-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Dec 26, 2011 1:58 pm
Subject: The Cartwright's Present...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Dec 26, 2011 1:58 pm
Subject: The Cartwright's Present...
The Cartwright's Present HEEHAW Second American Revolution L-i-v-e HEEHAW
by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio and Tom Jefferson
Little Joe Cartwright: "Give it up for Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio, and brought
back by popular demand, Tom Jefferson. {enter stage door left: the three writers and the
four producers* on horseback, thunderous applause, standing 'O'}
Citizen Journalist: "Thank you. Thank you... {they dismount, applause ascends} ...Thank
you. Please calm down... {young women are tossing their hotel keys on stage} ...Please
get a hold of yourselves... {women of all ages throwing their bras on stage} ...Thank you.
Gratis - round up those who are responding to gratis...{crowd finally regains control of their
senses. appropriate audience members are taken into custody}...
Citizen Journalist: "Let's do the numbers for last week: Visits: 541; Readers: (Google) 193,
(AddThis) 139 (Average: 166; we'll take it, we want to do better, please tell your cyber-friends
about us). Richard D.: "Citizen 'Unpredictable' Journalist: He is famous for his extra-long
prefaces. This article is sans preface and unusually short due to illness."
T.J.: "There will be those who argue that this constitutes a preface and that it wasn't short in
relation to article proper."
C.J.: It would represent an exercise in futility and foolishness to argue with one's Father."
As is our wont, we open with cosmos followed by world (which means cosmos).
What are Trojan Asteroids? There are points 60 degrees ahead of and behind a body of smaller
mass (let's say, a planet) where its gravity is equal to that of the much more massive but
much more distant object that it orbits (say, a star) where bodies can reside; these are the
Lagrangian or Trojan points. Objects of this nature exist ahead of and behind (but in the same orbit)
as Neptune and Jupiter (in the case of the latter, they are named after heroes of The Trojan War -
Greek ahead and Trojans behind). What about the inner planets? We have detected four for
Mars and. only recently, one for earth. (Just because they can exist doesn't mean that they have
to exist). (See :CJ's World and Welcome to It" at www.rickaddsite.blogspot.com ). You can limit
yourself to referring to the Trojans of Jupiter and calling other such bodies near these points
Lagrangian Asteroids (a special class of asteroids) or you may chose to call all such bodies
Trojan Asteroids (but remember some of those of Jupiter are named after Trojan heroes).
The U.S. Constitution" specifies the areas under the jurisdiction of fed gov. It also states, "the
general welfare of the people." Amendment Ten in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution
declares that any power not given directly to fed gov must be considered a state or a people power.
What were are Founding Fathers thinking? Fortunately, we have one here brought to us via the
Einstein/Rosen Bridge. They anticipated that in the future, STATES and the PEOPLE might
decide that a particular area effected all or virtually all Americans and could only be handled well
at the national level. They hoped that this wouldn't transpire often for they feared a too powerful
fed gov (after all, we had just fought a war to get free of a king).
We can see fed funding of NASA - the Space Race followed by new competitors (we must
have the cutting-edge technology that NASA generates for private sector which benefits virtually
all Americans. We can see that research by The Atomic Energy Commission and the research
that it does in conjunction with universities regarding atomic power is vital to national security and
energy independence. DARPA (the Defense advanced research org) is vital to the national security
of all of us (later, its finds applications in private sector; it takes longer to do so than NASA R & D).
DARPA does it own studies and does so in conjunction with universities; like AEC, it issues grants.
It is difficult to justify most of the $$$s fed gov spends on pure and applied (technology)
research, especially, National Science Foundation and Institute of Public Health. Research of a
psychological, sociological and educational nature. Funding of medical technology and pharmacological
development. This should be done by charitable donations in some cases and private companies in
others. And, it is already is! As should most physics and engineering (with the exception of those
mentioned above).
The X Foundation offers $10 million prizes. The winner of the first non-gov vehicle to fly a
sub-orbital flight with a pilot aboard has his concept purchased by Virgin Galactic and incorporated
into SpaceShipTwo (for future tourist flights). Virgin receives no fed funding! The X Foundation is now
offering a prize to a car that gets 100 miles to a gallon and the first non-gov craft to land on the moon
(unmanned). Its goal is to promote radical breakthroughs to benefit humanity and to foster the
development of new industries (thinking way outside of the box and tackling novel problems with radical
solutions and new technologies much as DARPA does; one might hope that it could replace DARPA
some day but much of what DARPA does is secret).
NASA ranks as a rarity: a successful gov program! Subsidies to private companies to develop
crafts to go to and from space station (Uncle Sam chooses winners and loses, its not predicated only
on a companies abilities but political considerations as to who gets a subsidy) should end with half of
money planned for the future going toward debt reduction and the other half to NASA.
Alfred Hitchcock: "I would like you to meet a gentleman whom I never dreamed would become quite
impossible." {run commercial} CJ: "Look downstairs for articles dealing with hate speech, sexual
harassment, anchor babies amongst other Citizen 'Offending with Truth' Journalist topics." When the
moon formed it was 14,000 miles away and is now about 250,000. It recedes at the same rate as a
fingernail grows. {run commercial} CJ: "This A.D.D. moment is brought to you by Adderall and Johnny
Walker Scotch - the better mixer. Filibuster comes from the Dutch word freebooter (pirate). In the
U.S. Senate a filibuster occurs when a small group of senators seize control of the floor to block
legislation. Traditional filibusters are a thing of the past. You block legislation by calling for a
vote on whether on not to proceed with the vote on the legislation. If 60 votes aren't mustered, senate
must proceed to something else. AH: "Goodnight."
The New York legislator passes a 'millionaire's tax' and 'crippled taxi' bill. Clearly, they want millionaires,
who already pay their fair share of taxes, to move out of N.Y. State, especially, N.Y. City!
Government as mommy and daddy is not what our Founding Fathers intended. Citizen 'Your Shoot-from-
the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist. A certain percentage of taxis are now required to be cripple-
accessible. It will cost money to comply; cost of taxi rides for all will rise. Won't it be wonderful if other
states do the self-same thing!!!
We wouldn't have objected to gov recommending. One company might decide to make this percentage
accessible while another might choose a different figure. Another company might decide to let other
companies have crippled business (for there isn't much of it in their estimation) and save money or hire
more; some drivers might even be semi-disabled but perfectly capable of driving. We opposed American
Disabilities Act too!
Fed gov takes powers and rights away from states, businesses and citizens; state gov from businesses
and citizens. It is easier to start a business in Hong Kong and parts of the rest of China than it is in the
U.S.! It is even easier to get a product to market! What happened to Capitalism!?!
{the better mixer is kickin' in}
*Little Joe with Ben (father) and Adam and Hoss (brothers).