Wednesday, January 22, 2014


                    HERMES' BARING MANY MESSAGES

                                   Rambling as a Virtue

               by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist
 (Please check posts at or
                  and and
  fotr important stuff)
A BIG 'D' for the dummies of H2...
Hermes: We're Back -- RD/CJ and I!!! We're back, where I don't
belong. I belong at where I
had recently received more walking...nay, flying...papers! My
comsat is primarily concerned with science, especially, astronautics
and space policy while this venue is known for political science and
economics with a spattering of Greek Mythology. Well, you may or
may not know...I'm offended if you don't...that I'm the author of
the alphabet and numbers amongst other things. I employed my
skills to place this masterpiece at this CJCS Comsats' flagship
comsat which consistently has enjoyed the largest number of readers.
I'm anything but shy as I expose myself...get your mind out of the
gutter...via flight throughout cyberspace. So, I decided to fly here
from my usual haunt. To be succinct: I love a BIG audience! Just 
don't tell the BIG shots: principle owners and editors RD/CJ that I 
took liberties; that I undermined their authority. I'm sadly confident
 that they will rectify the situation prior to 'repeat syndication.' I shall 
be back where I belong: qp, for short.

Hermes: "We're having a party to celebrate our triumphant return...
albeit temporary. The gang will be there: Dago Red; Sherlock;
Urania; Topper; Ares; and 'the rest' (Gilligan Island's professor had a
PHD in bad mutation and traditional abnormal psychology  in real life). 
We will honor him with a limp-of-wrist salute at the party!). Demeter 
will supply the food, Dionysus the wine; entertainment: Apollo's lyre, 
Pan's panpipes and his dancing nymphs. Of course, authored music
 too...busy, busy, busy. My third boss Zeus with ambrosia (If mortals
 are sufficiently adoring, they can sip it for the first time in history!). 
I'd be ignorant like H2 if I failed to mention the featured attraction: 
Terpsichore's harp and her dancers.
Gods, Goddesses and mortals (sans Saracens - they can secure
their 72 virgins elsewhere) alike are invited to the BIG Bash this
Saturday beginning at 8 P.M. eastern at my comsat."

Their ignorance is showing! The History Channel's H2 Channel needs
more schooling!! Their  'D' should and will be posted on the
qp bulletin board for all to see at party-time!
An aside...They won't learn and study harder without a dose of
embarrassment. We know why public schools have gotten
progressively (the perfect word choice, says Hermes) worse since the
 '60s (prior to the '60s public schools were nearly as good as Catholic
schools when it came to education and discipline and we spent
 relatively little on public schools) after throwing hundreds of good
$$$s after bad. The problem isn't $$$s or a lack there of, the problems
are three-fold: the first and BIGgest teachers union formed in '61; God
was kicked out of school in '64; the Federal Department of Education
was established in '78 --- meaning BIG-time fed gov interference in an
area which it constitutionally doesn't belong.
Hermes: " They had to do it; I guess that RD/CJ just can't help
 themselves. They had to get politics into my tome!" RD replies, "What
are we? Your ghost writers!?! Not long ago, we might have been!"
      We remember when a teacher could say (Hermes: "Now, the duo
is getting personal! --- On my time!") to a student's incorrectly answered
question: "Wrong." and "Didn't you study?" and "Do you plan on being
dumb all of your life? Now, the teacher must say: "Good try. Don't you
feel good about yourself." That will motivate a child to study harder.
Sarcasm: of course, you know that for you know as by now. An
effective trick utilized by teachers was to call on a boy and if he
answered incorrectly to call on a girl who generally got it right in order
to embarrass boy into studying harder.
      Sad-to-Say: More and more public schools aren't posting the 'A'
test papers on bulletin boards to generate pride in the recipients and
motivate the others to realizing the same honor. Oh, no; you can't
hurt their fragile ego. How are they preparing children for the adult
world? A world of rewards and disappointments.
     A BIG BLACK 'D' for H2! What intellectual sin did they commit? Be
patient, we're getting there. (Pass the Aderall).
As Yogi Berra used to say: "It's de'ja' vu - all over again!" (A prelude
to H2's disgrace).
     In 1919, Robert Goddard, who would become known as 'The
Father of American Rocketry,' published a scientific paper entitled
"A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes" which contained a
section about the feasibility of a moon mission.
     The New York Times wrote in its editorial appearing on page 12
on January 13, 1920 the following: "...That Professor Goddard, with
his 'chair' in Clark College and the countenancing of the Smithsonian
Institution, does not know the relation of action to reaction, and of
the need to have something better than the vacuum {of space}
against which to react - to say that would be absurd.Of course he
only seems to lack the knowledge ladled out daily in high schools."
The so-called prestigious Times failed to comprehend action-
reaction of Newton's Third Law of Motion. It would take the full-of-
itself-all-the-time Times nearly fifty years to admit that it was
wrong in editorial appearing on page 43 on July 17, 1969, by
which time the Apollo 11 crew was well on its way to the moon!
It read in part: "A Correction... {We} dismissed the idea that
a rocket could function in a vacuum {and} commented
on the ideas of {the late} Robert H. Goddard...Further investigation
 and experimentation have confirmed the findings of Issac Newton
 in the 17th Century, and it is now definitely established that a 
rocket  can function in a vacuum as well as in an atmosphere. The
 Times regrets the error." We can't expect a lib rag to take a BIG 
slice of humble pie nor truly apologize for claiming to know more than
 a professional. Worse: to ridicule and question his credentials. (CJ:
 "During my recent journey, I discovered for a fact that he doesn't 
accept the apology.").
How long will it take H2???
According to H2: "BIG History: Defeating Gravity," Fly/Swim: Air/Water-
The movement is enabled by the existence of something to push
 against. The plane moves by propelling itself forward by pushing 
against air likewise the swimmer moves forward by pushing against 
water. Planes use wings to push against molecules of air in order to lift themselves up while the swimmer lifts by pushing against the molecules
 of water. There is more of this wonderful stuff: push-ups are the result
 of pushing against the ground; you use the ground to push yourself up. The genius of that which is H2 continued: Let's get a bird and put a space helmet on him, he will flap but not fly  --- birds need air to push 
     H2 has something in common with N.Y. Times: Ignorance.
     Of course, the wing diverts the air down (action) after it flows over the
wing while the wing moves upward (reaction) creating lift. (Some prefer
to think in terms of Bernoulli Principle --- and are wrong for he isn't
applicable here). Forward motion is provided by propeller hurling air
backward (action), plane moves forward (reaction). Forward motion
causes air to move over wing. Jet engine can also send thrust backward
resulting in forward motion.
     Swimmer moves hands and arms backward and downward: She
moves forward and upward.  Athlete pushes against ground and the 
ground pushing against him. There is balance: he weighs little and pushes
hard while floor weighs a lot and pushes little: amount of force is the same.
And H2's bird: it would fly in space with nothing to push against because
wings would move in downward direction moving the bird in the
opposite direction. (For more detail and fun, google Richard DePersio
for for "Hermes has a Message,"
"Hermes: Ladies Fly Me," "Gravity: The Force that Pushes" and
"Breaking the Rules (Expanded Version).
     Yes, H2 spaceflight is possible!!! even if there is no air! Someday, man
might actually fly in space..............Will it take H2 nearly 50 years to issue a
We interrupt this article in order blend the rickcmt Article-Style with the 
Al Hitchcock: "{I know that for a coffee} break, people drink coffee. I have 
no idea as to what one drinks during a commercial break."
'Al Hitchcock Presents' brought to you by Aderall and Johnny Walker Black
 --- the better pick-me-upper.
Poised and Ready: An A.D.D.-tripping RD and CJ we will go....Instead of
 teaching public school children to be GREEN, we should teach them how to make GREEN and how being GREEN means that their parents how to 
expend a lot more $$$ ffor gas, electricity and heat. Of, course public school teachers either only teach the liberal side of an issue or teach the lib and conservatives sides and make the former sound much better. Teaching
 children what to think not how to think.     
           Apollo himself done them in...                                                                                    In 2006, lib UN scientists not the real McCoy were exposed for
 creating the infamous 'hock stick graph' showing global warming
 continuing beyond 1998 when the data showed otherwise; UN scientists
 (we use the term loosely) emailing each other on how to fudge data; placing
 their heat sensors near heat generating sources; forbidding peer review in
 the climatology journals, as well,as not allowing alternate points of view in 
them. How did these genesis deal with the crisis: they changed the name 
from global warming to climate change!! And, the lib main stream media
 bought it hook, line and sinker. They suffered  amnesia over the fact the 
virtually all UN scientists, were preaching global cooling and the coming ice
 age in the '70s, were divided in the '80s and were global warmers since the 
'90s. What a difference a few years makes!!! Over millions of years, there 
have been ice ages, inter-glacial periods, relatively short warm and cool 
periods as well -- long before factories and cars. NASA does real science:
 Their studies in 2005 and 2010 indicated little or no global warming. A 
NASA study in 2011 indicated warming. Let's hope that Prez BO isn't
 politicizing NASA as well as destroying it! Two out of three: We'll go to 
NASA every time for our science over UN. 
       NASA Administrator Michael Griffin continues to draw the ire of 
climatologists, inside and outside of NASA and lib members of Congress
after downplaying the need to combat climate change. His attitude: Who's
to say what is the optimum climate. Further, many Apollo-era astronauts
and engineers have issued a statement condemning climatologists for
 their largely parochial approach: CO2 levels; rather than a broad range 
of factor in their studies.
       BO's environmental policies only hurt you in the wallet and don't make a difference because China and India aren't doing the self-same thing. 
Further, even if there were global warming, we couldn't do anything about it because it is caused by changes in the energy output of the sun, changes
 in earth's rotation on its axis and its revolution around the sun for which we 
have no control.
      We were number one across-the-board. Scientifically illiterate BO is destroying NASA, the military, hearthcare and medical technology. In
addition, the U.S. is no longer the world's leader; he props up Russia.
 What's next!?!
We have a predilection and a bad habit of dealing with FACT and TRUTH!
Former General and Defense Secretary Gates states that BO's only interest 
in the military was in ending 'don't ask, don't tell' irregardless of the effect on 
military. morale. Now, he wants women in combat; BO does nothing to 
enhance natural security but engage in lib social experimentation. It was bad enough that women don't compete with, train with and aren't graded with men
 in basic training and have to meet lower mental and physical standards to 
play support soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, BO wants to extend this to 
combat so that women can be an even greater danger to themselves and the
 real man soldiers around them!!!                                                                                   As far as gays: Three strikes and your out: immoral according to the
 Bible; abnormal and unnatural according to traditional psychology/psychiatry; 
freaks or bad mutations in evolutionary terms. Nobody care what they do in private: But don't parade you perversion in public (a nice little alliteration), especially, in front of the children. Society and government should never be
 in the business of condoning or sanctioning immoral/abnormal behavior. Just
look at their annual parades around the country and then tell us they aren't freaks!!!
Al: "I got rid of the wooden horse. I wouldn't have cared if it were a talking
 horse but this one was ticking. {I felt that} there was no one more deserving 
of it than my sponsor."
Advertising details: Numerous material in numerous articles on homos, 
women 'playing' in uniform, global warming...oops...climate change --- and
 why immigration reform might lead to our economic/financial collapse and 
our loss of competitiveness on the international stage. Here are some: "Au Punch,"
"More PP or Reader's Choice," "PP's Box or Reader's Choice ; "Green with Envy," "The Article: Spanking New" the purple section, "Offending with Truth: Call to Action," "Article with a Special Name - Part Two" ; www,
     Bigotry vs. Truth/Fact: We have controversial articles which are only
controversial because we subscribe to the latter. Is it bigoted, for example,
to point to studies that show that on average OrientalsYellowscore higher on
IQ tests (designed to measure intellectual/cognitive skills) than whites^^^,
whites higher than blacks, blacks higher than browns and reds. We're
talking averages, of course there are blacks smarter than whites. It 
raises the question: it is in the best interest of our nation to lower our
national IQ by legalizing the illegals (30 to 40 million when they bring
over the rest of their children and elderly parents) if we want to remain
a super-power and economically competitive; do want to replace the
superior Western Culture with Latino? There aren't enough jobs to
go around, they'll wind up on social services, increasing the national debt
and accelerated our economic/financial fall. Considering Latino or Hispanic
 (whichever they prefer) voting patterns in the past, this would within a
generation or two lead to virtually one party on the national-level: 
Democrat!; thereby, granting the ultimate lib-victory, this in concert with "Constitutional Criminal" at (Try 
connecting directly; otherwise, anyone can connect via Facebook's
Second American Revolution.
Al: "Goodnight."
We now return to our regularly scheduled article...
In PBS/CUNY's "Inventions that Changed the World: the 20s," they
state the Robert H. Goddard is known as "The Father of Space Travel."
Wrong! He is known as "The Father of American Rocketry." It also
claims that his work contributed to the development of American rocketry
in the '40s and beyond which ultimately led to the Saturn 5. Truth and
Fact: When former Nazis Werhner von Braun came to the U.S. through
"Project Paperclip" at the conclusion of WW2 and saw Bob's rockets,
equipment and patents, he was amazed with what a small team had 
accomplished and denied having seen even one of Bob's
hundreds of patents. Werner played a major role in developing
American rocketry and the Saturn 5 was largely his baby. Bob efforts 
 didn't assist Werner?
Exceedingly Interesting but of No Actual Significance...
       " Descartes the mind is effectively a stage on which ideas
(perceptions) are viewed by an inner observer - the immaterial soul.
The fact that this inner observer or, 'homunculus', appears to require a
inner observer of its own (and so on to infinity) is but one of the
objections raised against the theory. Nonetheless, in spite of these
objections, the model has remained highly influential.
                        -Ben Dupre', "50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need to
                                             Know" (Quercus, 2007)
We have written about the Schrodinger cat problem (at ). We can't know the fate of the contents
without an observer peeking. Specifically, there are several ways of
resolving the cat problem. "The first advocated by ...Eugene Wigner...
is that consciousness determines existence. Wigner has written that
it 'was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics
in a fully consistent way, without reference to the consciousness {of
the observer}...the very study of the external world led to the conclusion
that the content of consciousness is the ultimate reality.' Or, as
John Keats once wrote, 'Nothing ever becomes real until it is
experienced.'" Or observed.
       "But if I make an observation" to determine the state of something.
"This means that someone has to observe me to collapse my wave
function." Many possibilities are now narrowed to one. "This
is sometimes called Wigner's Friend. But it also means that someone
has to observe Wigner's Friend, and Wigner's Friend's Friend and so on.
Is there a cosmic consciousness that determines the entire sequence of
friends by observing the entire universe." Things don't exist until
someone observes them.  
                              -Michio Kaku, "Parallel Worlds" (First Anchor
                                                     Books, 2006)
   (Bare in mind, Plato and Descartes were  Realists: Concepts have an independent existence even if humans  didn't exist. Could this thinking
mean a Descartes Duality: Mind (or Consciousness or Soul) and Matter 
intimately related by separate entities? Let's ponder this further in the 
future. It might necessitate another visit to Plato's Cave via comsat-ak).

There are between 100-150 billion neurons in the brain, between
100-150 billion stars in our galaxy and between 100-150 billion galaxies
 in the universe.

We must assume that it is so, otherwise, we have chaos not society...
       "Although, no man can ever know whether his sensation of red
or of Middle C is the same as another man's, it is nonetheless possible
to act on the assumption that everyone sees colors and hears tones
more or less alike...Descartes...attributed to God."
                              -Lincoln Barnett, "The Universe and Dr. Einstein"
                                                          (Bantam Books, 1949. Written
                                                           before we had to say 'man's and
       "...human beings perceive the world through similar sense organs
and brains and experiences that may not reflect the external realities
with absolute fidelity."
                                -Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain (Ballantine Books,1979)
       "...whether their minds work in the same way as mine, Can I
ever tell, even in principle, Or how intense your feeling of pain is? Or
your perception of red is the same as mine?" Or if you experience
anything at all.
                                 -"50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need to Know"
Realists: perfect forms of red, tall, circle, justice, etc. really exist 'out
there' even if humans weren't around to experience them: Plato
and Descartes.
Idealism: minds and ideas are all that there is: Berkeley. Things
actually spring into existence when observed: Linde.
It seems implausible that the universe only exists in our minds or
consciousness which might give credence to the notion of a soul.
Equally hard to fathom: At the most fundamental and irreducible
level the universe is mathematics or information. Is God in the

Poised and Ready: An A.D.D.-a-tripping CJ and Hermes will go...
RD: "The BBC's "The Artful Detective" seen in the U.S. on the
Ovation Channel is entertaining but a rip-off of my friend Doyle's 
Sherlock and has a mild feminist undercurrent. It's set in the same 
period as Sherlock and makes a gallant effort there."
Hermes: "Hermes Trismegistus means three times great Hermes!!!
What!?! In Hellenistic Egypt they saw similarities between their
god Thoth and me and combined them into Hermes Trismegistus.
Oh, what a relief it is: In Greece and the rest of Hellenistic Greece
and later in the Roman Empire (where I am known as Mercury)
they did not. Three times Me --- absurd. How can you be three
times the very best!?!"

CJ: "This masterpiece cries for a BIG boffo ending." Hermes: "It's 
coming to me." RD: "So many attributes are attributed to you; are you
 a mind reader too!?!" Momus: "In my opinion. three times Hermes is 
Zeus!" CJ: "What are you doing here? You should be busy at " Dionysus: "My wine..." RD: "Is
everyone from Mt. Olympus going to do a cameo!?!" Dionysus:
"My perfect to the pallet wine makes me thing of cheese." RD: 

"Perfect! On second thought thanks for coming."

Expression: Moon is made of green cheese appears as early as the
16th Century in print. It wasn't a serious claim but a comment on
some one's gullibility. You might say, "So-and-so believes everything
even the moon being made of green cheese or "He also thinks the
moon is made of green cheese." You might tell a gullible person
that and later have a good laugh at his - must be PC: or her - expense.

RD: "I'm disoriented; I'm at which comsat?


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