Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fwd: Number Six Presents...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2012 5:54 pm
Subject: Nuber Six Presents...

                   Number Six (aka Drake) Presents a Tribute to Nancy: The Lady in Red* (Live)
                                by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio and Dago Red
Simul-Cast on CJCS** (Citizen Journalist/Cyuga***/Shamley****) Network (mostly in red)
Citizen Journalist: "The longest running sitcom is 'Ozzy and Harriet' - 14 years.The 'Simpsons'
have lasted longer and some claim that it is the longest running. We say that it is the longest
running prime-time cartoon. Of course, someday computer-animation may be so good that you
won't be able to distinguish it from real people! Richard D.: "We have 308,000 troops stationed
outside of the U.S. not counting those in the Middle East."
FOX News Alert (We at FOX like them so much, we have them about every 5 minutes!):
Bestiality and the U.S. soldier will be arriving at a base near you (See "Parents and Grandparents
must connect to the latter via Home Pages: Facebook Richard DePersio and Twitter @rickaddsite
or make life easy on yourself by becoming a Friend or doing a Follow}).
{We rejoin "Number Six..." still in progress}
Dago Red: "... she said: 'not there with that!'" {Audience roars with laughter}
Back in the late '30s and early '40s, young women had a philosophy/expression: Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust, of you don't like my figure, Keep your hands off my Bust. How does CJ know? He
was a girl in a previous life; guys used to say of her: Give her a beer and she'll follow you
anywhere, Stroke her hair and off will come her underwear.
As is out won't, we start off with cosmos followed by cosmos (which means world) and Offending
with Truth when circumstances warrant.
       Near-earth asteroids are classified into three types predicated on their perihelion (closest
part of the orbit to the sun) and aphelion (the furthest they get from the sun): Atens (647 known);
Amors (2,920 known) and Apollos (4,289 known). Worry: 1,215 NEOs are also PHOs (Potentially
Hazardous Objects; see article one floor down). We are aware of 824 NEOs with a diameter of .6
miles or greater which would result in a mass extinction if collided with earth and 148 of these are
FOX News Alert: Two weeks ago. 398 Visits and 191 Readers (average: AddThis and Google).
This week...drum roll, please {drums rolling}...this week: Visits: 731!!! Readers: 365! Thank You!!!!!!
In 1776, over 90% of those living in the New England States were of English descent while over
50% in the other states were. Most of the rest were Irish, German, French. The Irish
representation increased during the 1840-50s due to the Potato Famine in Ireland. There was an
influx of Italians and East European Jews between 1820-1924. Other nationalities prior to 1924
came to our shores in smaller numbers.
       The Immigration Act of 1924 sought to preserve the American Identity by allowing immigration
from Northern and Western Europe, very little from Southern and Eastern Europe (too bad for
Our Chosen People and too bad for America) and virtually known from Africa and Asia. The
Immigration Act of 1965 was the reverse with the addition of giving high priority to Latin American
countries.. It is claimed that no one thought that there would be a large influx from these countries
and a change to American Identity. We found that hard to except. It was in the '60s that liberals began
to become critical of Western Civilization/Culture and began their efforts toward creating revisionist
American history (today over 60% of every American history textbook is negative on America!).
       Like it or not, over 90% of the greatest Americans were white Europeans (including, Jews) and
over 90% of the important discoveries and inventions must be credited to them and their Western
Culture. Is it bigotry or a desire to retain American greatness that we favor American identity.
We done enough for the world's poor and downtrodden. Let's limit immigration to educated rich
and middle class Europeans plus some Asians (on average Asians score higher on standard I.Q.
tests than whites, whites higher than blacks and browns).
       There are an estimated 12 million illegal's with 9 million of them being brown. If we
legalize them and, eventually, they bring over there parents and children, we are talking about
close to 40 million. The legal browns on average have more babies than whites and blacks.
Blacks fought for their rights as citizens, it wasn't handed to them and until 2000 had outnumbered
browns. Now, their political clout has been diminished.
       Whites were 95% of the population in 1776 are now down to 67%. What will happen if we
legalize the illegals? By 2035, there won't be a majority in America - whites will be below 51%;
by 2075 or sooner, browns will replace us as the largest minority.
       Bigotry or a desire to retain American greatness!?!
Alfred Hitchcock: "And, now we have a commercial, that is, you have a commercial, I'm swearing
off." (run commercial} Citizen Journalist Comsats offers the best web sites this side of the Galaxy.
This A.D.D. Moment is sponsored by Adderall and Vick's Cough Medicine - enjoy being sick.
The neocortex of the brain consists of 8 lobes. Next week, we'll be back with another {article}.
Until then, Goodnight.
CJ: "What should we say next." RD: "Do we have to write more for our callow sciolist cretin readers?"
CJ: "I just realized: where back from commercial, mike is live/open!" RD: "We've been joking
around during commercial. Welcome back, wonderful intelligent readers. The jerks bought it."
CJ: "Your mike is open."
RD: "A women in a previous life. Let's continue friends..."
Not to mention what progressives/liberals have done to our country over the past 100-plus years. More
and more replacing our beautiful Judeo-Christian/Capitalist/Constructionalist Constitution with
the progressive/secular 'living' constitution. You mentioned it!
      Communism failed. Socialism is failing. What's left of capitalism will fail within the next 15 years
if we don't reduce the debt by at least $9 trillion over the next 10 years with $8 trillion in spending
cuts and $1 trillion in new revenue by lower rates and eliminating deductions (you will increase tax
revenue in a way that isn't detrimental to economy. People, especially, rich will be sending
more $$$s to Uncle Sam but won't mind because they will be making so much more and in the
process creating jobs and enhancing R & D).
Director Duke Forrest: "That's a wrap. Run credits and footnotes..."
Writers: Citizen Journalist/Richard DePersio/Dago Red; Producer: Number Six; Director: Duke
*If memory serves Nancy Reagan's (this article is dedicated to her) favorite color was RED and that
Ron was more likely to call on a female reporter at a press conference if she was wearing red. Fems
got wise, wore red and increased there chances of being selected by the Great One.
**Merger completed. ***Late Rod's company. ****Late Al's company.
(Please read articles below and on page 2).

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