-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Jun 13, 2011 12:31 pm
Subject: Meteors Might Make Merry/Mexicans Make Merry...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Jun 13, 2011 12:31 pm
Subject: Meteors Might Make Merry/Mexicans Make Merry...
This constitutes the first political campaign conducted entirely on the Internet.
Meteors Might Make Merry/Mexicans Make Merry
Dateline: by Citizen Journalist, June 2011, from the
"Famous Curb Service Whorehouse" - our Campaign
HQ in Ottumwa, Iowa; written and published without
the authorization of Richard DePersio
(It isn't necessary to read part one to understand part two; although, we wish that
you would as we worked very hard on it!).
Dago Red (serving in R.D.'s stead): "This dispute between you and R.D. is most
disconcerting and bad for morale at "Citizen Journalist Comsats." Citizen
Journalist: "My former friend and colleague is being unreasonable!" D.R.: "He contends
that you can't run for office and work at "Citizen Journalist Comsats" concurrently;
had Huckabee ran, he would have had to severe ties with FOXNEWS." C.J.:
"Are you taking his side? I don't need you either!" D.R.: "Wow! Y'All, hold your
horses. I was just reinstating his case for the benefit of our readers who were
not yet aware of what had transpired." C.J.: I established a legal fund in a
way off-shore bank account: "Dr. Yamamoto's Finest Kind Pediatric Hospital
and Whorehouse" in South Korea. It is also the name of our Campaign HQ
in Florida headed by Duke Forrest. Anyone who contributes at least $250 to either
fund will receive an autographed photo of me (no one has seen me in years) free-
0f-charge. Let's get on with the unauthorized article and my campaign."
We expect to offend; the truth does that. But, first things first: As is our wont,
we start of with the cosmos (which means world) and then, we deal with the
Republicans have successfully prevented NASA from cooperating with China
between now and October 1 and want to extend the ban for fear of sharing our
technology with those that may have a sleeper virus somewhere in the
Department of Defense, perhaps, our GPS system which is used by DOD, as well
as governments, companies and individuals world-wide.The Chinese gov uses it;
interestingly enough, they plan on constructing their own.
It is definite: The Constellation Program's Orion has been saved for missions
to and from space station and missions to the moon or Mars or asteroid. It will
consist of cutting-edge, as well as, upgraded Apollo technology. Apollo carried
three astronauts; Orion will carry four for a moon mission and four or six for
Mars (amount of funding will dictate number). Obama only wanted Orion to serve
as a vehicle to return astros to earth in the event of an emergency at the space
station. He lost!
Nasa has until July 1 to present congress with a plan for a heavy-lifter to
carry manned and unmanned Orions to space station and a super-heavy-lifter
for missions to moon or Mars or asteroid. Obama canceled Constellation's
Moon Program but a growing number of republicans and democrats (the
republicans growing more rapidly) are keeping it alive to Obama's chagrin!
We recently explained in our updated "Action Chain Letter 4" at groups.google.
com/group/newfederalism why Obama is stupid because moon project could
play a role of paramount importance in solving our energy crisis.
The heavy-lifters will likely be partially based on Ares rocket R & D
(Obama canceled Constellation's Ares Program, he wanted a heavy-lifter
program starting from scratch and, thereby, wasting the moon invested to
date in Ares) and partially based on upgraded Saturn 5 (we recommended
Saturn S-N in a few of our "Action Chain Letters" - check them out) and
space shuttle technology.
Problem: Obama want to spend $2.5 billion on developing heavy-lifter
next year and wants to give a hand-out (corporate welfare) of $1.5 billion
to SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. As we explained in numerous articles,
including, "Where are My Dividends!?!" subsidies are unconstitutional
and socialistic. The gift won't be paid back and they won't share
dividends with us - the taxpayers. There are people in the private sector
who specialize in investing in projects that are very risky wherein you
can make a fortune or become a pauper. They invest carefully and
wisely. Taxpayers shouldn't have to gamble! Most republicans and some
democrats want $4 billion for heavy-lifter R & D. We are true capitalists and are
big on private enterprise - but not with taxpayer $4$$$s!
Obama is none-too-pleased that the Morpheus Lander will utilize
R & D from Constellation's canceled Altair Lander. Obama goal:
destroy NASA - the main scientific/technological engine of our economy.
NASA also plays a major role in tracking near-earth asteroids.
On average, there is a significant impact event every 100 years. Significant
defined: a comet, or asteroid or meteor (which is a piece of a comet or
asteroid) of 100 yards to .6 miles or larger. One might say that we are due;
the last significant event having been in Siberia in 1906. A one hundred-
yarder would destroy Tokyo and a 200 yarder Manhattan Island. A body
.6 miles or larger would cause mass extinctions. It is theorized that the
last .6er was 67 million years ago and destroyed the dinosaurs - it
destroyed over one-third of the species living on land, sea and air!
Let's go with another pleasant thought: "You must be of good courage, and
say that you will bury my body as you think best, and seems to you
most fitting." -Socrates
Two-thirds of all births in L.A. County are from illegal aliens from Mexico on
Med-Cal! which is partly funded by California and partly funded by fed gov (you!).
It is against federal law for illegal's, including, wetbacks...pardon, undocumented
guests...just being a good gringo!...to receive social services but they have been
for decades in states and cities with liberal policies. Social workers are
instructed not to request proof of citizenship.
There are an estimated 12 million 'guests' (We believe that that constitutes
an under-estimate) with the following break down: 3 million from countries in
Europe, Asia, non-Latin American countries in Central and South America, as
well as, the Caribbean Islands; 9 million are from Mexico and other Latin
American countries, of the 9 million, 6 million are from Mexico. It's not a matter
of bigotry - for they come from all over the globe - it's a matter of economics!
Illegal's, unions, out-of-control spending is pushing states and cities over the
brink. Recently, our city councilman on Facebook bragged how he participated
in a rally to keep a firehouse open. We left a comment stating...
We interrupt this article for an A.D.D.-ed moment sponsored by Adderall and
cannabis...There was coke in Coka Cola's secret formula from it's debut in 1985
to 1906...we digress...Oops! An A.D.D. in an A.D.D.
1967: DARPA (we discussed them, on numerous occasions) initiates
the process of enabling computers to communicate with each other; 1991: public
Internet is born. 1981: First 'laptop' - big and expensive; 1991: Laptop about 1/3
larger but pretty much resembling the laptop as we know it. 1972-1989: DOD
develops GPS system; 1996: DOD shares with world but keeps most accurate
positioning to itself; 2000: DOD allows precision for everyone (Action Chain
Letter 4 contains original proposal to save aging GPS). 1994: Satellite T.V. 1995:
DVD. 1995: Google. 1998: Amazon. 1996: Email eclipses regular mail and phone
DVD. 1995: Google. 1998: Amazon. 1996: Email eclipses regular mail and phone
in popularity (usage). NO! Online retailers shouldn't pay state tax in every state which
has a state tax; keep present system - companies like Amazon only pay state tax if
they have a store or a warehouse in a state. Of course, it is the competition,
companies like Walmart that want this to come to pass.
We know why illegal latino or hispanic (whichever, they prefer, just being P.C.;
lower-case letters intentional) come here: to commit crimes, including, trafficking
in drugs, to form gangs, for social services, for 'free' medical care (they go to
emergency rooms for emergencies and non-emergencies), to send THEIR
children to 'free' public schools. We need to close border tightly: some could be
terrorists and some could carry disease because they don't go through immigration
process. Obama has declared that babies born to illegal are American citizens -
that represents a distortion of Amendments 15, 16, 17 which were for blacks and
only blacks (having to do with freeing slaves and establishing THEIR rights and the
rights of their underage children, including, babies). Obama only knows the bogus
progressive-secular 'living' constitution!
...that nothing should be sacrosanct. Exempt one, Exempt all - Bad. Fed, state and
local govs must cut big-time across the board or the Great American Experiment will fail!
-Can you believe that he is a republican? For shame; all republicans must be honest with
Americans for lib-dems won't be. Everything must be cut except my favorite: NASA;
just kidding, its likely to experience a nearly $2 billion cut from its $17 billion budget. We
can live with it if NASA gets the whole $4 b. next year to develop heavy-lifters...Are we
on A.D.D. Train? Can we get back on track...and if we stop letting illegal Mexicans make
merry of the U.S. taxpayer's dime. The money spent on those who violated our
sovereignty by coming into our nation illegally would be better spent on NASA's program
to discover and track known near-earth asteroids and their efforts to come up with
methods to save our planet from destruction!
With a nod in the direction of Hooker.
(Continue to collect your "Action Chain Letters" {need not read in order} all the cool kids are!).
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