Wednesday, July 18, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 18, 2012 6:58 pm
Subject: BORN FREE...

                      MAYAN MONKEY GOD Presents Athena, Vulcan, Dionysus, Sam Clemens
                                               (one name seems out-of-place)
                              by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and Al Hitchcock
                                 Directed by (the top Olympian director himself) Zeus
                                         (no last name needed like Cher, Madonna)
(This isn't one of our live articles in front of a studio audience or a videotaped article
with canned laughter and 'applaud' signs; it constitutes our first taped article sans 'can'/sign).
PREFACE ONE: Regarding the brilliantly composed works on these here pages concerning the
truth and nothing but the truth on issues, including, progressives and social Darwinism/
sterilization, ingins, blacks, guns, anchor babies, the military, homos, public schools: We Report/
You Decide. They were written between two years & two months ago and remain highly relevant.
Check 'em out as we worked hard on creating top-of-the-shelf reading material for YOU!
PREFACE TWO (Quatrains):
                       I predict that a President Poontang
                       What to eat, drink, drive, more - he will arrange
                       Oh, we will go from master to chattel
                       He will choose solar-power hell - us dwell
                                                                    -CITIZEN Nostradamus JOURNALIST________________
                       Surgery/med for us/children 'the one' to choose
                       Diet/exercise or big money you will loose
                       The choices from A to Z will be his purview
                       Light bulbs done; wage/price controls soon; oh and clothes too
                                                                    -CITIZEN Nostradamus JOURNALIST_________________
PREFACE THREE: RD: "Once upon a time a chicken drank wine, the wine was red, the chicken
dropped dead (dropped dead, I said, right on his head {this new addition to old short poem; further, wine
shall make another appearance in this videotaped production}). A state can compel a citizen to purchase
a product or service or risk a fine, such as a driver's license. If demand unreasonable moderate and
conservative politicos coupled with the people could fight it. Cities too with state approval. In N.Y., the
mayor wants to be a ninny...correction: nanny...wait! Both are true...He wants to ban Big Gulp soda
size, in spite of, his unhealthy diet. Libs know what's best for you and your children while you don't.
And, you must do as they say not as they do. Hopefully, he will  be stopped. What will he seek to ban
next: cookies!?! Remember: ...the pursuit of happiness. Once upon a time, it was unconstitutional for
fed gov to force a citizen to purchase a product with the threat of punishment - and it still is according to
the real U.S. Constitution. Number One Supreme Court A-hole Chief Justice Roberts caved to lib pressure
and placed concern for PR first, thereby, subscribing to unofficial 'progressive/secular 'living' constitution.
Sacrificed at lib alter. Setting a dangerous precedent: fed gov will be able to say that we can only drive
electric cars or eat sugar-free food or live in solar-powered dwellings, etc. Court Jester Roberts called
a fed command backed by a threat and fine - a TAX! We should call it: Creative/Highly Imaginative Law. 
Thereby, establishing another dangerous precedent. Oh, where have our freedoms gone, they've gone
away! (What about the high cost of healthcare? There are capitalistic solutions, unlike dictator BO's
 socialist ideas, that will unable more to be insured and lower premiums for all: allow health insurers to
compete in more than one state {competition brings prices down}; tort reform; allow small and medium-
sized businesses to form associations, as well as, orgs, such as, small business, realtors, Lutheran
associations - purchasing in bulk). Believe you me, George, John, Tom and Jim are mighty upset!" CJ:
"Have you noticed that on TV - maybe, outside too, where I don't go - guys and girls will refer to some
one as a 'pussy' if they are weak or chicken (the chicken is back; where's the wine?) and girls/guys will
tell girls/guys to man-up (meaning: acquire some backbone). Viva la difference is history. Nota Bene':
Younger people becoming class-less began in '60s when Western Civilization, including, American
Branch began to be disparaged in classroom and media; it was also when God was banned from public
schools (full disclosure: I, CJ, am a deist). We said it before and it is worth repeating: End all forms of
subsidies - if it is viable or has potential, investment bankers should invest not taxpayers. Fed gov
should only partially fund basic research (biochemistry and physics only) at universities - period!
PREFACE FOUR: You are cordially invited to visit our five comsats (web sites for moderates and
conservatives), including, this one (by appointment only; Hermes - the only way to fly!). Each comsat is
 composed of modules: living quarters; work and conference areas; life support; offices for the BIG deals
 - RD and CJ;  galleries of ancient paintings and sculptures. Architectural Splendor by Vulcan. As CJ is
still running for President, you can receive an autographed photo of him for a mere campaign contribution
 of $1000 or have  your picture taken with him for a pittance of $1,500 or the combo at the ridiculously low
 price of $2,217.36).
PREFACE FIVE: It's time to engage in a Treasure Hunt - Treasure Hunt for something more valuable than
gold: Information. Alright, this statement is subject to debate. Find the articles largely or partially concerned
 with Western Civilization, including, American Branch - or not; not required. This is applicable or not to
what follows our wont.
(True to our history our preface {s} will this likely turn out to be nearly as long as the article proper. As Flip
 Wilson used to say, "The devil made me do it.' And, he is doing it again on the new cable channel ASPIRE
 - yes, we are watching a black channel. "I Spy" and "Julia" can be found there as well. If truth be told: we
 only cotton to I Spy. When it debut in '64, it was first weekly drama co-staring a black and several TV 
stations down south refused to air it; most came around once it became a hit. He was presented as an
equal to Bob Culp's character, nonetheless, their were black leaders and lib whites that complained that
there wasn't a focus on his race - these people are never satisfied! The same with Julia: some blacks
 complained that the first sitcom with a black female lead didn't accurately depict the life a widowed black
woman! - Some of these  'people' are never happy. Nat Kong Cole with the first black host of a variety
 show during '56-58; canceled  because it couldn't secure a national sponsor. Back in '50s, most shows
had one national sponsor. Nat's show was mostly singing while Flip was the first black host of a variety
show mostly consisting of comedy skits. All were on NBC - interesting. Should this have been a preface?).
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos followed by cosmos (which means world)...Hold it! We don't have
time for the cosmos (we hope that the late Carl Sagan forgives us!; Get your dose at
you might have to connect via Facebook second American Revolution)
What happened!?!: More and more Americans have become ashamed of Western Civilization and
American History/Culture. Countries of Western Europe teach about their colonial periods with pride -
mostly positive. Many would debate that it was. While our past, looked at objectively was positive. Does
this constitute drunken patriotism or fact: the first republic since Athens to the moon landing; the most
powerful military in the world to the best science/ technology, including, medical to the richest/biggest
economy. Everybody wants to come here, legally or otherwise, you don't see people wanting to break into
Japan, India, Germany, Mexico, etc. We do it all from serious to entertainment - bigger and better.
Stand up and be proud.Anti-WC/anti-American spirit began in the '60s in our schools and media along
with the move toward multi-culturalism (away from melting pot and E pluribus unum: out of many one.
See: "CJ: "Savior or Bigot" at this venue).
       They - the anti-American Americans aka libs - bring up slavery when blacks brought it on
themselves (see: "The Truth about Blacks Colored" at this location). Here's and ol' saw: the genocide
of ingins (please find Offending with Truth at rickadd comsat). We were remiss: we were suppose to cover
 this topic a few articles back and even included it in a title when we had an A.D.D. attack. It's a lib lie
taught to your children & promulgated by the media. Genocide is the intentional killing of a large portion of a
group; it involves intent and motive. Our colonial governments and, later, our state govs did not have a
policy of genocide, implicit or explicit. If we can employ the currency of truth: 85% of them there people
were killed unintentionally by old world diseases brought  here by explorers and traders and, later,
settlers. Usually, the Redman had little contact with the white man before being fell by disease. In most
cases, the 'bug' would proceed the newcomers. You libs are hollowing: but you conquered them. The
scalp takers were bound to be conquered, sooner or later, for they had resources which in many cases
they weren't exploiting. Too bad if they couldn't defend that which was theirs! One group conquering
another group is something that had gone on for hundreds of thousands of years. The only
difference: our compassion. You heard us right. Traditionally, the winners would rape the women
and enslave the men. We put them on lousy reservations. Or, they could try to make it in
society, in which case, we tried to 'civilize' them. What became of them? Those with pride
persevered and realized the American Dream: farms; ranches; resorts; casinos; the sale of cheap
cigs. They others live in squalor. Their reservations and the individuals living there receive gov
assistance; dependency and inability to lift themselves up. They fight for more handouts contending
that we owe it to them. It's reminiscent of those blacks who want reparations for the slavery of
their ancestors. We're not responsible if our great or great great or great great great great
grandfather owned slaves. And, besides, in our case, our ancestors didn't come here until the 1880s,
long after slavery was abolished. It was the Cracker Northerners who abolished it!
       The Robber Barons or corporate execs/owners-stockholders (1850 or 1865-1930) exploited the
workers to make it rich is also being taught in elementary and high schools, as well as, colleges by
those lousy little lying libs (you knew that we couldn't resist our favorite alliteration!).
       Then like now gov/private-commercial partnerships are bad as are gov subsidies of any kind.
But, most of the so-called Robber Barons don't fall in that category. They were innovators who
risked their own money and created jobs. They made the Industrial Revolution US Brand. They
shouldn't be condemned but applauded. The average wage increased 3-fold between 1870-1900. -
long before unions had much power. The middle class went from a few per cent in 1800 to the
largest group by 1900. By 1900, most of the working poor could afford a bike; by 1920, most of
 them could afford a Model T. Exploited workers my bad foot! After 1865 with the workweek reduced
 from 6 1/2 to 5 1/2 days, most people were participating in or paying to see others participate in
sports. There were special lower fares on tournament days. Bike riding was very popular at the turn
 of the century prior to the last. Average people were dressing much better because they could now
afford store bought clothes. It was about mass recreation and leisure time. Realizing the value of
public relations and their workforce, beginning around 1990, they became much more concerned with
 product safety and safety in the work environment doing most of what needed to be done defore fed
gov created Board of Product Safety and Board of Workplace Safety in the '70s (after years of
 pressure from unions; prior to the '70s, 'Look for the Union label 'was code for made by white trash
for unions kept blacks out of certain jobs and limited their number in others - children are taught about
the glorious unions -not the truth- in first grade!). Because of the Barons, cars, planes, skyscrapers,
 washing machines and more can be mass-produced meaning lower prices for all. Not to mention their
philanthropy.  Robber Barons, my big whitey ass!
(Based in small part on "Western Civilization" (episode: Fin de Siecle) and google search The Truth
About The Robber Barons.
It's time for Al Hitchcock Presents...Al: "This would be the perfect time for you to look the other way.
For those of you who know no other way to look - will have to endure the following"...This A.D.D.
Moment brought to you by Adderall and cheap  Fabre Montemayou Wines: CJCS Comsats - visit
our five locales recently redesigned by Vulcan. The best comsats this side of The Galaxy. Al: Now,
back to our program...CHON: Life is made up of carbon with the following in a distant second:
hydrogen; oxygen; nitrogen. Plus a little bit of sulfur and phosphorous. CHONSP. Al: "Goodnight."
We don't usually do foreign policy but we have time to kill, therefore, we will do it our way. Sherlock
in conversation with John:
"You are afraid of something?" I asked.
"Well, I am."
"Of what?"
"Of {nuclear warheads and ICBMs reaching the UK and the US within three years from Iran}."
"My dear Holmes, what do you mean?"
"I think that you know me well enough, Watson, to understand that I am by no means a nervous man.
 At the same time, it is stupidity rather than courage to refute to recognize danger when it is close
upon you. "
{What can be done?}.
{I do hope, Israel attacks Iran before year's end for time is of the essence. I fear that BO won't assist -
even intelligence. He hasn't treated our country and Israel, America's best friends, well since his
coronation followed by disappointment}. ("The Final Problem")
Mark Twain write glowingly of unions and deployed capitalists like the Robber Barons, though, one of
them, Henry Huttleston Rogers, a principal of Standard Oil, saved him from financial ruin.
Plato has finally left the present!
(Do read all the posts on all pages at all web sites for we worked hard on them).