Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fwd: Rod Presents The Return of CITIZEN JOURNALIST...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 28, 2012 12:40 pm
Subject: Fwd: Rod Presents The Return of CITIZEN JOURNALIST...

                                             Rod Presents The Return of Citizen Journalist L-I-V-E
                                              by Richard DePersio, Dago Red, Sherlock Holmes,
                                                      Number Six, the Cartwrights and Topper
                          A CJCS (Citizen Journalist/Cayuga Productions/Shamley Productions)
                                Director: Al Hitchcock/Director of Photography: Reggie Lanning
Al: "Lights, camera, action!" 
{Camera 1: Give the ham the close-up that he graves}
Richard D.: "It is always an honor and a pleasure to introduce Rodman Edward Serling."
{Audience roars and gives Rod a Standing 'O.' Camera 2: Shoot audience} 
{Rod approaches podium, fag (as the Brits say) in hand; Camera 3 on Rod}
Rod: "I shall quote from an episode of TZ that I didn't compose* with minor alterations and apply
 it to the guest-of-honor Citizen Journalist who is expected momentarily." (Rod whispers to Dago:
"Where the hell is he?). "As long as they talk about you, you're not really {gone}. As long as they
speak your name, you continue. A legend never {leaves us}, just because the man does." {Rod and
 Sherlock are engaged in intense discussion causing uneasiness amongst the assembled}.
Rod: "I shall now introduce the editorial board at CJCS Comsats seated at the dais. The
Cartwrights...Little Joe has a comment after having entered from stage door left on horseback
 which is his wont, "We would mount our horses usually succeeding in mounting quicker than
 pa. The three horses in the lead upsetting his and making his more difficult to manage. We got a kick
 out of it. We would go left around the side of the barn where the stage door was, which you couldn't
 see for the barn; exit and dismount. When on the range we connect with CJCS Comsats via FB
Second American Revolution - as do our ranch hands."
Rod: "George, John, Tom, Jim; The Mavericks; Topper, Marion, George; George and Gracie - we
have lots of Georges; Dago Red,  'Me Lay,' Duke Forrest, Ho Jon...                                                                                                                                            
Rod: "We now have a word from Number Six. Number Six: "I shall paraphrase something I once said
which is presently apropos to Citizen Journalist. I spoke with him yesterday and he
approved of this message: I will not make any deals with you...I will not be pushed, filed,
stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. my life is my own. {Don't force me to} resign."
Rod: "You might benefit from re-reading the last three articles. William Sherlock Scott Holmes and Dr.
John Hamish Watson who located our wayward friend  wish to comment. {To be here is}
 'Wonderful!' I {Dr. Watson} ejaculated. 'Commonplace, said Holmes. {'Citizen journalist'} says
 Watson. 'Wonderful' responds Holmes}. Rod: "I had hoped that you would have shed new light
 on the recent events regarding CJ." Mycroft: "This article shall contain a revelation heretofore which has
 failed to make an imprint on our brain cells. Look for it."
Rod: "Doyle and DePersio communicated across the Einstein/Rosen Bridge to create a one-of-a
kind masterpiece: "Citizen Journalist is Missing" at Is there more?"
Sherlock: "Loose ends; always loose ends."
Rod: "We shall now proceed to Preface Two." {Camera 2 on Richard D., Dago Red and Topper}
RD: "I would like to quote our Brit friend Winston Churchill, 'If you have ten thousand regs, you
destroy all respect for law.'" DR: "Thus far, BO has created 20% more regs than Bush. Wait
until most of the Dodd/Frank Financial Reform and Obama-Care kicks in in 2014 - little of these
regs have been implemented yet -- BO timed for after election. Topper: "The longest running
crime drama was Hawaii 5-0 - 1968-80.  RD: The fed gov now completely or largely controls
over 20% of the economy, of course, banking is now largely controlled by Uncle Sam. Dodd/Frank
and Obama-Care will increase that to 37% - and we all know how well gov manages things that
it isn't constitutionally suppose to manage. And, 37% spells socialism (which is actually about
33%) and, we are well on our way to communism! Topper: "Desi Arnaz is largely responsible for
virtually all sitcoms in the 50s and since using the 3-camera method." RD: "I would now like to
quote our voluptuous Italian friend Sophia Loren, 'Everything you see, I owe to spaghetti.'" {Sherlock
whispers to Duke: "Where is Citizen Journalist? I found him. He is being honored tonight. By the Bye,
Have you ever seen Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio together?"} RD: "Did you hear about
the school which seized the brought-from-home-lunch of a child and made him pay for the
cafeteria lunch because school felt that his lunch lacked nutrition. Most would say that his lunch was
superior to school's. Libs as parents. Before the first and biggest teacher's union formed in
early '60s, teachers thought that parent's were the bosses." Topper: "Prior to '66, CBS had no shows
in color because RCA owned NBC and RCA was biggest seller of color TVs; CBS didn't want to
help RCA sales. DR: "Utah wants its land back! Over two years ago, we stated that fed gov
owned between 3 and 70% of the states for federal parks and the land on which government facilities,
 such as, military installations are located. Utah just wants land that is presently serving no purpose -
 they want to be it to use. We stated that fed parks should become state parks; states should decide
which land can be used for development without fed approval. If fed parks become state parks, they
might want to turn some of it over for development. Fed gov shouldn't own states! How can this be
constitutional!?! One hundred years ago, fed gov promised to return some land. States are still waiting!
Rod: "Citizen Journalist is live on the monitor from an unknown location. No; old TV.Transmission is poor.
His face isn't clear. {Studio audience is shouting: "We want CJ, We want CJ, We want CJ...} Rod: "Calm
down. He will be with us soon. We must continue with article."
As is our wont, we start with cosmos followed by cosmos (which means world) and Offending with
Truth when circumstances warrant.
       Let's continue talking about asteroids. Jupiter and Saturn can gravitationally perturb them causing
them to leave the Asteroid Belt. There is a slim possibly of an asteroid being hurled in the direction
of the inner Solar System striking earth. Perturbations can cause asteroids to collide with pieces
going any which way with some going toward the inner Solar System. Again, the possibility of
colliding with earth unlikely - but possible! Slightly more likely is an asteroid or piece acquiring an
orbit and becoming a near-earth asteroid with a greater chance of one day striking our planet.
      Meteors are pieces of asteroids that fall to earth. The iron meteors (about 80% iron and 20%
nickel) come from the core of a larger asteroid (which broke up due to collisions) while stoney
asteroids come from the outer part of a larger asteroid or from a piece of a smaller asteroid or an
intact smaller asteroid. An asteroid or a piece of an asteroid with a diameter of .6 miles or greater
would cause a mass extinction.
      NASA upgrading with a grant of $4.1 million the Catalina Sky Survey based at the University of
Arizona in Tucson. The project searches the sky for new comets and near-earth asteroids. In 2011, CSS
discovered 586 near-earth asteroids - 65% of the total discovered.
Rod: "I have a major announcement: Citizen Journalist will appear again on the old TV. We
still expect him to appear in-person here later. There he is...We aren't receiving audio and the image is
poor...Here and quickly gone. We resume the article." Audience member: "Citizen Journalist's only
public appearances are during live articles." Rod: "We are doing a live article." AM: "He only appears
on a monitor during those live articles when RD isn't present and usually appears with Dago Red. We..."
Dago Red: "This constitutes a live article and not a forum. Please..." Audience member in the back
shouts: "Democracy. Free speech." Dago Red: "This is an article not an open discussion." AM: "We have
questions. We..." RD: "Take camera off of audience. Security, we shall not tolerate interruption and
 rudeness. You are hereby instructed to escort the guilty out." Rod: "Escort the guilty to Twilight Zone. I'll
deal with them there. Article resumes after bizarre comments from audience."
Let's return to our friend Adam Smith. You need not go back to the beginning of our series on AS. Although,
you might if you want to get more out of it. Genesis is easy to locate a few articles back - the section that
follows the section which begins with: "As is our wont..." You will find the genesis of Adam, if you will.
      Before advertising as we know it, Adam suggested increasing sales by increasing productivity. Increase
the output of the workforce: Improve the division of labor...Just a reminder: Older articles are completely
or largely not time-dependent: can't get out-of-date - we swear to NASA. Do read as we worked hard
on them and do move on to page two and three at web sites...The growing wealth (or production) of a nation,
he illustrates with the following:
"One man draws out the wire, another straits it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for
receiving the head; to make the head requires two or three distinct operations; to put it on is a
peculiar business; to whiten it another; it is even a trade in itself to put them into paper...I have seen a
small manufactory of this kind where ten men only were employed and where  some of them
consequently performed two or three distinct operations. But though they were poor, and therefore but
indifferently accommodated with the necessary machinery, they could when they exerted themselves
make among them about twelve pounds of pins in a day. There are in a pound upwards of four
thousand pins of middling size. These ten persons, therefore, could make among them upward of
forty-eight thousand pins in a day...But if they had all wrought separately and independently ...they could
certainly not each of them make twenty. perhaps not one pin in a day."
      Of course, in Adam's day, there weren't large factories. It illustrates the blessings of the factory (small and
large) system of the Industrial Revolution over the small shop. Further, unions were largely illegal. Hooray! Those
were the days.
       How does one enhance division of labor? Machinery is the key. When the tasks of production can be taken
over or assisted by machines. The market system becomes an immense force for the accumulation of
capital, mainly in the form of machinery and equipment. The market as its own regulator. Business expands,
needs more workers. Would wages increase to the point of eating up profits. Wages would increase as
employers competed for workers but only moderately. As wages rose and better food was provided for the
household, infant and child mortality would decline. The larger workforce would hold back a dangerous
increase in wages. Also improved machines would curb too much of a demand for more labor. The Invisible
Hand at work.
     Just a word about John Maynard Keynes. Mr. Keynes (naturally, we aren't on a first name basis with this hero
of libs) asserted that gov spending might be an essential economic policy for a depressed capitalism
trying to recover its vitality. Mr. Keynes failed when FDR employed it and failed again with BO.
Alfred Hitchcock Presents...Al: "{This might turn out to be one of the longest articles not counting two-parters.
Then again, section two is a multi-parter....The tax collector...and now for something equally frightening - the sponsor.
{run commercial} This A.D.D. moment brought to you by Adderall and Principe Strozzi Chianti (since 994 A.D.).
Signals vs. language: Other animals make gestures and sounds which are innate, instinctive, in-born,
self-evident while language is creative and developed and can even talk of things not present and of things
past and future. Al: "There is much that has no bearing on tonight's {topic} - the following for example." {run
commercial} CJCS Comsats: The best in Internet fare. Al: {Back to our program} NYC and coming to a lib city
near: A DNA profile made on everyone arrested even for the most minor infractions except possession of a small
quantity of mary jane; teachers and students communicating via Facebook and Twitter - sure some teachers
are pervs -- libs must throw out the baby with the bath water ---it might enable the good teacher to get through
to a child by way of media that they enjoy, libs must regulate outside of classroom, libs must be everyone's parent
because a small per cent of parents are bad; tests can no longer use offensive words like: birthday (Jehovah Witnesses
don't celebrate), dinosaur (because of religious fundamentalists), wealthy (because some kids are poor and
might get upset by the word) and plenty more -- PC and Mayor Bloomburg run amuck. Preparing students for the real
world. Al: "We seem to have run out of commercials so that's all {from me} for tonight."
Rod: "Drum roll, please. Spotlight. Citizen Journalist has arrived. {Audience on their feet. Women tossing slips of
paper on stage with their phone numbers. Women bearing their breasts. Women fainting. Audience member
hollers: "Where did RD go!?!...CJ orders items to be brought to him. What are they?...Goggles! for everyone...
Blinding flash of light...She has returned to him: Calliope hovers above our CJ...Is it a hologram?: CJ is in an
old-fashioned telephone booth in a drug store. CJ: "Dago, I'll dictate my contribution to live article over the phone...
inaudible conversation...Operator: "Please, insert 3 cents." CJ:"Dago, I'll be right back. I need to get change from
the jerk..At counter: man drinking coffee and eating a sandwich and women sipping a soda. CJ gives jerk a dime and
receives a nickel and five pennies, promptly deposits in slot and dictates article}
Subsidies are bad. Governments should not be in the business of attempting to provide incentives to people to do
things that would not otherwise make sense. Libs maintain that solar and wind need to be subsidized for a few
years in order to jump start these industries and to make them eventually attractive to investment bankers. Fed gov has
been subsidizing them since Jimmy Carter!!!
Global warming is caused by an increase in the energy output of the sun. The Sun Spot Cycle: Maximum to minimum to
maximum. There is about an eleven year period between maximums (year of largest number of spots). Between
1645 and 1715, there were years of no spots and years of few spots. Europe cooled. Winters were severe. Rivers and
lakes froze over - they haven't done so since. Between 1000 and 1200, solar activity was very high: Years of an
extremely large number of spots and years of a moderate number with no minimum years. There were even many active
settlements in Greenland. After 1200, there have been from communities. It returned to being largely covered by ice.
There were no cars and factories in those days!!!
Congress only has seventeen powers called enumerated powers. It had no reason to use inflation as a vehicle to fund
its programs. The meant that the dollar was more or less steady in value most years between our founding and FDR.
We began the process of devaluing the dollar in order to finance unconstitutional programs. Since Republicans
regained control of the House bills must have an attachment justifying it on constitutional grounds. The Senate has
yet to follow suit - do you think that lib-controlled Senate ever will!?!
Vincenzo Galilei (you know whose father) was a musical theorist, lutenist, composer, singer, teacher and author.
Pythagoras, amongst other things, discovered (are we A.D.D.-ing?) the musical harmonies that for the next few
thousand years, western composes based their scores on the Pythagorean harmonies. Enter Vincento. He wrote a
book critical of the status quo. He was one of the major revolutionary musical figures that set west on a new path
leading to Barque music and, eventually, today's classical music with more than a passing influence on music in general.
 In particular, he had a largely modern conception of dissonance.
Bring back Amendment Ten in the Bill of Rights. Any power not explicitly given fed gov should be considered a state
or people power.
Look to the right: CJ is again on the monitor...CJ has left the building.
(*A Game of Pool" by George Clayton Johnson)
{Reggie camera direction: fade to black}

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fwd: ADDENDUM (Original Proposal):

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 6:31 pm
Subject: ADDENDUM (Original Proposal):
(English Language Purists might have a problem with this construction; shall we stand in the
corner; nay, we like it).
(Consider this an) ADDENDUM (to post below): We would like to reiterate an original proposal that
we made over a year and a half ago in one of our "Action Chain Letters" (those who have been with
us for a long time will remember those; what we requested of you regarding them is applicable to
the posts at all of our web sites - you can connect via Facebook: Second American Revolution - please
email our posts to family members, co-workers, friends and enemies { posts being credited to us
 retained} or recommend our sites. Like fine wine, they get better with age. Most posts are completely
or largely not time-sensitive)...A.D.D. Attack: where were we?...Oh, yes. Reiterating an original proposal.
First, we will set the stage. Over the past few decades, nations have taken themselves off of the gold
standard. So what determines the value of a nation's currency? One: How much value others are
willing to place in it. Two: Indirectly, the amount of gold or other precious metal the nation has. It
also indirectly determines a nation's interest rates and how much of a dividend nation pays on the
bonds that it issues.
We must stop kidding ourselves: We have to cut spending by at least $7 trillion over the next ten years -
in real terms not creative bookkeeping! We should lower all of the tax brackets while we eliminate
deductions and loopholes. Tax simplification: Americans should be able to fill out their own tax
forms and save money on a CPA. Nearly all Americans should pay fed incomes taxes unlike present
situation (see article proper below). The rich will pay less in taxes percentage-wise but more in
taxes dollar-wise. They won't mind for they will be making a helluva lot more (greed is good; see
article proper) due to the lowering of rates and the spending cuts (private sector will take up the
slack). This would generate about $1.5 trillion in additional revenue if top rate cut to 28%.
We've finally arrived...We always take the long way getting there. Technically, our gold is not at Fort
Knox. It is at the Nation Gold Bullion Depository surrounded by Fort Knox, It is under the
jurisdiction of the Department of the Treasury not the Department of Defense. Although, Treasury
Agents conducts rehearsals protecting the gold solo, as well as, jointly with the Fort. Only the
Federal Reserve Bank's Depository in Manhattan, New York has more (a semi-independent and
we think, therefore, unconstitutional entity). Let's return to the National Depository. Germany is in
a distant second as far as amount of gold, as a matter of fact, we have far more gold than Germany,
China, japan, Russia and Saudi Arabia combined!
We are finally at proposal-time.You didn't think that this time would arrive; admit it. We should
 increase our gold by $150 billion over ten years. Announce our plans to the world and likely avoid
another down-grade if our bonds (we have to pay a larger dividend to China, for example which
purchases our bonds; we can't afford another downgrade). This would be preferable to cutting
spending by more than $7 trillion. It would demonstrate more substance - indirectly - behind our dollar.
 We contend that this would be preferable to cutting spending by $8 to 8.5 trillion over the next ten
years. The action would pack a punch, Albeit, largely symbolic - but strategic and powerful.
We should have a three-prong approach: cutting spending; reducing rates; increasing gold. Of
course, conspiracy theorists don't believe that there is gold there - that's a funny story; even if true, no
harm so long as secret is kept. We agree: Audit the fed but not Treasury. We don't buy into
conspiracy but let's be on the save side even if only one chance in a million of being true. It doesn't
 effect our sound proposal.
Time is running out: we must get serious about the national debt. Libs are preventing us from
achieving our goals. Communism fell, socialism is collapsing - we must save capitalism not
Bush/Obama crony capitalism; Obama more guilty by unconstitutionally playing a bankruptcy judge
to spare union bosses any pain and engaging in other questionable, perhaps, unconstitutional
actions. We MUST eliminate our $15 trillion debt by 2035 or sooner; or, reduce it to $3.5 trillion
by 2030 and freeze it.
We've been accused of extra-long prefaces. We suppose that now, we will be accused of having
Addendums nearly as long as the article proper!
GOLD is good!!!
Sent: Tue, Feb 28, 2012 6:19 pm

            LIVE Seagram Seven Presents Swan Song or More Farewells than Nellie Melba
              (Australian Phrase) or Will We Visit You on an Infrequent Basis in the Future/
The Return of the Invisible Hand/  Is this Title Long Enough? or Do We have have Enough Titles?
by Richard DePersio, Dago Red, Duke Forrest, Walter Koskiusko Waldowski (Painless Pole),
Ezekiel Bradbury 'Me Lay' Marston 3rd, Knocko, Alfred Hitchcock, George & Marion Kerby, the
Cartwrights, the Mavericks, Number Six, George & Gracie, Ed Hopper, Mother Divine (our token
 black makes his first and likely last appearance) sans Citizen Journalist (do we have enough
contributors, will too many cooks spoil the broth? Fear not, Richard D. is in charge...or, maybe,
 we should fear).
(Sherlock & Mycroft Holmes and Dr. Watson are on assignment).
Your Host Rod Serling: {Rod receives a Standing 'O'} "I even wore a tucks for this
illustrious occasion. We're coming to you live from the absent CJ's Library*/Bar. I certainly don't
require cue cards for the following: ...{This} is the middle ground between light and shadow,
between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of
 his knowledge...Your next stop: The Twilight store to Plato's Cave....A word to the
wise: Al is making and serving drinks. He's a big fan of arsenic...Only manly drinks, please."
Rye, double, neat.
Richard D.: "It has been reported that Russia has big military plans for the next ten years,
including, ten brigade sets of Lskandam tactical missiles. To the best of our knowledge, we are
 about to be the first to bring the following to your attention: Traitor B.O. {audience: boo!} signed a
one-sided arms agreement with Russia last year giving them many advantages as he wishes to
help prop up Russia and make it a superpower again. One advantage: Freezes a 10,000 to
200 advantage theirs in the number of tactical (short-range) nuclear missiles. It would
appear that Russia's ambitious plans call for violating that agreement." George: "I contend that
Topper was the first unusual show and aired in 50s. It paved the way for 60s shows: Addams
Family; Munsters; My Favorite Martian; Bewitched; etc. Dago Red: "Do we now have minority rule?
A small group of atheists object to the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office's insignia which
reads: "Doing God's Work..." They've been ordered to change. The sissy military is afraid of
libs and is being transformed into a PC org with Marines undergoing sensitivity training!!! (How to
ruin a perfectly good Marine).in order to deal with female and sissy Marines(we use the term
Marine loosely; what's happening to our Mighty Military Machine; why are we the only ones talking about
 PC trumping tradition and morale?(Connect FB rickaddsite for more on today's lovely military). Rumor
 has it that dress uniforms will be in pink.). Since B.O.{audience member shouts: "Tar-and-Feather!} 
has become president, military traditions and morale have taken a Mighty beating." (see first 5 post
 at Citizenj - connect via FB Second American Revolution). Little Joe: "Not many people know this but
my brother's nickname  Hoss means a big man with gentle ways." Duke: "NYC is no longer allowing
 religious groups to hold services in public schools on the weekends; mostly poor neighborhoods
 which can't afford a church. Lib judges have ruled it unconstitutional. Some one should teach these
 a-holes American history: Before there were churches in D,C., George, John, Tom and Jim allowed
services to be held in gov buildings. These lib judges think that they know the U.S. Constitution
 better than those who wrote it!!! Recently, the gang at Fox's "Red Eye" had their ignorance on display
 regarding separation-of-church-and-state in general and they bought into the lib distortion of Tom's
words on the subject in particular (Again: Citizenj web site is chuck full of stuff). Adam: "The longest
 running crime drama was Hawaii 5-0 -- 1968-80. Little Joe: "How would you know that?"
Rod: "You're going out with a bang with another one of your famous extra-long prefaces." {audience
roars with laughter} As is their wont, they begin with cosmos and follow with cosmos (meaning
world) and Offending with Truth when circumstances warrant."
Boiler-Maker: Shot glass of Seagram's placed in glass of beer.
       These words related to conic sections but nobody knows why: ellipse - ellipses; parabola - parable;
 hyperbola - hyperbole Why haven't linguists been able to crack this nut. Conic sections are used to
describe the orbits of moons, asteroids, comets, planets and stars.
We have been talking about Smith's Invisible Hand...Yes, we have. We wouldn't lie to you about a thing
like that...Marion, why are you moving away from me? Do you still think that we have an Invisible Hand?
If that were the case, it wouldn't be an economic hand...(You might want to check out 'Hand Sections' -
one and two floors down).
      Let's wrap up our hand job for we might not be returning to the Internet with our glorious prose.
Our we going on an A.D.D. trip - it isn't time for an A.D.D. break....Invisible Hand: You are greedy but
market forces will compel you to offer products and services at a competitive price and not at the
extravagant sum that would be your preference. Invisible Hand: Forces you to produce products that
people want and in the quantities that they want. Society wins out.
     Understanding Macroeconomics "(Invisible Hand): {Smith} also showed that it was self-regulating.
The beautiful consequence of the market is that it is its own guardian. If anyone's prices, wages,
profits stray from levels that are set for everyone, the force of competition will drive them back. Thus a
curious paradox exists. The market, which is the acme of economic freedom, turns out to be the
strictest of economic taskmasters.
     Smith is vehemently opposed to gov involvement in the economy which he considers a self-regulator.
Gov shouldn't interfere with self-interest (see below as to why greedy is good) and competition. President
B.O.'s efforts to transform U.S.A. into socialist-capitalist nation even more so than LBJ, FDR and
Wilson is the antithesis.
     A market system left entirely to its own devices will grow, the wealth of a nation under 'National Liberty'
would steadily grow. What brings about this growth: the drive for self-betterment, the thirst for profits, the
wish to make money. The employers desire to make a bigger profit (greed) will enable him to invest
more in people and machinery - people hired, profits made by seller of machines --unintended
consequences of good ol' American greed.
     The thousands of new regulations coming down the pike as a consequence of obama-care and
todd-frank (lower-case letters intentional) will inhibit market forces - it constitutes an economy
micro-managed from the top -- more and more, we smell a rat, a rat called communism.
RD: "By our reckoning, B.O. has violated U.S. Constitutional 17 times (See: "A Bad Case of Treason).
He taught constitution in college? It must have been the progressive/secular 'living' constitution and
not the real one. He's a constitutional criminal who belongs behind bars. {Audience member yells:
"Belongs in a cage!"}
Al: "Definitely not a hood, our sponsor's record is spotless, after all, boring people to death is not yet a
criminal offense." {run commercial} This A.D.D. break brought to you by Adderall and Seagram Seven -
the Happy Mixer. Al Hitchcock Presents Quote of Note: "The rapturous, wild, and ineffable pleasure
Of drinking at somebody else's expense - Henry Sambrooke Leigh (Stanzas to an Intoxicated Fly). Al
Hitchcock Presents Stories Unknown but to a Few: Our pal George left office in 1787 and returned to his
Mount Vernon home where upon he built a whiskey distillery - he considered liquor "essential to the health
of men" and necessary to the financial health of Mount Vernon. An archeological dig of the site suggests that
it was one of the largest in the nation. Our Big 6'3" Friend did everything BIG!
Al: "I wonder if we could leave out commercials, now and again? Forget it! Big Brother never sleeps."
{run commercial} Hail to the Chief, Hail to the Lord. Coronate B.O. in January 2013. Al: "No thank you...
and goodnight." {Al exits to raucous applause}
There are those who are truly disabled and deserve help but aren't getting it from gov social programs
which need to be overhauled. Faith-based and secular programs do a better job; they represent a 'hand
up,' as opposed to a hand-out. Lib gov programs have failed; libs think that throwing good money after
bad will fix these monstrosities. They are called: bleeding heart liberals. Baloney! It has nothing to do with
compassion and everything to do with politics. They want to get as many people in these programs
as possible, keep them in the programs and give them more than they require - for most vote dem and
have been sapped of pride while libs feel good about themselves at their expense.
       SHOCKING!!! Over 50% of Americans receive some form of gov assistance!; 49% don't pay fed
income tax or receive a modest to a large refund!; only 60% of eligible voters are registered! This
constitutes a national disgrace and represents what libs have done to us. (In 1960s, only 10% didn't
pay tax. The super-rich, the rich and the upper-middle class pay more than their fare share - 1%
wealthiest pay 38% of FIT (they should throw a fit!); top 10%, over 60%. Their taxes should be cut so
that they can get richer - greed is good. The will save and spend more - good for the economy; they
will invest more in stocks/bonds, thereby, creating jobs and increasing R & D. The consequences of
      If you don't vote and don't FIT - SHUT UP!!! You have no right to complain about gov or state of the
union - unless you are TRULY disabled and getting only what you need. If you do one of the two, you
can speak up - not too often and not to loudly.
      You are damn wards of the state. No wonder libs look down on you and think that you need BIG
GOV - mommy/daddy  to tell you what to think and how to behave. Your parasites! The working poor
should have to pay at least $150 a year; lower middle class, $500; mid-middle class, $1500. Feel
pride; complain at the top of your lungs; tell libs that you can think for yourself - and since your paying
for gov, you demand changes!
RD: "On behave of everyone..." {Audience simultaneously bursts in song: Auld Lang Syne}...No
Champaign for me: sissy; Scotch neat. Thank you until we meet again. Posts downstairs are still fresh and
relevant - we swear to NASA! There might be a pop quiz some day. Speaking of pop. Marion was that
you? What? You're blaming the Invisible Hand.
   Cut; that's a wrap. {audience on their feet; women weeping; RD signing autographs - $10 a pop}
(Photo Credit: Cindy Sherman)