Monday, December 26, 2011

Fwd: The Cartwright's Present...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 26, 2011 1:58 pm
Subject: The Cartwright's Present...

       The Cartwright's Present HEEHAW Second American Revolution L-i-v-e HEEHAW
                       by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio and Tom Jefferson
Little Joe Cartwright: "Give it up for Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio, and brought
back by popular demand, Tom Jefferson. {enter stage door left: the three writers and the
four producers* on horseback, thunderous applause, standing 'O'}
Citizen Journalist: "Thank you. Thank you... {they dismount, applause ascends} ...Thank
you. Please calm down... {young women are tossing their hotel keys on stage} ...Please
get a hold of yourselves... {women of all ages throwing their bras on stage} ...Thank you.
Gratis - round up those who are responding to gratis...{crowd finally regains control of their
senses. appropriate audience members are taken into custody}...
Citizen Journalist: "Let's do the numbers for last week: Visits: 541; Readers: (Google) 193,
(AddThis) 139 (Average: 166; we'll take it, we want to do better, please tell your cyber-friends
about us). Richard D.: "Citizen 'Unpredictable' Journalist: He is famous for his extra-long
prefaces. This article is sans preface and unusually short due to illness."
T.J.: "There will be those who argue that this constitutes a preface and that it wasn't short in
relation to article proper."
C.J.: It would represent an exercise in futility and foolishness to argue with one's Father."
As is our wont, we open with cosmos followed by world (which means cosmos).
       What are Trojan Asteroids? There are points 60 degrees ahead of and behind a body of smaller
mass (let's say, a planet) where its gravity is equal to that of the much more massive but
much more distant object that it orbits (say, a star) where bodies can reside; these are the
Lagrangian or Trojan points. Objects of this nature exist ahead of and behind (but in the same orbit)
as Neptune and Jupiter (in the case of the latter, they are named after heroes of The Trojan War -
Greek ahead and Trojans behind). What about the inner planets? We have detected four for
Mars and. only recently, one for earth. (Just because they can exist doesn't mean that they have
to exist). (See :CJ's World and Welcome to It" at ). You can limit
yourself to referring to the Trojans of Jupiter and calling other such bodies near these points
Lagrangian Asteroids (a special class of asteroids) or you may chose to call all such bodies
Trojan Asteroids (but remember some of those of Jupiter are named after Trojan heroes).
The U.S. Constitution" specifies the areas under the jurisdiction of fed gov. It also states, "the
general welfare of the people." Amendment Ten in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution
declares that any power not given directly to fed gov must be considered a state or a people power.
What were are Founding Fathers thinking? Fortunately, we have one here brought to us via the
Einstein/Rosen Bridge. They anticipated that in the future, STATES and the PEOPLE might
decide that a particular area effected all or virtually all Americans and could only be handled well
at the national level. They hoped that this wouldn't transpire often for they feared a too powerful
fed gov (after all, we had just fought a war to get free of a king).
       We can see fed funding of NASA - the Space Race followed by new competitors (we must
have the cutting-edge technology that NASA generates for private sector which benefits virtually
all Americans. We can see that research by The Atomic Energy Commission and the research
that it does in conjunction with universities regarding atomic power is vital to national security and
energy independence. DARPA (the Defense advanced research org) is vital to the national security
of all of us (later, its finds applications in private sector; it takes longer to do so than NASA R & D).
DARPA does it own studies and does so in conjunction with universities; like AEC, it issues grants.
       It is difficult to justify most of the $$$s fed gov spends on pure and applied (technology)
research, especially, National Science Foundation and Institute of Public Health. Research of a
psychological, sociological and educational nature. Funding of medical technology and pharmacological
development. This should be done by charitable donations in some cases and private companies in
others. And, it is already is! As should most physics and engineering (with the exception of those
mentioned above).
      The X Foundation offers $10 million prizes. The winner of the first non-gov vehicle to fly a
sub-orbital flight with a pilot aboard has his concept purchased by Virgin Galactic and incorporated
into SpaceShipTwo (for future tourist flights). Virgin receives no fed funding! The X Foundation is now
offering a prize to a car that gets 100 miles to a gallon and the first non-gov craft to land on the moon
(unmanned). Its goal is to promote radical breakthroughs to benefit humanity and to foster the
development of new industries (thinking way outside of the box and tackling novel problems with radical
solutions and new technologies much as DARPA does; one might hope that it could replace DARPA
some day but much of what DARPA does is secret).
      NASA ranks as a rarity: a successful gov program! Subsidies to private companies to develop
crafts to go to and from space station (Uncle Sam chooses winners and loses, its not predicated only
on a companies abilities but political considerations as to who gets a subsidy) should end with half of
money planned for the future going toward debt reduction and the other half to NASA.
Alfred Hitchcock: "I would like you to meet a gentleman whom I never dreamed would become quite
impossible." {run commercial} CJ: "Look downstairs for articles dealing with hate speech, sexual
harassment, anchor babies amongst other Citizen 'Offending with Truth' Journalist topics." When the
moon formed it was 14,000 miles away and is now about 250,000. It recedes at the same rate as a
fingernail grows. {run commercial} CJ: "This A.D.D. moment is brought to you by Adderall and Johnny
Walker Scotch - the better mixer. Filibuster comes from the Dutch word freebooter (pirate). In the
U.S. Senate a filibuster occurs when a small group of senators seize control of the floor to block
legislation. Traditional filibusters are a thing of the past. You block legislation by calling for a
vote on whether on not to proceed with the vote on the legislation. If 60 votes aren't mustered, senate
must proceed to something else. AH: "Goodnight."
The New York legislator passes a 'millionaire's tax' and 'crippled taxi' bill. Clearly, they want millionaires,
who already pay their fair share of taxes, to move out of N.Y. State, especially, N.Y. City!
Government as mommy and daddy is not what our Founding Fathers intended. Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-
the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist. A certain percentage of taxis are now required to be cripple-
accessible. It will cost money to comply; cost of taxi rides for all will rise. Won't it be wonderful if other
states do the self-same thing!!!
     We wouldn't have objected to gov recommending. One company might decide to make this percentage
accessible while another might choose a different figure. Another company might decide to let other
companies have crippled business (for there isn't much of it in their estimation) and save money or hire
more; some drivers might even be semi-disabled but perfectly capable of driving. We opposed American
Disabilities Act too!
     Fed gov takes powers and rights away from states, businesses and citizens; state gov from businesses
and citizens. It is easier to start a business in Hong Kong and parts of the rest of China than it is in the
U.S.! It is even easier to get a product to market! What happened to Capitalism!?!
{the better mixer is kickin' in}
*Little Joe with Ben (father) and Adam and Hoss (brothers).

Monday, December 19, 2011

Fwd: Topper Presents...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 19, 2011 12:06 pm
Subject: Topper Presents...

                    Topper* Presents  Second American Revolution continues LIVE
                 by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio, George and Marion  Kerby**
        (Get to Know Your Citizen 'America's Candidate' Journalist Better: Read this and
                       at least nine subsequent articles, we worked hard on them!)
Richard D. "I'm in particularly   good mood."  Citizen  Journalist: " It   is rare indeed when
you are in such a state. You must have numbers." R.D.: "Indeed! We are out of our slump.
For the past few months, we've had about 100 readers and about 385 visits per week - mostly
pleasant, I  hasten to add. Our new numbers...drum roll, please {drums rolling} Readers:
133, Visits:  456! {standing 'O' from studio audience} Thank you, please sit down. {his right
hand is signaling audience to continue applauding} Please, enough, thank you. We thank
those here, as well as, those who will soon be seeing this on tape. C.J.: "I have some
interesting numbers too. A new Gallop poll on the question: 'What is the biggest threat to
U.S. in the future? - Big Government: 65%, Big Business: 25%, Big Labor: 8%. It would be
interesting to know what percentage of the 65 consider BL as their second choice." RD: Do
you know what gets me? NYU is developing a course on the impact of the OWSers when
only 25% fear BB. Why not a course on Tea Party-ers. Their liberalism is showing! Another
useless course to go a long with useless majors. Those who have such decrees are a big part of
the clueless OWS movement and want taxpayers to pay off their student loans!" {audience
roars with laughter} CJ: "Who says moderates and conservatives ain't cool. The staff of Citizen
Journalist Comsats watches FOX's Red Eye! You don't learn much but you get to laugh at stupid
people in general and libs in particular!" RD: "Below Newt gets graded and report card will be signed
by Iowa caucus-ers."
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (which means world) and, then, we deal with the world
and Offending with Truth when circumstances warrant. {considering audio/visual-preface, it might
appear as if we got off to an early start - a pre-mature ejaculation of sorts...religious prudes in
the audience laugh nervously and, then, gaze downward}
      The asteroid belt consist of rocky and metallic objects with very little water. Ceres was
discovered in 1801. It was considered a planet and  it fit neatly according to Bode's Law on the
spacing of the planets which we discussed in our last article. After a few years, astronomers
began discovering other such objects between Mars and Jupiter - Ceres was downgraded to one
of many asteroids.
      Pluto was discovered in 1930 and was considered a planet until 2006 when it too was
downgraded - numerous objects were being found beyond Neptune which are mostly frozen water,
methane and ammonia with small amounts of rock and dirt. These objects make up the Kuiper Belt
 - they can fall into the inner solar  system, thereby, becoming comets. Another class of objects form a
shell around the inner solar system - further, out than the Kuiper Belt - called the Oort Cloud. They too
 become comets upon entering the inner solar system and are described as dirty snowballs: mostly
water with a modest to a moderate amount of    dirt  and   rock    -  more water and less dirt/rock than
most Kuipers. Some Oort and Kuiper objects become comets.
     A majority of astronomers     decided to upgrade Pluto and Ceres - but not to the level that they once
enjoyed: dwarf  planets- along with Eris, MakeMake (sound like something a child does), Heumea.
A large minority of astronomers disagree:   they    consider them the largest Kuiper Belt objects with the
exception of Ceres which they still consider the largest asteroid. (See "The World and Cosmos (world)
According to Citizen Journalist at comsat: ).
     NASA is developing a harpoon and     bow to fire into and collect samples from comet nucleus in its
"Comet Nucleus Sample Return Mission."
The Newt Scoreboard: Balls: 2 (he certainly has those!), Strikes: 1.
Moon Mining...He favors while all the other Republican candidates oppose; further, the scientifically
illiterate candidates have implied that they wouldn't shed a tear over the demise of NASA, therefore, we
assume that they would continue Obama's policy of killing NASA!
        Silicon and Helium-3 are far more abundant on the Moon than they are on earth. Using mass
drivers it would be relatively inexpensive to mine or scoop up the material. It's an expensive and tedious
process on earth due to scarcity and gravity. Helium can be inexpensively transported to earth for use in
the under development fusion plants. (We presently have fission plants; fusion would be safer and less
expensive. NASA should play a major role in developing fusion; See "Ahead of the Curve at www.rickaddsite.
 Silicon could be sent to earth orbit to be assembled into solar panels. It would be less expensive to mine
on the moon than on earth. It would be cheaper to send silicon from moon to earth orbit than it would be
to send it from earth to earth orbit. Water on Moon could be used by miners for drinking, split H2O - O for
 breathing and H for fuel. Avoiding the high cost of bringing water to the moon. The whole project would be
 cost effective. (See "ACL 3," "Mining Moon 1," "Mining Moon 2," "Motivate" at ).                                                         Mitt laughed at Newt. Newt: A+;
Palestine and Palestinians Artificially Created...Newt has taken a lot of flack for these remarks. He is
half right. He should know better: There is ample historic and Biblical evidence for Palestine. This area
lost its identity when it became a part of Ottoman (Turkish) Empire.
       We were controversial before him; a few months ago, in a regular article (Bare with us for we can't recall
the name...A.D.D. Moment...Focus...Hopefully, we will think of it prior to the end of this live article)Great
Britain took control of Palestine at the end of WW1. (Turkey was a loser). The League of Nations (largely
useless like its successor: U.N.) formalized British control in 1922. People living here were Arab. Some of
them began thinking of themselves as Palestinians or Palestinian Arabs in 1920; process complete by
1922. The British only recognized them as Arabs.
       The Zionist Movement (establishing a homeland for Jews in part of what has been Ancient Israel)began
in the late 1800s; Theodor Herzl is considered the 'father' of it. Great Britain allowed Jews to migrate to
Palestine beginning in 1922 and by 1947, they were armed and the largest minority and seized control. U.N.
recognized Israel in 1948 - it had no choice. (See: "Our Chosen People" Parts 1 and 2 at                                                                                Historian Newt: B;
Jefferson and federal judges...Newt: He fired many; Bachman: he's actions were controversial. Newt: Not at
the time! Federalist John Adam appointed a lot of fed judges on his last day in office; it was termed "midnight
judges". Democrat-Republicans (aka Jeffersonian Republicans) were infuriated. They attempted to replace many
of these appointments and were largely successful. To say that actions were non-controversial is absurd.
                                                                                                                        Historian Newt: B (Perhaps,
he should stick to science!).
Final Commentary by George and Marion Kerby: "
                                                                                                                    " Citizen Journalist: "Brilliant.
They got to the crux of the matter. A real asset to our writing staff."
Alfred Hitchcock: "Good Evening, friends and critics... we must meet the man who throws these weekly
soiree' and always manages to spoil the fun - our dear host." {run commercial) Citizen Journalist Comsats:
Connect to web sites via Profile Pages (Add to Favorites) - Facebook: Richard DePersio; Twitter: @rickaddsite
Regular series have the same cast each week in different stories; Anthology series have different cast and
stories each week - "Twilight Zone" is a well-known example. By and since the '70s, they virtually disappeared
from the three major networks. Our Ronald Reagan was the host (and he also starred in some episodes) of the
GE Theater (1953-63). "...we completed our seventh year still the number one show at nine on Sunday night.
...when we finally dipped our colors, however, it was to another veteran. NBC moved TV's top-rated show,
Bonanza, from its Saturday spot to Sunday, and in our eighth year we ran second most of the time. It
doesn't make me flinch even a little to say this-to tell you the truth, Bonanza was a favorite of mine (Citizen
Journalist: "And, ours; its our second favorite show of all time!"). {audience applauds wildly} Our half hour,
black and white, was up against an hour color a budget several millions of dollars greater than
ours." ("Where's the Rest of Me: The Ronald Reagan Story" by Ronald Reagan, 1965, Duell, Sloan and Pearce).
AH: "Speaking of fair play. It's my sponsors turn but he assures me that I shall have the last word.{run commercial}
Citizen Journalist: Unique Perspective; Special Sources; Large Traditional Library. AH: "On that triumphant note,
we conclude tonight's activities. Next week, we shall have another {article}. Goodnight."
Not only did Obama fail to secure an agreement allowing a small contingent of serviceman to remain in Iraq (the
military wanted 20,000 to 25,000; he half-heartenly tried for 5,000), he failed to secure most reconstruction
contracts for American companies. Blood and treasure spent. he failed to make Iraq a model for Arab democracy.
Iraq will likely fall under Iranian control.
The Kyoto Protocol was signed by many countries in 1997 to much fanfare. U.S. never signed (Clinton couldn't
get Republican Senate approval; Bush wouldn't sign. Last week, Canada pulled out. Why. In 2006, U.N. climate
science became discredited.
What was the main cause of economical/financial crisis? Banks? No! Barney Frank's Fannie and Freddie! Seventy
per cent of bad mortgages (to people with little or no credit) under-signed by F & F. Banks were forced by F & F to do
the rest! Policy initiated by Clinton and continued by Bush. By Bush's second term, he realized that a potential
disaster was on the horizon. Frank blocked efforts to rectify the situation. The other reasons for crisis: Unions
and excessive gov spending.
*Topper is the president of a bank branch in California.
**George and Marion (socialites, world travelers, a bit bohemian) 'were' Topper's number one clients.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fwd: (column)

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 12, 2011 12:05 pm
Subject: (column)

* Photo of Dago Red when he was younger and still a priest
** Taped in front of a live (not dead) audience
*** Proprietor, Me Lay Fun House and Medical Center
Question: Do you subscribe to the "Declaration of Independence," "The U.S. Constitution
(Federalist/Constructional-ist/Judeo-Christian/Classical Free Market Liberal {Don't faint: it
would later become known as laissez-faire (little or no gov involvement in economics and finances)
 capitalism and, later, capitalism (with only modest or modest to moderate interference), including,
"Bill of Rights" and "Federalist Papers" or progressive/secular/'living' constitution.
       Are the children born to illegal parents, automatically U.S. citizens: the so-called "anchor
babies. No! Just read Amendments 13, 14 and 15 to the Constitution, as well as, "Civil Rights
Act" of 1886. This material was written to be applicable to the newly freed blacks (there were
free blacks prior to the Civil War) and their children - period. The letter of the law. Libs have a
predilection for reading things into law that aren't there or that they see between the lines.
       In politics, we say: liberal and conservative; in law, we say: liberal and constructionist.
Lib judges and justices always rule in a lib fashion, as opposed to, constructionists in robes
who rule constructionist about 90% of the time. The will subjugate personal preferences to the
words of the U.S. Constitution. To the extent humanly possible they try to rule predicated on
the letter and not some kind of spirit of a law.   
      An aside: Initially, only white males who owned property could vote when the United States
was founded. This is a false statement. A little known fact: There were a few counties in a few
states in which women with property could vote; virtually all of them were widows who had
inherited property. During Jefferson's (our third president) presidency, this right was negated.
 It had nothing to do with thinking women inferior. It was strictly politics. The concept of parties
was in the nascent stage. The vast majority of women voted for federalist politicians. Jefferson
and his followers were anti-federalists.        
     Another aside (or A.D.D. diversion): Federalists at the time of our nation's founding favored
big fed gov involved in areas other than those granted to fed gov by U.S. Constitution (military,
coining money, foreign policy, regulating trade between the states and between the U.S. and
foreign nations, postal service, Indian Affairs; clearly only areas that states couldn't handle or
couldn't handle well or if they handled it would create chaos - a very limited fed gov). Federalist,
for example, wanted a National Bank; they felt that U.S. Constitution implied such an entity.
They wanted to expand fed powers within the areas delegated to it. They didn't want new
areas of authority. Anti-federalists opposed such thinking: U.S. Constitution doesn't explicitly
call for a National Bank (this being the biggest bone of contention but there were others).
When our nation was founded there were four departments and a handful of agencies. About
forty years after our founding some politicians and legislators looked at the term "The general
welfare of the people" and claimed that it justified building federal roads to aid in commerce.
That phrase would rear its ugly head again around 1900. We went from four departments and
a few fed agencies in 1900 to 16 departments and over a thousand fed agencies today.
      Amendment 10: Any power not granted to fed gov by the Constitution shall be considered
a state or a people power. Clearly, our Founding Fathers wanted a limited fed gov. However,
they realized that fed gov might have to take on new powers in the future and they hoped that
such circumstances would be rare - hence the term general welfare: Things national in scope;
things that effected or benefited all or virtually all Americans. Examples Justified: CIA, NASA.
Examples Unjustified: Healthcare, Education, Agriculture. New things and not things that were
or could be handled at the state level. Libs prefer to just like at the word: welfare. They take it
to mean that fed gov should take care of people from cradle to grave. Fed gov knows best; states
and citizens don't.
      Recently, we had the honor and the pleasure of speaking to anti-federalist Tom and
federalist Al - and they are both appalled at BIG fed gov. Fortunately, George supplied a lot of
ale. {audience laughter} Let's do ourselves a Second American Revolution! {audience applauding}
Alfred Hitchcock: "By the way that last commercial {in last article} was one that we sent to
Russia as part of a cultural exchange program. We don't know what we received in return. We
are too afraid to open." {run commercial} A.D.D. break brought to you by Adderall and Pepsi - the
better mixer.
      Let's talk about independent private eyes in shows like "77 Sunset Strip," "Rockford Files,"
"Magnum, P.I." They conduct an independent investigation. In real life, they couldn't interfere
with an official investigation - its a crime! The only cases that they get in the real world are:
looking for lost childhood friends; spying to determine if a spouse is cheating; they might be
hired by an insurance company to determine if person is really homebound or really can't bend;
hired by employer to ascertain which employees are misbehaving. The kind of cases that the
police don't take. On T.V. a rich person goes to an independent private eye with a ransom note
stating don't contact the authorities. By law, he would have to do so and then step aside and
let the pros with numerous personnel and advanced technology do their thing.
      What about private eyes who work under the auspices of wealthy and large law firms such as
"Perry Mason," "Matlock" ? In real life, they can get involved with murder or extortion cases but
they aren't paid enough to put their lives on the line: going solo to a seedy neighborhood to question
someone in a seedy hotel or bar. He would take the police detective assigned to the case with him,
even though he works for the other side: the prosecution. Theoretically, they are both pursuing the
       On T.V., both types of private eyes break the law to acquire evidence. It wouldn't happen
in real life: such evidence wouldn't be admissible in court. Besides, as we heretofore stated, the
 independents can't be involved with such cases. Prominent attorney with private on a retainer (he
would also look for long-lost friends when not working for big-shot lawyer) wouldn't want to be disbarred.
       In contrast, bounty hunters are private and pursue those who skip bail and are legal. Marshals
are government officials who purse those who skip bail or escape from prison.
AH: "Goodnight." Let's hear it for the late great Mr. Hitchcock! {standing ovation}
Geneticist Hillary Clinton addressed the U.N. and stated that homos are born that way (strong homo
gene). We wonder if she thinks that greedy people are born that way (greedy gene)? Nasty people?
Cross dressers? Criminals? Adulterers? Pedophiles (Recently, the prestigious John Hopkins Medical
Center said so; read first few articles at web site 4). Do you think that these people are making
excuses for bad behavior?
       You are the product of everything that you learned in the order that you learned it; you are a
product of everything that you experienced in the order that you experienced it; you are the result of
everyone that you knew - for most people, parents are the strongest influences.
       The size of the dose of testosterone after about five months gestation and differences in male/
female brains might be contributing factors. However humans aren't slaves of their biology.
Let's think clearly and STRAIGHT. Let's do ourselves a Second American Revolution! {audience applauding}
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (meaning world) and, then, we deal with world and Offending
with Truth when circumstances warrant.
       The Titius-Bode Law has to do with the spacing of the planets around the sun. Start off with: 0, 3, 6,
12, 48, 96, 192, 384 (with the exception of first two, each twice that of proceeding number) +4 = 4, 7, 10,
16, 28, 52, 100, 196, 388 - divide by 10 = .4, .7, 1, 1.6, 2.8, 5.2, 10, 19.6, 38.8. Result: Nearly identical
to average distance of planets from the sun in AUs (Astronomical Units; with earth being 1, 1 = 93 million
miles). It was used to predict location of Ceres - the first and largest asteroid to be discovered. It was
considered a planet for a few years until others were found and we realized that their was an Asteroid Belt.
It was somewhat off in protecting location of Neptune.
       Does this constitute a mathematical coincidence or does it have to do with the dynamics of the
collapsing cloud which formed our solar system & perturbations caused by planets, especially, the large
ones helping to dictate stable orbits or God (anthropic principle)? {audience applauding} (Why is it that
audiences sometimes applaud at the strangest times?)
NASA has cataloged 93% of near earth asteroids (part of their orbit isn't in belt) which are 1 kilometer (.6
miles) or larger - there are 1 thousand. It is suspected that an object this size caused mass extinctions
67 millions years ago which wiped out all the dinosaurs (although, some scientists contend that birds
descending from dinosaurs) and over 50% of other species. Where are the other 7% hiding!?! Inquiring
minds need to know.
Richard D: "This wasn't an easy article to write as it was produced by Dago Red with one of the writers being
Citizen Journalist. Although, Dago Red has placed his hostile take over plans of 'Citizen Journalist Comsats'
on hold, you can cut tension with a knife. They were in separate venues for the duration." Audience member
shouts: "What does the producer of an article do?" Richard D: "Are you ignorant." {audience member throws
keys on stage} AM: "Would you come to my hotel room after show and explain it to me?" {audience: "woooooo"}
Citizen Journalist: "Newt is in favor of lunar exploration and mining  See: Action Chain Letter, Moon Mining 1,
 Moon Mining 2, Motivate at web site 2) {audience applauding and hollering "Go Newt."} Mitt opposes."
{audience: "booooooo."} 'Me Lay': "Recently, Col. Potter passed away. while I didn't serve under him, I was
proud to know him. Let's have a moment of silence for Sherman {audience silent, you could hear a pin drop} (See
 "Scorecard" at web site 4)       Richard D: "Governor of N.Y. promised not to raise taxes has gotten State
Legislature to increase taxes on the rich (the job creators). We can expect mass exit of those who pay more
than their fair share. NJ is appealing and they would still have access to all NY has to offer." {audience: Christi,
Christi, Christi} (Please visit Facebook: Second American Revolution; Holmes Sherlock; Prisoner; Alfred
Hitchcook Geek; Twilight Zone; Diogenes Club).
                               Dago Red* Presents Another Upside Down Article (Live)**
                by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and Ezekiel Bradbury 'Me Lay' Marston, V***


Monday, December 5, 2011

Fwd: Article...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 5, 2011 1:10 pm
Subject: Article...

                                             THE END
*Bret: "My brother Bart and I like CJ (Citizen Journalist) because he is a real
maverick like us. We had hoped to work with him for the first time. Unfortunately,
he was indisposed in London.
**Proprietor, Painless Polish Poker and Dental Clinic.
Good News: We focused and remembered what one of those constitutional issues was.
Of course, the Founding Father's (or Framers, as they say, in most PC public
schools, even though virtually all were male and definitely, all the significant ones.
Being big on traditional unlike lib public indoctrination centers aka schools, we'll go
with Founding Daddies) wanted citizens to bare arms and not just fed servicemen
and state militia members. Their fear was that fed gov in general and the president
in particular might violate the U.S. Constitution and become dictatorial and/or
tyrannical and/or oppressive and, therefore, another revolutionary war might be required.
Our Founding Fathers would find it absurd to have law-abiding citizens register
their weapons (criminals don't); they wouldn't want fed or state or local govs to know
which households had weapons, how many and what kind. The FFs wanted gov to fear
and serve their masters: us! Our FFs wouldn't want our weapons to be easily
confiscated when the citizenry became agitated over gov abuses of power. You
might argue that citizenry couldn't over power gov nowadays. Irrelevant! The Big FFs
wanted us to have that right. Theoretically, the impromptu formation of neighborhood
groups coupled with State National Guard units (which replaced State Militias) would
give U.S. military a headache. U.S. military or portions thereof might side with the
      We would rather place our faith in the owner of a gun shop that he won't sell a
gun to a nut (for the sake of the PC crowd: mentally-impaired). You're worried that he
won't be able to know if customer has a criminal record if he can't check with gov data
base. Don't worry: He'll get gun on the black market if he is determined to do so. We
would rather place our faith in the owner of a gun shop than allow fed gov to
unconstitutionally take away or truncate another one of our Bill of Rights.
      Our FFs also prohibited the uniformed from quartering (free room and board) in the
homes of citizens without permission and seizing the property (including, the weapons
of) citizens.
Alfred Hitchcock: "We are all saddened by Citizen Journalist's accident. This A.D.D. break
is brought to you by Adderall and Martell cognac - the better pick-me-upper! Collectivism:
Property owned by the group and goals set by the group leader; it discourages individualism
and individual initiative and individual ownership. "Back in the thirties we were told that we
must collectivize the nation because the people were so poor. Now we are told that we
must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich..." When was this said? Yesterday?
A year ago? Three years ago. 1960! by Bill Buckley (Quotations from Chairman Bill," Compiled
by David Franke). The smelly and lazy 'Wall Street Occupy-ers' might want this; it's hard to
tell what their agenda is! AH: "...our leader gives us an inspirational talk." {run commercial}
"Working hard is good is good for you. Consumerism is good is good for you. Materialism is
good for you. McDonald's is good for you."
We were going to address two constitutional issues but we forgot what they were. Some one
forgot to take his Adderall!
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (meaning world) and then, we deal with world and
'Offending with Truth' when necessary.
      There are those who are concerned that the sun is approaching its peak in activity in its
11-year cycle and that a solar flare, or worse, a coronal mass ejection (both send intense
radiation toward earth, as well as, high-speed protons and electrons) will end the world in 2012
(Mayan Calendar). Take Valium. How old are you? 30? You've been through two maximums in
activity (cycle is 11 years). You are still with us - unfortunately. Further, the peak is slated for late
2013. The chances against of a CME so massive that it would knock out all power stations sending
us back to pre-electricity days  are astronomical. The last time that happened was about 150 years
 ago. Our society wasn't very electrical back then - it caused some telegraph lines to over load and
stop functioning.
      A California-based company will use NASA-developed technology in the treatment of
hardened arteries. Since NASA inception in 1958, NASA has been completely or partially
responsible for over 30,000 discoveries and inventions. See "Space Shuttle Spin-Offs," "Action
Chain Letter," "Moon Mining" and "Motivate" at for what NASA
can do in the future.
Richard D.: "Citizen Journalist was struck by a car in London; it was an accident. We have
nothing further to say on the matter at this time. As Colombo would say: 'Just one more thing.' Since
CJ was away, he missed doc on PBS, 'The Jewish People' (we rarely watch lib-biased PBS but this
doc was good). Upon return, he'll be disappointed to learn that he missed doc on Our Chosen People.
 WKW: "We share the view that lib mainstream media sought out these women, whose credibility is
suspect, to bring down Cane for not towing the party line. In the lib world-view, blacks must be lib-dems,
otherwise, they are freaks running contrary to stereotype and are, therefore, dangerous to America in
general and blacks in particular. In our final article, we suggested a Gingrich/Cane ticket. Cane dropped
out." RD: "And, no one can accuse us of being racist." WKW: "How about: Gingrich/Rubio?" RD: "I
 like it. Again, we can't be accused of bigotry. Further, it would allay the fears of some of us as to whether
 or not Newt is a small gov conservative. He should break with custom and state such a desire prior to
caucuses and primaries - unprecedented!!! Big-time Thinking Outside-of-the-Box. He need
not credit us. Rubio's response what be irrelevant. He could accept or reject or state that he had not
yet made a choice among the Republican candidates. It doen't matter. Newt would get the street creds
that he needs." WKW: "A majority of Americans think that over 25% of Americans are black
and over 15% are gay. Media, especially, television generates that impression. The actual
numbers: 12 and 5, respectively." RD: "A number of errors were made in our favorite series
"M*A*S*H," including: in one episode Col. Potter states that he has only one child - a girl; in
another episode his only child is a boy." WKW: "Confused? See "Scorecard at www.Citizenj.blogspot,com
RD: "Speaking of Cane, there are public schools which won't allow children to share candy
canes near Christmastime with their classmates (even in kindergarten) claiming that shape of
 'J' represents Jesus. therefore, child is promoting Christianity. It's candy for crying out loud! Only
in feeble little liberal minds could someone think that a five year old is proselytizing!!! WKW: I got more
raising cane: When our MIA friend Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist
used to use a cane and since, around Christmastime, girls are known to say: 'Oh, what a
big cane you have, CJ.' He would smile and reply: 'Do you want some of my egg nog.' Always
a gentleman and always generous."
                        MAVERICK* Presents UPSIDE DOWN ARTICLE
                    by Richard DePersio and Walter Koskiusko Waldowski**

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fwd: Mycroft Holmes Presents Goodbye-Farewell-Amen...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 29, 2011 4:54 pm
Subject: Fwd: Mycroft Holmes Presents Goodbye-Farewell-Amen...

    Mycroft Holmes Presents Goodbye-Farewell-Amen: The Demise of Citizen Journalist
    Subtitle One: The Final Problem
    Subtitle Two: Second American Revolution (Second American Revolution - Parts 1, 2, 3 follow)
                           by Citizen Journalist, Dr. Sidney Freedman and Richard DePersio
    Citizen 'Offending with Truth' Journalist: "...The hostilities will end twelve hours from
    now at 10 O'clock. The war is over!"
    We are known for our long prefaces. In this the finale article (new material is available
    at some of our other web sites), we shan't disappoint.
    The Final Preface (Just for You):
    Richard D.: "Well boys - it would be hard to call what we've been through fun, but I'm
    sure glad that we went through it together." Citizen Journalist: "Amen to that." RD:
    "Speaking of Robert Wagner, he's one of the few actors to star or co-star in three
    series - 'It Takes a Thief,' 'Switch' and 'Hart to Hart' - each of which lasted three years
    or more. And, he might have murdered his wife to boot! After all these years, suspicions
    about the death have resurfaced. And, he is now hawking reverse mortgages. What a
    career." CJ: "I can only think of one actor and one actress - we don't refer to females as
    actors. Although, some refer to themselves as such and want to grow balls too! - who
    starred in three series each of which lasted four years of more: Lucille Ball and Michael
    Landon." RD: "It's sad when traditions die. There are efforts to end fox hunting in the
    U.K. and bull fighting in Spain because a the minority libs find it offensive." CJ: "I'll
    give them offensive: There's nothing like a cold beer after a bull fight and a fox hunt.
    Long live traditions. I'll take a thigh." Dr. Sidney Freedman: "Well, it is cruel. CJ: "Stick
    it where the sun don't shine. Robert Blake actually claims that he coined that phrase."
    RD: "How do you feel about a Gingrich/Cane ticket?" Dago Red: "I like it." CJ: "What the
    hell is our ex-priest doing here?" DR: "I'm early for the closing of 'Citizen Journalist
    Comsats' party." RD: "That's all he wrote."
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (meaning world) and, then, we deal with world. 'Offending
with Truth' when circumstances warrant.
       Our Galaxy is 100,000 light years long (one light year equals 6,000,000,000,000 miles) and
contains about 150,000,000,000 stars. It has six spiral arms with our sun in the Orion Arm and
about 26,000 light years from the center. In recent years, it was realized that we live in a barred
spiral rather than a regular spiral galaxy. Our Galaxy is swallowing the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy.
       Our readers know well that we oppose subsidies, including, subsidies to private companies
to carry astros and cargo to the space station. It now appears that companies like SpaceX
won't be able to return America to space by 2015; we will have to wait until 2017. Meanwhile,
our humiliating dependency on Russia - whom we beat in Moon Race - to get to the station, for
which we footed most of the bill, will continue.
       NASA is one of the few fed gov programs that work. Money which is going to private companies
should go to NASA (half, with the other half going toward debt reduction) for a heavy-lifter which is
on a state of limbo. Only a super heavy-lifter has been green-lighted. We want the latter to be
equipped with a nuclear thermal or ion third stage to double as an earth-transfer module to Mars and
an asteroid.
Diogenes Club: A place where men can read without distractions; as such, the number one rule is
no talking, club members can even be expelled for coughing.
"There are many men in London, you know, some from shyness, some from misanthropy, have no
wish for the company of their fellows. Yet they are not adverse to comfortable chairs and the latest
periodicals. It was for the convenience of these that the Diogenes Club was started, and it now
contains the most unsociable and unclubable men in town. No member is permitted to take the
least notice of any other one. Save in the Stranger's Room, no talking is, under any circumstances,
allowed, any three offenses, if brought to the attention of the committee, render the talker liable to
expulsion. My brother {Mycroft} was one of the founders, and I have myself found it a very soothing
atmosphere." -William Sherlock Scott Holmes.
      While visiting London, Citizen Journalist was honored by Mycroft having been made an honorary
member. Henceforth, he, like Mycroft, will rarely be seen outside of home, office and club.
There should be a study on the constitutionality of the president's executive order. Is it constitutional?
If so, what should be its length and breath? All too often, presidents, especially, those of the lib variety
have used EOs to circumvent the legislative process (usurp congressional authority). There should
be a Constitutional Amendment clearly defining EOs.
       Speaking of constitutionality...
       ...We interrupt this article for:
Alfred Hitchcock: " find yourself becoming commercial." This A.D.D. break is
brought to you by Adderall and Christian Brothers Brandy - the better mixer. In our last article on the
Second American Revolution, we corrected the author of a 'Blunder Book' for blundering as regards
Sherlock. This time around (and it shall be the last time), we criticize the History Channel for
blundering on the Pilgrims and the First Thanksgiving. Or, was it a blunder or a lib lie of the nature
being taught in public schools wherein children are indoctrinated instead of educated. The doc claimed
how wonderful it was that the Pilgrims pooled their food, water, seeds, tools, etc. And, how the land
would be owned collectively (a forerunner to the failed communist concept and further in that vein) and
that each individual output was his utmost - the best that he or she could do and how at harvest time
they all shared equally in the harvest. It was this and the Indians bringing food that made the First
Thanksgiving a success. The contribution of the ingins can't be underestimated but that of the Pilgrims
to the Party was meager. The truth: the policy failed miserably! The governor had to come up with a
new strategy (pre-capitalism). Some people had slacked off - doing minimum work, letting their
neighbor work to the utmost. Some stole food early in the harvest to secure more than their fair share
for their family. The replacement strategy: each family would OWN a plot a land and, thereby, work
 to their utmost and be certain to turn back trespasses. After a couple of years this strategy proved
extremely successful. What should we make of the situation? Either the History Channel doesn't know
history or they engage in lib propaganda! AH: "Let's daydream with our dear sponsor." This is the ideal
time to purchase stocks in "Citizen Journalist Comsats" - an insider's tip. AH: "I thoroughly enjoyed
my association with 'CJC.'
When our nation was founded there were four departments and a handful of fed agencies. Today, there
are sixteen major departments and over a thousand agencies (they write regulatory laws predicated on
legislative laws and enforce them).
        In theory, the president has control over departments and, even, chooses the secretaries (who
must be confirmed by Senate and only Senate). It is relatively easy for him to fire them and to get them
to fire those in upper and middle management. Presidents come and go. We said: "In theory." Career
bureaucrats sometimes undermine a president thinking that they know best having been around for a
long time unlike the president, the secretary, the deputy and under secretaries.
        Technically, fed agencies, such as, IRS are under a departmental head, in this case the Secretary
of the Treasury. The secretary determines how much oversight he will exercise.
        Presidents have the least control over semi-independent fed agencies , such as, the Federal Reserve
Bank. The members don't serve concurrently their four year terms with the president. In most cases, the
president doesn't get to choose their members until two years into office. Generally speaking, he has
to appoint (with Senate approval) an equal number of Republican and Democrat members plus the head who
is of his party. Some do the bidding of the president while others, such as, the Fed, do not. There have
been times in which the Fed is pursing a monetary policy that is not in sync with a president's fiscal policy.
        Our Founding Daddies might it clear that everything had to fit smack dab within one of the three
branches of gov. You can't have entities that are half way in and half way out.
        Presidents must exercise greater control over fed agencies. We need a Constitutional Amendment
here as well. Presidents should be weakened when it comes to EOs and strengthened when it comes
to decisions made by and regs created by agencies - subject to congressional oversight. Regs must be
in line with the letter and spirit of congressional laws. Regs can't be created where no corresponding law
exists. Let's return to the U.S. Constitution.
Citizen Journalist: "Goodbye from all of us at 'Citizen Journalist Comsats." (Dueling Sources: Google
Analytics and AddThis Analytics. We had up to 50 or 150 readers and up to 250 or 425 visits to our
comsats {web sites} per week. With no feedback at sites and little at Facebook and Twitter. Successful?
You be the judge).
Dr. Sidney: "You know, I told you people something a long time ago, and its just as pertinent today
as it was then, Ladies and Gentleman, take my advice - pull down your pants and slide on the ice."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fwd: Alfred Hitchcock Presents...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 21, 2011 2:38 pm
Subject: Alfred Hitchcock Presents...

 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Second American Revolution Part 3 (Parts 2 & 1 follow)
                     by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio and Ho-Jon
Citizen Journalist: "This article is being taped before a live audience." Richard D."I'm
relieved that you chose to go with a live audience." Ho-Jon: "Why is an Englishman
presenting a Second American Revolution?" R.D.: He did become a U.S. citizen in 1956;
actually duel citizenship: he remained a subject (actually, they are subjects not citizens)
of the queen. The important thing being, he was making most of his money here and was
paying U.S. taxes upon become a citizen. Jolly good show. Pip, pip and all that bloody
good stuff. CJ: "I was remiss: it's being taped at the New Double Natural in Los Vegas."
R.D.: "You must be pleased. This is turning out to be a short preface; we haven't had one
of those in a long time." CJ: "I'm giddy!' R.D.: "Don't go sissy-boy on me!" Ho-Jon: "Can
I be an honorary Jew too?" CJ: "Yella, you gotta be kiddin'.
(Please see the two-part "Our Chosen People" at If you
have difficulty connecting directly, please connect via Facebook: Richard DePersio or
Twitter: @rickaddsite ).
   "The Constitution was once an instrument by which the objective rights of the
    individual to use and abuse their rights was generally secured. Now it is only
    am interesting intellectual challenge for bigthink sociologists who wrest from
    its Miltonic sweep and directness byzantine little sophisms that permit them
    to have their way in pioneering new civil rights, new prohibitions against public
    prayer, new electoral metaphysics (one man-one vote)...the Constitution is, at
    least temporarily, gone."
Was the above written yesterday? Last week? Last year? Shocker: it was written in 1966
by Bill Buckley ("Quotations from Chairman Bill: The Best of Wm. F. Buckley, Jr.,"
compiled by David Franke, Pocket Book, 1971).
Abortion became a right in 1973. By what contortions   did the U.S. Supreme Court find it
in the "Bill of Rights." !?!
        Our Founding Daddies considered Free Speech so precious and important that they
 placed it in Amendment One of the Bill of Rights. Further, they considered a particular right
 as something that a citizen could choose to exercise or not, abuse or not with very few
exceptions. The Constitution, including, the Bill of Rights existed to protect good people
from bad so that the good could pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (property)
without interference from the bad nor from gov.
       Thirty years ago, limits on free speech began with harassment, especially, of the sexual
nature in the work place; ten years ago, the process of limiting on hate speech and bullying
began. Good things, you say. Gov doesn't posses constitutional authority to place such
limits anymore than it does to place limits on stupid or incorrect or silly speech. The
so-called 'victums' have the right to respond in kind or get someone to do it for them. Peer
pressure can curtail such speech but not gov but it is doing it! Private companies and clubs
can place limits on expression if they so choose.
Give libs an inch and they will take a mile...More recently, they are trying to bring back the
so-called "Equal Time" Doctrine to limit the free speech of conservatives on TV and Radio.
This is spite of the fact that they control most TV networks, newspapers, movie studios, record
companies, as well as, all public schools - elementary, high and college. Only 20% of
Americans identify themselves as libs; talk about minority rule and a virtual monopoly on
thought. (For more, please see: "Expanded: Potpourri" (New) at -
connect from Profile Page: Facebook: Richard DePersio; Twitter: @rickaddsite ).
      More recently:Crimes: Hate speech/hate crime - assault on property, bullying, verbal abuse/
insults, offensive graffiti/letters, etc. Unconstitutional   to punish a person for what they might have
been thinking. Charging someone with assault and a hate crime, defacing property and a hate
 crime, etc. Wrong! Just charge with assault, defacing, etc.
      More recently, Obama initiated process of seizing control of Internet (puddle in front of your
house not enough, see Part One). If he is not stopped, this will lead to curtailing free speech and
monitoring who says what. In the future, we might not be able to write what we are writing right
now! Isn't it fascinating that libs in general and, the most dangerous lib org in existence, ACLU
profess to protecting rights! Behavior Control and Police might be in our future. Watch you
manners for Big Brother is watching!
      Frivolous lawsuits: alleging sexual harassment for man complimenting you on your new
dress (a guy should be flattered by compliment) spilling coffee on oneself on McDonald's and
claiming that you didn't know that coffee was hot; being hugged by host of "Wheel of Fortune"
and three years later complaining of   back    pain and suing Pat and show's Executive Producer.
California (yes; they did something right; get smelling salts for audience members) and Texas
require plaintiff to pay defendant's legal costs if judge judges case as having been of a frivolous
nature. All states should do the self-same thing. Our Constitution guarantees us a right to a
speedy trial - a right frequently denied because of a heavy backlog of cases - - mostly, due to
frivolous lawsuits.
Alfred Hitchcock: "Let's daydream with our dear sponsor." An A.D.D. break sponsored by
Adderall and Sex on the Beach (vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice, cranberry juice -
International Bartender's Guide-Cocktails). We recommend Sex and the Beach plus
Adderall. CJ, a real man, has his Adderall with just vodka!
         Citizen Journalist corrects author of blunder book for blundering when it comes to
our good friend Dr. Watson (If truth be told, correction was submitted by him but CJ is taking
credit - it's what friends do).
   "Sir Arthur Canon Doyle: In 'A Study in Scarlet," Sherlock Holmes's assistant, Dr. Watson,
is said to have suffered a wartime bullet wound in the shoulder, but in "The Sign of Four,"
the wound is said to be in the leg." ("The Blunder Book," M. Hirsh Goldberg, Quill, 1984).
   In the "The Problem of Thor Bridge," Watson writes to Sherlock: "My dear Holmes, today,
I walked fourteen miles across rough terrain with hardly a twinge from leg or shoulder."
       Clearly our friend was shot twice in the same battle or in the shoulder in one battle and
the leg in another! Let's nitpick: ...Holmes's assistant...Holmes' would suffice. Overall, the
book was entertaining and informative. (RD: You can't put anything past CJ!).
AH: "Last commercial, one for the road, no doubt just as effective as drink {above}." Citizen
Journalist Comsats (web sites): for moderates, conservatives and out-to-lunch undecided...and
for the few open-minded libs willing to face the truth!
Upon seizing control of House, Republicans passed a bill requiring that all future House bills had to
come with an attachment justifying the legitimacy of the bill, Constitutionally Speaking. We are still
waiting for Dem-controlled Senate to do likewise. If you think that it will come to pass, you are to
ignorant to be exposing yourself to material of this nature!
Real Federalist/Constructionist/Judeo-Christian/Classical-Market-Liberal (audience members fainting
again - get smelling salts again - - or better yet: Adderall and vodka {charge 'em!}; early name for
capitalism: more than laissez  faire  lessthan tons of laws and regs in the version of today;capitalism
during the first hundred years or so of our nation) vs. bogus progressive/secular 'living' constitution.
This constituted one of our best live articles. You needn't flash 'Applaud' sign for our fans. Thanks for
coming and as Benny Hill says, "We'll see you again, real soon."

Fwd: Alfred Hitchcock Presents...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 14, 2011 1:21 pm
Subject: Alfred Hitchcock Presents...

                 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Second American Revolution-LIVE
          by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio and Ezekiel (Me Lay)Marston V
             (Nominated for the "Stellar Award" for Best Live-Action Article in the
                           Political Science and Space Science Categories)
Stage Manager: "Testing: 1, 2, 3, 4...Double-Check the lighting...Place that prop
here...Move this chair 5 inches to the right." Director of Photography: "Camera 2,
move in on Host." Director: "Cue, the late Edward R. Murrow. Action...Live...and
"Good Evening, I'm the late Edward R. Murrow, broadcasting to you live atop the
Launch Assembly Building, which hasn't seen, sadly, much activity of late, at the
Kennedy Space Center in Florida. We are gathered here today to witness the
marriage of Citizen Journalist to Lady GaGa...just speak with some of
the members of "Citizen Journalist Comsats."
LERM: "If you were an advisor to the Romney Campaign what would you advise
him to do? {Camera 3 on Richard D.} Richard D.: "Do something unprecedented at
this juncture: Announce that if I secure Republican nomination, I will ask Newt
Gingrich to be my running mate. Of course, Newt would indicate that he wasn't
interested and was going all the way for the top spot. It is likely that he wouldn't
accept number 2. Nonetheless, it would win over conservatives who thus far are
reluctant to endorse him. It would constitute of stroke of genius on his part, if I may
say so myself. Of course, I'm totally committed, some no doubt think that I should
stop with the word the nomination of Citizen Journalist."
{Cue Al for commercial}
AH: "Now, turn your attention to where you will find our main attraction - the center ring.
But {before} we return to the main event, we must pause a moment, to allow one of our
hawkers to pass among you and peddle his wares..."
This A.D.D. moment is brought to you by Adderall and Kentucky Sipping Whiskey - the better
AH: "For those of you who had forgotten sponsor's name, I'm glad that we did that. The
sponsor's name had slipped my mind too."
LERM: "What should NASA's next rocket move be?" Citizen Journalist: "We were
one of the first, if not the first, to suggest that a declassified-version of the Air Force's
X-37B should be given to NASA. Obama had done something right: allowing greater
cooperation between NASA and the military. This is one area were it needs to be
done in order to end our humiliating and expensive dependency on Russia to get
our astros to the space station for which we footed most of the bill. The X-37B
resembles an unmanned space shuttle and is a 'secret' program! No doubt, Air Force
is making significant progress to a manned-version. Working with NASA that objective
could be realized a lot sooner." LERM: "Do you think that there are more 'Solyndra'
-like cases?" Me Lay: "Who cares! We still maintain that the bigger story is 'LightSquared'
wherein pressure might have been placed on a general to lie about national security
to secure subsidy and that pressure might have come from Obama White House. This
story has been overshadowed by what we contend is a lesser story."
{Cue Al for commercial}
AH: We will get to article proper 'after a preview of a current attraction.'...Adderall - straight or
on the rocks in the evening. Aderall with whiskey and a raw egg for breakfast...The better pick-
As is our wont, we begin with cosmos (meaning world) and, then, we deal with world, Offending
with Truth, when circumstances warrant.
      Not a life-seeking mission...NASA"s 6-foot Curiosity Rover is set for a Nov. 25 launch to
determine if Mars contains or contained ingredients for life such as organic compounds. It would
be analogous to looking for flour, sugar, etc. rather than cake.
Where were we?...Yes; taking glass of water away from Obama (Part 1 follows for those misfortunate
 among you who haven't read it yet).
      In the past, we opposed a "Nullification Doctrine." Now, we think that it is absolutely necessary
to save our Federalist Constitution. We think that it should operate as follows: Every 5 years, each
state can propose a federal law or regulation that they feel violates U.S. Constitution and/or State
Rights and/or Capitalistic Principles and/or Citizen's Rights. You're not likely to have too many
states recommending for both houses of state legislature would have to concur on proposal. The
following would be exempt from state challenges: foreign policy; defense; national security; domestic
security; coining and printing of money; fed taxes and budgets; legitimate inter-state commerce regs.
States would have 5 years to render a decision. How? Both the governor and the state attorney
general would have to agree that law or reg is unconstitutional. It would take 38 states to render it such.
 Two-thirds of both houses of congress or two-thirds of states would have to agree to a
constitutional convention to pass a "Nullification Doctrine" Amendment to U.S. Constitution. We think
it extremely unlikely that  two-thirds of both houses would agree to "Nullification Doctrine" to be
approved by 38 states: Congress wouldn't weaken itself. The other method has never been done: two-
thirds of states call for a constitutional convention. Attempted twice, they couldn't secure required
two-thirds. We think that time is ripe and that nearly three-quarters of states would vote in favor. There
is unwritten rule: no more than 3 amendments should be considered at one time and in one sitting.
{Lights...Cue Al}
AH: "And, now for our short, short, short, short story. So short in fact, you'll scarcely have time to
miss me, thank goodness, before I return..."
Super-charge your concentration with Adderall in your Maxwell House Coffee.
     Interestingly, people forget the "Lee Resolution" passed on July 2, 1176. At the time, it was as
important as the "Declaration of Independence." The Lee Resolution declared our independence
from Great Britain and was short and sweet. The Declaration of Independence went into detail
explaining why we felt it necessary to sever ties.
     The delegates vote in favor of Lee was: 90, 81, 96, 96 = 383. The correct total is: 363. In the National
Archives exhibit there is this note: "The incorrectly added figures in the lower right are a mystery."
Part three will deal with other proposed amendments amongst other things.
Due to inflation, we have to raise our price from $1 to $1.50 for admittance to this web site. See cashier
at front door.
                                     Fade to black...