Monday, December 12, 2011

Fwd: (column)

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From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 12, 2011 12:05 pm
Subject: (column)

* Photo of Dago Red when he was younger and still a priest
** Taped in front of a live (not dead) audience
*** Proprietor, Me Lay Fun House and Medical Center
Question: Do you subscribe to the "Declaration of Independence," "The U.S. Constitution
(Federalist/Constructional-ist/Judeo-Christian/Classical Free Market Liberal {Don't faint: it
would later become known as laissez-faire (little or no gov involvement in economics and finances)
 capitalism and, later, capitalism (with only modest or modest to moderate interference), including,
"Bill of Rights" and "Federalist Papers" or progressive/secular/'living' constitution.
       Are the children born to illegal parents, automatically U.S. citizens: the so-called "anchor
babies. No! Just read Amendments 13, 14 and 15 to the Constitution, as well as, "Civil Rights
Act" of 1886. This material was written to be applicable to the newly freed blacks (there were
free blacks prior to the Civil War) and their children - period. The letter of the law. Libs have a
predilection for reading things into law that aren't there or that they see between the lines.
       In politics, we say: liberal and conservative; in law, we say: liberal and constructionist.
Lib judges and justices always rule in a lib fashion, as opposed to, constructionists in robes
who rule constructionist about 90% of the time. The will subjugate personal preferences to the
words of the U.S. Constitution. To the extent humanly possible they try to rule predicated on
the letter and not some kind of spirit of a law.   
      An aside: Initially, only white males who owned property could vote when the United States
was founded. This is a false statement. A little known fact: There were a few counties in a few
states in which women with property could vote; virtually all of them were widows who had
inherited property. During Jefferson's (our third president) presidency, this right was negated.
 It had nothing to do with thinking women inferior. It was strictly politics. The concept of parties
was in the nascent stage. The vast majority of women voted for federalist politicians. Jefferson
and his followers were anti-federalists.        
     Another aside (or A.D.D. diversion): Federalists at the time of our nation's founding favored
big fed gov involved in areas other than those granted to fed gov by U.S. Constitution (military,
coining money, foreign policy, regulating trade between the states and between the U.S. and
foreign nations, postal service, Indian Affairs; clearly only areas that states couldn't handle or
couldn't handle well or if they handled it would create chaos - a very limited fed gov). Federalist,
for example, wanted a National Bank; they felt that U.S. Constitution implied such an entity.
They wanted to expand fed powers within the areas delegated to it. They didn't want new
areas of authority. Anti-federalists opposed such thinking: U.S. Constitution doesn't explicitly
call for a National Bank (this being the biggest bone of contention but there were others).
When our nation was founded there were four departments and a handful of agencies. About
forty years after our founding some politicians and legislators looked at the term "The general
welfare of the people" and claimed that it justified building federal roads to aid in commerce.
That phrase would rear its ugly head again around 1900. We went from four departments and
a few fed agencies in 1900 to 16 departments and over a thousand fed agencies today.
      Amendment 10: Any power not granted to fed gov by the Constitution shall be considered
a state or a people power. Clearly, our Founding Fathers wanted a limited fed gov. However,
they realized that fed gov might have to take on new powers in the future and they hoped that
such circumstances would be rare - hence the term general welfare: Things national in scope;
things that effected or benefited all or virtually all Americans. Examples Justified: CIA, NASA.
Examples Unjustified: Healthcare, Education, Agriculture. New things and not things that were
or could be handled at the state level. Libs prefer to just like at the word: welfare. They take it
to mean that fed gov should take care of people from cradle to grave. Fed gov knows best; states
and citizens don't.
      Recently, we had the honor and the pleasure of speaking to anti-federalist Tom and
federalist Al - and they are both appalled at BIG fed gov. Fortunately, George supplied a lot of
ale. {audience laughter} Let's do ourselves a Second American Revolution! {audience applauding}
Alfred Hitchcock: "By the way that last commercial {in last article} was one that we sent to
Russia as part of a cultural exchange program. We don't know what we received in return. We
are too afraid to open." {run commercial} A.D.D. break brought to you by Adderall and Pepsi - the
better mixer.
      Let's talk about independent private eyes in shows like "77 Sunset Strip," "Rockford Files,"
"Magnum, P.I." They conduct an independent investigation. In real life, they couldn't interfere
with an official investigation - its a crime! The only cases that they get in the real world are:
looking for lost childhood friends; spying to determine if a spouse is cheating; they might be
hired by an insurance company to determine if person is really homebound or really can't bend;
hired by employer to ascertain which employees are misbehaving. The kind of cases that the
police don't take. On T.V. a rich person goes to an independent private eye with a ransom note
stating don't contact the authorities. By law, he would have to do so and then step aside and
let the pros with numerous personnel and advanced technology do their thing.
      What about private eyes who work under the auspices of wealthy and large law firms such as
"Perry Mason," "Matlock" ? In real life, they can get involved with murder or extortion cases but
they aren't paid enough to put their lives on the line: going solo to a seedy neighborhood to question
someone in a seedy hotel or bar. He would take the police detective assigned to the case with him,
even though he works for the other side: the prosecution. Theoretically, they are both pursuing the
       On T.V., both types of private eyes break the law to acquire evidence. It wouldn't happen
in real life: such evidence wouldn't be admissible in court. Besides, as we heretofore stated, the
 independents can't be involved with such cases. Prominent attorney with private on a retainer (he
would also look for long-lost friends when not working for big-shot lawyer) wouldn't want to be disbarred.
       In contrast, bounty hunters are private and pursue those who skip bail and are legal. Marshals
are government officials who purse those who skip bail or escape from prison.
AH: "Goodnight." Let's hear it for the late great Mr. Hitchcock! {standing ovation}
Geneticist Hillary Clinton addressed the U.N. and stated that homos are born that way (strong homo
gene). We wonder if she thinks that greedy people are born that way (greedy gene)? Nasty people?
Cross dressers? Criminals? Adulterers? Pedophiles (Recently, the prestigious John Hopkins Medical
Center said so; read first few articles at web site 4). Do you think that these people are making
excuses for bad behavior?
       You are the product of everything that you learned in the order that you learned it; you are a
product of everything that you experienced in the order that you experienced it; you are the result of
everyone that you knew - for most people, parents are the strongest influences.
       The size of the dose of testosterone after about five months gestation and differences in male/
female brains might be contributing factors. However humans aren't slaves of their biology.
Let's think clearly and STRAIGHT. Let's do ourselves a Second American Revolution! {audience applauding}
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (meaning world) and, then, we deal with world and Offending
with Truth when circumstances warrant.
       The Titius-Bode Law has to do with the spacing of the planets around the sun. Start off with: 0, 3, 6,
12, 48, 96, 192, 384 (with the exception of first two, each twice that of proceeding number) +4 = 4, 7, 10,
16, 28, 52, 100, 196, 388 - divide by 10 = .4, .7, 1, 1.6, 2.8, 5.2, 10, 19.6, 38.8. Result: Nearly identical
to average distance of planets from the sun in AUs (Astronomical Units; with earth being 1, 1 = 93 million
miles). It was used to predict location of Ceres - the first and largest asteroid to be discovered. It was
considered a planet for a few years until others were found and we realized that their was an Asteroid Belt.
It was somewhat off in protecting location of Neptune.
       Does this constitute a mathematical coincidence or does it have to do with the dynamics of the
collapsing cloud which formed our solar system & perturbations caused by planets, especially, the large
ones helping to dictate stable orbits or God (anthropic principle)? {audience applauding} (Why is it that
audiences sometimes applaud at the strangest times?)
NASA has cataloged 93% of near earth asteroids (part of their orbit isn't in belt) which are 1 kilometer (.6
miles) or larger - there are 1 thousand. It is suspected that an object this size caused mass extinctions
67 millions years ago which wiped out all the dinosaurs (although, some scientists contend that birds
descending from dinosaurs) and over 50% of other species. Where are the other 7% hiding!?! Inquiring
minds need to know.
Richard D: "This wasn't an easy article to write as it was produced by Dago Red with one of the writers being
Citizen Journalist. Although, Dago Red has placed his hostile take over plans of 'Citizen Journalist Comsats'
on hold, you can cut tension with a knife. They were in separate venues for the duration." Audience member
shouts: "What does the producer of an article do?" Richard D: "Are you ignorant." {audience member throws
keys on stage} AM: "Would you come to my hotel room after show and explain it to me?" {audience: "woooooo"}
Citizen Journalist: "Newt is in favor of lunar exploration and mining  See: Action Chain Letter, Moon Mining 1,
 Moon Mining 2, Motivate at web site 2) {audience applauding and hollering "Go Newt."} Mitt opposes."
{audience: "booooooo."} 'Me Lay': "Recently, Col. Potter passed away. while I didn't serve under him, I was
proud to know him. Let's have a moment of silence for Sherman {audience silent, you could hear a pin drop} (See
 "Scorecard" at web site 4)       Richard D: "Governor of N.Y. promised not to raise taxes has gotten State
Legislature to increase taxes on the rich (the job creators). We can expect mass exit of those who pay more
than their fair share. NJ is appealing and they would still have access to all NY has to offer." {audience: Christi,
Christi, Christi} (Please visit Facebook: Second American Revolution; Holmes Sherlock; Prisoner; Alfred
Hitchcook Geek; Twilight Zone; Diogenes Club).
                               Dago Red* Presents Another Upside Down Article (Live)**
                by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and Ezekiel Bradbury 'Me Lay' Marston, V***


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