Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fwd: Article Upside Down...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 22, 2012 7:36 pm
Subject: Article Upside Down...

(Upside down article; rumored to be the second in our illustrious history).
(Do visit "Exclusive: Friendly Advice from CJ to BO," "Notes," "Supplement Before
Article Proper" while at this Vulcan-designed comsat. This, our Flag Ship Comsat, is
now free to the general public on Wednesdays; $9.37 for adults, $2.31 for seniors and
little brats not welcomed on other days).
(*former sergeant and cook at a MASH unit; was and is a huckster and hustler
 **presides over lib-dominated Senate ***should take a leave-of-absence ****you'll
soon discover where to find relevant golden oldie *****presently resides at White
House - sadly, in a dangerous way ******long absent from DC, we must hope that she
will reside with the people)
Announcer: "The audience is roaring with approval. The women are getting on their
feet. Yes, it's a standing 'O.' RD, CJ and the rest of the CJCS Comsat Team are
taking bows as women toss their hotel room keys on the stage. Pandemonium - you'll
see it when the article is televised."
              (Quatrain)    Moratorium won't transpire
                                  For pols common sense not for hire
                                  For they don't want commoners to know
                                  Their services for most part can go
                                                                   -Citizen Nostradamus Journalist
                              HEADLINE: The DO NOTHING CONGRESS
 We can dream, can't we; it's still a semi-free country, isn't it? Take your shoes off. Lie
back. Close your eyes and fantasize...Hold it! Put that fantasy on hold and get with the
      We make proposal original, just for fun and for real in fantasy land, the following:
The citizenry decree a one year moratorium on congressional ability to pass gas (bills;
other than budgetary bills) and a moratorium as well on ecec branch from creating regs.
      What would come to pass of fed gov were prohibited thus? Chaos? What if problem
arose or worse a crisis? Would our nation fall into the abyss? No! Matters would be
handled by state and/or local govs. There would be no need for new fed measures. Just
 like our Founding Daddies would have liked.
      Wake up! We said fantasize not sleep. What? You were dreaming about it; that's
       Better yet: Let's imagine that there is a moratorium on state and local govs too. Would
 complete chaos reign supreme with people running naked in the streets and
the pastures!?!
       No! Matters would be handled with dispatch by CITIZENS and/or charities and/or
businesses (unions need not apply) using existing legislation or not (creating solutions
predicated largely on common sense). What a wonderful world it would be: it would be
the world that George, John, Tom, Jim and company had intended for us.
      Instead when a problem arises - big or medium or small, or tiny - distant pols and
bureaucrats get into full throttle mode with adrenalin on overdrive for they don't trust the
      Damn it! Stop fantasizing that you live in a free country. We suffer nearly as many laws
and regs as Russia. Every aspect of living is fodder for new and costly legislation - even
light bulbs and toilets!
      You can't use ignorance as an excuse: Your Honor, I didn't know that it was against the
law. It might have made sense in another time and place.
      Look up! Now, pols have drones watching our every move. The self-same drones used
by our gov to monitor terrorists in other countries. There are an untold number of laws and
regs that regulate you and your throne (sit on it and pretend that you are in charge).
Al Hitchcock Presents...A Pleasant Thought for the Day: "Dead hands can no longer touch
our outstretched hands or move to heal."-Joy Ragawa. Al: Rod, why aren't you in the Twilight
Zone and why is their a tear in your eye - of all people! Rod: Just visiting. Dead hands...What
a lovely thought for the day. {Commercial} Seagram 7, Ginger Ale, Adderall: The better mixer.
Proteins do most everything in the body...Your hair and muscle are made of protein...
Hemoglobin (type of Protein) with four amino acids with an iron atom in the center to capture
Oxygen in lungs then hemoglobin brings O to all the cells of the body...Enzymes are a type of
protein...Repair cells. Al: "You must take your medicine. Courage now. Bitter. But, you'll feel
 better afterwards." {Commercial} CJ/Shamley/Cayuga Comsats are the best in the cosmos.
Al: "I'm back. I told you that you would feel better.
King Midas recommends "Addendum: Original Proposal" at this venue.
                                  HEADLINE: LAWYERS - The UN-LOVED                    
We desperately need Tort Reform. We propose abolishing Class Action Lawsuits whose
sole purpose is to make (big contributors to Dem Party and Dem candidates) trial
lawyers (like John Edwards, he specialized in it) rich or richer. A lawyer might not take
your case of wrongdoing (not enough $$$s in it) unless he can find many others with
the same complaint against the company or doctor or store owner or property owner
or etc. (Many docs are abandoning their professions because of the high cost of
malpractice insurance; it results in higher prices for products and services sold by
businesses). Most of the settlement goes into lawyer's pocket. If you have a complaint,
attorney should act on it pronto and not spend time collecting others with a similar
charge. Speedy justice.
      As many of these lawsuits are frivolous or devoid of merit, we endorse the Loser Pay
 Proposal which exists throughout most of Western Europe. People should think twice
about going to court: Do I truly have a legitimate claim. Lawyers to potential clients:
SUE, SUE, SUE!!! You'll think twice knowing that if you loose, you will be compelled to
pay the defendant's legal costs. The U.S. Constitutions guarantees your right to a
speedy trial. In reality, you have to wait weeks or months because the docket is full
of highly questionable lawsuits.
                              HEADLINE: A WICKED WITCH of the LEFT is DEAD
Hef helped launch the Sexual Revolution which became powerful by the mid-'60s which is
when most historians mark its inception. Helen Gurley Brown has died (goodbye to bad rubbish;
throw a party to celebrate the demise of living trash). She penned "Sex and the Single Girl" and
edited Cosmo Mag for 32 years - WOW, what accomplishments! She is partly credited with
generating the liberal Sexual Revolution and Modern Women's Movements (again, 'beginning' in
the mid-'60s). Ladies (we use the term loosely) raise your skirts (half-thigh {or higher} in tribute to
one of your founders.
       This led to little tramps becoming eligible for social services in the '70s; unwed mothers
receiving welfare, Aid to Dependent Children, etc. Rewarding and encouraging bad behavior! END
it NOW! Let's return to the days when they left the baby with a note at a church or firehouse in the
middle of the night. Taxpayers can no longer avoid to foot the bill (national debt) for their reckless
       You might say that it is cruel to separate a child from its mother. What is cruel is to allow a
child to grow up in welfare/crack environment. You shouldn't keep it if you can't afford it. Studies
over the past 15 years to the dismay of feminists (back in the '80s, they said that women could
do it all: be career women and mothers - husbands optional!) have shown that a child is best off in
a mom-dad household functional followed by mom-dad dysfunctional followed by single parent
functional and bringing up their rears - single parents dysfunctional. (these studies strongly implied
that children shouldn't be raised by homos). The more educated and financially well off a women is
the more likely she is to give the bastard or bitch up for adoption.
       We are obligated to do what is in the best interest of the child. Americans are the most giving
people in the world. We give more per capita to charities than do people in any other country; we
donate the most money and time. End social services to the unweds to help restore morality to our
nation, for the sake of the children, to reduce the national debt and remove these children from
gov controlled social service world. They will be better off with charities working with foster and
adoptive parents sans gov bureaucrats; people taking care of people with less government -
similar arguments apply to converting (here's where we go further than other supporters of school
 vouchers) public schools that are failing, which is most (only three years to make the grade -
period! Failing schools slated for closure have been given a reprieve by BO! - kowtowing to unions
not caring about the kids), into public magnet, charter and private schools --- and encouraging
 home schooling. In a capitalist republic, free citizens should enjoy as many choices as possible.
Of course, there are bad choices, such as, raising a baby without a father and with social services
and active gov involvement. Parents should be able to choose the school that best suits their
child's needs (the super-rich, rich, upper middle class and some mid-middle class do while the
rest are condemned to public schools). Libs contend that more money is the solution. We have
quadrupled funding for public schools since the '60s and they have only gotten worse. Prior to the
 '60s public schools were nearly as good as Catholic schools when it came to education and
discipline while comparatively little was spent on them. What happened? The first and biggest
teacher's union was created in the early '60s and God was kicked out of these schools in the
mid-60s and fed gov became much more meddling with the creation of fed gov's Department of
Education in the late '70s. The average private school child outscores the average charter and
home schooled kids (tied) on on national and state-wide exams while public magnetics come in 
third and public regulars bring up the rear (meaning that parents are better teachers). School
vouchers would actually mean more money for failing public schools (not that it will make a
difference) but overall savings (remember the national debt) and far better educated children.
Why do libs oppose? Aren't they the ones who care about the poor and middle class (a myth!
promulgated by the media --- and schools!). They care about the teacher's unions not the kids.
It all boils down to whether you trust citizens, communities, charities, non-profits, businesses and
 local govs (in that order) or fed gov, state govs and unions (in any order!).
As is our wont, we begin with cosmos followed by cosmos (which means world) and Offending
with Truth when circumstances warrant. Will the celestial icon Asimov forgive us: Time
doesn't suffice; you'll have to secure your dose of things unworldly at -
you might have to connect via Facebook's Second American Revolution if you can't do so
PREFACE: RD: "Paul Ryan voted for a bill dealing with ending workplace discrimination predicated
on sexual orientation. We would like him to explain the following: 1) How can you discriminate
against something that is immoral, abnormal and unnatural? and 2) Should gov, especially, fed gov
be involved with this? Is he a true conservative if he sanctions (to put it mildly) abhorrent (homo)
behavior and an expansive role for gov (it must play a role in everything)." Hoss: "My family can
now be seen on the new ME-TV." Smart: "I'm there too." CJ: "I'm enjoying shows that I haven't
seen in years or never saw." RD: "Who would have thought that it would transpire in America. A
couple of years ago a lib Supreme Court Justice based her decision on a foreign law! Now, we
have to be worried about Shariah law. Yes, Muslim lawyers in U.S. are writing marital and other
types of contracts partly or completely based on this terrorist supported 'legal' system. Karen Luggo,
Center for Jurisprudence rightly points out that you can't have two systems - theirs and ours -
coexisting without an ultimate breakdown. Less we forget, when these people become the
majority in a neighborhood or town in Western Europe, they replace the LAW with their law! We have
written about the kind of neighbors they are in small U.S. towns. Mother D: "What's cooking CJ? I
still have that bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Have you seen M*A*S*H and Combat on ME-TV? RD:
 "Hold it! What is this? Why are we promoting ME-TV? Are we being paid? Cease at once! By the
way, Peter Gunn. It's old but new to me as I had never seen it." CJ: "In the 'Is Anybody Surprised'
Category: It turns out that ethanol isn't less damaging on the environment and your car. What has it
accomplished? The price of corn, as well as, food made with or from corn has skyrocketed. The
 price of feed is much higher which translates to higher prices for meat. Once the gov does
something, it is extremely rare that it un-does it. Sherlock: Not just your gov. "It is quite a three-pipe
problem." CJ: "My dear friend, Sherlock, our surprise guest is a countryman of yours? We could not
definitively determine his mother's nationality: English or Irish. Dad O'Sullivan was Irish. Ireland was
a still is part of UK. Some Brits consider Irish their lesser brethren." RD: "Using my BIG crystal balls
(the girls love them, rightly so), I predict that promos are a-coming and that they aren't for us! I best
get a lick (ladies, form a line) in for us: We of the best comsats (web sites). We are fortunate to have
the best readers bar none. We remind: Articles largely or completely non-time dependent; remain
relevant. Enjoy posts pages 1, 2 and 3. CJ: "Are you keeping score? Nineteen - Count 'em; we are
up to 19 charges leveled at BO! The latest two have to do with an unconstitutional use of the
executive order. Congress voted against his backdoor amnesty/anti-Western Civilization policy
called "The Dream Act." Congress is on record; they have spoken. He is implementing most of it
anyway for the 'brown' vote. Ditto: Welfare Reform. He is forbidden from tampering with this law
which Republicans forced Clinton to sign in '96; when 'workfare' worked, Billy-Boy took the bows.
He can't even tinker with it slightly but is! Why? To motivate the poor to get out and vote. Speaking
of brown, does BO think US Constitution is toilet paper. Euphemism and PC: bathroom tissue. BO's
dictatorial behavior has me seeing red!
                                                        ARTICLE UPSIDE DOWN
                              Subtitle 2: NO MONEY for MORAL-LESS MOTHERS
  by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist, O'Sullivan, Sherlock, Mother Devine*, Max Smart, Hoss
              Produced by ERIS,** DIKE,*** MIDAS,**** THALIA,***** and ATHENA******
                                          Article directed live-on-tape by Al Hitchcock
         "Understood as a central consolidated power, managing and directing the various
          general interests of the society, all government is evil, and the parent of evil...The
          best government is that which governs least."
                                                                                 -John L. O'Sullivan, 1837

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