Sunday, November 27, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 7, 2011 5:57 pm

                                          SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION
                                                     by Citizen Journalist
(Winner of the Sherlock Holmes Award for Best Actor in an Action Adventure Article)
                                          and Richard DePersio with Dago Red
                           (co-stars in the "Masterpiece" now appearing at www.quasarpolitics or
Preface One: Swing/Moderate States: NV; CO; IA; OH; NH; VA; FL. Total Electoral Votes: 85
Preface Two: Number of Readers (visits) last week to our comsats (web sites): 257; we are
growing in a painfully slow fashion. Please tell family members (those with whom you are
and aren't on speaking terms, co-workers, friends (and enemies too) about Citizen
Journalist; add Richard DePersio as a friend, subscribe to updates and, remember, the best
way to get the latest is by connecting to comsats via Profile Page (All are welcome: American
Citizens, Legal Residences - even muslims; foreigners who are inside of their own sovereign
Richard D.: "Ellery Queen - who is on a retainer from Citizen Journalist - is on assignment."
Citizen Journalist: "Why are House Republicans so concerned with Solyndria? We pointed
out weeks ago that the bigger story is: LightSquared; though, subsidy not approved, it
involved pressure on a general to lie on a national security issue in an effort to secure
approval."* Dago Red: "Why do some people say 'prevert' instead of 'pervert.' What's that?
What you are before you become a 'vert' ?" CJ: "Here we go again! We're going to end up
with a preface or prefaces nearly as long as the article proper." RD: "I wonder if the smelly
Wall Street Occupiers want the brand of socialism enjoyed by the smelly French (Aren't we
nice? We capitalized the first letter, 'F' {see above}): no economic growth for years; unionized
army; decline in worker productivity." DR: "CJ, this one's for you: CITIZEN America's Candidate
JOURNALIST has More Proposals Original/Proposals Endorsed that all the other candidates
combined: 57! We are taking this opportunity, you graciously offered us, to reiterate the more
salient ones and, in some cases, improve upon the proposals that we have offered for your
consideration over the past two years.
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (which means world) and, then, we proceed to the
world and Offending with Truth when circumstances warrant.
       Between 3 and 4 billion years from now, the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda
Galaxy will collide, separate and merge. The two spiral galaxies will become one elliptical
       NEEMO stands for Extreme Environment Missions Operations which includes Aquarius
underwater laboratory has been used by marine biologists and oceanographers since 1993.
Located in The Florida keys, it was used by NASA astronauts for the first time for the
purpose of testing equipment (battery-powered jet packs, booms with magnets, robotic arms,
etc.) for the planned manned asteroid mission.
Let's do Ourselves a Second American Revolution!!!...Fed gov has managed to usurp
state powers by subtly threatening withholding of some fed aid for failing to comply with
Uncle Sam's wishes and by violating the United States Constitution!
      The U.S. Constitution is explicit as to the role of fed gov: defense; foreign policy; coining
of money; regulating trade between the states and between a state and a foreign nation;
Indian affairs; mail. Those things best handled by our Uncle which can't be handled or
handled well by individual states and which benefit all or nearly all the citizens residing in the
states. The U.S. Constitution is also implicit: "...the general welfare of the people." General
meaning all or virtually all. Medicaid, for example, shouldn't be a responsibility of fed gov for
it doesn't concern even most people. We think that our Founding Fathers would find fed gov's
involvement in NASA and CIA as acceptable. They might even approve of fed funds flowing to
the states without strings and implied threats.
      We went from 4 departments and a handful of federal agencies, bureaus and boards at
our nation's inception to 15 departments and over a thousand agencies today. And, it isn't
because the nation got bigger and more complex. It's because distant Washington politicians
 and bureaucrats came to believe that they knew best: Uncle Sam became maternal and
paternal. The problem began around 1900 with progressivism which became liberalism circa
1950. The Federal Income Tax which took effect in 1914 (something that our Founders didn't
want fed gov to have) facilitated their efforts to seize state powers, business independence
and citizen's rights. Prior to 1914, fed gov was limited to funding itself with: tariffs on imported
goods; taxes on beer, wine and liquor producers and a licensing fee for retailers of alcoholic
beverages; fines paid for fed crimes. (FIT made Prohibition possible). As the decades passed
the progressive (punishing people for working hard by pushing them up to a higher tax bracket -
how un-capitalistic!) FIT would become bigger which made Uncle Sam hungry for more things
to do in an effort to satisfy its insatiable appetite.
Alfred Hitchcock: "Our thriller shocker {"Typos"} will appear on this program immediatly after a
preview of a current attraction:" An A.D.D.-ed break brought to you by Adderall and Irish Coffee -
the better mixer: "The Chinese scholar and writer Lin Yutang (1895-1976), in an essay on the
differences between Americans and Chinese, touched on the Chinese approach to errors in
books. Observed Yutang: 'An American editor worries his hair gray to see that no typograph-
ical mistakes appear on his pages. The Chinese editor is wiser than that - he leaves his
readers the supreme satisfaction of discovering a few typographical mistakes for themselves.'"**
"The Blunder Book" by Hirsh Goldberg, Quill, 1984.
AH: "And, now for our next {story} - a short, short, short, short story - - so short in fact, you'll
scarcely have the time to miss me, thank goodness, before I return." Citizen Journalist comsats
(web sites) are now virtually free! Please leave $1 at the entrance of each of the five comsats. AH:
"...I have seen {Citizen Journalist's} story for next week and it's well worth waiting for."
We believe that our Founding Fathers were divided on the issue of "Nullification." However, we
are confident that were they to arrive today via a time machine that after ascertaining the present
state of affairs that over 90% would favor such a legal instrument to rectify the top heavy state of
affairs. Before we proposal the nature of such a would likely have to be in the form of a
constitutional amendment...we will propose a test case.
      The Commerce Clause gives fed gov the authority to regulate trade amongst the states. Some
goods are carried by water. Not long after taking office, Obama signed an Executive Order seizing
control of all water in and around the nation, including, the puddle in front of your house. Thus far,
according to our count, Mr. Obama has violated U.S. Constitution, 17 times!!! This represents one
of those cases. Fed gov has regulated rivers and lakes located in more than one state: inter-state.
Now, Obama is regulating intra-state rivers and lakes by invoking Commerce Clause in an
unconstitutional manner.
      We hope that a governor will violate this edict and have the state's attorney-general take the
state (wouldn't this be interesting!?!) to court. It would work its way up the state courts to the
federal courts, and, ultimately, no doubt in our minds, to the U.S. Supreme Court. Let's short-
circuit the process; let's establish a precedent assuming the Supremes rule in our favor. It
isn't likely that two-thirds of both houses of congress would approve of a "Nullification Amendment"
weakening itself by giving states veto power over fed laws and regs, especially, retroactively. All
27 amendments were approved by congress followed by the requisite approval by three-quarters of
the states. There is another method that has never been employed: two-thirds of state legislators
 proposing an amendment which must be ratified by three-quarters of the states or state legislators
 appointing delegates to a Constitutional Convention wherein an amendment could be sent to the
state legislatures upon approval of two-third of the delegates.
      Our best bet would be test case followed by method not involving congress. We have three
amendments in mind.
Citizen Journalist: "That's it? We've run out of space." RD: "We set a foundation. It necessitates
a part two, perhaps, three. Gripping stuff. Our readers will stick with us. Those with brains will offer
commentary...those with brains." DR: "Let's hope that they don't use their gray matter. People
think that our high functions are in the gray matter of the neocortex. It's gray when dead! Alive, it's
sought of pinkish.
*Learn more about this scandal in "Wasn't he the guy who Was in a buddhist temple but didn't know
Why he Was there - parts one and two" at
""If we misspell a word or fail to use spell-check, we can claim that we were doing it to give you the
supreme pleasure of discobering them for yourselves.

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