Monday, April 22, 2013

Fwd: P's Pretty Box!

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Apr 22, 2013 5:53 pm
Subject: Fwd: P's Pretty Box!

WARNING: Don't even think about a fly-over to article proper. If
Zeus' lightning bolt doesn't get you, our new surface-to-air
missile system will!
FOX NEWS ALERT: They're back!!! RD, CJ, Dago, Sherlock, the
Olympians and the rest of the gang with record numbers: their
best month and days ever! And, they owe their success to
themselves!...and their readers too.
Four, three and two weeks ago, respectively: rickcmtsite - 432,
548, 538; comsat - 229, 247, 153; quasarp - 209, 262, 263; pan -
203, 252, 240; cj- 313, 421, 261. The past week: rickcmtsite - 591;
comsat - 179; quasar - 287; pan - 160; cj - 117.
 Our best days: 4/15/cmt - 99; 4/5/com - 65; 4/12/qp - 70; 4/8/pan -
68; 3/28/cj  90.
Dionysus will be supplying the wine for the celebration to be held
this Saturday at rickcmtsite beginning at 8 eastern. In honor of our
hosts and hostesses dress as your favorite Greek god or
goddess. Cross-dressing-freaks will  'enjoy' a ride on the river Styx!
There's always a negative: AddThis Analytics indicated modest
number of shares. Please feel free to share are masterpieces. Tell
the Gang a Fox's "Red Eye" about us via Twitter.
This constitutes a year-end (not year's end? So be it) review of most of
our main themes.
We strongly urge you (Zeus: "Under penalty of death.") to read or
reread the following at : "A Message
from CJ," "Au Puch Part Two," "Article Upside Down," "Notes,"
"Expanded Friendly Advice from CJ to BO," "(Column)," and
At : "Offending with Truth: Call
to Action," "CJ's Hobby: Offending with Truth," "More Offending
with Truth" and "CITIZEN Offending with Truth JOURNALIST.
And at : "Incongruous" and 'Please
Read Posts Below Concerning Children.'
Remember: Read New, Recent and older posts - it's good for your
longevity, otherwise, Hermes (Our friend at is a multi-tasker; one task, you 
won't like but at least at no charge). Hermes will introduce you to
Charon (bring your obolos)!
 Ponder: Physics Professor John Lesley appeared on "Closer to
Truth" (PBS/CUNY) and stated (we paraphrase) that nothing contains
 mathematics and possibilities...even the nothing that proceeded the
Big Bang...merely possible and actually possible...existing here or
there...most possibilities exist in our or other universes...he pointed
out that a few philosophers contend that all possibilities exist and that
all the Greek gods - so long as they don't commit contradictions in
their existence - exist somewhere! RD: "These philosophers are what
psychologists call 'nuts!'* An interesting and entertaining notion, though."
CJ: "I think it is true and Calliope agrees with me."
Hey? (RD: "Graeae, What I wrote was for public consumption; I have a
scientific reputation, you know. Of course, I think that you and your
Greek friends exist, but, I don't think that the other Grays, the visiting
ones do - if you get my drift. I must maintain some scientific credibility!?
Now for Article Proper...
                                    Pandora's Pretty Box**
          Subtitle One: Where Reader is Going, He will Need Obolos
                                      Subtitle Two:
Potpourri: (You Decide): Trivial/Mess or Gravidity/Method-to-Madness
                                     Let Coeus be with Us
by Richard DePersio & Aphrodite and Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope
The modern Women's Movement inception was in the early '60s and it
has accomplished so much. Since then, progressively more and more
women use foul language; stay out late unescorted, come home alone
dressed like whores (to the delight of all REAL red-blooded males, homos
excluded), subjecting themselves to possible rape***; drink -
many on college campuses are out-drinking the boys; gamble; smoke;
engage in cat-fights (pleasurable for the male of the species); indulge in
illegal narcotics; experiment with lesbianism (to the enjoyment of many
a guy). Lib-goal: Uni-sex society. We shot: Viva la difference!
       Feminists told women that to be equal to men they must take on
what you perceive to be the worse traits of men (by the way some of
these characteristics might be the result  of the two large doses of
testosterone received by the male in utero and during moments of
intensity). Instead of telling women to wear pants, they should have
told them to develop their brains, personalities, skills and bodies - for
women like men are sex objects. It's part of the definition of a living thing.
Fems think otherwise when it comes to their gender!
      While government shouldn't legislate morality, it shouldn't legislate
immorality either. These issues should be handled by local gov, churches,
PTAs, fraternal and their female auxiliary clubs.
      Case in point: Beginning in the '70s, single women were eligible for
social serves for themselves and their children. Rewarding bad behavior!
Study after study over the past 15 years has shown that a child is best off
in a Mom-Dad household functional followed by Mom-Dad dysfunctional!
followed by single parent functional and single parent dysfunctional brings
up the rear. These  studies pack a powerful punch in numerous ways. They
are: 1) They are known as bleeding heart liberals. It has nothing to do with
compassion and everything to do with politics. Libs want to get as many
people on social services as possible, keep them on social services for
as long as possible and give them more services than they need for their
votes. They won't even allow their failing sacrosanct programs to be
modified. So what if it becomes a generational  thing with children, their
parents and their grandparents on the public dole! So what if children who
grow up in a welfare environment are very likely to take up drugs, spend
time in jail and orison, drop put of school, have babies out of wedlock, etc.
It's about votes! Stop it...Single women shouldn't be allowed to keep their
babies unless they can support them adequately without social services
and unless there is a strong regular male presence. Let's end social services
to single parents and let's end condemning the innocent to a much greater
chance of a dismal future as contrasted with mom-dad households. Let's give
these kids a chance! These children would be better off in orphanages, foster
care and with adopted mom-dad. Let's put children not politics first. It would
reduce national debt as well. And 2) These studies strongly implied that 2-
mom and 2-dad households are not in the best interest of the children. Since
 the '80s, feminists claimed that a women could be a successful mother and
 have a career --- husband optional. Studies are strongly showing otherwise.
Speaking of volcanoes (and dear moderates and conservatives, I sure want
to blow my top over what BO, Congress and Supreme Court are doing to
America!)...Our friends the Ancient Greeks believed that the fiery fumes
emanating from volcanoes were the breath of monsters imprisoned there by
Zeus. While our Romans thought that it was Vulcan - blacksmith to the gods -
busy with his furnace, anvil and hammer. During the Dark and Middle Ages,
people thought that they were entrances to hell.
If we said it once, we said it a thousand times: Nobody cares what they do in
private so long as it doesn't involve children. No sane person wants their
displays in public in front of the children. They claim that they are victims of
verbal and physical bashing. Stay in the closet! If you wish to talk about your
perverted sexual preferences, we have a right to tease!
Three strikes and you're out...They are 1: The Bible condemns homo as
immoral; 2) It is abnormal/unnatural according to traditional psychology (in the
early '80s, psychiatry and psychology had to sacrifice decades of research at
the lib alter due to pressure from fem and gay orgs. We contend that the former
forfeited its right to call itself a medical science and that the latter doesn't
deserve to be considered a social 'science.'); 3) If they are born that way, they
 are freaks/bad mutations in evolutionary terms. The field of sociobiology is
about 50 years old and maintains that you can be born with a strong greedy
gene or nasty gene or criminal gene (as a result, libs state that criminals
shouldn't be punished too severely - they can't help themselves for they were
born that way), a strong homo gene...Just making excuses for bad behavior!!!
      We are the result of everything that we learned and experienced in the
order that we learned and experienced those things, further, we are the result
of those that we have known - in most cases, the strongest influences being
parents (preferably, functional or dysfunctional - see above).
      Gov and society shouldn't be in the business of promoting immorality and
abnormality. We not saying that they should be denied most rights granted
U.S. citizens. (Although, while a parent shouldn't have the right to demand that
a homo teacher be fired, he should be granted his demand that his child be
transfer to another teacher...Parental rights should trump homo rights. In
addition, an owner should have the right to deny an apartment to a homo couple
 if minors are living on the premises...Home owners rights should trump homo
rights. They can live where there are no minors or on property owned by libs.
Sadly, more and more parental and property rights are being negated. They
should be denied rights as a unit. Thus far. 33 states don't think that it is the
business of gov to approve of bad behavior by passing State Constitutional
Amendments and/or laws defining marriage as the union of one male with one
female or banning same sex marriages while 9 have legalized same-sex
marriages or civil unions (semantics: virtually the self-same thing). The remainder
have yet to render an opinion. These numbers are likely to change in the future
as over 60% of 18-30 favor same-sex marriage --- this courtesy of lib-biased
public elementary and high schools and colleges.
       Military morale should trump homo...Unfortunately, the Commander-in-Chief
 didn't see it that way when he ended 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' allowing homos to
serve openly. The numbers: 50% of soldiers, sailors and airman opposed the
 change with 35% in favor and 15% undecided,. While 63% of Marines and
Special Forces opposed with 25% in favor and 12% undecided.
       Western Traditions and Values are under siege as we move toward 
socialism and minority rule.  A cornerstone of Western Civilization is threatened:
 marriage as the union of one human male with one human female. It will be
hard to deny polygamy, triads, father with of age daughter, women with German
 Shepard (he's a real animal in bed!) and guy and his pet rock.  We'd be opening
Pandora's naughty box. (Mr. Ed - for those of you who don't know: Wilbur owns
 the only talking horse, Ed - wanted to legally marry a mare. Lets be clear: Wilbur
didn't want to marry Ed.
Tommy J.: "If we can but prevent the government from wasting the labours of the
people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy."
"Government which shall refrain men from injury one another, which shall leave
them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement,
and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the
sum of good government..." "...bad government results from too much government."
MY FONDEST WISH for USA? Please see: "Article Upside Down" at this comsat
and "President's Enumerated Powers" and "Why Regulatory Laws are
Unconstitutional at
As always our Greek friend Plato has something profound to contribute: "He was
a wise man who invented beer." It goes without saying that he will be attending
Saturday's Celebration of Numbers.
       Don't you just hate it when your watching a TV show and there's about
       10 minutes left and you wonder how there going to wrap it up and
       before you know it you see: To Be Continued. Don't you hate it!?!
                                         To Be Continued...
Hold your horses! As Colombo would say: "Just one more thing." We don't wish to
be remiss. We have devoted many articles to the threat to Western Civilization,
including the American Branch. We can't leave without saying '
"Happy Birthday" to Willy Shakespeare (April 23).
(*Physicist John continued stating that Plato felt that it is better that a universe
exists than not and that an ethical requirement that it be good but have a bad
side. Plato: Supreme good, as well as, perfect geometrical forms and perfect
definitions of values such as truth and justice reside in heaven. Our math. and
value-definitions are but shadows of reality. "A good decision is based on
knowledge not numbers." Sadly for Kaku, Wheeler and a majority of physicists,
numbers aren't tools but gods! See: "Addendum to Supplement" and "Soul Man"
**When we entered Pandora's Box, we found hot stuff - stuff that became the
contents of this article.
***For over 40 years, fems have been telling us that all rape is about violence
and male domination and that a 5 year old and a 90 year old can be violated.
It never involves sexual desire and the women is never to blame even a little:
even if she takes a short cut home from work necessitating her to traverse a
dark alley; even if she puts an ad in the paper that she has a piece of
furniture for sale, there's a knock, someone is responding to ad, she lets
stranger in, instead of asking him to return later because she is alone {of
course, she shouldn't tell him that but she might}; even if she takes man to her
apartment, where she lives alone, on the first date - he might just attack or they
might be making-out when she says "No; stop." It doesn't make a scintilla of
a difference when it comes to mode of dress: feminine; sexy; trashy. The
monumental increase in immorality began in the '60s and the culprits are libs!)
                                      (Close curtains; cameras off)

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