Tuesday, April 29, 2014

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Friday, April 4, 2014

                                 CALLIOPE PRESENTS HEADLINES
                in SEARCH of  ARTICLES
 by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist

Extra - Read All About It:
Oh why did Clio and Melpomene conspire
To make lives dire via Reverend wrong's Liar
Two years hence if we survive, We will need
               brain bleach
As 'the one' obamafuscates, nadir reached

Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos only relief
Treats U.S. like clutch oven, One success
               wife's quif
Bobby orange prez on Constitution does pee
Closet muslim or obama-nigger is he

Nemesis, do what needs to be done now, Don't
B.O's bitchassness will result in dismal fate
We had been number one in nearly all in past
Moderates, Conservatives his reign must not

Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera - justice true
Anti-Jew too, Destroyer of Red, White and
Economic/Financial ruin, Price for BIG lie
Oh, if not stopped, he will depart with a
(lower-case letters where 'inappropriate' intentional)
      -Snoop Doggy Nostradamus Doggy Dog


(Genesis with lib billy-boy {Bill only moderated
after Repubs seized control of Congress}.
He punished sailors for Tail-Gate by allowing
fems to serve as fighter jockettes on aircraft
carriers; without studies first to determine
eligibility. Result: the old swagger is gone
from fighter jocks; morale lower than ocean 
deep. Flight instructors compelled to pass
sub-par 'fighting vagina landing strips'; 
danger to self and real jocks --- dirty little 
secret revealed!!!). Fem soldiers, sailors, 
marines, airmen in support don't train with, 
compete with and aren't graded with men in basic training --- sub-standard GIs {government- 
issued}; danger to selves and real support 
personnel {support Soldiers, Sailors, etc.}. Affirmative Action synonymous with lack of fem
pride! BO isn't concerned with national 
security; he is concerned with lib social experimentation!). BO is taking us from those in uniform in support to those in uniform in 
combat. Now, he wants cherries as combat 
soldiers, airmen and marines. No doubt they will either train, compete or be graded separately or
 will have to attain lower heights -scores on
mental and physical exams to pass for 'fighting
fems' in combat training schools - male safety compromised! Further, limp-of-wrist serving openly 
in spite of the fact that vast majority  of 
 military service members oppose. Military is a 
unique entity in a society where national security
 and morale must triumph over any alleged sissy 
rights and artificial contrivances for equality).
(Nobody cares what they do in private so long as
it doesn't involve children; they shouldn't 
parade their perversion in public in front of 
children either. We suffer minority rule: libs
 control most of TV, Movie and Music Industries, public elementary/high schools, public and many private colleges and most major newspapers while
 only 20% of American identify themselves as libs.
 We - the scribes are deists - nonetheless, we say this is a Christian nation {97% when founded and 
77% today; just look at Founding docs and formal
 and informal writings of our creators}. Will of people in the form of state legislative laws and people's state Constitutional Amendments regarding same-sex marriage and other issues should prevail; state rights - Amendment Ten in Bill of Rights. Once again lib judges want to legislate instead of adjudicate - unconstitutional. Society 
shouldn't be forced to except three-striker:
homo immoral according to Bible; unnatural and
abnormal according to traditional psychology
{before the social science of psychology and the medical science of psychiatry were forced to 
sacrifice decades of research at lib/fem/gay alter
 in early '80s}; freaks or bad mutations in evolutionary terms. Parading in Public in cities across the nation in the annual gay parades in 
front of children - just  look at their clothes 
and behaviour at their annual parades around the nation and tell us that they aren't freaks!!!).
LOUSY LITTLE LYING LIBS (our favorite alliteration)
(All this nonsense over the decades about lib
Supreme Court, Constructionist ones, swing votes!
They started to become modestly lib in '30s during FDR's regime and BIG time beginning in '60s during LBJ's reign; in 60s, the nine-in-robes decided that they knew more and were superior to Founding 
Fathers! Colonies and later our states began 
school day with Christian prayer - none Christians
could stand politely and not recite and Bibles
were used to teach English. Tom Jefferson
ordered self-same thing for D.C. The Founding
Dads made it clear that major change generating
societal change at nation-level should be done
by hard to pass Federal Constitutional 
Amendments. Since its inception and, especially, 
over the past 50 or so years, only nine-in-robes 
have taken it upon themselves to dramatically 
alter American Society, by-in-large leftward. For example, Chief Ignoramus Roberts calls Obama-Care
 a tax bill when the lib-dems who passed it did not 
state such; in this light as a tax the Fed gov 
could now order citizens to purchase product or service. A-hole chief doesn't know tax bills must originate in House; BO-care had its origins in 
Senate. He should be impeached for gross Constitutional Ignorance. Just look at major
 supreme decisions over the past few decades 
altering American Culture and Principles instead 
of deferring to states. Presidents and congresses
 also have passed super-sized legislation like 
failed FDR lib New Deal and LBJ's failed lib Great Society and BO's failing BO-care. They should have
been presented to the American People via state legislators in the form of Constitutional 
Amendments. We know what a humongous issue is even 
if we can't put it into worlds like the vast 
majority can concur on classifying sexy from porn 
from obscene. Humongous: Pass Fed Constitution Amendment and turn it over to the states for approval; when in doubt if monstrosity should be constructed as Constitutional Amendment, err on 
the side of the people and the states. Another option: to reign in out-of-control and full-of-themselves nine-in-robes allow states up to a year
 to nullify supreme court decisions and if  more
 then half of states do so, it shall not take 
effect in those states--- restoration of State 
 and People's  Rights: Restoration of Amendment 10
 of Bill of Rights!).
(With many secret sleeper terrorist cells in all
50 states. With destruction of Americana -
placing their giant mosques in the center of
small towns which is their Constitutional right.
But these town have changed little in a hundred
or more years with its citizens tracing their
roots way back. If they wanted to be good
neighbors and accepted they would discuss with
hicks, especially, old-timers
appropriate venue. Then like offensive homos,
they complain that they are victims of verbal
and physical bashing when they bring it on 
themselves. {Unconstitutionality of being
charged with hate speech or crime. The Founding Father's on free speech: you can think and say 
good or bad, accurate or inaccurate, 
complimentary or derogatory --- and not be
 punished for it. Hate speech: Libs decide what constitutes hate speech. This will lead to their curbing any speech with which they disagree. 
Calling someone a 'nigger' while assaulting them
 calls only for an assault charge; painting 
swastikas on synagogue of our 'chosen people' 
should only engender charges of trespassing and defacing private property. Americans should never
 be punished for their thoughts or hurting 
feelings even if someone considers it 
objectionable for it will likely lead to 
prohibiting all speech and activities found to 
be objectionable by lib-PC police. The so-called 'slippery slope'}). Over 60% of muslims are
radicals or radicals masquerading as mods and
mods that can easily be pushed in rad direction.
Funding belies mod claim as most so-called mod-
mosques in U.S. receive partial funding from rad muslim brotherhood which helps fund the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah wherein you blow 
yourself up and take as many Israeli men, women 
and children with you in order to be awarded with 
for 72 virgins in heaven!!!).
(One of the few fed gov entities that works and
 is Constitutionally-justified, NASA received 
only one-half of one percent of fed budget; scientific/technological engine of our economy. 
BO cut it to 1/12th of 1 per cent and gave it underfunded nebulous mission objectives. For 
decades unique fed component concerned with self 
and others by adding copiously  to pure knowledge
 from astronomy to zoology, including, biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences. Pure Knowledge
 for knowledge sake is glorious --- it make man 
man; further, Pure can become applied science or technology over time. NASA spin-offs and
 applications in engineering, communication, microminiaturization, materials science,
 meteorology --- and much of med tech predicated 
on space tech. For decades for every $1 budgeted
 NASA we got $5 back within 5 years via applied science/technology! In the process of destroying
 our space program, BO is also making a joke out 
of it. NASA had the real scientists while U.N. had the lib joke global warming/climate change/sky is
falling pseudo-scientists. NASA's 2005 and 2010 studies showed little or no global warming. 
Strangely, in 2012, a NASA study indicates moderate
 to large scale warming and  climate change becomes
 a part of NASA's 'space' mandate! Doesn't it smack
of the scientifically-illiterate BO politicizing a truly scientific organization reminiscent of what transpired in the fields of psychology and psychiatry. BO is making certain that we are no
 longer number one in space, as well as, no longer number one in med tech  due to his med device tax
increase to help fund BO-Care. In addition relinquishing total control of the Internet that we created inviting more cyber-attacks! BO's ideas 
smell bad. We ask: Is he ignorant or evil or 
(He swore on Bible to uphold Constitution and
all the laws: little dictator rewrites laws
without congressional approval, doesn't enforce
laws not to his liking, has his Justice
Department target conservative writers without
probable cause and his IRS target conservative
groups. U.S. Constitution has never been in
such peril --- a ship without a rudder! If not
stopped future presidents will build on BO 
 precedents: usurping more rights and powers from citizens, families, businesses, churches, local and
state govs. Fed gov now controls 36% of our 
               FORTIFIED with FC/SC
Let's do ourselves a Second American Revolution:
Moderates and Conservatives Unite this November

and November 2016! End the tyranny of an
imperial prez  and the out-of-control robes.
Rally around Amendment Ten in Bill of Rights.
Fiscal Conservatism: we must make painful
across-the-board cuts now or will will be
compelled to make much more painful ones later.
BO is evil or ignorant or both. He is setting
us up for the BIGgest economic collapse in
our history and we won't be able to recover.
BO-care adds over 2 trillion to national debt over
next ten years and BO's budget this year calls
for domestic spending hikes!!! He has arranged
collapse for after he departs the White House
that he disgraced. Social {moral} conservative:
 no one should recommend legislating morality. By
 the same token, we must undo legislated 
immorality! Case in point: providing social
 services to single parents when studies have shown that children are best off in mom-dad household functional followed by mom-dad household 
dysfunctional followed by single parent functional followed by single parent dysfunctional. Strongly implying that two-mom or-dad households not in the best interest of the precious ones. Take these children out of vicious circle: many children, 
parents and grandparents live in welfare 
environment. Stop encouraging destructive/immoral behavior by making social services so readily available. The immorality of a lib-mindset: libs feeling good about themselves at the expense of others. Instead compel that these young ones be 
placed in adoption; as opposed to handicapping them from the get go to a likely doomed and dismal 
future. They are more likely to become teens and/or young adults who take up drugs, drop out of school, commit crime/spend time in prison, find it
 extremely difficult to hold down a job, becoming 
a rapist, being sexually promiscuous/giving birth 
to the innocent out-of-wedlock, use inappropriate language --- end up on social services!!!).

(With it's genesis in the '60s and     growing progressively (perfect word choice) since then: Modern feminist movement; drug culture; 
sexual revolution; the marginalizing of 
Christianity; gays emerging from closet; abortion 
on demand. Minority rule: these activities have 
been championed by the 20% of American who 
identify themselves as libs. These concepts have 
been codified in law and via judicial decisions dramatically altering the American cultural 
landscape in a short span of time. Does anyone entertain the notion that most of the elements of these movements were embraced, endorsed and 
promoted by the majority of Americans!?!).

                BRAGGING RIGHTS
Beginning in '60s and growing since then, so-called educators in failed public learning facilities have been downgrading the greatest: Western Civilization,
including American Branch. Over 60% of public school American History textbooks are negative about our history whereas the history books in the countries
 of Europe are over 75% positive about theirs. Clearly, we have far more reason to be proud! 
Multi-culturalism grows at the expense of WC/AB, in spite of the fact that there is so much of it to cover. Studying lesser cultures - hip hop, Latin, muslim,'injun', Asian - divides while WC unites --- 
it should even be embraced by the approximately  30% not of European descent. {Technically, WC concerns Western Europe which reflects the nationality {majority British; we consider UK part of Western Europe, in spite of UN deciding it was in Northern Europe in '90s as we don't take orders from failed 
and useless orgs; just like we don't take orders
 from Reverend Jackass who stated in '88 that term African-American must be employed, we say black and only differentiate when referring to the educationally-superior/more classy non-African-Americans like those from Jamaica and Guyana} of
 most of our Founders. The nation which first put humans on another celestial body  {arguably the greatest achievement in history}is responsible for most of the major discoveries and inventions since 1870 {and has brought more freedom to more 
countries than the rest of the world combined!} 
with Western Europe in second and the rest of the countries bringing up the rear. And, Bo started his presidency with a multi-nation U.S. Apology Tour!!! This represents twenty years of BO indoctrination by the Reverend "God damn America" 'Wrong.' Let's 
lighten things up with axiology... The past: we 
valued individualism and with that came individual responsibility for one's actions (supported by
 Judeo-Christian thinking}. Individualism is the
 view that individual rights and freedoms and 
private property should form the basis of society 
and the legal system. While Eastern Culture 
subscribes to collectivism wherein the stability of society is more important than individual rights 
and freedoms. WC-ers are free and independent and secondarily concerned with our relationship with others {primary in Eastern thinking}. Our values 
are those of freedom and equality and more 
concerned with what we want to do and less 
concerned with what society expects of us. A dichotomy: we look to the past and religion to
 help guide us but are pragmatists in declaring if
 it works its right. "Works for me" is the phrase
 that epitomizes the pragmatic philosophy, 
especially, for down-to-earth business-types. The truth or value of an idea depends on the practical results of its use. Pragmatism goes hand-in-hand
 with a 'Can-do' attitude. Americans far more so
 than Western Europeans, they more so than other Europeans. As for rest of the world: watch our dust! Times they-are-a-changing: we used to admire the successful and wealthy - those born into wealth but even more so those who took the long journey from rags-to-riches. We wanted to be like them; to 
emulate them. We weren't envious of them but
 inspired by them. We wanted to earn what they had; work hard for it. BO wants to redistribute the 
wealth; steal from the rich and middle class and
 hand it out to the poor. Take from America and hand it out to third world nations. Forget about creating jobs! Punish the rich, the healthy and the young for being that way by making them pay a lot more for health insurance than the poor, unhealthy and old. Pretend that the following isn't true: the rich have always gotten the best health care and rightfully so 
because they paid for it and as a result the poor 
in American received better healthcare than the
 poor in any other nation; thanks to the evil rich 
the poor here are overall better off than the poor elsewhere. It was your fault if you recklessly drank or gambled. You had no one to blame if you drank and got into an accident or committed a crime. 
Now-a-days, sue owner of bar and bartender. Lost to much at gambling table, sue casino and dealer for forcing you to drink. Nowadays, society should 
take care of you and your family. Fed, state and
 local govs should protect you from yourself. Examples:  mayors banning BIG Gulp because it isn't your responsibility to control what you consume; taxpayer public service announcements on TV telling that its bad to overeat. Gov as parent: MaMa-BO.
(For more info and citations take elevator with
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 down below - some of which cover topics above and take our Star Trek-like Transporter to
 our four other comsats. They are 
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