Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fwd: The Truth about Blacks Colored...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 25, 2011 2:37 pm EXPANDED at 5:30 P.M.
Subject: The Truth about Blacks Colored...

                               The Truth about Blacks Colored
                     by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
Citizen Journalist: "I'm on Cloud 3." Richard D.: "Don't you mean Cloud 9?" CJ:
"As a chronically depressed individual, Cloud 3 is about as high as I can get."
RD: "Share the Cloud with our readers." CJ: "We had up to 350 readers (visits)
per week and plummeted to about 225, three weeks ago - Google had taken
away group sites. We didn't think that we would regain all of the readers lost
with our charity sites." RD: "Well, what happened? The suspense is killing
our readers." CJ: "Last week, we rocketed to 413!" RD: "On behalf of CJ, Dago
Red, Topper and the rest of the gang at 'Citizen Journalist Comsats,' we wish
to thank our Readers/Cyber-Friends."
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (which means world) and then, we deal
with world and Offending with Truth when necessary.
      The first and the last...Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon (in a
rare public appearance) and Gene Cernan, the last (it's hard to believe that they are
 both in their late 70s now) testified before the House Committee on Science and
Technology. Neil stated: "A lead, however earnestly and expensively won, once
lost, is nearly impossible to regain." He was talking about America's leadership
position in space. He described our current dependency on Russia to be "embarrassing."
There is a debate within NASA and Congress as to whether our next goal should
be: Returning to the Moon or Going to Mars. We concur with Neil: Moon (See,
"New Version: The Article" followed by three articles concerning moon and our
energy crisis). Remember: We have to choose as NASA's budget is being cut.
Hero Gene echoed Neil's views. (We hope that our readers will contact their
members of Congress and put their vote in for MOON).
                               "The broad mass of a nation...will more
                                easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one."
                                                                                     -Adolf Hitler
As we all know, series on PBS and CUNY are liberal-biased (usually, they are
subtle but occasionally blatant) and "A Biography of America" is no exception -
except for one peculiar episode entitled, "Growth and Empire: The Best Poor
Man's Country."
     We experienced one of the biggest population growths in history: going from
a mere 250,000 in 1700 to a whopping 2,500,000 at the outset of the Revolutionary
War. In contrast: Spain had only 30,000 in New Mexico and Florida; France had
70,000 in New France (Canada). The 13 colonies became the 13 states in 1776.
By the outset of the Civil War (Do you know what year that was or are you
ignorant!?!): Over 90% of those living in the New England states were English and
about 50% in the other states - the rest being Scots, Northern Irish, German, black
and other.
     It's time to switch to black...Here is the truth that isn't being taught to your
children (do you remember our recent article in which we revealed the truth concerning
     Spain had conquered Mexico, much of Central and South America, as well as,
most of the Caribbean Islands. How many slaves were brought to the New World?
11 million. How many were imported to what became the United States in 1776?
     The long march...WHO CAPTURED THE BLACKS? OTHER BLACKS: The bigger
 and more powerful tribes in western Africa captured members of smaller tribes in western
 and central Africa and took them on a LONG MARCH to the trading posts on the west
 where they traded their own for goods.
    Once here, household slaves were treated better than field slaves. Slave revolts
were more common in Spanish occupied territory. However, there was a noteworthy
revolt in an area of South Carolina (the Stoney Rebellion; largest in the south)
where the owners of the rice patties kept there distance from the malaria infested areas
and from the slaves. Different here than other parts of the south where overseers
were white and tobacco grown.. The foreman or DRIVERS were themselves SLAVES.
The work in the mosquito- and snake-infested patties
 was done at a KILLING PACE. When the tasks were done, they returned to living quarters
 (individual cabins) which included families. They could hunt, fish and grow. They
developed their own culture. The largest slave rebellion transpired there: broke into
store, seized guns and went on a rampage - killing over two dozen white trash and
plundering fields. Black wasn't beautiful that day in 1759.
     It is reminiscent of today: Blacks are 13% of the population and, yet, they are
responsible for over 50 % of: murders, rapes, armed robberies, robberies, assaults.
What makes the race look even worse is that over 60% of these crimes are
committed against their own: black on black crime!
     It puts a whole new complexion on the issue.
It is time now for an A.D.D. break sponsored by Adderall and Southern Comfort (the
better date mix): Why is China white? It is a powerful synthetic heroin, and even small
amounts can be fatal. The chemical name is: 3-methylfentanyl. (Suggestion: Offer some
to a liberal).
End the minimum wage...A higher minimum wage obviously helps those whose wages
are raised. At the same time, it hurts low wage earners who lose their jobs or aren't
hired because businesses cut back on the numbers of workers they employ at the new
higher minimum wage.
     It hurts blacks most of all. We saw a black professor on television state that back in
the 1940's, more black youths had jobs than white ones.
     Without a minimum wage, an employer might hire three younger people 16 to 21,
unskilled. With a minimum wage, he might hire one or two and since he has to pay
more, he will insist that they are semi-skilled and have some experience. Eliminated:
Starting at the bottom rung and working your way up.
Let's flesh out our tax plan...Oops, we're out of time...To be continued...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fwd: Expanded - Citizen Journalist: Bigot or Savior?

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 7, 2011 3:53 pm
Subject: Expanded - Citizen Journalist: Bigot or Savior?

                            Expanded -  Citizen journalist: Bigot or Savior? 
                Supplement to "The Final article: The Final Problem" Parts 1 & 2
(Companion Pieces: "Latest Update: Offending with Truth" and "Action Chain Letter 6)
                            by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
(Also enjoy at this venue: "Hurricane," 'Problem 1 & 2,' "Article with No Name," "Reader's
Choice," "Meteors Make Merry/Mexicans Make Merry," "Nation Needs NASA/Non-NASA
Notions," "ingins, cripples, people of the dome and the rest," "Why such Anger in
those Heavenly Minds," "Traveling Reporter," "Pie in the Sky," and more).
           "We are all Greeks: our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts - all have
             their roots in Greece; not for Greece, we would all be savages..."
                                 -(he left out philosophy) Early in 19th Century, Poet Shelly.
           "If there is a source to which Western art and thought comfortably refer, it
            is in ancient Greece and Rome. Greece and Rome are with us where ever
            we look...where ever we go."
                                                          -Michael Wood, Art of the Western World.
           "Rome borrowed heavily from Greek mythology (often similarly stories
            replaced with Roman names) and philosophy; extended Greek technology
            (aqueducts) realized full potential of cement in building 3-dementional structures,
            heretofore, limited to surface work due to flaw in formula; introduced the arch
            and the shapes derived from it; Greek known for grand exteriors in architecture,
            Romans modified and  became known for grand interiors; Roman law;
            the hierarchy of Roman Catholic Church based on Roman government;
            further developed Greek art and sculpture; military strategies still studied today."
                                                                                            -Citizen Journalist
       Citizen Journalist: When I  visit Rick (in
his secret office abode: he actually has a living room-traditional library-
command center {part office} combo; a 3-in-1 featured in 'Better Homes and
Gardens' in 2005 (reporter and photographer blind-folded to and from venue}) are
good friends George, John, Tom and Jim brought here by H.G. (sort of like
car pooling by the red, white and blue for the green - tribute or mock? You,
Harvey and Topper will be the judge)." George: "Not counting the black slaves
- whom I freed in my will - in 1776, the 13 colonies (now, states) were 99%
white-Christian-European-decent (British, and, in a distant second Dutch and
German, and bringing up the rear homos...we jest, Patriot humor, you know, it
 got big laughs during the long cold nights when the men were huddled together at
Valley Forge...Destiny had placed the continuance of the Western Tradition (aka
Western Civilization) on our shoulders. Ho-Jon: "Your not whistling 'Dixie."
       Something insidious began to transpire in the U.S. and Free Europe in the 1950s,
 WT (Ancient Greece and Rome; Christianity;
Renaissance, Enlightenment; Industrial Revolution) was mentioned less and less
 in public - get your un-education here - schools and in public discourse. When
 liberal intellectuals (does that constitute an oxymoron!?!) do bring it up there are
two camps: libs who disdain all of WT and want to flush it down the WC, including, the
Enlightenment-component for it smacks of tradition which makes them upchuck;
those who still like  Enlightenment component and will only wax praise on parts of it."
On the rare occasions that it is taught in elementary school, high school and
college it is taught in a negative vein. Do you remember: "Black Power" ? We say:
"WT Power." Liberal social experimentation has always been bad for America!
       American History which was made predominately by white males (85% should be
about them) should be
taught and World History should be 85% concerned with WT in elementary and high
schools. Presently, 65% of American History textbooks are negative about America.
American and World History (and Culture) textbooks should be 75% to 85%
positive and truthful and 15 to 25% negative and truthful. American History is
largely positive.
       More than a year of bi-lingual education in elementary and high schools hurts
Hispanics in high school, the work place and college, studies show. Libs don't care; they
just want to feel good about themselves at the expense of others (like zapping pride
from poor, elderly, disabled: they force social services on those who don't need or
deserve it; they force recipients to take things that they don't need. Not in the Western
       Learn your native tongue and culture at home, in institutions and organizations
devoted to particular cultures and to a small degree in college. Don't hold back
young minds. Primarily: Melting Pot; Secondarily: Your individual culture. Too many
states are taking a multi-cultural approach and too many states are requiring too much
bi-lingual; this constitutes bad policy. Let's not forget failed sex ed. Western Europe,
especially, U.K. and France are rethinking multi-cultural for the damage it has wrought.
      America is great because of its melting pot nature and secondarily because of
positive elements that other cultures have added to it. The core must reign supreme!