Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A MESSAGE from CJ...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Feb 19, 2013 1:16 pm
Subject: A Message from CJ...


Citizen Journalist:
Recently, Glenn Beck accused Al Gore of wanting a return of
the 'progressive' science of social Darwinism/sterilization. We
wrote about this issue in "Expanded: Friendly Advice from CJ to
BO," "Notes" (first red section), "The Final Article: The Final
Problem (first black section; turned out not to be final!), "Added
Article 3, Version 2" - all at this venue; the expanded version
of the last article is at www.pan-multiverse.blogspot.com Glenn
is playing catch-up!
Recently, we learned that China hacked major U.S. companies.
Guess who we have to thank. Please read "wasn't he the guy -
Parts 1 & 2 at www.quasarpolitical.blogspot.com For more on
WC "Born Free" (third purple section) here. I'm Citizen Ahead of
the Curve Journalist!
Sent: Tue, Feb 12, 2013 5:55 pm
Subject: BO OFFENDS - Part Two...
Part one immediately below.

FOX NEWS ALERT: This is a Fox News exclusive. Richard
DePersio and Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope have returned
 to CJCS Comsats. Spanking new comsats are now in
geostationary orbit.
Richard DePersio: "We hope and pray that the gods and
goddesses of Mt. Olympus return to CJCS Comsats. Toward
that end we make this offering."
                            by Richard DePersio*
Hephaestus axe
Clio history her facts
Ares fighter
He's mightier
Athena smart
Wisdom her art

Apollo is so bright
Urania night
Just drink and kiss
The nymphs and Pan
Dance across land

Prometheus  fire
The queen Hera
Hermes message
Don't cause Zeus rage
And Poseidon
Shakes the women

Zeus slinging his lightning   
Ares warrior true                  
What can foes do                
Momus still can laugh           
Though thrown off of Mt. Olympus 
Oh Thalia does enjoy parties          
Hermes flies Poseidon's seas        
Money is good, a must,                    
Just ask your friend Plutus              
Calliope write                                  
Hades is a fright                             
Arcadia -  nymphs and Pan dwell
And, Apollo plays his lyre well       
We sure like Aphrodite bare  
Our Callisto is bear    
Pan-pipes are near 
With their sharp shears
The Fates make tears
Furies justice
Prevail it must   
                                   BO OFFENDS WC/AB -Part Two
                                      FX by Griffin, Text by Boddy
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Facebook Page Youth for Western
Civilization has been banned from Facebook. Richard DePersio
and Citizen Journalist contributed to this page for a few months
in the form of promos and no more than that. They had nothing
to do with the founding of this org nor establishment of this page.
Some consider it a hate group. Why? It stands up for WC which
is under attack by libs not moderates and conservatives. These
attacks are most pronounced in public elementary/high schools
and colleges. We aren't certain of YWC's position but we want
WC/AB to be embraced by ALL Americans. See Part One, as
well as, other articles on WC/AB at this venue.
We interrupt this article for another FOX News Alert: 12/21-1-4
(CJ's birthday) www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com number of readers/
visits (all numbers approximate): 500, 1/4 (Happy Birthday) -2/11
www.quasarpolitics.blogspot.com 12/21-2-11 - 230 each. As
always, Facebook Followers can connect via Home Page Richard
DePersio and Twitter Followers @rickaddsite and everyone at
Facebook Second American Revolution.
On producing the best adult: Individualism should be promoted
more and more as a child gets older within  family while religion
and charitable institutions should encourager self-sacrifice in
helping the poor. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness
(property) should be the domain of business and the private sector.
 Western Civilization should be the job of gov, especially, public
education --- it should be our common heritage.
Girls-Just-have-to-be-Boys Department: The Oscars are
considering doing away with the Best Actor and Best Actress
categories and going with just Best Actor for males and females.
Most younger actresses want to be called actors for they are
insecure in their femininity. SO Un-PC. Feminists can accuse real
men of being insecure in their masculinity but the  converse is
verboten! Except by CITIZEN Your non-PC cripple/Always Offending
with Truth JOURNALIST!
The only areas in which libs have to criticize WC/AB are lied about
by them: illegals - See "Ah Puch" and "Ah Puch 4"; Robber Barons -
See "Ah Punch 3"; Muslims - "Ah Punch 4"; slavery - "The Truth
about Blacks Colored"; Indians - "Mayan Monkey God Presents".
We interrupt this live article for a Fox News Alert: Richard
DePersio's opening gambit has paid off. Gods and goddesses are
departing Mt. Olympus to comsats for negotiations on a new
contract enabling them to return to their duties. Operations at
comsats will resume pending outcome of negotiations and
reorganization. Success virtually assured as gods and goddesses 
aren't in socialist unions. Everyone will sacrifice; everyone will come
out ahead. Stay tuned to us for the very latest.
 *PT-type copyright and Google Fg copyright pending