Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fwd: ADDed Article 3 Version 2 or Article 8 Version 4

-----Original Message-----
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2010 9:21 pm
Subject: ADDed Article 3 Version 2 or Article 8 Version 4

                       by Mr. ADD Himself: RIchard DePersio

Editors Note: Rickcosmos (multiple personalities too?) was diagnosed by Doc L. as
having ADD after Doc. L. had known RC for three years (Rick hadn't had a medical doctor for over  fifteen years - podiatrists until 1995 who did more for his neuromuscular conditions then neurologists and orthopedists - prior to becoming Doctor L.'s patient in 2005). Rick suspected that he was unorthodox at 20 upon conducting introspection
regarding child- and teen-hood and merrily excepted what came nature and not by design.Two years ago, Doc. L. K. recommended that Rich read: "Driven to Distraction" by Edward Hallowell after thoroughly explaining condition to him. RD was on cloud 9!
While everyone had ADD to a modest extent, you can't claim to be a member of the club unless you have it to a moderate to large degree from childhood or adolescence.
In spite of his inability to ambulate, he did a cartwheel upon realizing that he had regular plus three other forms! It's great to be different!!! Recently, Doc K. recommended: "Why is it Always About You?-The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism" - somehow he doesn't think that he'll enjoy this book so much. Then again, you never know!

      February is one of the most important months of the year as three great men
were born in that month: George, Abe and (as O'reilly would say) this humble reporter.
Beginning at around 1910 at a modest scale by progressives and continuing with
their descendants the liberals in the 1950s and accelerating for the past 20 or so
years, there as been an effort to knock the Founding Father's down a few pegs in
an effort to replace their Federalist/Constructionalist Constitution with the so-called
progressive 'living' constitution. It's being done in most public schools, as well as, the
media. Let's look at a couple of examples: !) Jefferson fathered a baby with a black
slave in 1996 (no - that's not when he did the fathering - - although, many public
school students might think so if this writer doesn't point it out for their knowledge
of American history is parochial and revised by liberal history textbook writers; it
was the year the story broke - give or take a year - - having problems with recent
American history, are we? - and the media covered for for way more then 2 days which
meant that it had legs. A couple of years later, it was discovered that in all likely hood
it was his nephew - most of the media didn't cover it or glossed over it. 2) Was
George a Christian (this scribe can call him George because he and America's
four other greatest presidents - Tom, Jim, Abe and Ron - often drop by for good conversation and ale when their in the neighborhood). Liberals having been claiming
and teaching that 10% of the Founding Fathers were Christians, 40% deists (which
is a philosophy excepting God and heaven while rejecting miracles and prophesies
and isn't practiced for it isn't a religion) and 50 per cent atheists and agnostics. Other
public schools ignore religion in history altogether, in spite of the fact, it played
a major role - our children are being indoctrinated and in some cases and there are
big gaping holes in their education in other cases. As Friday would say: "Just the facts, ma'am - 90% were Christians (although, they didn't all subscribe to a particular religious denomination and some weren't regular church-goers), 7% were deists and 3 per cent atheists or agnostics.. The nation as a whole was 99% Christian and today
75 to 80% identified themselves as such and we have Judeo-Christian and capitalistic
based "Declaration of Independence," "Constitution, including, Bill of Rights" and 
laws predicated on common law and Christian theology. We are without question a
Christian nation. According to Dr. Peter Lillaback, author of: Sacred Fire," according
to his grandchildren, he often wrote sermons which he read to his wife Martha,
occasionally attended services and had many Christians friends. And, further,
Dr. Lillaback states that they would make for fine sermons today.
     Are you reading the words of a biased Christian. This writer stopped being a
Catholic at age 20, was an atheist from 20 to 30 and a agnostic and pantheist from 30 to ? What about now? As Number 2 would say: "That would be telling." Will reveal soonest. Interesting this writer supports the "Alliance Defense Fund" which fights
to protect the civil rights of Christians against the "American Civil Liberties Union"
which don't think Christians have them.

       According to Paul Gigot of the Wall Street Journal, the filibuster was rarely
used before 1900 and has been used progressively more and more since then.
In 1994, the filibuster couldn't be used for budgetary bills but would be unconstitutional not to be able to use it for other bills. The writer asks: why was it all of a sudden constitutional not to apply it to budgetary bills? Don't major constitutional changes - like major healthcare reform - - no constitutional authority for federal involvement in healthcare - - - require Constitutional Conventions? Dems in Congress say: Don't
bother me. Ask a constitutional expert. I make laws - constitution gives me that right.
Ask constitutional professor.

        According to Charles K. of Fox News: The U.S. Intelligence Estimate of 2007
claiming Iran had stopped developing bomb probably prevented Bush from making
surgical strikes on their nuclear and missile facilities. This writer feels report might
have been political. Long-time government bureaucrats sometimes undermine presidents. These are at the lower and some middle management level and staff
members (all civil servants) who have worked in Washington for many years. New
presidents can't replace all members of executive branch. Yes- White House Senior
Staff and their members for example, Chief-of -Staff and his subordinates, National
Security Advisor and his senior staff and some middle. Cabinet Secretaries and their
upper managers and staffs and some middle managers and their staffs.

                                     TO BE CONTINUED

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