many, we outgrew
the major broadcast networks fifteen years ago
when we gained access to cable networks).
      For two years, they were sworn to silence 
(they took oath of silence on a TV Guide), they
wanted to brag...correction: tell..our dear readers
 but they worried that networks or advertises might 
attempt to influence them. Only CJCS staff
members such as Calliope knew. They didn't
want to be the cause of a payola-type scandal.
      Nielsen Media Research samples 5,000
households nationwide as representing the 
millions of Americans. And, RD/CJ played a major 
role! (You can't be a Nielsen more than once and 
you can't volunteer. You must be One-of-the-
Chosen Ones).
       Let's visit polls which are different then
Nielsen:  the larger the sample - the smaller the 
margin-of-error. Isn't it amazing the a sample of 
only 2500 (if  random and the rules of  sample
 talking are followed) can tell you what
 310,000,000 Americans are thinking to a 
margin-of-error of about 2%. Here's another fact
 that will blow your mind: If you take a random
sample of 1000 from a large population, it
doesn't matter if it were a sample from a small 
town of 10,000 or a state of 1,000,000 or the 
whole country, your margin-of-error will be 3.2%
 on the issue polled (It's plus or minus 3,2,
therefore, the confidence interval is 6.4. Example: 
1000 plus or minus 3,2).
BIG EGO TWO: RD/CJ: We are authors-of-sorts. 
compilation of all our articles in the form of
booklets professionally rendered were produced
for a select few - you weren't included!
We decided to share the Epilogue with you -
it follows this masterpiece!
(AS always, we save controversial for later. Al 
Hitchcock hasn't visited for awhile. Of all things, 
he's collaborating with Urania. Do visit Urania at ).
Al Hitchcock - along with Urania - Presents...
Brought to you by Aderall. Aderall with vodka
 --- the better pick-me-upper...There is nothing 
unusual about a daytime moon. You're not in the
Twilight Zone if you see it. Your first quarter
 moon rises at noon and sets at midnight while 
the opposite is true of your third quarter moon. 
You full moon rises at sunset and sets at sunrise
 and the opposite is true of the new one..."In
the Spiral of the Galaxy" - be the first on your
block to have a copy. On sale nowhere...The
sun becomes a diamond but future us won't be
able profit from it. In approximately 5 billion 
years our sun will collapse on itself unable to 
produce enough energy to hold itself up. The sun 
will be the size of the earth; it will become a white
 dwarf. As it cools the carbon-rich core will form
 a lattice structure. It will take up to 10 billion 
years to cool off completely and become a 
diamond black dwarf. They used to say that a
 diamond is a girls best friend (then it was 
considered sexiest); we've confident that even 
today women are partial towards them and like 
\them as gifts from boyfriends or husbands. 
Ladies, billions of this type of black dwarf exists
 or will soon exist - but you can't have them! The
 gravitational force on its surface is 300,000 times
 greater than on earth. Even if in the distant future 
we acquired the know how to mine it - diamonds
would then become worthless as there would be 
so much of it...Al: Sorry, ladies. Goodnight.
There is no question that BO is setting us up for
the BIGgest economic/financial crisis in our
history from which we are unlikely to recover.
       Since the end of WW2, the dollar has been
the world's reserve currency. Governments and
businesses around the world have to convert to
it in order to transact business with other countries.
The once highly esteemed dollar is prized when
 U.S. tourists pay in $$$s but for how much longer? 
       Our beloved dollar is in trouble. Under Bush,
the national debt rose by 3 trillion in eight years ---
which was bad. Under BO, it has risen by 8
trillion in six years --- which is much, much, much
worse! BO-care is putting salt on the wound. BO
promised that it would only cost 1 trillion over ten

years. According to Judicial Watch, it will actually
cost 10 trillion!!! He also promised if you like your
doctor, you can keep him and if you like your health
plan, you could keep it! This is how to destroy the
greatest nation on earth!Not only are we the world's
 largest debtor nation owing money to the likes of 
China but the Fed keeps printing $$$s like there's 
no tomorrow. And, there might not be a tomorrow 
like today.
        China, Russia and India have agreed to
except each other's currency without converting to
our dollars. Potentially pulling the rug out from
under us. When countries like this do it, it's
likely that less wealthy nation's will follow their
lead believing the dollar is becoming worthless.
Which it is! The Fed is setting us up for hyper-
inflation in which a loaf a bread could cost $30!
After the world looses faith in our money ---
eventually Americans will too.
        China settles for the interest on U.S. 
Savings Bonds when they fall due. They will
 wait for the strategic moment before the value 
of the dollar plummets to demand principle and
 will stop purchasing our short term loans as
will other nations. Our standard of living will 
approach rock bottom.
        Solution: painful cuts now, including,
major cuts to the military - the right kind of
cuts; cuts across-the-board, including, social
services. Solution: major tax cuts - the right
kind. BO doesn't want to address this crisis; he
doesn't want to be perceived of as a mean 
Scrooge.Slash the number of unionized gov
workers. A recent study shows that they spend
up to 10 hours a week looking at porn for they
don't have enough work to do! The problem: If 
we don't make the painful cuts now, the cuts 
later will have to be much more painful - then
 again, later might be too late!
BIG EGO THREE: Sherlock: "Watson and I
are glad to see you back after your long
absence. There is the mystery of where you
had been." RD/CJ: "It has been awhile. All
modesty aside, we still have the Write Stuff!"
Secret Service asleep as man runs into White
House entrance and East Room while heading
for Green Room. Initial news report stated
that he tossed a female agent before being
tackled by off-duty agent. Subsequent report
excised the word female.
     A trip down Memory Lane (more details
can be apprehended at this comsat, ): Liberals have
been making a shambles out of security.
Today, agents have fear lawsuits or 
accusation of racial profiling while performing
their duties. They are inhibited.
    Liberal social experimentation... The dirty
 little secret: in the early '80s, police departments
 lowered their mental and physical standards 
for entering and graduating from police academy
 due to pressure from libs in general and feminists
 in particular. The hell with public safety. It also
 explains why their are so many overweight and
illiterate cops: lower standards for one group
and other groups take advantage of it too.
      Women in Basic and Boot don't train with,
compete with and aren't graded with men.
Now BO wants them to attend combat training
schools. BO isn't concerned with national
security nor was Billy-Boy Clinton when he
decided to allow women to by fly-gals to
punish fly-boys for Tail Hook. Trainers are
pressured to pass a handful of borderline and 
below par fems - who are rarely assigned missions
and none where the enemy is shooting back.
They get to play Navy jet pilot. No doubt the
same will transpire in combat training schools
formerly barred to them. Waist of money and
jeopardizes national security. This and allowing
fruits to serve openly is destroying the morale
of our real service members. Morale should
trump homo and fem.
      Fire department fought valently since the
early 80s to keep their standards and
requirements high - not to preclude women but
in the best interest of the public. A few years
ago, they lost their noble goal having succumbed
to lib judges!
ISIS secures territories and engages in all
sorts of atrocities. What do the Muslims
conquered by ISIS complain about - ISIS forbade
cigs --- ban was lifted. Muslims and their 72
      A couple of years ago, we heard a radical
Muslim cleric and a Muslim-turned-Christian
women state on TV that Islam is a religion of 
violence. Further, over 60% of Muslims are
 radicals or radicals pretending to be moderates 
or moderates that can easily be pushed to
becoming radicals; rads can easily become
terrorists. The cleric and the M-turned-C told
the truth. Our government won't tell us the
truth for fear the we will become vigilantes.
They lack faith in us. We wouldn't target
anyone willy-nilly but be more vigilant. There 
are terror cells in all 50 states and they continue
to ruin small towns.
      It isn't racist or bigoted or sexiest when
speaking truth. Western Civilization, especially,
American Branch has proven to be the most
advanced and successful civilization in the
world and historically. Albeit, under threat by
 BO. Why are children wasting time learning
 about inferior cultures: Indians, Latin American,
 Muslim, Asian --- Hip Hip!
       Legalizing the illegals will turn us into a Latin
American nation by 2050 or sooner. Can anyone
name a Latin American nation that we would
rather be like? Constitutional Criminal BO wants
to bypass Congress in issuing half of them green
cards. It doesn't constitute a pathway to citizenship
but a pathway to inferiority. Fact: On average
yellows score higher on IQ tests than whites
higher than blacks, blacks higher than browns
and reds. On average, there are browns
smarter than yellows, blacks smarter than
whites. Nonetheless, it will lower the average
IQ of our nations rendering us less competitive
on the world stage. Debt and Illegals - BO is
doing a number on us! Perhaps, there is a
psychological explanation...
...As a teenager BO had a psychological problem:
identity. He didn't know if he was white or
black, Christian or Muslim. His parents were
socialists. He admits this in his book. Could you
imagine if a white-boy running for president
writing about this or it being discovered about
him --- his presidential campaign would come
to a screeching halt like Muskie's did. His mother
secured a social justice advisor to help get his
head on straight. Later enter stage door left: the
social justice Reverend 'Wrong.' BO attends his 
Sunday services for 20 years, receives his monthly
newsletter, they socialize in each other's homes
and 'Wright' married BO and the food authority.
After the media did a good job in unearthing
this, BO claimed that he was shocked: he never
knew Reverend 'Wrong' held such views!!! The
media buys it and gives him a pass. Why? He
is liberal and black. You remember what the
Reverend 'Wrong' was preaching for two
decades: "God damn America," "God damn
whites" and "God damn Jews." BO never
worked out of this wrong church. We might
have in BO the first anti-American President!!!!!
                              THE END