Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Editor's Note: Recently, Obama cancelled Orion leaving Russia, the EU, Japan and India in the competition to establish a moon base. America is out of the race. Of course, we won in 1969 when Americans became the first humans to walk on another
heavenly body - the moon!

-----Original Message-----
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Sat, Apr 4, 2009 3:29 pm
Subject: BIG NOTE

         Dear CyberFriends,
         If I can't  get though to you here, I can catch you in another universe via the Einstein-Rosen bridge
(worm-hole) or a curvature of the space-time foam. I think that I'll take the foam being the bridge charges a
toll and I'm cheap!
         Three cheers for Mrs. Oboma! The western European press is offended: she didn't curtsy to the queen
and touched the queen's back. Her protocol was correct. We American's don't bow or curtsy to royalty. We  fought a Revolutionary War to get free of a king. Yet, most prominent Americans (politicians, businessmen and diplomats)
do.Most Americans don't know that your not suppose to applaud after the National Anthem. Touchy/feely. Are
they afraid that some her blue blood might rub off!
        Appropriately, she left the bowing to her husband. He 'bowed' to old Europe: the presidents of France and
Germany! Mr. President, allow me to explain: the U.N., Nato, the G2o, and the Eu are useless. I have a
questions, Mr. President: Why are liberals ashamed of their country and always apologizing for it? (although,
last year, the first lady said that she was proud to be an American for the in her life); why did you lie about
President Bush without mentioning his name - I knew who you were referring to (bad form; Bush never lied
about or critiqued his predecessor - the head of an administration of multi-scandals); do you plan on creating
a world government? Conspiracy nuts have been claiming for years that organizations like Skull and Bones
and the Freemasons which have members of various political stripes have been in the process of doing
just that. I always consider such people to be crackpots. Now I'm beginning to wonder. Mr. President,
would you turn American foreign policy over to the U.N.? Are you thinking of creating a one-world currency?
Do you believe that every country's (including ours) should have their federal reserve bank, department of the
treasury anbs security and exchange commissions get permission from new international economic and
financial bodies?
        Why must we pay 25% of the U.N.s budget? Why do we pay 95% of the cost of protecting western
Europe - why must they suckle on our financial nipple?! Why do you let the Europeans blame us for
the international financial/economic crises. It is not the fault of Americans like me but democrats like Clinton and
Frank. By the way, last week your boss, Mrs, Polusi had a slip of the tongue in a speech, she referred
to fagard Barney nFrank as Mrs. Frank. Could you imagine if a republican had done that? The liberal
mainstream media would have had a field day! Double standard. They are in the slander game. The destroy
via lies and rumors real conservatives with presidential potential: Haig in the '80s; Quall in the '90s;
Pallin today.
        My crystal ball predicts for next year: continued recession of economic depression or mild recovery but
with hyper-inflation. I'm out of here...
                                                                                                    Climbing Aboard the Orion,
                                                                                                     Space Cadet, Rick

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