Tuesday, July 5, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Jul 5, 2011 11:28 am

                                         Article with No Name
                         by Richard DePersio w/ Citizen Journalist
Dago Red: "Richard D., you received a message concerning your Profile
on Facebook: 'Are you really 102 years old? (Forgive us for misplacing
inquisitor's name)." Richard D.: "Yes indeed; Teddy Roosevelt was
president when I was born and Profile pictures are really me!" DR: "Does
this constitute the last article." Citizen Journalist: "Last or next to last." *
Ponder: Is this our Founding Father's America or has it been co-opted by
progressives/liberals over the past 100-plus years?
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (which means world) and then,
we deal with the lousy world with a good dose of: "Offend with Truth."
It's our style - if you don't like it, go get spaghetti-fied    by a black hole!
       We are proud to state that we are not associated with that
pseudo-scientific org GreenPeace (where not finished with them; they've
been warned: they can't claim that they were blind-sided). Speaking
of  green: What is meant by the phrase -       greening of The Galaxy?
The spreading of human life, technology and culture through our
stellar neighborhood and, eventually, throughout The Galaxy.
        The late UFO expert J. Allen Hynek's scale:
1) Close Encounter of the First Kind: sighting a UFO at close range
with no other physical evidence;
2) Close Encounter of the Second Kind: sighting a UFO at close
range, but with some kind of proof, such as a photograph, or an
artifact from a UFO;
3) Close Encounter of the Third Kind: sighting an actual extraterrestrial
4) Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind: abduction by a UFO.
         Citizen Journalist not Richard D. saw two UFOs in the 1970s. Being
scientifically-literate and actually sober, he didn't think that he had
seen flying saucers! He investigated: called local planetarium. UFO
became IFO: comsat Echo 2, a few days prior to decaying in earth's
atmosphere and a NASA barium-cloud experiment. To this day, the
scientifically-retarded are relating stories of seeing flying frying pans!
UFOs Explained: Please see, "Fast Forward Future/Rewind Roswell."
GREEN  is also an ugly color. The walls in this room are that color - a
situation which we hope to rectify soon!
There are high schools in Washington State where they are teaching an
anti-capitalist math course - this is certainly preparing young people for real
adult American society! And, kindergartens in that enlightened state that have
removed building blocks, toy cars and toy jets because children were claiming
ownership of parts of fantasy world that their creative minds had generated and
charging a toll to cross a bridge, charging for a ticket to fly a plane - you get the
idea - - isn't it disgusting. Why can't they be good little socialists for their little
socialist teachers!?! Los Angeles is doing it and soon all of California: telling
children to be the opposite gender from time to time and even worse (See "It
Effects you" at Citizenj) in first grade! Maryland will be requiring students to pass
an ugly green course in environmental literacy in order to graduate from high school:
"No Child Left Inside" Program.
        We're talking about U.N./Liberal pseudo science: Hockey Stick Graph/
Placing Sensors near Heat Sources/Suppression of Alternate Points of View/Lack
of Peer Review - one-sided: for public schools are about indoctrination not
education. Teaching speculation as fact!
       Students need to learn that it was communism
 not capitalism that collapsed; that boys and girls are different - viva la difference;
how  green    is costing their parents tons of   green.
It's time for an A.D.D. break sponsored by Adderall and Digoxin (two recipes: fly
high and Mickey Finn) and MSNBC:
        What are the leading causes of death in the United States? 1) Heart
disease, 2) cancer, 3) Cerebrovascular diseases, 4) Accidents.
        Yet, U.S. gov spends  as much on A.I.D.S. as it does cancer! (Plus the billions
U.S. spends fighting it in continent where it originated!). The gay
disease originated with a homo black male from South Africa in the early '80s.
In the late '80s, A.M.A. exaggerated incidence of A.I.D.S. inflicting heterosexuals
because A) They wanted people to stop calling it the gay disease and B) They
figured that it would get more funding from fed gov if fed gov thought that a
large number of heterosexuals were afflicted and at risk.
        We are opposed to all subsidies, including, orphan drugs (treat diseases which
affect less than 200,000); it is alleged that pharmaceutical companies wouldn't spend
time on producing medications for diseases that don't afflict many people without
subsidies. Tough apples! Citizen Journalist has a rare condition, nonetheless, opposes
 these subsidies. Besides, we contend that if you were to take them away (capitalist),
pharmaceuticals will find a way to make a reasonable profit, if not, it would benefit from
the good will generated via public relations: we produced drug even though we
lost money. (Citizen Journalist opposes embryonic stem cell research and would
maintain that position even if told that it might lead to cure of his condition. We
will likely garner all the info on disease mechanisms from adult stem and
unbiblical cord fluid research. Sperm - 23 chromosomes, egg - 23 - - when they combine:
46, which defines species Homo sapiens; different species, different number.
Scientifically speaking, human from conception; morally speaking, it follows, abortions
evil and, likely, unnecessary. There is a big demand to adopt infants - and there are
couples who specialize in adopting mentally and/or physically impaired - it would
shorten waiting list. Not women's body and she should decide: fetus is bio chemically
different than mother, body must produce special hormones to tell killer cells
in immune system not to attack).
         Moderates must get off of picket fence or run the risk of getting it up their
barney frank! Senator Barney Frank's Fannie and Freddie played a major role in
financial/economic crisis.
         "How are we doing," asks Citizen Journalist, "Aren't we focused and not
guilty of A.D.D.-ing?"
We should reduce corporate income tax from 35% (second largest in the world) to
20% (eliminate all loopholes and deductions - there are a few corps that pay little).
They are taxed at this rate for what they earn here and they are taxed at this rate
when they transfer money from a foreign country (the branch had to pay a corp
tax in host country) to HQ here (double taxation). We want them to hire workers here,
expand existing and build new factories here and to spend more on R & D here.
We are reiterating what we proposed over a year ago in an "Action Chain Letter."
We also proposed cutting capital gains tax from 20% to 15% (tax on stock, bond,
commodity profits) so that person will have more to invest, spend and save. Citizen
Journalist over 50 Proposals Original/Proposals Endorsed - more than the other
 candidates combined! (Collect all 11 "Action Chain Letters" at groups.google.com/
group/rickcosmos-eclectic, /group/newfederalism, /group/nasa-our-way Not out-of-date,
we swear to NASA!; updated when circumstances warrant).
It's not my America when the director of a public cemetery says the he must approve
of prayers and that they can't contain God or Jesus! at veteran's funeral, further, they
must comply with guidelines set forth by Department of Veteran's Affairs. "God who
gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have
removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these
liberties are a Gift of God"-Thomas Jefferson (Tom was a deist who attended
services!; this writer is a deist; most of the Founders were Christians, in spite of,
what young people are being taught in public schools, a long with, the distortion
of Tom 'separation of church and state.' He meant fed gov couldn't declare a
particular Christian denomination to be the official religion of the nation - which
was the case in most states. He ordered schools in Washington D.C. to begin
and end school day with a prayer and to use Bible in the teaching of English -
just like the states. There was an Indian tribe on Indian land which wanted to
learn about Christianity. Tom gave a minister fed $s to build a church and to
cover his salary for a year. Lousy little lying liberals. In our country, 12% are
atheists and agnostics; in Western Europe, the range is 35% to 45% with the
smelly French coming in at 45%. While liberals attack Christians, they go into
attack mode if you comment on the 'people of the dome' and raise for discussion
the issue: how many moderate ones are there - really? They CRUCIFY you!
Let's end on a pleasant note: Rigor mortis (stiffness of the dead) commences about
three hours after death and reaches maximum about twelve hours after.
At some venues "Starchild." What does it have to do with article?
 *Depends on amount of feedback and campaign contributions.

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