Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fwd: "NICK..." Narration

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 9:25 am
Subject: "NICK..." Narration

 Companion Piece to "NICK: A COSMIC TRINITY PRESENTATION" at YouTube: Rickaddsite
                                                          by Hugh Kantsey
                          (Guest writer serving in the absent R. DePersio's stead)
"Other; other worldly. Estranged from the outside world by design or otherwise, Visitors
three by appointment only. Estranged from country. Impending disaster to latter world not
within bomb shelter. It can't be airtight. How did it transpire. Virus in Republic. No one
immunized. All are anti-bodes needed to save the body politic, nation, moral code. More
connected from within to the outer cosmos then most of the others. Ambulate nature        different. Perceptions of other kind. Separate but connected. No cookie cutter thee. Rockets                    red glare   soars downward. Bottomless Pit. Transcends. Parallel. Share mode unique. Outside/Inside - Disease identified. Citizenry must act. House divided. Unison must prevail to alien attack. Are nature different. Not understood except in hope together we can preserve  liberty. An nano-second in sync. Return to co-exist. Momentarily Intersect. Respect mutual.      My space can't be broached."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 13, 2010 2:05 am

Rick who has been ill, on and off, for the past week and a half is more concerned with the
precipitous decline in his rankings in SEs, AddThis Analytics and Google. He has been working
on five projects which he hopes to share with you over the next week and a half. Meanwhile, will
you consider visiting one or more of his websites over the next few days (all comsats listed and
described at He is doing limited cyber-activity   (did you notice?) today, take his medication - real not cyber - and rest knowing his ranking is   being restored to  its previous state by Cyber-Friends. Thanks, Rick.
Would you be so kind as to send ( or      a paragraph (Rick might request more later; of course, you will be fully credited) containing your    thinking as regards one of the following: UFOs; mind/body problem; evolution; supernatural; ESP,    clairvoyance, mind-over-matter; multi-verses; biblical genesis; quantum physics; AURORA PROJECT; related topics. Thanks, Rick. Hurry before it becomes 3!!! Do you want to be shocked? Amongst other things, CR was a Museum Educator
at a children's museum, Cub Scout Master, Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor.  Bad for my
reputation: CR doesn't like kids!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 15, 2010 2:32 pm

(There is a kernel of truth to promo. CR knew a pilot who saw a Foo Fighter in 1944. In 1947,
incident in Roswell with weather balloon cover story for parachute with a camera to spy on Russia.
Two months later, a reputable gentleman (his name escapes me) reported seeing what appeared "to be a saucer skimming across water." He wished that he had said "crescent" for that more 
accurately described what he saw. Reporter picked up on it and it has been fling saucer ever since.
First Foo seen by British pilot in '42 and American in '44. It was only a few years ago that it was
revealed to public. They were likely secret-advanced-experimental Nazi aircrafts. Reports of flying
sauces in late '40s and 50's were probably U'S. tests of these crafts, as well as, those on ihe
drawing board. As war ended, more German scientists, engineers and technicians opted to
surrender to U.S. then Russia. And, further, we got more of their crafts, including, V!s and V2s
and files then did Russia. American black projects explain UFOs except for loony tunes!).

This is the Night Owl Show with me, your DJ Hawkeye, and your favorite announcer, Spearchucker
John, coming to you from the lodge on the Space
Coast in Florida. News Bulletin: Foo Fighters haver been reported over New Mexico.We are coming     to you not by radar but our super-station transmitter with issues regarding frequency and other  technical matters resolved with and subsequent permission granted by NASA. We hope to be   working with NASA on a host of projects of mutual interest via the new /group/nasa-our-way which       is movng up the charts with a bullet. We have an oldie but a baddy "the muslim brotherhood' backed   up by 71 virgins(and they were hard to find). "Don't Do it" has climbed from 10th to 3rd at /group/yellowfeverlime101 and the /group/sciencerepublicans are debuting their new dance number   "Do the Pulusi. You Better do Her when You are Drunk."We have an email request for Mike's new        a Capella release on the political chart at  We are brought to you    by and YouTube: Rickaddsite. In sports,  rickcosmos has beaten the liberal Huffington Post. And, now the weather, Rick is chillin' in the  hood with George, Abe and Ron at the /group/newfederalism. Orion is flying high over our sister stations at Facebook:. NASA_Ares and     THE Meeting Place and at Twitter: all NASA news, all the time at nasa-ares, nasa-ares-associate, nasa-ares-facebook. Bye, Bye and don't buy Obama gov bonds. 

Monday, September 6, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Sep 6, 2010 7:06 pm

ANNOUNCER: "We are coming to you live on liberal NBC which had been an arm of
                       the Obama Campaign. Is it?...Is it?...Yes, Yes it is...Ladies and
                       Gentleman, he is going through with it! Here's his sister. Let's see if
                       we can get to her. Diane, I'm with NBC."
DIANE:           "Go F***  yourself. Citizen Reporter thinks those who work....Please
                      don't do it! For the love of NASA, Please don't...", she hollows at brother.
ANNOUNCER: He's checking the equipment and..."
DIANE:           (interrupts) "He thinks those who work at NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS and
                      CNN are either brain-washed or brain-dead. Get away from me."
ANNOUNCER: We have Sara Pallin.
SARA:            "Not surprising the's disgusted on webs and blogs like Move
                      On-ers and Huffingston Posters wishing that he fails, some wishing that                                 he has a heart attack or a stroke. Liberals and the internet. More of them                               say revolting things.. Conservatives do it but not as many and their rarely                               as mean-spirited as bleeding heart liberals. Ya betcha"                                    ANNOUNCER: "We are doing this in red because what Citizen Reporter is doing is                                     dangerous. Please don't try it at home.                                                   SkyNews Reporter (from UK) "It could get bloody messy. We have a bloody exclusive.                     He didn't want 'No Brains Service' is how it he referred to NBC. I don't                                    believe that the chap is fond of them! His friends in America where it's                                    live on the ScienceChannel. There must be confusion for Citizen Reporter                              is known for science, technology, politics, economics, etc. I'm getting a...                              wait...yes...I've received the signal to do the exclusive. Mr. Citizen                                          Reporter, perhaps, Sir. rumor has it that the Queen might make him an                                  honorary lord. His friends in the former colonies and across the pond                                      begged not to attempt -  even his enemies - - and he has far more of                                      them. And, now, his statement. Women are screaming and crying. There                              shouting: 'Please don't do it' while others are pleading that he use a net.                                  I hope that you can hear his statement: 'It's something that I just have to                              do. No net for I am not a sissy boy!. If the worst happens, I want my                                      crying female fans. Terminate the other kind.I  want them to have a lock                                  of my hair to place under their pillows. Not too much - I don't wish to be                                  buried bald like cotex...Kojak. I want my assets to go to Topper, Mariam                                and George and my debits to go to the liberals, socialists and communists                            who hijacked the Democratic Part from Real Democrats. I want my hands                              to go to the pretty young thing in the first row in the micro-mini.'    
Isms or movement...What is he talking about?... Periods or Eras...geology?...What is
Art...Has he taken leave of his senses?...This question  would have been answered 
in almost any epoch in history...History? He'd qualified to write about that. Where safe...
Our word art...That's it. I'm out of here. I must be in a parallel universe. I never thought
that I see the day  that he would write about art. He is definitely going to hurt himself.
I'm not one of those sickos that stares at car accidents. I'm out of here...comes from a
Latin term meaning "skill, way, or method.' In Ancient Times and during the Middle
Ages all kinds of trades and professions were known as arts. The Liberal Arts of the
medieval curriculum included music but neither painting, sculpture, nor architecture, 
which were numbered among the mechanical arts, since they involved making objects
by hand and you apprenticed with a master. At least since the fifteenth century, the          term art has taken  on as its principle characteristics in most societies the requirement of aesthetic appreciation as distinguished from utility. Even if its primary function is           shelter, a great building for example is surely a work of art...
       An explanation: This reporter started studying art, on and off, for the past three.
years. Appropriately, he started with "Art for Dummies." Why. We find ourself curious     about many subjects and must get our feet wet in some and wade neck high in others      And, not to be cultured!!! We aren't cultured and  are proud of the fact. Stick that         particular fork where ever you're so inclined and we don't wish to make the acquaintance of Beethoven! 
       ...We generally associate aesthetic with things pleasurable and beautiful but there
is art and even sculpture, music, plays, novels, film which engender terror or revulsion 
by portraying painful or tragic subjects. Is it the ability to embrace all human experience
that makes it art? Although, most of you would only consider that which is appealing to the
eye as  art   but not so irregular people.
      Why is art made? To celebrate god, glorify the state, overthrow governments, make
people think, or to win fame and fortune? Artists create for all of these reasons and more.
Art created during Ancient Times and during the Middle Ages (until about 1400) often had
a communal purpose and a common language of symbols that was widely understood;     often that communal purpose was linked to religion, ritual and mythology.
     Modern art existed from about 1860-1970 and post-modern from 1970-present. It
would seem to his writer that prior to 1400 if you quarried 10 people on a painting that
you would get one interpretation and, rarely, two. While between around 1400-1860 - 70-%
of the time they would all agree and 25% of the time two interpretations and 5% got           you three. And, there was a 95% likelihood of winning the prize.  And, 
then things got abstract: During Modern Period a painting could invoke 3 or 4 interpretations
from ten people with a 90% chance of one interpretation matching the artist vision; Whilst,
during post-modern, you could engender 3 to 10 interpretations with a 75% chance of
 of one of the interpretations matching the artist's conception.
    What is a Period or an Era? Often a Period is parallel with an historical period:
Pre-historic; Greek; Roman; Medieval, Renaissance; etc.They aren't driven by artists.
Neoclassicism and Romanticism are a duality: part period/part movement.
    What is a movement or an ism? An ism is launched by a small group of artists who
want to promote or provoke change. It is associated with an art style and often with an
ideology (leftist). When it first makes the seen some consider it a new avant-garde Their art shares stylistic features and focuses on similar subjects.
Let's get expansive: 1) A new ism must develop from an old ism; 2) A new ism is a new
way of thinking about art; 3) Artists of an ism must hang out together; 4) A new ism is
invented by an art critic; 5) A new ism always has a slightly different British sub-species; 
6) a new ism must have a landmark exhibition; 7) At first, people think that a new ism
isn't art.
    Beginning around '70, the art world fractured into so many minor movements that
tracking them all is difficult. Conceptual and Feminist Art are two of many isms that
had their genesis in the late '60's and '70's. The '80's and '90's, saw Art Appropriation (we
dabble in that; YouTube: Rickaddsite), Multi-media, Relational.
    As a student a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art was necessitated. Description of
a painting: "Girl on boat in pond or lake." Report on visit submitted. Professor asked: "What
was girl on boat in lake thinking about." Yours truly responded: "Who knows?" Professor:
Try to imagine her thoughts" Response: " How am I going to get back to the land."
Professor: "What did you think of the artist's use of colors?" Reply: "Nice. Looked at it,
like it, it became a choice. It was time to leave as some one was picking up my father 
(who kindly accompanied; dreaded visitation to high-brow venue). Upon leaving, there
was an exhibition of utensils from various times and places. Could only visit for a minute.
Had this college student saw exhibit upon arrival - assignment would have been forgotten.
    Those who engage in Relation Art (Art for Network in UK) don't consider it an ism (We
don't consider it art!). Curious. There was a major exhibition in Italy. Nicolas Bourriand, 
big art critic (We never heard of him!) and curator wrote a book about Relational Art.
    Art for Network artist doesn't think A for N is an ism but hangs out with those who
do it - can't recollect his name - yet, considers Relational an ism (artists go figure and
go figure what follows). He said that Pop Art of the '60's ( an ism) centered around 
sphere of consumption. Hire people; make them slaves - exploit them. Industrial; sphere
of production. Relation Art - sphere of information and communication age. (We thought
Pop Art is about Andy Warhol and stacks of Brillo cartons).
   Many artists since post-impressionism   felt that art was a process of reduction leading
to minimalism in the late '50's. It appears to continue in post-modern.
Two things George Herriman said about "KRAZY KAT" I SAY ABOUT C.R.: A) "It's wot's behind me I am. It's the idea behind me (with ever-changing, shifting backgrounds - added     by R.C.) and that's wot I am." ; B) He is but a shadow of himself (to you; in Plato's Cave - added by R.C) caught in the web of this mortal skein.May in some
soon time...let in the light which is now to our meager vision denied...for you will
understand him no better then we who linger on this Side of the Pale."
(AS TRANSMITTED to Richard DePersio (
(This article was partially-based on: "Art History for Dummies" by J.B. Wilder; "A History of
Art" by F. Hart and H Abrams; "Art Safari" -CUNY-T.V. nosted by B. Lewis; Wikipedia;

Friday, July 30, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jul 30, 2010 1:38 am

THE RICKTER SCALE - OBSCENE 10-9-8: Child-Device, Child-Child, Child, Man-Boy-Device, Man-Boy, Man-Girl-Device, Man-Girl, Man-Man, Women-Girl-Device, Women-Girl, Man-Women-Man; HARD-CORE PORNOGRAPHY
7-6-5: Urine/Feces, Sadomasochism, Bondage, Cross-Dressing; Women-Man-Woman; SOFT-CORE PORNOGRAPHY 4-3: Women-Women-Device, Women-Women, Spanking (Women-recipient), Upskirt; JOKES: 2
Dirty, Off-Color; 1: Slightly Off-Color, Double Entendre'. *

                                  "She was a women who, between courses, could be graceful with                                                                          her elbows on the table." -Henry James (It doesn't belong here)       Rating: 0

                                  "Chaste to her husband, frank to all beside, A teeming mistress,but a barren                                                          bride." -Alexander Pope; Rating 1

                                  "Won't your father be surprised, When he sees your stomach rise, Won't your
                                   mother be disgusted, When she sees your cherry's busted." -Unknown;                                                                                                                                                                  Rating: 2
                                  "Britney Spears put your ass against the wall, Here it comes, Balls and All
                                                                                                           -Unknown; Rating: 0 -she's 
                                                                          a pathetic excuse for a human being; otherwise: 2
We don't dare go further; don't even tell anyone that I went this far! One does not want to have his membership
card in Ronald Reagan Party taken away from him and offered to be a subject in Obama's Union of Soviet
Secular States of China (our Banker)!

*These virgin ears have never heard an obscene joke!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Jun 20, 2010 4:24 pm
Subject: CALLING ALL TEXANS  --- This message was sent by via  Please note  that AddThis does not verify email addresses.  Make sharing easier with the AddThis Toolbar: 


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Dec 18, 2009 3:54 pm

                  "There's nothing sooner dry than  women's tears."
                                                                        -John Webster

                  "...God created men and women different - then
                   let them remain each in their position."
                                                                     -Queen Victoria

                  "Man for the field and woman for the hearth: 
                   Man for the sword and for the needle she:
                   Man with the head and women with the heart:
                   Man to command and woman to obey:
                   All else confusion."
                                                         -Alfred, Lord Tennyson

                 "If I had to give   definition of women capitalism I
                  would say: the process whereby American girls
                  turn into American Women."
                                                           -Christopher Hampton

Tis the real reason that I don't go outside: fear of my dangerous wit.

                "I'm not denyin' the women are foolish: God Almighty
                 made 'em to match the men."
                                                                      -George Eliot
May I see the light of day again, ladies?

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Owner's Note: An editor's note would be in bad form and the height of conceit
for the advertisement was written by the editor.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fwd: Regular E-mail: Can He Do It?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Apr 2, 2010 10:28 pm
Subject: Regular E-mail: Can He Do It?

THE CROWD IS HOLDING IT'S BREATH. He's taking a few practice shots. He feels loose. He's getting
into position. Wait! He took a step backward. He's attempting to regain his nerve. He waves to the crowd.
He's back in position. Here it comes...My house was built circa 1940. For years, I tried to find out what was here
prior to that. Last year, I called the Brooklyn Historical Society. I was told that they don't do research for
individuals. I'm not above exploited my disability. Cut to the chase...Bay Ridge Nursery and Greenhouse;
before approx. 1930 - likely woods. Oh no! He slipping. The crowd is shouting: "Get a grip. You can do it."
,,,Washington had a list of 110 rules regarding etiquette, manners and courtesies he tried to follow. Now Miss
Manners and the University of Virginia are creating a new list based on his list. It is sure is need today!
And teenage girls on the Internet - don't they have any respect for themselves. Years ago, I carried a cane
I rarely used it: sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't; Peter Paul's has nuts and Monds
don't. Sometimes,  you feel like a cripple and sometimes, you don't) and I would give up my seat to a women.
People looked shocked and stared. I don't mind attention. And, besides, I was just being a gentleman like I
was raised to be. Manners are disappearing just like morality! Strike out, Rick.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Feb 28, 2010 7:23 pm

Editors Note: By new
citizen journalist Alexa (DePersio) Higginson. You guessed it: She's my pretty and
intelligent and talented 9-year old niece. Announcement: She and my other niece Katie
Higginson (age 13) are now Rickcosmos-Eclectic Websites: Youth Contributing Writers. Leave a nice comment or send it to her uncle (

                                                                            My Italian Ancestors

America! Land of the free, home of the brave! More opportunities, better jobs for more money, more rights ......those are the hopes and dreams that brought people here from all over the world! Amongst them was my family on my mom's (dads side)...the DePersio's!
The red white and blue country is the freedom country -  that is why my great, great grandparents came to America. This is what I was told to be their story. Their names were John Anthony Di Persia & Marie Josephine Di Persia. John Anthony came over under his name in Italian which is Giovanni Antonio Di Persia. They were the first family members to come to America. They came from Naples, Italy.
As many people did and still do,  they came for better jobs, freedom and a better way of life for themselves & their families.
They arrived in the very late 1800's. They traveled here by boat. I was told the boats name was called"The Iniziativa". Inziativa means enterprise in Italian. The boat came into Ellis Island. Ellis Island is in New York Bay. It is the former immigration station in the United States, where over 12 million immigrants passed through.
My great, great Grandparents traveled together. I think they dressed quite different from today's styles. The woman usually wore long dresses and hats with a lot of flowers. Men wore black top hats, suits and ties.
Later when my great, great grandparents had children & they went to school the last name was changed from Di Persia to DePersio, making the I an E and taking the space away before the P.The school felt it was more American that way.
This is the story of my ancestors on my Italian side. I am really glad they came to America for a better life. If it weren't for them making this journey, I may not have had all the wonderful opportunities and bnefits of this great country.

Fwd: ADDed Article 3, Version 2 or Article 8, Version 4 continued

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Mar 8, 2010 8:39 pm
Subject: Fwd: ADDed Article 3, Version 2 or Article 8, Version 4 continued

        Subtitle: We Don't Shy Away from Controversy Here, We Wallow in it!

                                          by Richard DePersio 

       Take it off...Take it all off...Take off that uniform - preferably on a stage! Fact:
In the early 1980s very few women could pass the mental and physical tests to get
into police academy and few of the few who did couldn't successfully graduate from it.
Result: One by one cities lowered their entrance and graduation standards. Cities
claimed that the old tests were outmoded. Everyone knew the dirty little secret that you weren't suppose to talk about but this guy did. He was never P.C. They lowered it
because of pressure from liberals in general and feminists in particular. This writer isn't
being sexist. He's talking public security here.The police shouldn't be the place for liberal social experimentation! Of course, a women - a real women - shouldn't want to war such a uniform. But this is a free country and she has every right to do so even if it means lying to herself. Pride: Take any type of civil service exam and get 10 points added to your exam score if you have a vagina or dark scin.No wonder people complain about the incompetence of most government workers. How can they be proud of themselves? How can you know which women and minorities deserve the job that they have because they really passed and didn't have to resort - lower themselves - by invoking affirmative action. And then there are the affirmative action scholarships
given to women and minorities to go to college, in spite of the fact, that they barely
passed high school! Set-asides are affirmative action contracts that federal, state
and local government give to female- or minority-owned companies even though they
didn't give the lowest bid. They are eligible for 8 out of every 10 contracts if they give
the lowest bid but only they can receive 2 out of every 10 which cost the taxpayers
more money.
      Let's get back to plaid uniforms...uniforms...that's for an entirely different type
of website...uniforms are the most serious. President Nixon established the
all-volunteer military in 1974 by 1980 only about 5% of the military had breasts.
Why? They rarely compete with, train with and rarely are graded with men - true to
this day. Obviously, that didn't represent sufficient affirmative action - more was needed. They still had to do the same things that men did in basic training (army and air force) and boot camp (navy and marines; which is slightly tougher) but the passing grade was lowered. Today, women who comprise a whopping 15% of the military - should we lower passing to "f' for female - serve proudly in their uniforms! Confirmed for this writer by two off-duty and out-of-uniform soldiers. (Nothing homo implied; homo is immoral according to Bible and abnormal and unnatural according to evolution).
      Even though, they are endangering lives! A retired police office once told this
guy that he didn't have a problem with women in uniform (have you seen the website?!)
but didn't want one as a partner.The police shouldn't be the place for liberal social
experimentation! He explained that a partner is  suppose to protect his partner but
shouldn't have to spend an inordinate amount of time doing so. Men by nature and
on a subconscious-level are compelled to protect women and he didn't want to
spend an inordinate amount of time doing so. Further he explained, the bad guys would be inclined to shoot more bullets in the direction of the male cop.(Subconscious at work).
       By law, women cannot serve in a combat zone. Now-a-days, they can serve in
semi-combat zones. Patrolling an area where there may be snipers in order to finish
securing the area after the battle - harsh fighting - is over. They have served in support
since 1974 and occasionally certain support soldiers have to be briefly in a combat zone. Our motto is fair and balanced. However, if they ever released the figures on
male vs. female casualties (killed or wounded), we'll wager that, in spite of the fact,
that they can't be assigned to combat duty but semi-combat and support that their
are a disproportionate number of female casualties - more the 15%.
       Fire departments having been fighting fires and fighting to keep their standards
high since the early '80s not to keep women and minorities out but in the name of
public safety. In 2000 and even more so last year, they lost the fight. They were
compelled to lower entrance and graduation requirements for fire academy and redesign tests in such a way that more women had minorities could pass. Last year,  the 'new and improved' requirements and tests imposed. Low and behold, only men passed and 9 of them white! Liberals cried foul and felt the men shouldn't be allowed to became firemen (sometimes this writer is old-fashioned) - did you ever hear of something so ridiculous. Fortunately, the case went to a constructionalist judge who found the case silly and absurd. It went to the appeals court which upheld the lower court decision - one appeals court judge ruled in the negative and is the newest member of the U.S. Supreme Court!
       Did you ever wonder why there are so many overweight and illiterate cops -
lower standards for one group and other groups may take advantage of it. Did you
ever observe roadside workers where the women watch while the men unload the
heavy equipment.
       Liberal social experimentation vs. public safety, domestic security and national
security. It has nothing to with discrimination and everything to do with high standards
to protect Americans. Laugh: equal-pay-for-equal-work! Someone once said: "you can have an all-male army and be successful but not an all-female or all-gay one and protect Americans!
       There is only one solution: requirements and tests: hip-hop and cosmetics!

       They were known as progressives from 1870 and liberals since 1950. A liberal
prior to 1850 was like a libertarian or conservative today. Example: Our Founding
Father's (Framers for the 'elite' P.C. crowd) instituted classical market liberalism
- later know as capitalism. During the 1980s, Reagan and conservatives turned
liberalism into a dirty word (rightfully, so) and ever since then more and more liberals
have embraced the term progress ism again. Two of their heroes (or one hero and
one heroine for the non-P.C. amongst us); Wilson and Sanger (Your Secretary of
State Hillary (we're good friends) reminded us of how wonderful they think that they
were). Wilson was a progressive Democrat who did marvelous things like segregate
blacks from whites in the military (and you thought that it happened after Reconstruction), institute the progressive income tax (there had only been a 1%
tax on the 1% wealthiest income tax during the Civil War to help pay for it), initiate
the useless League of Nations (which Americans refused to join; what an embarrassment for little Wilson) the forerunner of the useless U.N., got us into WW1
and incarcerated some of his opponents in spite of free search! Sanger, author of
"Breeding the Thoroughbred," is another great one: she started Planned Parenthood
and supported eugenics, including, the sterilization of blacks, the mentally and
physically impaired, favored allowing judges to use it as part of a sentence and
aborting babies right after birth if deemed 'defective'!

         During Obama's Inaugural Address, He stated: "We are a nation of believers and
non-believers." I was alone. I hollowed: "Oh, no." I knew what it meant: liberals
felt ready to replace the real Constitution with the progressive 'living' socialist con-
stitution! It would take weeks, if not, months for some moderate and conservative
so-called experts to realize it. This reporter, at the time, suggested that there was a remote possibility that we would become a communist nation. Only recently, and we believe for the first rime, Beck suggested it on his T.V. show (this is small potatoes. last year, we scooped him twice big-time!). Recently, O'reilly indicated that he suspected that their were problems with Fannie and Freddie in 2007; 2006 for this letter-puncher. Not long ago, Hannity stated: "Didn't our enemies say that the would get us from within?" We pointed out in our communist article that Krushev (is that how you spell Ruskie's name; he died persona non grata in his own country - are we being ADDed?!) stated that "America would be destroyed from within." We thought about those that surrounded Obama before and since becoming President - we saw red! Small wins.Petty? A few notches above. We need another big one!

           NASA warmest January (average temperature since official since official records have been kept!

           China implied that it wouldn't do anything regarding U.S. Bonds within next
five years. Experts: Because, it might hurt them. This Expert: various weapons have
been sold to Taiwan by U.S. some of which China objects. Delivery is due soon. Let's see if sale's manifests changes.To the best of our knowledge that's constitutes a BOLD and FRESH prediction. Last year, China prevented Australia from making certain economic moves to reduce it's inflation because China thought that it might - just, might - have ramifications for it's economy. Australia like the U.S. is owned by China!

Fwd: ADDed Article 3 Version 2 or Article 8 Version 4

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2010 9:21 pm
Subject: ADDed Article 3 Version 2 or Article 8 Version 4

                       by Mr. ADD Himself: RIchard DePersio

Editors Note: Rickcosmos (multiple personalities too?) was diagnosed by Doc L. as
having ADD after Doc. L. had known RC for three years (Rick hadn't had a medical doctor for over  fifteen years - podiatrists until 1995 who did more for his neuromuscular conditions then neurologists and orthopedists - prior to becoming Doctor L.'s patient in 2005). Rick suspected that he was unorthodox at 20 upon conducting introspection
regarding child- and teen-hood and merrily excepted what came nature and not by design.Two years ago, Doc. L. K. recommended that Rich read: "Driven to Distraction" by Edward Hallowell after thoroughly explaining condition to him. RD was on cloud 9!
While everyone had ADD to a modest extent, you can't claim to be a member of the club unless you have it to a moderate to large degree from childhood or adolescence.
In spite of his inability to ambulate, he did a cartwheel upon realizing that he had regular plus three other forms! It's great to be different!!! Recently, Doc K. recommended: "Why is it Always About You?-The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism" - somehow he doesn't think that he'll enjoy this book so much. Then again, you never know!

      February is one of the most important months of the year as three great men
were born in that month: George, Abe and (as O'reilly would say) this humble reporter.
Beginning at around 1910 at a modest scale by progressives and continuing with
their descendants the liberals in the 1950s and accelerating for the past 20 or so
years, there as been an effort to knock the Founding Father's down a few pegs in
an effort to replace their Federalist/Constructionalist Constitution with the so-called
progressive 'living' constitution. It's being done in most public schools, as well as, the
media. Let's look at a couple of examples: !) Jefferson fathered a baby with a black
slave in 1996 (no - that's not when he did the fathering - - although, many public
school students might think so if this writer doesn't point it out for their knowledge
of American history is parochial and revised by liberal history textbook writers; it
was the year the story broke - give or take a year - - having problems with recent
American history, are we? - and the media covered for for way more then 2 days which
meant that it had legs. A couple of years later, it was discovered that in all likely hood
it was his nephew - most of the media didn't cover it or glossed over it. 2) Was
George a Christian (this scribe can call him George because he and America's
four other greatest presidents - Tom, Jim, Abe and Ron - often drop by for good conversation and ale when their in the neighborhood). Liberals having been claiming
and teaching that 10% of the Founding Fathers were Christians, 40% deists (which
is a philosophy excepting God and heaven while rejecting miracles and prophesies
and isn't practiced for it isn't a religion) and 50 per cent atheists and agnostics. Other
public schools ignore religion in history altogether, in spite of the fact, it played
a major role - our children are being indoctrinated and in some cases and there are
big gaping holes in their education in other cases. As Friday would say: "Just the facts, ma'am - 90% were Christians (although, they didn't all subscribe to a particular religious denomination and some weren't regular church-goers), 7% were deists and 3 per cent atheists or agnostics.. The nation as a whole was 99% Christian and today
75 to 80% identified themselves as such and we have Judeo-Christian and capitalistic
based "Declaration of Independence," "Constitution, including, Bill of Rights" and 
laws predicated on common law and Christian theology. We are without question a
Christian nation. According to Dr. Peter Lillaback, author of: Sacred Fire," according
to his grandchildren, he often wrote sermons which he read to his wife Martha,
occasionally attended services and had many Christians friends. And, further,
Dr. Lillaback states that they would make for fine sermons today.
     Are you reading the words of a biased Christian. This writer stopped being a
Catholic at age 20, was an atheist from 20 to 30 and a agnostic and pantheist from 30 to ? What about now? As Number 2 would say: "That would be telling." Will reveal soonest. Interesting this writer supports the "Alliance Defense Fund" which fights
to protect the civil rights of Christians against the "American Civil Liberties Union"
which don't think Christians have them.

       According to Paul Gigot of the Wall Street Journal, the filibuster was rarely
used before 1900 and has been used progressively more and more since then.
In 1994, the filibuster couldn't be used for budgetary bills but would be unconstitutional not to be able to use it for other bills. The writer asks: why was it all of a sudden constitutional not to apply it to budgetary bills? Don't major constitutional changes - like major healthcare reform - - no constitutional authority for federal involvement in healthcare - - - require Constitutional Conventions? Dems in Congress say: Don't
bother me. Ask a constitutional expert. I make laws - constitution gives me that right.
Ask constitutional professor.

        According to Charles K. of Fox News: The U.S. Intelligence Estimate of 2007
claiming Iran had stopped developing bomb probably prevented Bush from making
surgical strikes on their nuclear and missile facilities. This writer feels report might
have been political. Long-time government bureaucrats sometimes undermine presidents. These are at the lower and some middle management level and staff
members (all civil servants) who have worked in Washington for many years. New
presidents can't replace all members of executive branch. Yes- White House Senior
Staff and their members for example, Chief-of -Staff and his subordinates, National
Security Advisor and his senior staff and some middle. Cabinet Secretaries and their
upper managers and staffs and some middle managers and their staffs.

                                     TO BE CONTINUED

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Fwd: New and Improved (so says Topper): An ADDed Article

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2010 9:42 pm
Subject: New and Improved (so says Topper): An ADDed Article

Editor's Note: This article is being expanded via the addition of an editor's note a brought back by
popular demand (someone liked it!).
Three years ago, my doctor told me to purchase "Driven to Distraction" by Edward Hallowell, M.D.
My doctor saw notes including my corrections of the author (my primary physician (my only physician for the past five years  - I hadn't been seen by a doctor in over ten years prior to encountering this doctor who was willing to make house calls because I'm Rick -  had just diagnosed my ADD), he thought
it strange the I would correct a doctor/author. I don't get it. It had to do with the doctor of oddities (I didn't say 'freaks' I'm learning to be PC; I got a D-plus on last test) and looney tunes (a.k.a. psychiatrists) placing emphasis on genetic on behavior which is a view to which I don't subscribe. It was so proud to discover that I had regular ADD plus three special forms.I was on cloud nine - the less like common people the better.
Now, my sawbones (usually used to refer to surgeons...I'm correcting what you were doing
before I was driven to distraction...I'm back) has recommended "Why is it Always About You" by
Susan Chotchkiss (I'm nearly certain that I spelled it correctly - I know the first thing that I would say
to her if I met here - we ADDers often speak without thinking).
Is my  doctor trying to tell me something!?
I'm watching "Attack of the Show" (no one can guess my age; demographics for show: 18 to 35 -
advertisers love our group) and Kevin is interviewing Steven Seagal and he said: "It seems like supper heroes and action stars of today don't look like real men."I don't think that we have many man actors since circa 1980. The seventies were borderline.We had our man actors from about 1930 to 1970 - voice, dress, attitude, gate, facial expressions, etc.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Dec 26, 2009 6:11 pm
Subject: Your Gift: An ADDed Article

                                                  by Richard DePersio
                                         (all websites listed at group site)

Fact: Recently, 66% of Americans celebrated Christmas as a religious holy day and a secular holiday or just as a religious holy day; 33% celebrated it as a secular holiday; 1% don't celebrate it or don't know where they were and what they were doing on that day. Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays, Winter Solstice nonsense. It is a legal, national holiday celebrating the birth of a great philosopher or the Son of God. And, if you don't like it (by the way, this writer is no longer a Christian; praise Jesus) have the name of the holiday changed! It's P.C. to dump on Christians but you have to be P.C.-sensitive and have a multi-cultural nonsense attitude when it comes to the handful of non-Christians (Jews, Muslims), who in reality except for a couple of chestnuts aren't offended - it's a myth generated by liberal-atheists and liberal-Christians and liberal-non-Christians (about 20% of the population is liberal) that 99% of them are offended by Christmas and the religious and non-religious things associated with it - a lie that they perpetrate about Jews(absolutely!) and Muslims(?) (Logic: Veterans parading is associated with Veteran's Day, turkey with Thanksgiving, fireworks shows with Independence Day, Dick Clark's Ball with the New Year).
Fact: 70% of the well-known and the semi-well-known Founding Fathers were Christians (the
fast majority of whom practiced a particular Christian denomination; 25% were deists (which is
a philosophy not a religion in which believe in God and heaven are derived from reason, Jesus
was a great philosopher and many of our Fathers quoted from the Bible in political speeches and during political debates. but don't except miracles and prophecies as fact but moral stories and in some cases fabricated; 5% were atheists, agnostics, pantheists (they believe that the whole universe plus the laws of the universe such as gravity that make it operate is God), Jews, etc.
Fact: The general population at it's founding was 99% Christian; 1/2% Jewish; 1/2% other and they created a nation predicated on Judeo-Christian principles.
Fact: Today, 77% identify themselves as  Christian; 4% Jewish; 3% Muslim; 1% Hindu and Buddhist; 15% subscribe to the following philosophies: atheist and agnostic 12% and deist, pantheist, etc. 3%.
When Rudy (I choose not to attempt to spell his last name) was Mayor of New York City, he
substantially increased police presence in black neighborhoods. In the U.S., 16% of the
population is black (13% African-American). Crime is those neighborhoods substantially
dropped. Blacks are responsible for over 50% of the major crimes: murders, rapes, assaults
and armed robberies. What makes it even more embarrassing for black people is the fact
that a majority of it is black on black crime. When Bloomberg (I can spell it because I checked
how it is spelled on T.V.; you do know that the Mayor owns or is the chief stockholder
in the Bloomberge cable T.V. network?) became mayor, he was forced by black leaders like
the Rev. Farrakan, the Rev. Jackson, the Rev. Sharpton (I'm a bigot if I misspelled any
of their names!) and liberal white politicians to do away with the Rudy increase. He compromised and cut it in half and crime went up but not to pre-Rudy levels. Why? The'leaders' hollowed racism and racial profiling!What did the fast majority of the people living in those communities feel: they were in favor of it and wanted police presence to rise even more. Black leaders and liberal white politicians and judges are out of touch with real black people and notice that most of them don't
live in these neighborhoods!
Elinor Tatum, publisher of the black New York City newspaper: "The Amsterdam News,"
explains that black newspapers try to talk for the black community and their reporters live among them! She states, "Still others talk for us but they're anointed not elected." This writer believes
that she is speaking of the famous Reverends - we forgot the Rev. 'Wrong' - and other
black leaders and liberal white politicians of their ilk because she takes the position
that "...there are the talking heads" and that "the real leaders are the local church pastor
the grandmother who lives on the corner, the school principal."                                             (She appeared on CUNY T.V.'s African-American Legends. Are you shocked that this composer of words (a moderate-conservative - some, say, conservative with a pinch a libertarianism - would
watch such a show! Or, might watch Chris Mathers or Larry King or CNN. There is a
difference between educated and indoctrinated. Indoctrination is what our kids and
grand kids - I don't have a kid, I have two niece kids and a sponsored kid - - - only
liberals have compassion - their bleeding hearts. This guy rarely talks about what a
great uncle he is and about his little girl in Honduras. unlike liberals, we rarely go
around like liberal celebrities, politicians and professors and talk about what goody two
shoes we are. We don't do it for a pat on the back or in an effort to try to distract from all
the bad that we do! Conservatives aren't phonies like liberals. We're depicted as cold and callous
because we oppose failed liberal social programs and want to try new approaches to
helping the needy like school vouchers and faith-based programs instead of throwing
good money after bad. Workfare was restoring pride to the poor - Republicans forced
Clinton to sign it and Bush expanded it - millions were going off of it. One of the
first things that Obama did as president was sign an executive order restoring welfare.
Liberal don't rarely care about the needy - they want to keep the poor poor for they
vote democrat and now they're in the process with healthcare and energy reform, new
regulations, new cooperate take-overs, tax hikes and new government give-away's of making
all of us dependent on Nanny Obama from cradle to grave!).

The universe is 13.7 billion years old. You've heard of the Big Bang? Actually, it wasn't big
and it wasn't loud! A light year is the distance that a ray of light covers in one year which
is 6 trillion miles - now that's fast! (Or, a 186,000 per second!). One light year equals 6 trillion miles. Our present  telescopes on earth and, especially, in space can 'see' 13.4 billion light years back in the microwave part of the spectrum. Space is a time machine. The further into space that you look the further back in time that you see. The sun is a star and it takes light  8  minutes to reach us traveling at 186,000 miles per second from a distance of 93 millions
miles. The famous Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million light years away and, there, for we
see it the way it looked 2.5 million years ago. (By the way, it is going to collide with our
Galaxy in 3 billion years).Originally, the universe was smaller then  an atom or it was a point (the
opposite of big) and expanded rapidly and there was no air to carry sound (result: no
bang) and a fraction of a second later it inflated - it expanded again - this time faster then
light ( but Einstein stated that particles with mass( like protons, neutrons and electrons can't travel at the speed of light and mass less particles - light and invisible light - can travel
at the speed of light - but nothing can travel faster then light - - - he didn't tell us that space
couldn't travel faster then light!).You are thinking of empty space - a vacuum - but there is
no such thing. This area of space less then the size of an atom contained 10 dimensions
of space (you're familiar with three: length , width and depth), dark energy, dark matter,
potential energy and matter (the type which we are familiar). During the first 'bang' exotic
particles formed from potential matter and then space expanded faster then light carrying
the particles along for the ride. Picture yourself on a conveyer belt at the airport. As far as
your concerned your standing still reading your newspaper or today more likely talking on
your cell phone or texting. Picture yourself as the exotic particle and the belt as space. To
be more accurate the space belt section behind you is traveling faster then then it is in front
of you. It also means that our universe of regular matter and energy only occupies a small fraction
of the space generated from the second 'bang' - it continued to expand without normal mass
and energy within in it in which another 'big bang' can take place in 'our' universe but we can't
see it because light from it - traveling at the speed of light - visible, radio, x-ray - hasn't
had time to reach us. Where did the BIG BANG take place? In the center of the area 300,000
years after the big bang that we  can 'see' as 3 degree Kelvin radiation in the microwave. That
was when the universe lit up and became visible but since then it has lost energy and cooled
off and is 'visible' in the microwave. Wrong! The BIG BANG didn't take place there. It took
place no where or everywhere. Yo can say that it took place in the center of your body or
in the center of our Galaxy or in the center of the area 300,000 years after the BIG BANG -
but so could a living being in another Galaxy claim the the BIG BANG took place in
the center of himself or the center of his galaxy which is further in or further out then our
galaxy which would place the center of the 3 degree Kelvin radiation at a point displaced
from our central point for the 3 degree Kelvin radiation. Do you want to become further 
discombobulated. The radius of our universe is 13.7 billion light years and the diameter is
twice that amount but for a galaxy a billion miles out the edge of the universe 13.7 and the
opposite edge is 13.7 billion miles out. He is detecting that 3 degree Kelvin radiation 1.3 billion
years after us - no! As far as he's concerned it is 300.000 years after the Big Bang. But
this scribe stated that because of the second Big Bang - there is empty (which really
isn't empty with dimensions and dark matter and potential regular matter, etc. But the
guy in the galaxy further out will see 3 degree Kelvin radiation and closer in the first galaxies
that formed but we see nothing. And, let's go crazy - the 3 degree Kelvin radiation is all around
us at a distance of 13.4 billion light years shouldn't it be within in  emanating from and
area 600,000 light years in diameter and not 27.4 billion miles in diameter. Solution?: Remember
what Albert taught us: everything is relative!!!

Wordsworth: "Are those by distance made more sweet."

Saint Nicholas (aka Santa Claus) A pimp or whatever, they had been called around 350 A.D.
( We no P.C. here: C.E. is anti-Christian and this is a Christian nation in spite of me) purchased
three girls to become part of his herd.Then-Bishop Nicholas bought them from the pimp so they wouldn't have to demean themselves as hookers ( or whatever, the trash were called in those days) and could service him! (I made up the part after the word 'and').

Shakespeare: "An admirable musician. O, she will sing the savageness out of a bear!"

For it is each a part of that which we call human nature. Order from disorder (anti-entropy); 
coalesces to create the whole and to make sense. It comes together to create a point (a black
hole by one definition...OR...
Robert Herrick: "A sweet disorder in the dress
                        Kindles in clothes a wantonness:
                        A lawn about the shoulders thrown
                        Into a fine distraction...
                        A careless shoe-string, in whose tie
                        I see a wild civility:
                        Do more bewitch me, than when Art
                        Is too precise in every part."