Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fwd: Smile

-----Original Message-----
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Sun, Feb 22, 2009 3:32 pm
Subject: Smile

       Dear Fans,
       A Harris poll in 2001 indicated that Jesus Christ was the most admired man (?) in America. This year
President Oboma was chosen. He was heartened by the fact that Americans chose the same man again!
I am confident that are other president (Polusi) will will be chosen as the most admired female.
       Please bear with me as I get a few more odds and ends out of the way before I get to today's mon-
umental topic. Please be patient. I momentarily have forgotten it (it's what to expect when unlike others
your A.D.D.ed)
       In a recent article, I stated that...by the way, this isn't the topic...we were moving from being a
religious/capitalistic nation to being a secular/socialist nation. I wish to change my position slightly: we are
becoming a communist nation (in practice not theory. The democrats will fast-track illegals - the good and
the bad ones - to citizenship and want them to be able to bring over their parents, under- and over-age
children, their aunts, uncles and cousins. Legal immigrants and new citizens can't do most of those things.
Crime pays - - - for democrats that is. Over 2/3 of the estimated 50 millions are expected to register
democrat. There's more: and it's still not on today's topic ( I do hope it doesn't prove to be anti-climatic).
Welfare to Workfare...In 1996, republicans forced Billy-boy to sign welfare reform. He didn't want to do it;
he didn't want do it. He and his party didn't care for it. And, all the time you knew; and all the time you
knew it. When it worked, he took the bows. Since it was passed millions of able-bodied people have chosen
to wave goodbye to social services because of the way republicans wrote the bill. Their proud was restored.
Presidents Polusi and Oboma have restored the good, old, traditional program (and your going to pay for it!).
Why? Democrats have a vested interest in keep people poor - most of them vote democrat. Bleeding heart
liberals my bad foot. It's politics. The mainstream media depicts conservative-republicans a cold and callous.
Why? We don't toe (my bad feet again) the line: we don't want to throw good money after bad when it
comes to failed liberal programs. We want new approaches to helping the truly need. Like parental choice
(school vouchers): regular public schools; more public magnet schools and magnet programs inside of
regular public schools; private school; home schools; and more non-union public charter schools (the
problem with public schools a lack of money - - - charter schools receive less government funding and their kids
out perform regular public schools kids. If limo-liberals can grant choice (46 chromosomes at conception defines
a human) to murder why can't they give the same choice that they enjoy to the non-working poor, the
working poor and the lower middle class - and it won't cost the taxpayers and the regular public school
one red penny. Liberals in general and unions in particular destroyed the public school system, the
airline industry and now the auto industry. They want to perpetuate the vicious cycle of grandparents,
parents and children on social services and they want this children to grow-up and be on the public dole
and vote democrat. Government social programs are a hand-out while faith-based programs are a hand-up.
The presents says that he will continue President Bush's faith-based programs but without the God
component which makes these programs successful! Don't give me the 'separation of church' argument.
It doesn't exist in and legal document - it was invented by a philosopher (his name escapes me, as well
as, today's topic) in the 1880s. The hell with the poor. Why don't the democrats take them out of their
misery and abort them!?
       I believe that congratulations are in order. I remember today's topic. I'd prefer that you remember me
in your wills. Without delay; post-haste; with no further a do. Smile! Smile! Smile! as you watch your
hard earned money spent by big brother. Watch as the roads are repaired. Watch the corruption. Watch
as good money and thrown at failing public schools.Watch as money is spent on silly, pet projects of
politicians. Watch as the streets are cleaned for you'll soon by sent to the cleaners. Watch as
democrats continue to receive campaign contributions from semi-independent federal agencies like
Fannie Mae. Watch the bureaucratic waste. Watch as your taxes go through roof thanks to their
beneficence. Don't worry about the democrats for the bother to pay their taxes while they get high
positions in the Oboma administration - positions that will be beyond the reach of the poor for most
remain so, Watch! Watch! Watch!...
                                                                                             As Your Pockets are Picked,

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