Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fwd: Expanded: Friendly Advice from CJ to B-O...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 5, 2012 12:02 pm
Subject: Expanded: Friendly Advice from CJ to B-O...
Originally Published on: Wed, Apr 4, 2012 8:04 am
Subject: Friendly Advice from CJ to BO...
                             Expanded Version: B-O Blunders
                                     The Return of Citizen Journalist
                               Supplement: 'Friendly' Advice from CJ to BO
                                by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
Be Advised: Don't Use the following Term: Social Darwinism. It was
ill-advised for you to recently accuse Republicans in general and Representative
Paul Ryan in particular of Social Darwinism regarding their tax and budget
proposals. At least, they are leveling with Americans regarding the debt crisis
and have proposals to reduce spending, enhance tax revenue and save Medicare.
You want to come across as Mr. Nice Guy: There is no problem; America needn't
tighten its belt; spending on social programs can remain at an all time high; unions
need not make concessions. You don't even have a plan to deal with debt: Soon
you will have generated more debt than all you predecessors combined!!! The U.S.
Senate has a constitutional obligation: to pass a budget. The Dem-controlled Senate
hasn't passed a budget in three years - it just takes a simply majority of 51; budgetary
 bills can't be filibustered. The longer that we wait to confront debt, the more painful
it will be! Rome burned while Nero fiddled. Wake up and smell the Chinese! You want
to win the Mr. Popularity Contest at the expense of Americans. Do you really want to
remind Americans of Social Dawinism?
They were Progressives from the 1880s until circa 1950 when they became liberals
(not to be confused with classical liberalism embraced by our Founding Fathers)
and were proponents of Social Darwinism and Eugenics!!! It was a dark and
shameful chapter in U.S. History from about 1900 to 1970 when at least 60,000
Americans were sterilized!!! They opposed programs to help the poor: charitable and
gov until the '30s when many whites who became poor would benefit.
Social Darwinism: A sociological theory in which individuals or groups achieve
advantage over others as a result of genetic or biological superiority. Elite classes
(possessing wealth and power) possess superiority in the struggle for existence.
Americans of white Europeans descent are superior and should dictate to others.
The strong survive and prosper by acquiring economic, physical and technological
strength while others become extinct.Eugenics: Social movement to improve whites
via selective breeding and sterilization. At least 60,000 in 34 states (we will never know
 exact number) were sterilized: Mentally-impaired, physically-impaired, criminals, Indians,
 blacks and Jews in that order - all poor! Hitler and the Nazis were inspired by your
program and took it further. Your proud legacy!
Liberals like you shouldn't use the terms Social Darwinism and Eugenics which were
embraced by Progressives George Bernard Shaw, Margaret Sanger (founder, Planned
Parenthood; a few months ago, Hillary Clinton stated that she is the women in history that
she most admires). John Maynard Keynes (the economic hero of libs whose ideas failed
when implemented by FDR and BO), H.G. Wells (it's sad that he tarnished his outstanding
reputation; did he believe Martians superior to Earthlings!?!) and many others. Let's not
forget orgs like the National League of Women Voters.
Mr. President did you really think that you could slide this by your better: Citizen
Journalist? How dare you apply your disgrace to others!

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