Monday, October 10, 2011

Fwd: DAGO RED...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 10, 2011 5:46 pm
Subject: DAGO RED...
Please read the many fine articles at this venue because we worked hard on them.

                                                            DAGO RED
                             by Dago Red, Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
Preface One: Citizen Journalist: "Dago, how did you get the nickname 'Dago Red'*?"
 Dago Red: "Richard Hooker was the first to tag me with that moniker. See
'Scorecard.'" Richard D.: "I know where he might have gotten it." CJ: "Do tell."
RD: "You'll have to wait until the end of the article just like a regular reader." CJ:
 "I say, I take bloody offense." DR: "We're English all of a sudden? Our friend
Sherlock isn't with us. By the bye, the wordsmith Dr. Watson will be contributing
on a future article." RD: "Seems fair: we contribute to Facebook's Holmes Sherlock.
We have up to 435 readers (visits) and we wish to thank @LadyMafalda471 (Twitter)
for her recent efforts to make her readers aware of us. She's Latin American. I
wonder how she will react to 'Meteors Might Make Merry/Mexicans Make Merry' ?"
DR: "I think that most Hispanic-Americans and Latino legal residents would concur
with it." RD: "Fair: We plugged Facebook and Twitter." DR: "Do they need a plug
from us?" CJ: Of course, they do!" (What is the photo attached to this composition and
what does it have to do with this article?**).
Preface Two: Tribute: Morgan 'In my black hole through my worm hole***' Freedman recently
stated that 9/11 might have been an inside job and that Tea Party members are racist.
While 60% are fiscal/social conservatives, the Lipton orgs are controlled by social mods
and libertarians (fiscal conservatives and in-the-closet social libs - See 'Offending with Truth').
 They aren't racist and have many black members (you wouldn't know it from the
mainstream media but there are black conservatives besides Herman Cain; we hope that he
 secures the VP spot. Could you picture a Herman/Morgan debate? What fun! Poor Morgan -
no TelePrompTer allowed! Tony 'I left my brain in San Francisco' Bennett suggests that we
asked for it regarding 9/11. Well, he is long in the tooth. We were fair: black and white.
A recent Hollywood Reporter/Berlans Poll indicated that 35% of Republicans, 45% of Tea Bags
and 20% of Democrats consider an actor's politics in deciding on whether or not to go see a
movie or watch a T.V. series. (Over 90% of writers, producers, directors, actors {listed in order
of importance} are liberals).
As is our wont: we start off with cosmos (meaning world) and, then, we deal with world and
'Offending with Truth' when circumstances warrant.
      Will the humiliation ever cease? While English is the official language in space (and has
been the official language in diplomacy since the conclusion of WW2 - thanks to U.S.
victories in WW1 and WW2; it had been smelly French; Citizen Journalist signed up for a
year of smelly French in high school {everything sound dirty in that language - Com fou zaple
la vou {{phonetic rendering}}, it means 'what is your name.' - he dropped it after six months when
the pretty French teacher was replaced by non-French white trash. No homo. Did we just go on
a premature A.D.D. tangent?), the knew breed of astro will be required to know Russian in order
to accommodate our Russian drivers!
       AlliantTechoSystems will play the major support role with NASA in developing the super
heavy-lifter (the heavy-lifter is still in limbo; we might have been the first to suggest two years
ago that NASA should work on a declassified-version of the Air Force's 'secret' X-37B {unmanned,
a manned-version is suspected to be in the works} We further suggested that unmanned-version
could play a role in protecting and replacing GPSats - See "Action Chain Letter 4," you'll find
after the new version of "The Article" Good hunting; it might save NASA jobs, see the next
paragraph). ATS also played this role in the Space Shuttle Program - See "Space Shuttle
      By next summer, the workforce at the Kennedy Space Center will have plummeted from
15,000 to 8,200. What did any of this have to do with cosmos (A.D.D.)? Cosmic-jobs - we offer
for your acceptance.
An A.D.D. break (what nerve!) sponsored by Adderall and Beluga Russian Vodka (seems
appropriate) - the better mixer with or without OJ/rocks. Here's a post that we posted on Facebook:
Holmes Sherlock (yes, last name first; Sherlock and Citizen are now good cyber-friends):
Make up your mind, Doyle: In "A Study in Scarlet," you reveal that our mate (What! Isn't that
Australian?) comrade (definitely Russian and, perhaps, appropriate) chap (that's the ticket) Dr.
Watson sustained a war-time bullet wound to his shoulder, but, in the "Sign of the Four" the
wound is said to be in the leg. Let's get our act together, Arthur, and solve this mystery.
We explained in "No Lipton Served Here" why we disassociated with 'Tea Party.' (Do read the
article, it is one of our best; Citizen Journalist, you say that about all of our articles). From their
inception, they were opposed to big gov: run-a-way spending and high taxes (they should have
added social {moral} component). It is not clear with the Wall Street demonstrators stand for
(forgive us for ending a sentence with a preposition; when you see what goes for English on much
of the Internet, you are forced to believe that the vast majority of English-speakers are functional-
illiterates!). Are they socialist? Are they anti-big bank? Are they anti-big business? Are they
opposed to paying back their student loans? Do they want socialized medicine? Are they lazy
and do they oppose work (how can they be there all day, every day)? Are they pro-noise
pollution (they beat their drums all day long)? Are they smelly (like the French; restaurants and
other small businesses are complaining that they are using their facilities and leaving feces all
over the place - and not purchasing anything -- are most out of work bums)? Are they kinky
(mothers parading topless in front of their toddlers)? They are interview on the tellie (British, you
know) and they are incoherent. They need a clear agenda. Perhaps, they speak illiterate cyber-
speak. The Liptons had permits, didn't try to take over a bridge and cleaned up after themselves.
Speaking of healthcare...It will cost an employer on average $5000 to insure employees not
presently covered - this is due to Obama-care. Or, they can opt to pay a $2,600 fine. Or, they
can opt to hire fewer workers. Once again, Obama creates jobs. Will this lead to socialized
medicine. Annually, there is $40 billion of waste/fraud in Medicaid/Medicare, fed gov should be
responsible for more, perhaps, all healthcare. Is this what they are protesting for? (There we go
(Once again, we ran out of space and can't flesh out our tax proposals. Perhaps, if your 'prefaces'
were shorter. Never!).
*In Chicago, during Prohibition, Italians illegally made for their own consumption and sold (illegal)
the best homemade wine, it was known as "Dago Red." They also made wine from dandelions!
**Absolutely nothing. It is a photo of the Agena Target to which some Gemini spacecrafts docked
to in the 1960s - a skill necessary for future moon missions.
***For the scientifically-illiterate, Morgan hosts a show on the Science Channel entitled "Through the

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