Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fwd: AH PUCH...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 28, 2012 12:44 pm
Subject: AH PUCH...

                           Multi-cultural dingleberry nation
                           Worse than tumblr Western Civilization
                           BO's libs and saracens celebration
                           Make gifnard, dilligaf, has an elation
                           -Citizen 'Snoop Doggy Doggy/Nostradamus' Journalist
 AH PUCH - Mayan God of Death's Going Out-of-Business Sale (?)
           by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and the Gang
    (A {film noir} Spartan Production filmed at MGM in Black and      )

CJCS (Citizen Journalist/Cayuga/Shamley) Productions once famous
 or infamous for their extra-long and extra-tasty prefaces nearly as long
 as their articles proper - it feels as if they're alone on a dark alley,
              {Foreboding music with staccato rhythms and arching horns
               play in the background}
As is our wont, we commence with cosmos; it is followed by cosmos
(meaning world) and Offending with Truth when circumstances warrant.
There was a point (a real point such as that which exists in Plato's
Heaven) has no length, width or depth; when we make a point . it has
dimensions and is representational only) called a singularity containing
all the energy of the cosmos and it banged - BIG Banged --- rapid
expansion followed by inflation --- even greater expansion. All this
occurred within a fraction of a second! It went from a point to the
size of an atom to the size of a softball. It then slowed and cooled
enabling matter to condense out of the ball of energy. The universe
is 13.7 billion years old and to everyone's shock inflated again about
7 billion years after the last inflation. Will it slow down, eventually,
stopping and reversing course and heading back to a singularity. Or,
continue to inflate, perhaps, even accelerate until the universe
consists only of black holes and, later, just  energy at a temperature
near or at absolute zero. Will these photons be able to 'understand'
time, distance and size asks physicist Roger Penrose. Would this
unbelievably large universe be indistinguishable from a point!?!
Eugene Weber, Western Civilization (PBS/CUNY): "Emperor Augustus
tried to reawaken Roman civic duty  by reviving old Roman virtues
and using Roman History much like we use to use American History
to discourage young children from lying and encourage adults to be
patriotic and enterprising."
             {George: It is something that should be done again. John,
Tom and Jim in concert: Ditto. Kronos: That sounds just fine. I just ate
 my children and I got a bone to pick. I, and most of my gang, haven't
been featured on posts. Zeus: You're old school fuddy-duddy farts.
They featured my new school gang. It was an east coast/west coast
type of thing. Hey! Come to think of it: How come I never produced 
a post. I have a thunderbolt and its aimed at Citizen Journalist --- go
out in style!!!}
The dumb-ing down of American: No bigotry, Just the facts, ma'am...
According to sociologist Linda Gotridden on IQ test Orientals average
110, Whites - 100, Blacks - 85 and Hispanics/American Indians - 80.
Excuses are given but they don't wash. These tests are designed to
measure certain types of intelligence that all humans posses; we listed
most categories human.
      There are an estimated 12 million illegals: 9 million Hispanics (or
Latino, if you prefer) of which 6 million are Mexican; 3 million, Other.
If they are legalized and later they import their parents and children
(those that aren't already here), we are talking about over 35 million.
It would severely impair are GDP , as well as, our ability to compete on
the global market (IQs). Most illigals come here to commit crime and
 illegally receive social services/healthcare and their children are
attending our public schools (courtesy of lib govs, county execs and
mayors) and are the main reason that border states are on the brink of
bankruptcy. Legalizing them will make a bad situation much worse:
there won't be enough jobs for  them and working Americans would
have to be taxed sky high to support them! Not to mention: the demise
 of Western Culture!).
            {CJ is in the '59 Plymouth (that's part of WC, American Branch)
Fury that he borrowed from Peter Gunn who is enjoying a cocktail at
Mother's) with Number Six riding shotgun - literally (there are those
who want him returned to the Village). Number Six: You're not afraid
to tell it like it is. CJ: "That was always a hallmark at CJCS Comsats}
"How the States Got Their Names" on the History Channel doesn't
know what it's talking about claiming that we are a religiously diverse
nation now. It was 99% Christian at our Founding. 'States' points out
that 75.5% of Americans identify themselves as Christians today with
1.7 Jewish, 1.5 Muslim, 1.3 Buddhist/Hindu and 20% atheist, agnostic,
believe in God or cosmic force (but not identifying with any particular
religious denomination). Doesn't 'States' look at what it is reading
out loud!?!
Get a load of this: Many Texas schools have begun to teach that the
Boston Tea Party was an act of terror! Texas! always perceived as one
of, if not, the most patriotic states in the nation. Just ask 'States' - on
second thought, don't bother. It constitutes another attack on Western
       How many people were killed at the 'Party'? You know the answer.
Further, we had legitimate grievances against England and a growing
desire to be free. Do Muslims have legitimate reasons. Let's see: they
make a lot off of us via the sale of oil!; They should thank Allah for the
U.S. and Israel for we have for many years prevented Iraq and Iran from
 attacking and consuming Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, UAE, Qatar,
 Jordan, Bahrain, Oman; Iraq in the Middle East and Afghanistan in
southern Asia now have an opportunity - though remote - of enjoying
homespun democracies.
           {aliens - the other kind: Rod: "...and think twice when you drink
your next glass of water. Find out if it came from your local reservoir or
possibly it came direct from the Twilight Zone." CJ: "The Carrington
Event in 1859 (records kept by R.C. Carrington of solar activity)
produced the largest known solar flare resulting in a coronal mass
ejection. Aurorea could be seen around the world even in the
Caribbean! Telegraph systems in the U.S. and Europe were knocked
out even shocking operators. This was a natural event occurring when
we had little dependence in electricity beyond the telegraph. What
would transpire today to our power grids and due to our complete
 dependency on electricity!?! We would be transported back to the
19th Century! Flares and CME produce electromagnetic radiation
across the spectrum and high energy electrons and protons. What
about a high altitude EMP produced by a nuclear warhead (detonated
up there instead of at our near the surface)? It could wreck havoc
over part or all of a continent. To be effective, it must be one megaton
or higher and made small enough to be carried by a ballistic missile
and launched offshore. Way beyond the capability of present terrorist
groups but, perhaps, within the ability of Iran or North Korea within
10 years, meanwhile, BO continues to shrink our plans for a domestic
and overseas nuclear shield (See, "Why Fed Regulations are
Unconstitutional at Everyone can
connect to our 5 comsats via Facebook's Second American Revolution).
 Definitely, within the capacity of Russia and China, however, it wouldn't
 be feasible technologically and financially to shield against them. Of
course, planned shield should be developed to protect against EMP
attack from rogue nations and aliens, if feasible.
We know that BO is anti-Israeli. Some might say anti-Christian as
well! Those good chaps in uniform are being attacked by a bad
case of BO...
(End of Part One; Part Two immediately follows. In part two, you will
learn why Acan and Bacchus are drinking --- but not together. Acan is
celebrating while Bacchus is depressed. Dago Red, Sherlock and the
 Cartwrights are at Hopper's Diner planning Part Three: The
End of the World).
Edie Hart will sing "Body and Soul" during the intermission. Enjoy
intermission or gather important info from one of the prefaces in
"Calliope Bids Farewell" at this venue...

Fwd: AU PUNCH - Part Two...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 28, 2012 12:45 pm
Subject: AU PUNCH - Part Two...

                                AU PUNCH - Part Two
                by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist

Appropriately, it's a dark, gloomy, stormy night as intermission
ends and part two begins. Flags at CJCS Comsats have been
flying upside  down since BO was reelected.
 Will there be a murder!?!
Where were we? Those good chaps receiving a BO attack. He
is in the process of ordering that all chaplains - most of whom
are Christian - perform same-sex marriages in violation of
virtually all chaplains principles and interfering with how they
and their churches practice their religion. A clear violation of
Amendment One in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.
Failure to do so will result in being unceremoniously booted from
 the military. They say that BO was a college instructor teaching
 about the U.S. Constitution. He sure isn't an authority on the
genuine article: the Judeo-Christian/Capitalist/Constructionist
U.S. Constitution plus Bill of Rights nor associated docs -
Declaration of Independence and Federalist Papers. He must be
an authority on the bogus secular/socialist/'living' U.S.
constitution taught to your youngins beginning in elementary
       There's a pattern here. Even since there has been BO in
the White House there has been an attack on Christianity in
and out of the military; the latter being virtually ignored by the lib
mainstream media: CBS; NBS; ABC; most major newspapers;
some include CNN and PBS in this category. Prayers and hymns
 becoming non-existent. Ceremonies and traditions, one-by-one
 being eliminated or modified because the names God and/or
Jesus are used; or, being rendered gender-neutral to the point of
absurdity. Over 250 years of U.S. Military customs being
 sacrificed at BO's lib alter! Fear not: Muslims are
accommodated (remember: his father and grandfather were of
that ilk). For more see posts a
      This on the heels of him demanding that workers in
Catholic Charities, Catholic hospitals and schools have their
contraceptives covered by health insurance (this is the
job of fed gov: contraceptives!).
      Will the Church violate its principles and allow BO to
violate Amendment One - where will it end!!! All this represents
 not only an attack against religious liberty (remember: CJ is a
deist and, nonetheless, he takes the Constitutional position)
 but an attack against Western Civilization as great as legalizing
 illegals! Bihotry? No. A desire to preserve the great and
successful Western Civilization, including, American Branch.
Don't mess with that which made us great. There's an old army
saying: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
      As we see it, Catholics and the Evangelical Christians
supporting them can cave to BO. In so doing, his attacks will be
 relentless until he achieves his ultimate victory: destruction of
WC/AB and U.S. Constitution (for more on this constitutional
criminal visit cj-rickadd).
     As we see it, they must: A) close their schools,
condemning these children to an inferior public school
education and overwhelming public schools; B) close their many
 hospitals - open to Catholics and none Catholics alike -
 overwhelming hospitals --- it will also mean that the average
 person will live further from a hospital and their condition can
 get worse or they could die en route to the hospital; C) close
Catholic Charities which helps the needy better than gov social
    The lib mainstream media and the ignorant will blame the
Pope when the real culprit is BO! When will he stop using our
Constitution as toilet paper and not just Amendment One!
 Someone has to stand up to BO. The House can't initiate
 Impeachment Proceedings - Republicans would be accused
of bigotry. Moderates and Conservatives: the fundamental
principles of our civilization and nation are under attack. This
Supreme Court shockingly proclaimed that it is
to order Americans to purchase something!!!! What next? Will
we be told what we can and cannot eat and drink? Will we be
told that will can only drive electric cars because of the global
warming nuts? Will we be required to live in dwellings equipped
with solar and/or wind power? What else!?! Less you forget, BO
will get to appoint at least two new Supreme Court Justices. God
 save us all...And, condemn the stupid asses who didn't vote for
Romney because he wasn't perfect, including, some evangelicals
 who objected to his Mormonism and those to ignorant to realize
what was at stake. Are you f'n happy!?!
       Many businesses will no longer pay all or half of their
employees health insurance, opting instead to pay the fine which is
 cheaper. Bare in mind: freedom of religion is our first freedom;
 freedom of press, speech and assembly are also part of
Amendment One. There is more at stake here than healthcare: will
 there be any limits on government; if fed gov can be involved with
 contraceptives, what else!?!
Al Hitchcock Presents...Al: "I'm 10,000 feet up on my magic
carpet and, yet, I swear that I saw a billboard over there."
{run commercial} Got BO. Try extra-strength constitutional
deodorant. (Going out-of-business: no longer effective. Buy
cheap, use as toilet paper). Al: And, now tonight's story...
       Orion was a mighty hunter and giant. Poseidon gave him
 the power to wade through the depths of the sea (others
claimed that he could walk on water).
       Orion loved Merope who was the daughter of the king of
Chios and wanted to marry --- Merope not the king (this is
a mythological story and not a fairy tale). The king prevented
       Later, he and Diana would hunt together. They fell in
love and planned to marry. Her brother, Apollo, was much
displeased and often chid  (there's a word that you don't hear
much anymore) her. One day, Orion was wading through the
 sea with head just above the water. At this distance, she
couldn't recognize him. Apollo pointed 'it' out and said that she
couldn't hit that thing on the sea. Diana didn't like to be dared.
The archer-goddess dislodged a shaft with fatal aim. The waves
rolled  Orion's dead body to the land. She bewailed her fatal
error with a large volume of tears. (She placed him among the
stars with his dog following and the sisters preceding. See:
      Now let's substitute BO for Apollo, the ignorant/uniformed -
most Americans for Diana and Liberty for Orion.
Al: "If upon seeing (ad), you have an impulse to leave the room
-- you are perfectly normal." {run commercial} The master does
it again with "Strangers on a Train. A film noir from the genius
mind of Al Hitchcock. {Return to show} Al: I finally met a
commercial that I like!
Al to director of photography: Camera pan to dark, gloomy, stormy
 sky. Fade to black.
                                  To Be Continued...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 27, 2012 1:22 pm
Do comfort poor Momus for "Woe is Momus" at (If you can't connect directly, try
Facebook's Second American Revolution - available to everyone). The
post that you have been waiting for and even dreamt about to manifest
itself at this comsat is nigh!
You've been appropriately warned as to what's coming to this
comsat. Hint: FILM NOIR.

"HERMES FINAL MESSAGE" awaits you. Free tickets to comsat are
available at Facebook's Second American Revolution, Diogene's Club,
Youth for Western Civilization and Holmes Sherlock. While your there
pick up tickets for "SOUL MAN - NEW VERSION."
(Trouble connecting? See below).
                       WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!
Citizen Journalist: "I like all conservatives and many, if not, most
moderates is suffering from the disease: patriotic depression;
primary symptom being a profound sense of a loss of freedom.
I am concerned with suffering
gremlins resulting in an insufficient number of visitors. The
article at the top of page one of
can be enjoyed solo but more satisfying in conjunction with the
masterpiece at the top  of 'comsat.' If connecting directly fails, try
Facebook Richard DePersio or Twitter @rickaddsite Your best
bet: Facebook's Second American Revolution (available to
Please enjoy the numerous relevant articles that exists here;
catchup on your reading --- did you inadvertently skip a
column? I shall return with articles in hand over the next few
                             -Richard DePersio: "I approve of this message."

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fwd: Calliope Bids Farewell...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 1, 2012 12:00 am
Subject: Fwd: Calliope Bids Farewell...

         (Will we depart with a BIG Bang?
                                                Ladies, note time)
         Calliope Bids Farewell to Citizen Journalist,
                    Melpomene is in Her Wake
    by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist with John,
                    Dago Red, Al, Sherlock - and a Special Guest
                    (the guest who never leaves but now has no choice)
Your CJ only prolebrity
With a zombie-crush on Calliope
Libs worth a queff, zetta fuber, you see
Do beware of Muslim frenemy
               -Citizen 'Snoopy doggy doggy/Nostradumas' Journalist
(Due to space limitations we can't pay tribute to all of our
contributing editors).
For Vulcan  --   the architect/contractor for all five of our comsats:
A sad story with a positive outcome...Zues' wife Hera was so
appalled at having an ugly son (the only physically ugly god) that
she flung him out of heaven (or off MT. Olympus) into the sea,
thereby, causing his lameness. He would alight on the Island of
Lemnos, which was thenceforth sacred to him.
Milton alludes to this story in "Paradise Lost," Book 1:
                                                           "...From Morn
            To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve,
            A summer's day; and with the setting sun
            Dropped from the zenith, like a falling star,
            On Lemnos, the Aegean Isle."
Citizen "Your Shoot-from-the-Hip/Non-PC Cripple' Journalist:
"While I've only known 'V' (as I call him) a short time, I count him
 amongst my closest friends. To think: I had objected when RD
recommended Vulcan to redesign our comsats; silly me.
(Descriptions of comsats at comsat Pan with "Momus'
Offending with Truth" and at this venue with "Mayan Monkey God"
preface Four). Lame he might be but he doesn't get in anyone's
way; he doesn't messy-up and generate chaos and make
unreasonable demands in the world of the able-bodied.
We shan't disappoint: We have numbers...Everybody sing: We
have Numbers - BIG Glorious Numbers...We have you to thank
for our best numbers ever...
All 5 comsats --10/1 - 10/10: 925; 10/10 - 10/20: 1,275; 10/20 -
10/30: 951 --- Total...Drum roll, please...3,151!!! As Pyle (an
appropriate name when you think about the actor who portrayed
him; Rock and Jim makes you want to upchuck) used to say:
 "Surprise, surprise, surprise," G-o-l-l-y" and  "Shazam"*. (Libs
are saying: "Shame, shame, shame!").
All 5 comsats breakdown -- 10/10 - 10/20: cmt - 600; - 125.** (Predicated on Google
Analytics and AddThis Analytics). We would like to thank you in
a more tangible manner: Ladies, Janus, will meet you at comsat
'cmt' tonight at the witching hour. Guys, settle for a handshake
from the janitor at comsat 'pan.'
RD: "Well, here we are." CJ: "Here we are, there is no well. It took
us three years to get here. Why were you talking to a well?" RD:
"We are in the middle of a preface (s). Will it be our trademark
extra-long?" CJ: "Why stop now in this our last or one of." RD:
'There are things that shouldn't be mainstreamed, and, in many
cases scare kids: ranging from abnormal/unnatural to grotesque.
Libs think that if you show it enough it will, eventually, become
accepted by many and not as adamantly opposed as previously.
Homo is a case it point. And, NGC's "Taboo" which should only
be considered a comedy in some cases and best left behind
closed doors in others. Sometimes freaky: It doesn't belong in
Western Culture." CJ: "ME-TV has a block of shows which they
consider film noir: "Thriller," "Twilight Zone," Fugitive" and "Peter
Gunn" ('58-61). Film Noir were motion pics between about '46 and
 '55: usually about murder; lighting - B/W scenes were semi-dark
 to very dark; foreboding music; occasionally, unusual camera
angles. Mr. M.T., only Pete, in our judgement qualifies as a
TV-version of FN. RD: "Blacks have the nerve to complain about
 slavery which they partly brought on themselves - "The Truth
about Blacks Colored" at this venue. No group on history has
suffered more than the Jews. During the Black Plaque in the 14th
Century, many were killed by those who thought that they were
responsible!" CJ: "There are those who say: "Once you go black,
you never go back." I say: Once you go white, you always want it
light.' RD: "I can't believe you said that!
As is our wont, we commence with cosmos followed by cosmos
(meaning world) and Offending with Truth when circumstances
warrant. (Did we get a head start!?!).
      One can make the case the pan means universe or nature.
The Return of Milton: "...Universal Pan,
                                   Knit with the Graces and the Hours in
                                   Led on the eternal spring."
(Our friend has also been connected with fertility).
Pan has been deeply honored and rightfully so: An asteroid has
been named after him - 4456 Pan; A crater on BIG J's (Jupiter)
 moon, Amalthea (an honor indeed as she is considered the
 foster mother of Zeus); a moon of Jupiter (Zeus) '55-'75, name
 taken away and given to Carme. Pan protested! He was given
a moon of Saturn. Pan: "Don't tell Atlas, Centaurus and Sagittarius -
you know how they get: "Urania Moons You"& "Urania Presents" at and  It goes without saying that my
biggest honor has been having a CJCS Comsat as my namesake!"
CJ/RD: "For those of you who want to bare my child, we should
invite Pan when we meet here at the witching hour!"
(Now that the end is near, we can say that we went to great
lengths to keep certain matters from becoming public knowledge.
We can now air our dirty laundry or flight suits, if you will.
Diogenes*** (best known recently for "Diogenes Presents..." here)
was prohibited from docking at
for Pan didn't like Diogenes getting his jollies by telling the
story that Pan learned to masturbate from his father, Hermes. Pan,
in turn, taught shepherds. Whereas, Hermes and Diogenes (a
 mortal; Hermes had forgotten embarrassment and sinfulness
after millennia) would frequent Hermes haunt: with the wine of the gods
supplied by Bacchus. Drunken feasts to put it mildly with Janus in
attendance along with nymphs. Was proceeding about cosmos?
The Fall of Western Civilization (not the escapades of playful gods):
Polls reveal that a growing majority of 18-30 year olds are social
libs on such issues as same-sex marriage, school prayer, narcotics,
abortion, contraceptives/sterilization,****etc. Dago Red, who left
priesthood many years after serving at a MASH unit in Korea is
still a social conservative and most distraught over state-of-affairs.
No more jocularities for him. He might need concoction described
later. Older people who tend to subscribe to traditional morality will
die - this is a scientific fact.
       Recently, Pew and PBS' Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly
conducted a study and poll which indicates a dramatic shift since
2000 in Nones (those who don't identify with any religion or
religious denomination...CJ: "Or, mythology?").
       In 2000, 90% believed in God and identified with a particular
religion or denomination (full spectrum from those who practiced
actively to not at all). Only 10% were atheists/agnostics and God-
believers with no affiliation; some of whom describe themselves as
spiritual but not religious, twenty years ago, the term was new
age rather than spiritual for many in this category). A dramatic
increase to 20% overall; one-third for 18-30. Some describe
themselves as non-joiners, others object to religion being politically-
active, especially, conservative, others object to denominations
claiming that theirs is the only way to heaven or truth. For many,
 atheists, they think society has become more accepting
enabling them to come out-of-the-closet. We've written about how
the major broadcast networks would barely talk about evolution,
genesis without God, atheists --- and still don't. There were
hints to the effect of misbehaving priests in the early '80s but
largely ignored by media for their fear of the Roman Catholic
Church. Ten years ago, they exposed the story BIG time. Why?
As we have said, for the past twenty, especially, ten years,
those controversial issues are being addressed progressively
more and more on cable --- even more so on the Internet. Lib
attack on religion in general (being careful not to single out
Catholics) began in '40s and BIG time in '60s while cable and
Internet are more in-your-face; often not giving religious a fair
shake. Many of the NONES do acknowledge that churches do
a food job helping the needy and bringing communities together.
Two-thirds of Americans overall think that it is important that
 candidates have strong religious beliefs.
       Nota Bene': Two-thirds of NONES identify themselves as
dems; 75% voted for BO, 25% - McCain. If 10% are agnostics/
atheists and 20% of Americans consider themselves libs, it's
not surprising that virtually all A/As are libs. Alternately, half of
libs are Asses...oops...A/As.
      When our nation founded: 99% Christian - general population.
Founding Fathers: Christians or deists who believed Jesus
was a holy man, most attended Christian services like deist Tom
Jefferson who brought Christianity to DC schools. Deists more
strongly influenced by Enlightenment thinking. Christians
and deists deeply respected each other. (See upcoming article
at comsat a-k).
      Proposition One: Old die, what if young don't become more
 socially conservative with age. A major shift in Western
Civilization/American Branch. (By-the-Bye, majority of scientists,
 those who were born in '90s have a life expectancy of
of 80-85 (over 60% will live to this age); Growing minority of
 scientists due to generic therapy, computers/robotics, artificial
parts, nano-technology, etc. - many individuals who are presently
 in their 50s will live another 100 years: BIG question: What will be
 the quality of their lives.
     Western Civilization Unites/Multi-cultural-ism Divides..,.Many
public schools have banned the wearing of costumes, candy and
parties for fear of offending or confusing those from other
cultures - which a-holes are these. Tell your damn kids, who
you don't want to have fun, not to participate or don't send them to
school on Halloween! Melting Pot vs. Minority Rule. Small matter
indicative of a bigger insidious problem - CRISIS!!!
      Proposition Two: All vestiges of WC will vanish due in large
part to atheists --- and Muslims.
      Bigotry - NO. Eyesores - YES. Small towns: Changing nature
 and ambience --- Americana. They might have a right to
do it but that doesn't mean that they should do it.
      One-third: Radicals (3% of these terrorists); Two-thirds:
Moderates (most are rads masquerading as mods or mods who
can easily become rads).
      State Department vs. the Experts...DETAILS: Please read
below "Rod Serling Presents..." (Stages 1 and 3) and "CJ
 Reporting: The Devil Made Me Do it - Part 2" (butt of the article).
At Pan: "Know Your Friend and Enemies" and "American Citizen
 Here: Now, You have to Play by My Rules!"
AL Hitchcock Presents...Al: "Good evening, {Comsat CJCS
readers}. I know a lot about stuffed animals. After all, it takes one
 to know one. I have them mounted {on my wall}. This one, I
shot myself, {camera two move in for close-up and get its better
side} deer poaching being one of my hobbies. {Two shots} The
first one hitting a bearded old man in a ridiculous red suit. I'm
having him mounted. It probably sounds silly to you but I'm
sentimental that way. Before our {submitted for your approval,
thanks, Rod} an experiment in electronic taxidermy. After a few
moments, you will become glassy-eyed. {It will run} 60 seconds,
{any longer} you'd find yourself hanging on the wall." {run
commercial] Cronus:... (CJ: "It isn't the best of times to join our
staff."}... feeling melancholy? Is Momus bringing you down?
Sit back, put your feet up. Have a slave (or more PC and a
notch above: servant} prepare the nectar of the gods. The
finest kind delivered by doves. Recipe: one part - sweet
liquid from flowers; two part - overcoming death; two part -
amanita muscaria; three part - grinded Adderall. Shake don't
stir. Close your eyes: float high to MT. Othrys." Presentation:
Speaking of MT. Olympus...The Olympians replaced the Titans.
Their mountain home is higher than the titan's Mt. Othrys
(9573 feet vs. 5663). Although, the Titans used other mountains
 as thrones. Your CJ took the 'walk.' In YDS scale a 1 of 5, last
part a 3; not very difficult. Or, did, he do it in virtual reality. Will
there come a time when it doesn't make a difference? The
National Park of Greece is located here with many species of
flora. Al: "We've been on Mars for opening of a new TV station.
{We will share} the best of our cultural advances (as Americans
have done for a long time (starting with Indians, see posts 
downstairs to learn how they benefited vs. lib revisionist history).
 Martians...Martinis as they prefer to be called are highly
intelligent and my attempts to educate them highly successful.
{After no time at all}, they used my two companions to form the
 letters to: Earthman go home. It was gratifying to see my {work
pay off}. We'll be back after moth hole in the fabric of our
entertainment...{run commercial} You are cordially invited to
the BIG auction to be held from 9 AM- 9 PM (eastern) at
pan-multiverse next Tuesday. High quality merchandise; BIG
demand (sans our large traditional library): CJ's
first typewriter, skivvies from teens to present, photos,
mountain-climbing apparel, nudes --- and rare, highly sought
after (See: "The Return of Citizen Journalist" at this site)
pics of RD/CJ together...what? I see...Not available: purchased
by Janus. Presentation: Speaking of Mars...The largest
volcano (now dormant) in the solar system is  Olympus Mons
on Mars (how fitting; Zeus-approved): 14 miles, taller than two
MT. Everests and spanning the width of the entire Hawaiian
Island chain. Height believed result of  lack of plate tectonics.
Al: "Goodnight {and, perhaps, Goodbye}."
(Much on Western Civilization, including American Branch, as
well as social policy here,
and ) So much to say, So
little time. Electricity/heat in certain modules will be turned off
Proposition Three: Our culture is threatened by those who
come here illegally largely to commit crime (many form or join
gangs and are more of a threat to their own kind; reminiscent
of most black crime being black-on-black) or for 'free' health-
care, social services and education at AMERICAN taxpayer
expense. (Pretend section on 'browns' is in purple).
Proposition Four: 'The Invisible Hand' is threatened by
 excessive laws and regs (find series within articles on Adam
Also, Church-based and secular charities do a better job at
 helping needy but don't have the $$$ of gov. Americans are
the most giving people in the world.
       There is a bigger threat than even the Decline of
Western Civilization - a monster called: NATIONAL DEBT!
We must slash social spending for our very survival. Fear not:
Gringos will take up the challenge by donating more and
needy will be better off. We must spend less on education
but give our kids more. Abolish all regular public schools,
eliminate unions. States should have: Public Magnet Schools -
50%; Charter Schools - 40%; and sell 10% of public schools
to be replaced with Private Schools. Encourage Home-
Schooling. Parental Choice with money attached to kids
not school; UK does it. This would benefit non-working poor
to mid-middle class (more downstairs). This crazy deist says:
There is a place for God in public schools (Now appearing
"Is there a God? A Persinal..." -at comsat-ak). Tort Reform
 and more: Rid Serling Presents..." and Upside Down Article" -
pages of material here and at other comsats. Our only
legacy. (Others gone).
{The end is near} "We sat in silence for a moment.
'Well, said {Duke}, 'I've seen you handle a good number of
cases {and tough research assignments, Sherlock} but I
don't know that I ever knew a more  workmanlike
than (Citizen Journalist is Missing - starting with Gone
Fishin' and working your way backward The Return of Citizen
Journalist here and Citizen Journalist in the Diogenes Club
Comsats is jealous of you}. No, sir, we are very proud of
you, and if you {attend the costume party Goodbye*
Farewell*Amen theme at this comsat tonight} there is not a
man {and Knocko, our token women - from the janitor to
the writers to the pilot} who wouldn't be glad to shake your
hand.' 'Thank you!,' said Holmes. 'Thank you!' and as he
turned away, it seemed to me (Watson) that he was more
 nearly moved by the softer human emotions than I had ever
 seen him. A moment later and he was the cold and practical
thinker once more. 'Put {this} in the safe, Watson,' said he,
 'and get out the papers of the Conk-Singleton forgery case.
Goodbye, Mr. Forrest. If any little problem comes your way
 {as regards the disposition of matters pertaining to CJCS
Comsats} I shall be happy, if I can, to give you a hint or two
as to its solution."
*Our reaction to numbers. We are cognizant of the fact that
some comsats are hard to locate or connect with - please
keep trying. You might try FB's Richard DePersio, Twitter's
 rickaddsite, and, perhaps, your best bet is FB's Second
American Revolution. Read pages 1-3. Number of readers:
 Ladies, make it rise...and that too.
**There will be between 0 and 3 more posts at each comsat -
that's all folks! New post at -
tonight or on the morrow; other sites by this weekend.
***Diogenes Club's future at Facebook is uncertain.
****Articles on sterilization here: "Friendly Advice: CJ to BO"
and "Notes."
There has never been a greater salute: women's panties at