Monday, September 6, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Sep 6, 2010 7:06 pm

ANNOUNCER: "We are coming to you live on liberal NBC which had been an arm of
                       the Obama Campaign. Is it?...Is it?...Yes, Yes it is...Ladies and
                       Gentleman, he is going through with it! Here's his sister. Let's see if
                       we can get to her. Diane, I'm with NBC."
DIANE:           "Go F***  yourself. Citizen Reporter thinks those who work....Please
                      don't do it! For the love of NASA, Please don't...", she hollows at brother.
ANNOUNCER: He's checking the equipment and..."
DIANE:           (interrupts) "He thinks those who work at NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS and
                      CNN are either brain-washed or brain-dead. Get away from me."
ANNOUNCER: We have Sara Pallin.
SARA:            "Not surprising the's disgusted on webs and blogs like Move
                      On-ers and Huffingston Posters wishing that he fails, some wishing that                                 he has a heart attack or a stroke. Liberals and the internet. More of them                               say revolting things.. Conservatives do it but not as many and their rarely                               as mean-spirited as bleeding heart liberals. Ya betcha"                                    ANNOUNCER: "We are doing this in red because what Citizen Reporter is doing is                                     dangerous. Please don't try it at home.                                                   SkyNews Reporter (from UK) "It could get bloody messy. We have a bloody exclusive.                     He didn't want 'No Brains Service' is how it he referred to NBC. I don't                                    believe that the chap is fond of them! His friends in America where it's                                    live on the ScienceChannel. There must be confusion for Citizen Reporter                              is known for science, technology, politics, economics, etc. I'm getting a...                              wait...yes...I've received the signal to do the exclusive. Mr. Citizen                                          Reporter, perhaps, Sir. rumor has it that the Queen might make him an                                  honorary lord. His friends in the former colonies and across the pond                                      begged not to attempt -  even his enemies - - and he has far more of                                      them. And, now, his statement. Women are screaming and crying. There                              shouting: 'Please don't do it' while others are pleading that he use a net.                                  I hope that you can hear his statement: 'It's something that I just have to                              do. No net for I am not a sissy boy!. If the worst happens, I want my                                      crying female fans. Terminate the other kind.I  want them to have a lock                                  of my hair to place under their pillows. Not too much - I don't wish to be                                  buried bald like cotex...Kojak. I want my assets to go to Topper, Mariam                                and George and my debits to go to the liberals, socialists and communists                            who hijacked the Democratic Part from Real Democrats. I want my hands                              to go to the pretty young thing in the first row in the micro-mini.'    
Isms or movement...What is he talking about?... Periods or Eras...geology?...What is
Art...Has he taken leave of his senses?...This question  would have been answered 
in almost any epoch in history...History? He'd qualified to write about that. Where safe...
Our word art...That's it. I'm out of here. I must be in a parallel universe. I never thought
that I see the day  that he would write about art. He is definitely going to hurt himself.
I'm not one of those sickos that stares at car accidents. I'm out of here...comes from a
Latin term meaning "skill, way, or method.' In Ancient Times and during the Middle
Ages all kinds of trades and professions were known as arts. The Liberal Arts of the
medieval curriculum included music but neither painting, sculpture, nor architecture, 
which were numbered among the mechanical arts, since they involved making objects
by hand and you apprenticed with a master. At least since the fifteenth century, the          term art has taken  on as its principle characteristics in most societies the requirement of aesthetic appreciation as distinguished from utility. Even if its primary function is           shelter, a great building for example is surely a work of art...
       An explanation: This reporter started studying art, on and off, for the past three.
years. Appropriately, he started with "Art for Dummies." Why. We find ourself curious     about many subjects and must get our feet wet in some and wade neck high in others      And, not to be cultured!!! We aren't cultured and  are proud of the fact. Stick that         particular fork where ever you're so inclined and we don't wish to make the acquaintance of Beethoven! 
       ...We generally associate aesthetic with things pleasurable and beautiful but there
is art and even sculpture, music, plays, novels, film which engender terror or revulsion 
by portraying painful or tragic subjects. Is it the ability to embrace all human experience
that makes it art? Although, most of you would only consider that which is appealing to the
eye as  art   but not so irregular people.
      Why is art made? To celebrate god, glorify the state, overthrow governments, make
people think, or to win fame and fortune? Artists create for all of these reasons and more.
Art created during Ancient Times and during the Middle Ages (until about 1400) often had
a communal purpose and a common language of symbols that was widely understood;     often that communal purpose was linked to religion, ritual and mythology.
     Modern art existed from about 1860-1970 and post-modern from 1970-present. It
would seem to his writer that prior to 1400 if you quarried 10 people on a painting that
you would get one interpretation and, rarely, two. While between around 1400-1860 - 70-%
of the time they would all agree and 25% of the time two interpretations and 5% got           you three. And, there was a 95% likelihood of winning the prize.  And, 
then things got abstract: During Modern Period a painting could invoke 3 or 4 interpretations
from ten people with a 90% chance of one interpretation matching the artist vision; Whilst,
during post-modern, you could engender 3 to 10 interpretations with a 75% chance of
 of one of the interpretations matching the artist's conception.
    What is a Period or an Era? Often a Period is parallel with an historical period:
Pre-historic; Greek; Roman; Medieval, Renaissance; etc.They aren't driven by artists.
Neoclassicism and Romanticism are a duality: part period/part movement.
    What is a movement or an ism? An ism is launched by a small group of artists who
want to promote or provoke change. It is associated with an art style and often with an
ideology (leftist). When it first makes the seen some consider it a new avant-garde Their art shares stylistic features and focuses on similar subjects.
Let's get expansive: 1) A new ism must develop from an old ism; 2) A new ism is a new
way of thinking about art; 3) Artists of an ism must hang out together; 4) A new ism is
invented by an art critic; 5) A new ism always has a slightly different British sub-species; 
6) a new ism must have a landmark exhibition; 7) At first, people think that a new ism
isn't art.
    Beginning around '70, the art world fractured into so many minor movements that
tracking them all is difficult. Conceptual and Feminist Art are two of many isms that
had their genesis in the late '60's and '70's. The '80's and '90's, saw Art Appropriation (we
dabble in that; YouTube: Rickaddsite), Multi-media, Relational.
    As a student a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art was necessitated. Description of
a painting: "Girl on boat in pond or lake." Report on visit submitted. Professor asked: "What
was girl on boat in lake thinking about." Yours truly responded: "Who knows?" Professor:
Try to imagine her thoughts" Response: " How am I going to get back to the land."
Professor: "What did you think of the artist's use of colors?" Reply: "Nice. Looked at it,
like it, it became a choice. It was time to leave as some one was picking up my father 
(who kindly accompanied; dreaded visitation to high-brow venue). Upon leaving, there
was an exhibition of utensils from various times and places. Could only visit for a minute.
Had this college student saw exhibit upon arrival - assignment would have been forgotten.
    Those who engage in Relation Art (Art for Network in UK) don't consider it an ism (We
don't consider it art!). Curious. There was a major exhibition in Italy. Nicolas Bourriand, 
big art critic (We never heard of him!) and curator wrote a book about Relational Art.
    Art for Network artist doesn't think A for N is an ism but hangs out with those who
do it - can't recollect his name - yet, considers Relational an ism (artists go figure and
go figure what follows). He said that Pop Art of the '60's ( an ism) centered around 
sphere of consumption. Hire people; make them slaves - exploit them. Industrial; sphere
of production. Relation Art - sphere of information and communication age. (We thought
Pop Art is about Andy Warhol and stacks of Brillo cartons).
   Many artists since post-impressionism   felt that art was a process of reduction leading
to minimalism in the late '50's. It appears to continue in post-modern.
Two things George Herriman said about "KRAZY KAT" I SAY ABOUT C.R.: A) "It's wot's behind me I am. It's the idea behind me (with ever-changing, shifting backgrounds - added     by R.C.) and that's wot I am." ; B) He is but a shadow of himself (to you; in Plato's Cave - added by R.C) caught in the web of this mortal skein.May in some
soon time...let in the light which is now to our meager vision denied...for you will
understand him no better then we who linger on this Side of the Pale."
(AS TRANSMITTED to Richard DePersio (
(This article was partially-based on: "Art History for Dummies" by J.B. Wilder; "A History of
Art" by F. Hart and H Abrams; "Art Safari" -CUNY-T.V. nosted by B. Lewis; Wikipedia;

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