Wednesday, May 25, 2011


-----Original Message-----   Part One: "...atmospheric..." and Part Two "GOODBYE*
From: b     FAREWELL*AMEN* Below. Although, reading in order
To:                                 isn't absolutely necessary.
Sent: Wed, May 25, 2011 7:14 pm

                                  Abbreviated title: "GOODBYE*..."
                                       by Richard DePersio
RD: "We're back"...Citizen Journalist: "We sure are"...RD: "Let's get to it"...
CJ: "It's nearly impossible for me to disagree with you."
Where were we?...We remember: As always, it is our wont to commence with
cosmos (meaning world) and then cover the world.
Back to the Future...Futurists come from many disciplines, especially,
sociology, science-fiction, physics. The genesis of the field can be traced
back to the late 1960's and one of its pioneers was sociologist Alvin Toffler.
He stated in "Future Shock" (1970, Bantam Book), "...In stagnant societies
there is a deep psychological need for novelty and stimulation. In a
accelerative society, the need may well be for the preservation of
certain continuities...ritual...surrounding birth, death, puberty, marriage,
and so on-helped individuals in primitive societies  to re-establish
equilibrium after some major adaptive event had taken place."
Even in our secularized urban society ritual continues in the "...
appearances of our heads of state, in religion, in business." The
exchange of Christmas cards " an economic monument to the
society's continuing need for some semblance of ritual."
     Your asking: "What does this have to do with cosmos?" CJ: "Be patient.
We're getting to it."
     "In the future, we can anticipate greater variety in the kinds of
rituals adhered to in family life." He talks about a nutty family who
does a secular grace thanking John Sebastian Bach, husbands and
waves speak of "our song" (soon husband and husband; we type while
limp of wrist). "...we need to mark off certain regularities for
preservation...we may even need to manufacture ritual." Less we lose
our heads.
     "In the United States, the arrival of spring is marked for most urban
dwellers not by the sudden greenness-but by the opening of the
baseball season...What ever happens in the stock market, or to
world politics, or to family life, the American League and
National League run through their expected motions."
     "As leisure increases, we have the opportunity to introduce
additional stability points and rituals into the society, such as
new holidays, pageants, and games...could...provide a backdrop
of continuity in everyday life, but serve to integrate societies,
and cushion them somewhat against the fragmenting impact
of super-industrialization...holidays to honor Galileo or Mozart,
Einstein or Ce'zanne." There is a method to our apparent madness.
You've been waiting with bated breath:
     "We might create a global pageantry based on man's conquest
of space...Even now the succession of space launches and capsule
retrievals is beginning to take on a kind of ritual dramatic pattern...
transfixed as the countdown begins...for a fleeting instant, they
share a realization of the oneness of humanity and its potential
competence in the face of the regulating such events
and by greatly adding to the pageantry that surrounds them, we
can weave them into the ritual framework of the new society and
use them as sanity-preserving points of temporal reference.
Certainly, July 20, the day Astronaut Armstrong took "one small
step for man" and "one giant leap for mankind," ought to be made
into an annual global celebration of the unity of man." (Due to an
editorial-demon the end of this section appears at the end!).
An A.D.D.ed Aside sponsored by Carnation Evaporated Milk:
Frontal Lobe: Controls many functions, including, movement,
emotion and PERSONALITY.
Where were we? What distracted us? What? Our brain! Bad brain! And,
 Baloney - that our personality is in the genes. It's environment not
preprogramming. Damn it! And, go to hell!
Not many people exchange Christmas cards anymore, do they?
Back to the recent past: "...atmospheric..." Part One of this article, we
discussed the role of the fed gov and the limits thereof - "Enumerated
Powers" and "Amendment 10" in the Bill of Rights - at www.rickcmtsite. and, if you had a technical problem with it, /group/
rickcosmos-eclectic. While our Founding Fathers didn't specify aeronautics
and astronautics, not even Ben, clearly NASA is a function that can
only be done, and only be done well, at the federal level and would
receive the blessing of George, John, Tom, Jim and the rest of the
Revolutionary gang.
       President Nixon called it the "Greatest day since the Creation."
humans working on a heavenly/celestial body for the first time. And, all
it merits is one of those semi-official national holidays called "Space Day"!
No wonder, we've lost our sanity! It should be a real full-fledged national
holiday observed and celebrated in home, bars and public places like
parks. Flags should be waving coupled with fireworks displays. We can go
with one of two options: 1) Celebrate the day of the moon landing: Apollo 11
Day or 2) with can pull out all the stops and go with Apollos' Day: Independence
from the bound of earth's gravity and Lee Independence Day (the day that the Lee
resolution was approved by the Second Continental Congress declaring our
 independence; it was on this day that John Adams wrote to his wife and
said that it - July 3 - should be celebrated every year with parties and
fireworks. July 3: Two Independence's and July 4: Verbal approval of the
Declaration of Independence ratified with a few members signing, including,
the President of the Second Continental Congress, John Hancock. Two
days of super-sized PATRIOTISM!!!
It's time for a pleasant break:
                           "I praised the myrtle and the rose at sunrise
                            in their beauty lyings,
                            I praised them at the start of the short day's close,
                            And both were dying."
                                               -Christina Rosetti, Age 7
As our regular readers know, we have compiled a list of 17 Constitutional
Crimes against Obama (and 3 borderline charges against President Bush).
New readers, please check out "A Bad Case of Treason" located at /group/
newfederalism, we believe - which contains most of the infractions. It
will give the House a leg up should they choose to inp....investigate.
We are confidant that moderates, not libs, will grant our list a fair hearing.
     There are allegations that Obama has violated the "War Powers Act."
It doesn't make our list. Virtually all presidents since and including
Nixon have considered it unconstitutional - as do we.
     We believe that our Founding Daddy's meant for the President as
Commander-in-Chief to initiate war or respond to an attack or provocation
or a potential threat immediately and not have to secure a "Declaration of
War" from congress unless, the president, in his judgement felt that
time permitted. Check-and-balances: The president has funds to
conduct war for a limited period of time; congress can cut off funds
after the war has commenced due to their power of the purse. It
isn't likely that it would undermine the president but it reserves
that right.
We supported the war in Afghanistan. We have 100,000 troops there,
we should reduce that number to 45,000 over the next three years
(not ironclad; subject to change). Such a plan shouldn't be released
publicly as the enemy would make use of such knowledge. Efforts
to help Afghanistan create a homegrown democracy, built its
infrastructure, train its security forces and humanitarian aid should
stop in three - if possible, two - years - at which time the useless
U.N. can be of minimum value to that country. We need three U.S. bases
to continue to capture and kill the member of al-Qauda and Taliban
and more. One base in the south, one base at the border with Iran
(we might have to surgically remove their nuclear facilities or
aid those seeking freedom in Iran - based on past performance
these are two things Obama is unlikely to do), one near NW Pakistan
(the enemy is located there and in the south).
     Cut off funds immediately to Pakistan. We hear you: "You can't
do that, Pakistan is our main entrance and exit points of troops
and supplies to Afghanistan."
     Our best friends in the world: 1) U.K.; 2) Israel (U.K. and Israel
have been offended and mistreated by the little 'o'); 3) Australia;
4) Japan; 5) India; 6) Canada; 7) Columbia; 8) Poland; 9) Czech
Republic; 10) Brazil.
     Pakistan is terrified of a nuclear attack from India (both are
nuke nations) - they're just being paranoid. We should capitalize on
it. We asked a Pakistani about Kashmir which is occupied by
Pakistan (50%), India (40%), China (10%) and he told us that he
didn't understand dispute because the area has no oil, natural
gas, coal, gold, silver, etc. The farmland is very poor in this
mountainous region. Let India have it. The U.S. should occupy a
portion of NW Pakistan along with India. Our third base would be
in NE Afghanistan/NW Pakistan; India would establish a base in NW
Pakistan. So what if Afghanistan and Pakistan object. We are
waging a war against terror; we must do everything within our power
to protect the U.S. and our true friends from evil muslims. We
would have access to Afghanistan from these bases plus over flights
of Pakistan from India. Muslim Pakistan is our enemy. We are
better with Indian intelligence on Southern Asia, including,
Afghanistan. We can trust India. Sometimes Pakistan assists us;
sometimes, it assists the enemy - duplicitous.
      What about the U.N.'s World Court and international laws?
We are the only super-power in the world, therefore, we must be
cut slack. Big bullies? We've rescued the world many times,
nurtured home-grown democracies, our gov and citizens have
done more humanitarian aid than virtually all other nations
combined, we protect most of the cosmos.
      Extremist? As the late senator Barry Goldwater
said (yes, he was indeed alive when he said it), "Extremism in
 the name of liberty is no vice." We've been reducing the number
of nuclear-tipped ICBMs in compliance with arms agreements, we
should replace those tips with conventional ones so that we
can act from a distance. Pakistan and other nations will pee
their national pants. President Bush removed bin laden's HQ and
training camps from Afghanistan and prevented them from
setting up shop in Sudan and Iraq. Over the past two years, they
have been establishing themselves in NW Africa and, more recently,
have been moving eastward. What is Obama doing about it!?!
What's old is new again or some things never change:
        "The Constitution was once an instrument by which the
          objective rights of individuals to use or abuse was
          generally secured. Now it is only an interesting
          intellectual challenge for bigthink sociologists who
          wrest from its Miltonic sweep and directness
          byzantine little sophisms that permit them to have
          their way in pioneering new civil rights, new
          prohibitions against school prayer, new electoral
          metaphysics (one man-one vote)....the Constitution is,
          at least temporarily, gone...."
Was this written during the past ten ears? Surprise!:
                   -Quotations from Chairman Bill (Bill Buckley), Sept. 20,1966
How the following two paragraphs got here when they belong
up there is one of the mysteries of the cosmos...
      It (Apollo 11) will barely, if at all, be mentioned by the media this
year as in most past years. Recently, we pointed out that the media and
 teachers had forgotten the 50th on the 5th at Facebook: NASA_Ares and
 in "The Devil Made Me Do It" Parts One and Two. The fiftieth anniversary
 on May 5th of the late (he was alive at the time) Alan B. Shepard
 becoming the first American to fly in space.
     By the Bye: Not many people know this but Neil actually said, "One
small step for A man, One giant leap for mankind." We didn't hear 'a'
because of static. The message got across though, And, we here, shall
always remember and be grateful that we are Americans.
 We forgot how do do Word Perfect. See you in the Funnies.
To be continued....


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