Sunday, June 19, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Jun 19, 2011 1:45 pm
Subject: Fwd: READER'S CHOICE 1:...

                                          READER'S CHOICE
Citizen Journalist: Eleven "Action Chain Letters," Fifty Proposals Original/Proposals
Endorsed. Why can't Obama and other Republican candidates compete!?!
Citizen Journalist: The first all-Internet presidential campaign! Please send campaign
contributions to our way off-shore account" Dr. Yamamoto's Finest Kind Pediatric
Hospital and Whorehouse" in South Korea. Also: Please leave donation at the door
when you visit a comsat (website or group site).
                     "Colourless green ideas sleep furiously." - Noam Chomsky
An example of a sentence which, though grammatically acceptable, is without meaning.
We have stated for nearly three years now that the "American civil liberties union" (lower-
case letters intentional) is the most dangerous liberal org in the country and its founder
what-was-his name publicly declared that his org was about protecting the civil
liberties of citizens; covertly his stated mission was to bring socialism and secularism
from sea to shining sea. Chomsky is actually capable of appearing to make sense and what
he spits out is his doctrines an anarchy, socialism and secularism. He has been one
of America's most influential and dangerous professors.
                       "As soon as questions of will or decision or reason or chose
                        of action arise, human science is at a loss. -Noam Chomsky
What have we done? We quoted from the devil to make the article proper better. Does that
make us hypocrites or exploiters?

                          READER'S CHOICE: We Write, You Decide...Title -
                          Option One: Constitutional Demise, or,
                          Option Two: Visit and Revisit, or,
                          Option Three: An A.D.D.-ing We Will Go
                          by Citizen Journalist with Richard DePersio
Dago Red: "R.D.'s previous position had been: If Huckabee ran, he would have
had to severe ties with FOXNews, therefore, Citizen Journalist must take a
leave-of-absence or depart from 'Citizen Journalist Comsats.'" Citizen
Journalist: "I vigorously disagreed and even went so for as to write and post
an article without R.D.'s authorization!" D.R.: "R.D.'s new position:
Unorthodox - C.J. is running the first presidential campaign totally on the
new medium-the Internet; our joint Internet columns can logically be a
part of it. We hope that Obama's DOJ and FCC don't stick their nose into
our affairs! C.J. can not write solo or without authorization!!!" D.R.: "Dear
Readers, you were most fortunate not to have witnessed R.D. and C.J.
collaborating on this article - threatening to deck each other from their
crippled chairs!!!
As is our wont, we start off with the cosmos (which means world) and,
then, we deal with the world...and offend liberals in general or a particular
group that they exploit for their votes or support for immoral or
un-American reasons. We like conservatives and moderates (though
confused and uncomfortable {from sitting on a picket fence} and taking nearly
forever deciding if they want to go in the right or left yard and how far on an issue).
We do feel like big bullies for libs are such easy targets - the only weapon
that you need is the truth.
       Our NASA is completely or partially responsible for over 30,000
discoveries and inventions since its inception in 1958. The only component
of fed gov that gives the taxpayer a return on their investment: 3 to 7 $s
back within 5 years in pure and applied sciences (technology, applications,
       The J-2X rocket engine which might be used as upper stage (chemical fuel) for a new
heavy-lifter is ready to undergo a series of tests (We have recommended
nuclear thermal stage in future - technology proven in '60's and '70's in NERVA?
Saturn S-N Projects but never reached fruition. NASA would take necessary
precautions and it wouldn't be activated near earth - would save time and money
for long duration missions and, further, what is learned may be applied to our
efforts to develop nuclear fusion power plants - - less expensive and safer than
today's fission plants). Problem; some dems want to try to get a lower bid for
a third stage- a penny wise and a pound foolish: save money in the short run
but cost a lot more in the long. It would mean starting from scratch. Pratt and
Witney Rocketdyne was awarded the contract in 2004. Reminiscent of Obama
wanting to cancel NASA's Constellation for a new program starting from scratch.
Republicans and some dems overruled him and decided that new program
most utilize Constellation R & D. Irresponsible libs!
      J-2X goes beyond limit of its historic predecessor used in Apollo -
achieves higher trust, performance, reliability needed for missions to moon
(See "Action Chain Letter 4 - Updated" at
- Saving GPS and Helping Solve Energy Crisis involving Moon), Mars,
      Saving bread: A2 test stand used to test Apollo engines was later modified
for shuttle tests will now be used for J-2X.
      SpaceX and Virgin Galactic (cost overrun) are already $4oo over budget.
We explained in many articles, including, "Where are my Dividends!?!" that
we a true capitalists and as such oppose all subsidies. Risk-investors not
taxpayer should gamble for they will potentially recoup investment and
enjoy dividends - we won't!
      Recently, at a conference, Heroes Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell, Gene Cernan
raised the pertinent and timely question (we been talking about it for over
a year): Does Obama want NASA grounded?
Bob goes to his over-paid psychologist and says, "It was a dream; it was a
nightmare! I dreamt that we had a president who:
had nationalized/socialized banks, auto companies and insurance companies;
had ordered people to purchase a product - healthcare;
had played bankruptcy judge when its not a constitutional part of his job
had spent over $1 Trillion on failed stimulus a la FDR Keysian-style without shovels
even being ready and cash-for-clunkers - but the cars were perfectly fine;
had ordered DOJ to disregard "Marriage Protection Act" and no longer defend
it in court - picking and choosing for himself which laws passed by congress
are valid;
he is trying to have NASA grounded!!!;
had fed gov seize control of student loans and declare that all water, including,
intra-state water and the puddle in front of your house to be under fed control;
has a record 44 czars - largely secret - - in his most transparent of administrations,
he even go an award for transparency;
had authorized unconstitutional porno pix and feel-ups at airports;
was considering doing Cap-and-Trade trough executive order, in spite of the
fact, congress had chosen not to give him such authority, he subscribes to his
teacher Al Gore's 'Useless U.N./Hockey Stick Graph/Lack of Peer Review/Sensors-Near
Heat-Sources/Suppression of Alternate Views climate change pseudo-science;
had approved of over 4,000 new regs on businesses, most of which will take
effect after election for they will be expensive to comply with and necessitate
massive lay-offs, less expenditures on R & D and the closure of many factories;
had told a private company Boeing through the NRLB where to manufacture a
product, they chose a place where they could avoid union strikes -gov: private
company where to manufacture! - likely it will move contract to one of its oversees
 factories costing more jobs here;
in my nightmare, he's my parent and my business' parent and I'm a child incapable
of making right decisions on my own;
had signed an arms agreement with Russia places limits on our anti-missile
system, only allowing us to inspect for compliance where they permit us
to inspect and giving them as 5 to 1 advantage in tactical (short-range) nuclear
missiles - treason!;
allowing unions and national debt to destroy my nation and public schools
indoctrinate instead of educate my children;
had sold out Israel;
and is preparing to tell Americans what to drive and what to eat!!!;
he has initiated process of controlling Internet...
You got to help me; I keep having this recurring nightmare. Help me. Please
help me!"
"Bob," said the psychologist, "you're not having a nightmare." "What!, responded
Bob, "Are you crazy? Do you need a psychologist!" Bob's head doctor stated,
Bob, you a have a BIG problem: You must learn to cope with reality - the loss
of individual liberty, the elimination of state powers, the end of free enterprise
and a president who enjoys peeing on the U.S. Constitution! - George, John, Tom and
Jim rolling in their graves."
Let's continue - while we still can!
An A.D.D. Moment sponsored by Adderall and Stalin Vodka:
Solids are denser than liquids. Why does ice float (on the rocks) in most liquids,
including, water. It is less dense in solid form. It's a lonely club - there is only
one other member: bismuth. Layers of snow compress under its own wait
forming ice - a glacier. Ice forms from the top down. Glaciers move. The range
is 10 to 1 thousand feet per year. A pond or lake freezes from top down. Fish
and other life dies if pond completely freezes. Lake not likely. Just surface,
life below.
Fag...British slang for a cig...How is it that psychologists maintain that fetishes... be continued...
Wait! Let's depart on a pleasant note: "Be careful, then and be gentle about
death, for it is hard to die, it is difficult to go through the door even when it
opens." -D. H. Lawrence.
"Just one more thing," as Columbo was fond of, we'll save it for
next time...

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