Sunday, February 28, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Feb 28, 2010 7:23 pm

Editors Note: Parts 1 and 2 by yours truly and parts 3 and 4 by second cousin that we
found in cyber-space about 5 years and part 5 and for now final installment by new
citizen journalist Alexa (DePersio) Higginson. You guessed it: She's my pretty and
intelligent and talented 9-year old niece. Announcement: She a my other niece Katie
Higginson (age 13) are now Rickcosmos-Eclectic Websites: Youth Contributing Writers

                                                                            My Italian Ancestors

America! Land of the free, home of the brave! More opportunities, better jobs for more money, more rights ......those are the hopes and dreams that brought people here from all over the world! Amongst them was my family on my mom's (dads side)...the DePersio's!
The red white and blue country is the freedom country -  that is why my great, great grandparents came to America. This is what I was told to be their story. Their names were John Anthony Di Persia & Marie Josephine Di Persia. John Anthony came over under his name in Italian which is Giovanni Antonio Di Persia. They were the first family members to come to America. They came from Naples, Italy.
As many people did and still do,  they came for better jobs, freedom and a better way of life for themselves & their families.
They arrived in the very late 1800's. They traveled here by boat. I was told the boats name was called"The Iniziativa". Inziativa means enterprise in Italian. The boat came into Ellis Island. Ellis Island is in New York Bay. It is the former immigration station in the United States, where over 12 million immigrants passed through.
My great, great Grandparents traveled together. I think they dressed quite different from today's styles. The woman usually wore long dresses and hats with a lot of flowers. Men wore black top hats, suits and ties.
Later when my great, great grandparents had children & they went to school the last name was changed from Di Persia to DePersio, making the I an E and taking the space away before the P.The school felt it was more American that way.
This is the story of my ancestors on my Italian side. I am really glad they came to America for a better life. If it weren't for them making this journey, I may not have had all the wonderful opportunities and bnefits of this great country.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Editor's Note: Ed De Persio (my second cousin will always have space on my websites
but not between my 'e' and 'P' - Richard DePersio). This isn't a historical articles or
a science articles( his comments on healthcare will appear soon). but a casual letter to his second cousin. I dare say that he and my casual letters are better written then today's college senior's formal reports and term papers. Hence forth, Ed will be a Contributing Editor).

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Mon, Feb 22, 2010 10:12 pm


My brother, Richard (the ENT facial plastics surgeon in Knoxville,TN and currently president of the State Medical Society of TN) spells it DeP   and I think my dad (also a John) was very casual in spelling it DeP.

I will have to look to the tree to see who uses the space and who doesn't.  I think it is not very important.  I just started using the space as it seemed more natural  re the meaning: from Persia.  As we found
out later Persia is a town in Italy not the country Persia.  


Re the Manhattan  project.  First, my dad John was inducted into the Army in Boston, I think and his first duty station was in Oak Ridge, TN (you will remember it was the original "Atomic City" where the U-235
was successfully separated from U-238 and thus where the material for the first bomb was obtained).  He was sent there specifically to be Chief of Staff of the Hospital.  He knew all of the main important operatives
there including General Leslie Groves who was ahead of the project in Oak Ridge.  Dad was sent briefly to Los Alamos to treat the first lethal case of radiation poisoning.  This occurred when the neutralizing 
cadmium rods in a reactor were removed to deliberatively increase the reaction in the reactor for some experiment I think.  It was a bad mistake and the reactor almost went critical. The individual broke up
the fission reaction with his hands (as the story was told to me) and he thus received  significantly over the lethal dose.  The lethal dose is about 500 Rem (midline dose). 

Next, my step-father Alvin Weinberg (married my mother Genevieve Kellerman De Persio) was a member of the inner circle (with Oppenheimer)who worked on the bomb and who went to Chicago Stadium to 
see the real test of the fission reaction.  Space was limited in the reaction experiment area and I think only eleven scientist were under the stadium.  Alvin was no. twelve as he told the story so he was above the 
stadium. Alvin was later then the Chief of Oak Ridge National Lab for twenty years. He holds the patent on the design of the worlds first graphite nuclear reactor. He won the very prestigious Fermi award.

I did become a follower of Buzz on facebook!  Would be happy to work on the "Save our NASA Project".

We have a number of De Persio's, who are on my and my daughter-Danielle's facebook page, who reside in Italy.  I should bring up the subject of ancestry with them.

All for now.




You are a little hard to follow at times to say the least!!   I presume that you had someone else look at tombstones in Laurenzano? (or Naples) and came upon the stone with
the inscription:  Domenico Antonio de Persia.  You conjecture is that he had a son named Domenico Antonio de Persia Jr.  But in reality his son would have to be named 
Giovanni (John) Anthony di Persia, as that part of the name is fairly certain as per Dom's Baptismal certificate.  What we need is proof that this individual had two sons named
Domenico [Italian]  (Dominick-actually is on his tombstone  [I have a photograph] but he signed his name Dominic) and Daniel.  This link is still missing.  

As I said previously, will be writing to my close cousin Mary who may just have some of this stuff.  I need to tell her that I have Father Edward's box of things.  You remember 
he is the priest that married your father.

Regarding your niece's ancestry project, I am afraid my part is somewhat incomplete.  Let me know if you want me to send to her (or you) a narrative of our side of the family and 
anything else that I have.  I will  need some help in getting my Uncle Bob's family all accounted for as he had either seven or eight children.  Two of them are physicians: an orthopedist 
and a radiologist.  Cousin Mary (Uncle Bob's first female descendant  lives with a gentleman and they have a daughter who is a

Did you ask for my credentials?  I am a retired Radiation Oncologist.

In conclusion, we have to be fairly rigorous (use the scientific method) in defining the great, great grandfather as he is the distant link to many other people!



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fwd: De Persio Tree in Brief: Fact; Speculation; U.N. Hockey Data

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Feb 23, 2010 9:54 pm
Subject: Fwd: De Persio Tree in Brief: Fact; Speculation; U.N. Hockey Data

There are mysteries remaining. We are calling on all DePersios, De Persios, dePersios, DiPersios, Di Persios, Depersios, DePersias, diPersias, etc. to leave
info at Ed or my Facebook page. We are looking for vertical and horizontal

We calling on our readers to send us interesting stories about themselves (throw
modesty out of the window) or recent or distant ancestors. We plan on doing so.
Let's call it: "Another Perspective on American History and World History: Utilizing the Internet to Personalize History." That's a mouth full!

I have to get back to my roots. My favorite T.V. mini-series was: "George Washington."
Help me find myself - not like a recent college graduate who has a perverse need to
travel Europe to find himself instead of his own backyard. Together, we can create a
special history; we can use Internet for useful purpose of bringing us together.

Meet Ed tomorrow and Alexa on Thursday. Two special people because they know
this writer.

Domenico Antonio di Persia Origin: Strada San Giacomo, Laurenzano Est.D.O.B.: Oct 16, 1817
Domenico Antonio Di Persia Origin: Laurenzano Est. D.O.B.: 1819
Relationship: Unknown or uncle of person below

Giovanni Di Persio San Demetria, Ne Vestini, LiAquilla Est. D.O.B.: 1859
Relationship: Unknown or Same as person below

Giovanni Antonio Di Persio Surburb of Naples Est. Year of Arrival 1878-1880
Spouse: Maria Josephine D' allesandro
Sons: Dominic (Est. D.O.B.: 1880-1882; granduncle) and Daniel(D.O.B.: 1888; grandfather)

Monday, February 22, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Feb 22, 2010 6:54 pm

Subtitle 1: Am I like the Nut Who Shows his SS# on T.V.?!?
Subtitle 2: Who Am I? I Lost My Roots!
Subtitle 3: Ellory Queen's Case of the Missing Di Persio Tree.
Subtitle 4: Obama wants My Space!
We have decided to go with 3. (Don't expect to see documentation - where not stupido!).
                           by Richard DePersio or De Persio

        Dear Alexa, Diane and Ed,

        It was dark...dark and cold as Ellory worked through the  cemetery being as
quiet as a mouse on Christmas. No need to wake the dead not that EQ faired any man
dead or alive...but why take chances.
        He arrived at a tombstone which read: Domenico Antonio di Persia; Birth/Christening - circa Oct. 16, 1817; Strada San Giacomo, Laurenzan, Italy. He recollected that his client Rick had told him that his father had told him that his ancestors came di (Di, De, de, D' mean 'from' Rickcosmos isn't very familiar with his ancestors tongue except for some  expletives deleted!) Persia - a  town in Italy. Some of those there di Persias moved to a town near Naples. Try as he may, Rick couldn't remember the name of that town. His ancestors when there and after they came here would tell people that they were from Naples. Naples was a big city and most people have heard of it.
         Ellory lit a a celebratory fag and thought: "I'm the best. Another case solved. Kiss my ring." To his shock and surprise, he stumbled upon - literally, stumbled upon -(do use website "StumbleUpon'?- free ad - - feeling generous - - - it won't happen again for a long time if ever. Trust me on this one).
another tombstone and heard: "Must you make such a racket. People are trying to
rest!" He got a grip on himself and deduced that it was the wind that appeared to
utter those words. Nonetheless, he took his tin from his inner coat pocket and 
had a big swig. This tombstone read: Domineco Antonio Di Persia; Birth/Christening -
about 1819; Laurenzano, Italy. Curious and Curiouser.
        What do make of it. He decided to ponder...outside of the cemetery not that seeing a black cat had anything to do with it. He's virtually certain that he saw Topper and Harvey!
         One of these is Rick, Diane and Ed's great-great grandfather and Alexa's great-
great-great grandfather noting the ages. They must have had a son: Domineco
Antonio Di or di Persia Jr. who grew up (or is this a U.N. 'hockey stick' and came to that shining city on the hill and had two sons: Dom and Dan and their last names were changed by the public school system to De Persio. Dan was his own man and choose not to place a space between the 'e' and the 'P." The brothers were always competing and trying to distinguish themselves from each other or his principal didn't have space for Dan.
         Knowing how cheap Rick is, he decided not to bother to ask to be compensated.
Case Closed??????????

                                             TO BE CONTINUED
Speaking of Ellory Queen, did you know that he was one character and two people. The books...This too shall be continued...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Learning from the brain: Computer scientists develop new generation of neuro-computer

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