-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 29, 2011 4:54 pm
Subject: Fwd: Mycroft Holmes Presents Goodbye-Farewell-Amen...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 29, 2011 4:54 pm
Subject: Fwd: Mycroft Holmes Presents Goodbye-Farewell-Amen...
Mycroft Holmes Presents Goodbye-Farewell-Amen: The Demise of Citizen Journalist
Subtitle One: The Final Problem
Subtitle Two: Second American Revolution (Second American Revolution - Parts 1, 2, 3 follow)
by Citizen Journalist, Dr. Sidney Freedman and Richard DePersio
Citizen 'Offending with Truth' Journalist: "...The hostilities will end twelve hours from
now at 10 O'clock. The war is over!"
We are known for our long prefaces. In this the finale article (new material is available
at some of our other web sites), we shan't disappoint.
The Final Preface (Just for You):
Richard D.: "Well boys - it would be hard to call what we've been through fun, but I'm
sure glad that we went through it together." Citizen Journalist: "Amen to that." RD:
"Speaking of Robert Wagner, he's one of the few actors to star or co-star in three
series - 'It Takes a Thief,' 'Switch' and 'Hart to Hart' - each of which lasted three years
or more. And, he might have murdered his wife to boot! After all these years, suspicions
about the death have resurfaced. And, he is now hawking reverse mortgages. What a
career." CJ: "I can only think of one actor and one actress - we don't refer to females as
actors. Although, some refer to themselves as such and want to grow balls too! - who
starred in three series each of which lasted four years of more: Lucille Ball and Michael
Landon." RD: "It's sad when traditions die. There are efforts to end fox hunting in the
U.K. and bull fighting in Spain because a the minority libs find it offensive." CJ: "I'll
give them offensive: There's nothing like a cold beer after a bull fight and a fox hunt.
Long live traditions. I'll take a thigh." Dr. Sidney Freedman: "Well, it is cruel. CJ: "Stick
it where the sun don't shine. Robert Blake actually claims that he coined that phrase."
RD: "How do you feel about a Gingrich/Cane ticket?" Dago Red: "I like it." CJ: "What the
hell is our ex-priest doing here?" DR: "I'm early for the closing of 'Citizen Journalist
Comsats' party." RD: "That's all he wrote."
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (meaning world) and, then, we deal with world. 'Offending
with Truth' when circumstances warrant.
Our Galaxy is 100,000 light years long (one light year equals 6,000,000,000,000 miles) and
contains about 150,000,000,000 stars. It has six spiral arms with our sun in the Orion Arm and
about 26,000 light years from the center. In recent years, it was realized that we live in a barred
spiral rather than a regular spiral galaxy. Our Galaxy is swallowing the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy.
Our readers know well that we oppose subsidies, including, subsidies to private companies
to carry astros and cargo to the space station. It now appears that companies like SpaceX
won't be able to return America to space by 2015; we will have to wait until 2017. Meanwhile,
our humiliating dependency on Russia - whom we beat in Moon Race - to get to the station, for
which we footed most of the bill, will continue.
NASA is one of the few fed gov programs that work. Money which is going to private companies
should go to NASA (half, with the other half going toward debt reduction) for a heavy-lifter which is
on a state of limbo. Only a super heavy-lifter has been green-lighted. We want the latter to be
equipped with a nuclear thermal or ion third stage to double as an earth-transfer module to Mars and
an asteroid.
Diogenes Club: A place where men can read without distractions; as such, the number one rule is
no talking, club members can even be expelled for coughing.
"There are many men in London, you know, some from shyness, some from misanthropy, have no
wish for the company of their fellows. Yet they are not adverse to comfortable chairs and the latest
periodicals. It was for the convenience of these that the Diogenes Club was started, and it now
contains the most unsociable and unclubable men in town. No member is permitted to take the
least notice of any other one. Save in the Stranger's Room, no talking is, under any circumstances,
allowed, any three offenses, if brought to the attention of the committee, render the talker liable to
expulsion. My brother {Mycroft} was one of the founders, and I have myself found it a very soothing
atmosphere." -William Sherlock Scott Holmes.
While visiting London, Citizen Journalist was honored by Mycroft having been made an honorary
member. Henceforth, he, like Mycroft, will rarely be seen outside of home, office and club.
There should be a study on the constitutionality of the president's executive order. Is it constitutional?
If so, what should be its length and breath? All too often, presidents, especially, those of the lib variety
have used EOs to circumvent the legislative process (usurp congressional authority). There should
be a Constitutional Amendment clearly defining EOs.
Speaking of constitutionality...
...We interrupt this article for:
Alfred Hitchcock: "...you find yourself becoming glassy-eyed...run commercial." This A.D.D. break is
brought to you by Adderall and Christian Brothers Brandy - the better mixer. In our last article on the
Second American Revolution, we corrected the author of a 'Blunder Book' for blundering as regards
Sherlock. This time around (and it shall be the last time), we criticize the History Channel for
blundering on the Pilgrims and the First Thanksgiving. Or, was it a blunder or a lib lie of the nature
being taught in public schools wherein children are indoctrinated instead of educated. The doc claimed
how wonderful it was that the Pilgrims pooled their food, water, seeds, tools, etc. And, how the land
would be owned collectively (a forerunner to the failed communist concept and further in that vein) and
that each individual output was his utmost - the best that he or she could do and how at harvest time
they all shared equally in the harvest. It was this and the Indians bringing food that made the First
Thanksgiving a success. The contribution of the ingins can't be underestimated but that of the Pilgrims
to the Party was meager. The truth: the policy failed miserably! The governor had to come up with a
new strategy (pre-capitalism). Some people had slacked off - doing minimum work, letting their
neighbor work to the utmost. Some stole food early in the harvest to secure more than their fair share
for their family. The replacement strategy: each family would OWN a plot a land and, thereby, work
to their utmost and be certain to turn back trespasses. After a couple of years this strategy proved
extremely successful. What should we make of the situation? Either the History Channel doesn't know
history or they engage in lib propaganda! AH: "Let's daydream with our dear sponsor." This is the ideal
time to purchase stocks in "Citizen Journalist Comsats" - an insider's tip. AH: "I thoroughly enjoyed
my association with 'CJC.'
When our nation was founded there were four departments and a handful of fed agencies. Today, there
are sixteen major departments and over a thousand agencies (they write regulatory laws predicated on
legislative laws and enforce them).
In theory, the president has control over departments and, even, chooses the secretaries (who
must be confirmed by Senate and only Senate). It is relatively easy for him to fire them and to get them
to fire those in upper and middle management. Presidents come and go. We said: "In theory." Career
bureaucrats sometimes undermine a president thinking that they know best having been around for a
long time unlike the president, the secretary, the deputy and under secretaries.
Technically, fed agencies, such as, IRS are under a departmental head, in this case the Secretary
of the Treasury. The secretary determines how much oversight he will exercise.
Presidents have the least control over semi-independent fed agencies , such as, the Federal Reserve
Bank. The members don't serve concurrently their four year terms with the president. In most cases, the
president doesn't get to choose their members until two years into office. Generally speaking, he has
to appoint (with Senate approval) an equal number of Republican and Democrat members plus the head who
is of his party. Some do the bidding of the president while others, such as, the Fed, do not. There have
been times in which the Fed is pursing a monetary policy that is not in sync with a president's fiscal policy.
Our Founding Daddies might it clear that everything had to fit smack dab within one of the three
branches of gov. You can't have entities that are half way in and half way out.
Presidents must exercise greater control over fed agencies. We need a Constitutional Amendment
here as well. Presidents should be weakened when it comes to EOs and strengthened when it comes
to decisions made by and regs created by agencies - subject to congressional oversight. Regs must be
in line with the letter and spirit of congressional laws. Regs can't be created where no corresponding law
exists. Let's return to the U.S. Constitution.
Citizen Journalist: "Goodbye from all of us at 'Citizen Journalist Comsats." (Dueling Sources: Google
Analytics and AddThis Analytics. We had up to 50 or 150 readers and up to 250 or 425 visits to our
comsats {web sites} per week. With no feedback at sites and little at Facebook and Twitter. Successful?
You be the judge).
Dr. Sidney: "You know, I told you people something a long time ago, and its just as pertinent today
as it was then, Ladies and Gentleman, take my advice - pull down your pants and slide on the ice."