Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fwd: AU PUNCH - Part Two...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 28, 2012 12:45 pm
Subject: AU PUNCH - Part Two...

                                AU PUNCH - Part Two
                by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist

Appropriately, it's a dark, gloomy, stormy night as intermission
ends and part two begins. Flags at CJCS Comsats have been
flying upside  down since BO was reelected.
 Will there be a murder!?!
Where were we? Those good chaps receiving a BO attack. He
is in the process of ordering that all chaplains - most of whom
are Christian - perform same-sex marriages in violation of
virtually all chaplains principles and interfering with how they
and their churches practice their religion. A clear violation of
Amendment One in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.
Failure to do so will result in being unceremoniously booted from
 the military. They say that BO was a college instructor teaching
 about the U.S. Constitution. He sure isn't an authority on the
genuine article: the Judeo-Christian/Capitalist/Constructionist
U.S. Constitution plus Bill of Rights nor associated docs -
Declaration of Independence and Federalist Papers. He must be
an authority on the bogus secular/socialist/'living' U.S.
constitution taught to your youngins beginning in elementary
       There's a pattern here. Even since there has been BO in
the White House there has been an attack on Christianity in
and out of the military; the latter being virtually ignored by the lib
mainstream media: CBS; NBS; ABC; most major newspapers;
some include CNN and PBS in this category. Prayers and hymns
 becoming non-existent. Ceremonies and traditions, one-by-one
 being eliminated or modified because the names God and/or
Jesus are used; or, being rendered gender-neutral to the point of
absurdity. Over 250 years of U.S. Military customs being
 sacrificed at BO's lib alter! Fear not: Muslims are
accommodated (remember: his father and grandfather were of
that ilk). For more see posts a
      This on the heels of him demanding that workers in
Catholic Charities, Catholic hospitals and schools have their
contraceptives covered by health insurance (this is the
job of fed gov: contraceptives!).
      Will the Church violate its principles and allow BO to
violate Amendment One - where will it end!!! All this represents
 not only an attack against religious liberty (remember: CJ is a
deist and, nonetheless, he takes the Constitutional position)
 but an attack against Western Civilization as great as legalizing
 illegals! Bihotry? No. A desire to preserve the great and
successful Western Civilization, including, American Branch.
Don't mess with that which made us great. There's an old army
saying: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
      As we see it, Catholics and the Evangelical Christians
supporting them can cave to BO. In so doing, his attacks will be
 relentless until he achieves his ultimate victory: destruction of
WC/AB and U.S. Constitution (for more on this constitutional
criminal visit cj-rickadd).
     As we see it, they must: A) close their schools,
condemning these children to an inferior public school
education and overwhelming public schools; B) close their many
 hospitals - open to Catholics and none Catholics alike -
 overwhelming hospitals --- it will also mean that the average
 person will live further from a hospital and their condition can
 get worse or they could die en route to the hospital; C) close
Catholic Charities which helps the needy better than gov social
    The lib mainstream media and the ignorant will blame the
Pope when the real culprit is BO! When will he stop using our
Constitution as toilet paper and not just Amendment One!
 Someone has to stand up to BO. The House can't initiate
 Impeachment Proceedings - Republicans would be accused
of bigotry. Moderates and Conservatives: the fundamental
principles of our civilization and nation are under attack. This
Supreme Court shockingly proclaimed that it is
to order Americans to purchase something!!!! What next? Will
we be told what we can and cannot eat and drink? Will we be
told that will can only drive electric cars because of the global
warming nuts? Will we be required to live in dwellings equipped
with solar and/or wind power? What else!?! Less you forget, BO
will get to appoint at least two new Supreme Court Justices. God
 save us all...And, condemn the stupid asses who didn't vote for
Romney because he wasn't perfect, including, some evangelicals
 who objected to his Mormonism and those to ignorant to realize
what was at stake. Are you f'n happy!?!
       Many businesses will no longer pay all or half of their
employees health insurance, opting instead to pay the fine which is
 cheaper. Bare in mind: freedom of religion is our first freedom;
 freedom of press, speech and assembly are also part of
Amendment One. There is more at stake here than healthcare: will
 there be any limits on government; if fed gov can be involved with
 contraceptives, what else!?!
Al Hitchcock Presents...Al: "I'm 10,000 feet up on my magic
carpet and, yet, I swear that I saw a billboard over there."
{run commercial} Got BO. Try extra-strength constitutional
deodorant. (Going out-of-business: no longer effective. Buy
cheap, use as toilet paper). Al: And, now tonight's story...
       Orion was a mighty hunter and giant. Poseidon gave him
 the power to wade through the depths of the sea (others
claimed that he could walk on water).
       Orion loved Merope who was the daughter of the king of
Chios and wanted to marry --- Merope not the king (this is
a mythological story and not a fairy tale). The king prevented
       Later, he and Diana would hunt together. They fell in
love and planned to marry. Her brother, Apollo, was much
displeased and often chid  (there's a word that you don't hear
much anymore) her. One day, Orion was wading through the
 sea with head just above the water. At this distance, she
couldn't recognize him. Apollo pointed 'it' out and said that she
couldn't hit that thing on the sea. Diana didn't like to be dared.
The archer-goddess dislodged a shaft with fatal aim. The waves
rolled  Orion's dead body to the land. She bewailed her fatal
error with a large volume of tears. (She placed him among the
stars with his dog following and the sisters preceding. See:
      Now let's substitute BO for Apollo, the ignorant/uniformed -
most Americans for Diana and Liberty for Orion.
Al: "If upon seeing (ad), you have an impulse to leave the room
-- you are perfectly normal." {run commercial} The master does
it again with "Strangers on a Train. A film noir from the genius
mind of Al Hitchcock. {Return to show} Al: I finally met a
commercial that I like!
Al to director of photography: Camera pan to dark, gloomy, stormy
 sky. Fade to black.
                                  To Be Continued...

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