Supplement (with own name): Dike Presents
Constitutional Amendment - The Other Way
by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist
(6/10 Now fortified with an Afterword to Supplement
{having nothing to do with article proper})
RD/CJ: "Advisory: Please read or reread the article proper
"You Stink," two floors down, especially, section 'Lousy
Little Lying Liberals.' Please do so now. We promise you
that you won't miss anything. We'll wait for you to get
back...Welcome back. You were missed. We hereby make
a prediction: Tommy 'Skylight/Swivel Chair' Jefferson will
approve of our proposals for the Great One (there's no harm
in buttering up) was an advocate of small government with
local more powerful than state and state more powerful than
fed --- but all small. No doubt he is appalled by the current
state of affairs and will agree that drastic measures are
indicated. We are saving the BIG and most shocking
proposal for last. Hold on to the swivel chair that he
There have been only two Constitutional Conventions
in our history: the one which produced the Constitution
and was ratified by the states; the one in '33 which repealed
Prohibition. I'll be right back. we have a need to wet our
whistle; feeling depressed, we lack the confidence
necessitated to take this tome to conclusion...We're back.
Thanks for waiting. We enjoyed Adderall with Southern
Comfort --- the better pick-me-upper.
BO wouldn't be inclined to encourage congress to
consider these proposals for they constitute constitutional
ways to reduce the power of fed gov (federal government)
and return it to the people. At this junction, the president is
moving to establish dictatorial powers while at other
periods congress ingratiated itself with more rights and
powers, especially, since the '30s and much more so since
the '60s --- less not be negligent: the nine-in-robes as well!
This method of confirming Constitutional Amendments
requires approval of over 2/3 of both congressional
houses followed by an OK from over 3/4 of the states.
Rarely employed method calls for over 2/3 of the states
calling for a Constitutional Convention and, then, the
state legislators choosing its delegates, The one damn
drawback: the damn congress sets the rules for the
convention! Hopefully, those who are dedicated to
Amendment 10 in the Bill of Rights (by the bye, the Bill of
Rights to the U.S. Constitution were passed by the first
congress) will be able to work around and dilute any
congressional efforts to short-circuit their secularly sacred
(RD/CJ: "We interrupt this treatise to inform you that if you
plan to visit the many pages of our exquisite menu of
delectable articles at this comsat for your dining pleasure
might be inhibited by the fact that the elevator is out-of-
order --- then again, from our vantage point it would seem
that the exercise will do you good!").
We are confident that if citizens pressure their state
legislators that conservative Republican legislators and
many, if not most, mod-dems who object to the way that
BIG Bad Fed Gov has usurped their rights and powers
and has ignored Amendment 10. After all, they are
politicians too and want more power.
George, John, Tom, Jim and Company wanted
humongous bills and policies, especially, those that called
for major societal change to be difficult for politicians to do.
Hence, they would require Constitutional Amendment which
are extremely difficult to pass unlike regular bills. Presidents,
congresses and the nine-in-robes have habitually ignored
this beautiful Concept!
Herein lies our proposals.
Proposal One: Father knows Best. Most people wrongly
proclaimed the 1916 Constitutional Amendment enabling
the popular vote to choose U.S. Senators as a triumph for
What the Founding Fathers wanted was for the
president to be beholden to the people and dedicated to
the nation as a whole. The wanted members of the House
directly chosen by the people to give top priority to their
district. Finally, They wanted the people to directly choose
their state legislatures, who in turn, would choose the U.S.
Senators. They felt that the legislators would keep a closer
eye on the senators than the average citizen and legislators
wouldn't contract them for another six year term if they
weren't putting the states interests first. Every since the
people having chosen senators homeostasis doesn't exist:
many senators are more concerned with national interests
and have allowed the rights and powers of the states to be
eclipsed by fed gov. Repeal!
Proposal Two: Put up or Shut Up. End unsupported
mandates wherein fed gov dictates to the states that they
must do something and, then, proceed to partially fund it
if at all. Our Founding Daddies would be appalled!
Proposal Three: Curb Thy Appetite. BO won't address it.
We need major and painful spending cuts now or they will
be even more painful when the next president takes office.
Courtesy of BO, we face the BIGgest economic/financial
crisis due to the national debt from which we might not
recover. Under Bush, the national debt rose 3 trillion in
8 years; on BO's watch: 8 trillion in 10! We need a
Constitutional Amendment requiring balanced budgets.
Of course, this doesn't negate the need for massive cuts.
Another plus: if Amendments 2 and 3 are passed, congress
couldn't afford to pay for dictates to the states!
Proposal Four: It Means What it Means. Reinstate the
true meaning of the Commerce Clause. It has been abused,
misinterpreted and misapplied by congress to cancel the
rights and powers of Americans, localities and states.
Proposal Five: History/ Tradition/Religion (this from we
deists). Marriage as the sacred union of one man with one
women, hopefully, leading to a family unit is undermined
and diluted by same-sex marriages or civil unions or
domestic partnerships (it's just semantics).
Nobody cares what they do in private so long as it
doesn't involve children. Gov and society shouldn't
sanction and promote that which is immoral according to the
Bible, unnatural/abnormal according to traditional
psychology and psychiatry (until they were hijacked by
feminist and gay orgs and lobbies in early '80s and were
compelled to sacrifice decades of research at the lib alter)
and abnormal in evolutionary terms. (The latter two
representing powerful and persuasive arguments that only
we have raised for the past few years).
If fed judges or the nine-in-robes preempt a
Constitutional Convention their decisions should be
rendered null-and-void retro-actively knocking down these
judges and justices a few pegs --- a comeuppance richly
Either define marriage as the union of one human male
with one human female (not homo or polygamy or triads or
'beastalial' ("I want to marry my German Shepard, he's a real
animal in bed") or human/inanimate ("me and my pet rock")
or state rights: let the states decide if they want aberrant
marriages or civil unions and if they want to recognize them
from other states.
Are the freaks/bad mutations (biological/nature) or
psychologically-damaged (environment/nurture). Blaming
genes is dangerous: criminals (shouldn't be punished too
severely for they can't help being what they are);
pedophiles; nasty genes; greedy genes; etc. A nature/
nurture combo in which you are born with inclinations
by environment will determine if they manifest --- why
not just say: "environment!?! We are the products of
everything that we learned in the order that we learned it,
everything we experienced in the order that we experienced
it and everyone we have known or encountered, especially,
parents in most cases. While homos probably don't choose
to be that way and counselling might not be able to
isolate the cause or causes, they probably can change
via counselling if that strongly consciously and
subconsciously so desire.
Are they freaks/bad mutations? Just like at the news
when they hold their annual gay parades in cities
throughout the nation: the way the dress and act. They
shouldn't be allowed to parade their perversions in public
(nice alliteration if we say so ourselves) in front of children!
They have the audacity to claim to be victims of
verbal and physical gay bashing when they bring it
on themselves. No one should parade their 'freakies' or
'kinkies' in public, especially, in front of the parents of
young children. Of course, physically is wrong while
condemnation and teasing isn't --- free speech.
It's the same with the little mohammads who
claim to be bashed. As we have stated extensively in the
past: the koran is about violence and over 60% of them
are radicals or moderates masquerading as mods or mods
that can easily be pushed to being rads or terrorists. How
do we know? A couple of years ago, we saw a muslim-
turned-Christian women and a rad muslim cleric say so
in separate interviews. They certainly know more than
Bush and BO. Of course, the Bs couldn't tell the truth for
fear that that less than 40% might be bashed for it would
be difficult to distinguish. There are many muslim sleep
terror cells in every state waiting for matching orders
according to the FBI. They move into a small town and
put over-sized mosques in the center of town --- it is their
constitutional right. But if they wanted to welcomed and
not bashed they would discuss with the people of the
town appropriate size and location, after all, their
destroying Americana, the complexion of a small town
wherein most inhabitants go back generations --- home
sweet home. When there is a muslim terror attack
anywhere in the world most so-called American muslim
clerics are silent with a few issuing mere perfunctory
statements...Are we A.D.D.-ing!?!...How can they claim
to be mod when most receive some of their funding from
the muslim brotherhood. The muslim brotherhood aided
and abetted Hitler and for years has helped fund the
terrorist hamas and hezbollah. (Lower-case letters
(Kike: "It has become the fad for people, especially,
famous ones like me to be intimated by liberals into
apologizing on Twitter for exercising their freedom of
speech rights. Bigotry is ignorant: if you are in
opposition to a group with no good rational reason. Not
me for I have truth and fact in my corner. As your
Columbo used to say: 'Just one more thing.' Don't
confuse me with a dyke.; I am normal, not-a-man-
wanna-be and all real woman").
RD/CJ: "Where were we? Oh, yes...
Proposal Six: The Torture of the Innocent. (This too
undermines traditional marriage). Ever since the '70s,
we have given social services to women who have
babies out-of-wedlock. While gov shouldn't legislate
morality, it shouldn't legislate immorality either. This
doesn't represent compassion as libs maintain but a
cruelty that must be undone.
To the chagrin of libs in general and fems in
particular (women can be successful career women, as
well as, mothers - husbands optional. They began making
this erroneous claim since the early '80s to ally guilt)
every study over the past 15 years has shown that
children are by far best off in mom-dad household
functional followed by mom-dad dysfunctional
followed by single-parent functional followed by single-
parent dysfunctional. (These studies strongly imply that
two mom or dad households wouldn't be in the best
interest of the child - same-sex adoption). Women who
birth out-of-wedlock should be compelled to give up the\
child for adoption for the sake of the child --- now that's
compassionate! Often it becomes a generational thing with
children, parents and grandparents all on social services.
Poor kids shouldn't grow up in this environment. A
women can keep the child if she has the financial resources
and there is a prominent male presence. Each state would
determine criteria. Don't move to that state if you don't
qualify. Putting the children first. Interestingly, studies
have shown the middle-class and rich women who have
illegitimate children are more likely to do the right thing by
giving up for adoption.
(Nota Bene': The Founders declared us free - even free to be
stupid. Fed Gov: mandating the use of seat belts. Nanny
Government. And, gov involved in all aspects of our lives,
including the amount of water pressure in our crappers!).
Proposal Seven: Get Out of Our Business... The Constitution
spells out the limited role for fed gov: military; foreign policy;
regulating trade. Unfortunately, libs have intentionally
misconstrued the term 'the general welfare of the people' to
mean fed gov can stick its nose into anything and take care
of us like children. What the Founding Fathers meant by the
term was that in the future the fed gov could get involved in
areas other than those proscribed if it couldn't be handled
well by the states it was absolutely necessary that it be the
same nationally affected all or nearly all Americans. This is
what they meant by 'general' in the Constitution.The FBI and
NASA meet the criteria while education, transportation and
housing do not. Fed gov should give money to the states in
those and other areas, hold states accountable for spending
well but not dictating policies. They believe one size fits all:
homogeneous approach in these areas.. But what's needed
or right for NYC might not be for Flagstaff for the money it
allocates to the states.
RD/CJ: "And now the BIG one that we promised. Drum-roll,
Proposal Eight: Under the circumstances with a fed gov
out-of-control and a need for the people's independence, we
are confident that Tommy "Declaration of Independence'
Jefferson will approve...
We now need a third legislative body to reign in the
other two. Call it the People's Assembly with 101 members.
The governor selects one (convention decides if his choice
must be approved by a upper legislative body), state senate
majority leader selects another (confirmed by state senate?)
and Speaker chooses still another (confirmed?). The Speaker
of the People's Assembly would be chosen by direct popular
vote, he would always vote and break tie votes.
Constitution Convention should approve Amendments
1 or 7 or both. They might opt to have all members of 'PA'
chosen directly by the people if Amendment 1 is passed.
House members serve two years, Senate members annoy us
for six while PAs would serve four.
What would be their purpose? If they feel that the
full-of-themselves-nine make a monumental decision,
especially, one drastically changing the very nature of U.S.A.
or if congress passes a humongous bill or a group of related
bills that add up to humongous, a vote of over 60% or 2/3th
(convention will decide), the bill is placed on hold. The
other two bodies can do nothing letting PAs decision stand
or overrule by a over 60 0r 67% vote in both. The nine-in-
robes can overrule with a 6 or 7 or 8 or all 9 (convention
will decide). We might choose to limit the number of times
per year that they can take action. We wish it to be a
deliberative body, the way the U.S. Senate was until the
Senate Majority leader Reid unconstitutionally changed that
and, further, unilaterally altered filibuster rule in place for
as long as we've been a nation.
Once a year and only once a year, PA can nullify
one supreme court decision or one congressional bill
from yesteryear. It would be prohibited from proposing and
passing its own bills.
We want to do everything possible to make sure that
our watchdog body members don't become full of
themselves. On the other hand, there will be those that
we charge that House and Senate won't be able to
as much during the year: Happy Days!!! And, no
more bills passed in the cloak of darkness with we - the
bosses - being told that it has to be passed before we
can find out what is in it!
The situation is grave. Unchecked now - later too late -
and you might wake up to discover you have lost your
liberties. No longer a government by the people and for
the people. Don't you think that it is worth your time to
discuss these idea with your family, co-workers, enemies
and frenemies. Don't you think that it is worth visiting
your local political club and contacting you state
legislators. Don't you think that it is time for us to do a
(Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC' Journalist invites
you to teleport to
BO, in his infinite wisdom of the world, is now giving
foreign aid to the terrorist org Hamas!
Let's put things in perspective once again. As we have
stated on numerous occasions here and in many posts at
pan-multiverse (including the latest over there): less then
40% of Muslims are truly moderate with the vast majority
being radicals, rads pretending to be mods and mods who
can easily be provoked to go rad or terrorist; not PC but
Qatar claims to be moderate and a U.S. ally but harbors
terrorists and funds the Muslim Brotherhood which partially
funds Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as, many so-called
moderate mosques in our country.
And, now the first anti-Israeli president is aiding and
abetting terrorism!
The scientifically-illiterate BO who subscribes to the liberal/
U.N. pseudo-science of 'climate change' wants to destroy the
coal and natural gas industries by 2030. Why? He wants to
see your energy bills skyrocket and wants to see the loss of
who-knows-how-many jobs. Carbon-emissions?: it's
meaningless even if contributor to climate change because
India and China are producing much more. Which more than
cancels out what BO is doing and. therefore, his policy only
hurts Americans for no good reason. (The truth about
climate change/global warming here and at pan. Unlike BO,
Citizen Journalist has a scientific background. Also visit
quasarpolitical to see why moon mining for silicon for earth-
orbital solar panels and helium-3 for underdevelopment
nuclear fusion plants is viable).
He wants to begin process so that it becomes entwined
with bureaucracy and to make difficult to undo after his
departure. No matter what his approval ratings the least
qualified occupant of the oval office and the most harmful
will be depicted by the media as America's savior upon his
departure. They will sing his praises for as long as BO
blamed Bush until Americans are brainwashed making
undoing his colossal damage impossible. Unless Republicans
secure Senate control. And, hopefully, Americans tire-
and feather the constitutional criminal!
There are approximately 200 billion stars in the Milky Way
Galaxy and an estimated 1 trillion planets - many wondering
alone having been ejected from the vicinity of its star.
We'd suggest that we call upon NASA to exile him to one
of those planets but we can't for he destroyed the once
glorious NASA as he is destroyngAmerica's number one
position in everything.