Sappho Presents a Plutoid*
by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist
Offending with Truth: Lovelies to Lousiness
The Social or Cultural or Moral War is over. And, Americans
lost. The 20% who identify themselves as liberals won. The
War was waged since the '60s. They won every battle and
should be recognized as the victors. The last battle: When
silence speaks volumes...Several states which banned
same-sex marriage saw an Appeals Court rule that the
ban was unconstitutional. Appealed. The Full-of-
themselves-Nine refused to except appeal and, thereby,
in effect declared same-sex marriage the law
throughout the land. This in spite of the fact that 33
states had laws and/or state constitutional amendments
outlawing non-traditional marriage (only 10 of the
states condoned these unions with the remainder not
having rendered an opinion). The hell with state rights
and the wishes of the vast majority of states! They
didn't think that it even merited a hearing and debate
in the their court.
Clearly this hollowed for a Federal Constitutional
Amendment due to the profound effect on American
society. (See "Supplement (with its Own Name):
Dike Presents Constitutional Amendment - the
Other Way," three flights down for details). This
is the same court which ruled that Obama-Care
was a tax bill and constitutional. This in spite of the
fact that it originated in the Senate and tax bills
must originate in the House! Sadly, we have a
Constitutional Criminal in the White House plus
nine more who think that they are above the
Constitution, the Law and the People!!! It is
likely that the already out-of-control judges and
justices will legislate rather than adjudicate even
more and that the next president - be he republican
or democrat - will build on BO's disregard for
Constitution and law. We are moving headlong into
dictatorship. Now even more, we need a
People's Assembly (see "Supplement (with a name):
Dike...," three floors down).
Should the government and society be in the
business of promoting and sanctioning that which is
immoral according to the Bible. abnormal/unnatural
according to traditional psychology (before it fell
victim to liberalism in general and feminist and gay
organizations and lobbies in particulars) and whose
practitioners are freaks or bad mutations in
evolutionary terms. Three strikes and you're out!
It doesn't make a difference if that are born
freaks or are suffering from a psychological problem.
We don 't subscribe to the view that it is
biological/nature. Why? Liberals use it as an
excuse for bad behavior. Homos can't help it for
the were born that way - with a strong homo-gene.
Criminals shouldn't be punished too severely as
they were born a strong criminal gene. Mean, nasty,
and stingy people are born that way. Two years ago,
the prestigious John Hopkins Hospital declared that
pedophiles are born that way! Thereby, minimizing
the bad behavior.
We are the product of everything that we
learned in the order that we learned it, everything
that we experienced in the order that we
experienced it and the influence of others - in
most cases the BIGgest influence being parents.
When one is experiencing a psychological problem
it is extremely difficult to determine the causes.
This from the trillions of bits of data in our brains.
Nobody cares what homos do in private - so
long as it doesn't involve children - but they
shouldn't be allowed to present their perversion in
public (great alliteration, commenting on our own
writing) in front of the children. It's bad enough
that they have their annual pathetic, public
perversion parades (another nice alliteration) in cities
throughout the nation. I defy anyone who has seen
their mode of dress and mode of behavior at their
parades on the news to tell me that they aren't
freaks! The ass holes won and we give them a
limp-of-wrist salute! We can't resist an alliteration:
monumental mockery of morality.
It isn't homophobic when you have truth and
facts on your side. Who are we going to Offend
with Truth next.
The Islamic Society of North America is
lobbying the Justice Department to have any
criticism of Islam classified as a civil rights violation.
It wouldn't surprise us if BO's Justice Department
acquiesced. To hell with free speech!
The ISNA is going to love this...
We've said it many times and it bares
repeating...We saw a Muslim-turned-Christian
women and a Muslim cleric in two separate
interviews state the same two things: 1) Islam is
a religion of violence and 2) Over 60% of
Muslims are radicals or radicals pretending to
be moderates and moderates who can be
gently pushed into being radicals. Of course,
radicals can easily become terrorists. We
believe that the truth lies with the so-called
moderate mosques in the U.S. When there is
a terrorist attack anywhere in the world the
vast majority of mosques are silent while the
remainder issue a short, perfunctory statement
of condemnation. Further, many of these
so-called moderate mosques receive a
donation from the Muslim Brotherhood.
The MB aided and abetted Hitler and partially
funds Hamas and Hezbollah!
Naturally, Presidents Bush and BO can't
speak the truth for fear of verbal and physical
Muslim bashing. Verbal would - unless the
little mohammads get their way is protected
speech. They don't trust Americans. Very
few would engage in the physical without
probable cause: to stop a terrorist. They should
be honest so Americans would be more
vigilant (we didn't say vigilante!) as the are
terror cells in all 50 states. Your nice Muslim
neighbor might really be nice and moderate
or nice so as not to generate suspicion.
There should be racial-profiling at
airports instead of feel-ups and porno pics of
little girls and blue-haired old ladies. Airport
security should return to the hands of private
companies and paid for by the airliners. We
have a debt crisis that isn't being addressed
and will lead to the BIGest economic/
financial crises in our history from which
we are not likely to recover. Nothing can be
sacrosanct from elimination or cuts for
everybody has their pet item that they feel
shouldn't be an the budget butcher's block
which will prevent any cuts. Further, one
airport (we forget which) in California was
allowed to remain in the private sector and it
consistently scores higher on airport security
tests than the unionized government security
forces. Of course, if privatized there would
have to be a small FBI detail to determine
probable cause. That's all we wrote. No BIG
*Plutoid - our name for a note or small or
short article
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