Tuesday, May 10, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, May 10, 2011 5:30 pm

                                WHY SUCH GREAT ANGER IN THOSE HEAVENLY MINDS?*
                    Subtitle: The Dumbing of America and Other Things that Make Us Angry!
                                                           by Richard DePersio
              (Going Out-of-Business or More Accurately Entering Semi-Retirement on Phoebes)
(Well, we are back...Welcome back, Citizen Reporter - CMT...Welcome back, Richard
DePersio - More than Most - - A.D.D.-ed...CR: We are back with a vengeance. As everyone
knows our compositions are gentle and non-offensive and non-controversial...RD:
Who are you kidding...CR: This time, we are composing with anger...RD: I don't think
that it is possible for me to disagree with you)...RD & CR: We are extremely disappointed with
our fellow Americans!).
PREFACE: "...the show's 153rd episode, "Obnoxious, Offensive, Egomaniac, Etc.,"
which describes a writer's nightmare in which the working draft of Rob, Buddy and
Sally's latest script accidentally finds its way to Alan Brady before the writers have
had a chance to delete all of the nasty comments they included in the script
for their own private amusement ("The Official Dick Van Dyke Show Book,"
Vince Waldron, Hyperion Publishing).
       We are confident that insults and dirty words have been expunged via a professional,
 at a big discount, writing-exorcist. Why are we so angry?...
Let us be polite: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen (whores and a-holes).
We invited cyber-friends and readers to a special event. We started writing for
the Internet over two years ago and had five readers (our real-life friends).
Now our comsats are enjoy by up to 200 visitors per week minus five. A Tribute "the
50th on the 5th at Facebook: NASA_Ares." Visitors would receive a free
autographed picture of Citizen Reporter. Let's just say that the police weren't
necessary for crowd control. Although, Citizen Journalist did get a bit
rowdy from too many visits to the well.
       Seriously, hours and hours and hours (ad nauseam) of coverage of a
royal wedding; we thought that we had fought a Revolutionary War to get
rid of royalty (it is not our intention to offend our U.K. friends/our closest
allies in the world over their hard-working prince!) and virtually no media coverage of
 the late GREATAMERICAN HERO. You should be ashamed and embarrassed if you forgot
or don't know his name and we must reveal it to you. You deserve to feel
foolish: Alan B. Shepard!
       What are our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews being taught
or not taught. We contacted our wonderful nieces, Alexa - age 9 and Katie -
Age 15 (our most reliable young sources) and to our dismay nary a word
was spoke by their ignorant public school teachers (and they're in the
superior magnet schools!). It is truly sad. (Please see "The Devil Made Me
Do It - at groups.google.com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic for a more
thorough expose' and critique of the media).
       The Tribute to Al is still there, as well as, a more recent post. You
might want to visit or visit and become a member in order to redeem
yourself in his eyes.
       Heads-up (we hope a rocket strikes you): July 20, 21; you don't wish to
appear like a cretin again. And, please teach the children! The Mercury,
Gemini and Apollo astronauts (though public wasn't cognizant of it at
the time were wild, except, Glenn - hell, they were test pilots!) are far
better role models for their guts, tenacity, devotion, patriotism and
achievements than brainless actors/actresses and chemically-created
athletes! Let's never forget the pioneers that set us on path to destiny!!!
Proposal 46: "NASA SONG" by Vic Statopoulos (AeroSpaceGuide at Twitter)                                       
 at Jango. Not my cup of tea (shot of whiskey which makes it perfect) - NASA
should adopt it as their theme song which might help get younger people excited
 by space again like they were in the 1960's. Gimmicky - yes; Good Cause: Absolutely!
As is our wont: We generally start off with the cosmos (which means world)
and then we focus on the world.
      The sad state of American education (An original proposal is presently
appearing at /group/newfederalism just a hop, skip and a throw from
this venue - "Action Chain Letter 5: Bringing it Together (Updated/Expanded")the shit
 being toward by shitty public school teachers and the shit union which champions mediocrity!
      Recent news: According to Google, 50% of the searches by those
under 18 the day after evil muslim no. 1 was terminated had to do with,
"who is bin laden," "Why was he wanted" and "What did he do?"; Only
24% of 8th graders across the country passed a recent basic civics
exam; a Yale study of 13 to 24 year olds shows that 57% think that
large-scale global warming caused by humans is a fact!; two girl
scouts are going to court because 'they' think that an ingredient in
girls scout cookies is killing endangered species, destroying the
rain forests; Tucson, N.M. teens are being taught that the U.S. gov
should be overthrown and that the U.S. gov should return the land -
now, 5 U.S. states - that we purchased in some cases and won during
the Mexican-American War - to Mexico.
                 "...'Oh, send him somewhere where they will teach
                   him to think for himself!' ...Mrs. Shelly answered:
                  'Teach him to think for himself. Oh, my God,
                  teach him rather to think like other people.'"
                                             -Mathew Arnold
      Studies have shown that 55% of regular public elementary
teachers are liberal, 60% of high school teachers and 90% of
college professors. Children today aren't getting an education
but an indoctrination into liberal philosophy; they aren't being
taught how to think but what to think. They are taught only one
perspective on an issue or two with one not getting equal time
and being disparaged.
       They are being instructed in intellectual neutrality a.k.a. amorality
a.k.a. moral relativism.
       We have heretofore stated for the record that we are deists with
a splash of Plato. We don't subscribe to miracles and revelation,
nonetheless, we contend that the Bible is one of the most valuable books
every written. Contrary to the lies being taught in public school
virtually all the Founding Fathers were Christians. There were a few
exceptions such as deist Ben Franklin who often quoted from the
Bible and deist Tom Jefferson who attended services!
      David Barton, The Practical Benefits of Christianity" states: "...the
Founders believed that teaching Christian principles produced a cohesive
value system necessary for the successful governance of a nation
composed of millions of individuals from scores of diverse backgrounds
and different ethnic and religious groups." This was strongly
promoted by Ben and Tom - liberals lie and distort what Tom
meant by "separation of church and state. George W. signed the
law declaring that schools were to teach the "religion, morality and
knowledge" which was "necessary to good government and the
happiness of mankind." The Founding Fathers observed over 200 years
ago that the open promotion of Christian principles results in increased
academic achievement.
       What happened!?! Prior to the 1960's public school were nearly
as good as Catholic schools when it came to education and discipline
and we didn't spend much money on public schools! The first and
biggest teachers union formed in 1962. Students could no longer begin
and end the public school day with a prayer and use the Bible to help
learn English beginning in 1964. Since then we have pumped hundreds
of billions of additional dollars into public schools and they gotten
worse. As we proposed: convert all public schools into public magnet
and public and non-public charter schools. Vouchers: In a democracy,
parents - the taxpayers - should choose their child's school. They do it in
the U.K. We are so sick of the liberal pussies running public schools that we
are about to upchuck on our readers!
An A.D.D. episode brought to you by Quaker Oats: Your skull is made up of 28 bones:
8 of the bones fit together like the pieces in a jigsaw puzzle; they form a
strong eggshell shape that protects the brain - these 8 make up your braincase
or cranium. The remaining 20 help shape your face, including, jaw.
      Heart: the size of a fist; the brain - 2 fists. Liberal heart: 1/2 normal size and
phoney; lib brain: the size of a knuckle.
      We said it before and it is worth repeating: libertarian defined: fiscal
conservative, military dove and in-the-closet social ( immoral or amoral) liberal.
Bush bears fruit. Unlike most people who supported Iraq War for WMDs,
we endorsed it, from the get-go, for regime-change. If we could help a
muslim Arab nation create the only home-grown democracy in the Middle
East (not counting non-Arab Israel) it might encourage people in other
countries in the area to demand freedoms. What we see happening
throughout the Middle East should be attributed at least in part to President
Bush. We believe that we are the first or one of the first to make this
claim (actually, we first made it nearly three months ago).
      In "Devil...-part two," we once again presented our evidence concerning
the moderate muslim myth (we so enjoy our alliterations!). There may be a
sea change regarding those under 25 who are rebelling. Older folks are
stuck in the 6th-9th century and are of the bin laden ilk and his mercury or a watered
down version thereof: radical. Hopefully, Obama will play his cards right.
Otherwise, "muslim brotherhood" will prevail and Sharia law.
      We don't think highly of the Obama team, especially, those involved with
communication in high regard. Kudos: Navy Seals. What happened in
the wake of the mission proper constitutes a disgrace: a funeral service
with honors for the demon of Saudi Arabia!
      Did operation take 10 or 20 or 40 minutes? Did demon have a gun or
no gun or reaching for gun? Was he in shock or did he cower? Did
he try to use his wife as a human shield or did she place herself between
demon and Seal? Was she killed or shot in the leg? White House
bunglers - we still aren't crystal clear on what went down. Why didn't
they allow a DOD spokesman deliver info to media? We are flabbergasted and disgusted.
      Obama (candidate) vs. Obama (president): I will end or weaken "Patriot
Act," I have continued it; I will close Gitmo, I have kept it open; I won't
allow military tribunals, I will conduct them; I will end 'drone' attacks,'
I shall  continue them; I won't continue Bush policies on those I just
listed and others, I have to the dismay of libs. I did end 'rendition'
and enhanced interrogation which helped protect America since 9/11
and helped in the process of killing bin laden. If I had more than a
knuckle-sized brain I would reinstate. Instead, I want to prosecute those
former CIA interrogators instead of giving them medals!
       In the 16th century, the "Reformation" produced the first and most
of the Protestant denominations and resulted in the "Counter-Reformation"
producing changes in the Roman Catholic Church. Noted
archeologist Dr. Robert A. Morey has researched and written extensively
about the moon-worshipers of 'the people of the dome.' Perhaps,
they can use a reformation and a counter-reformation as regards their
two main denominations.
       Though not normally our preference for three reasons, we feel sorry
for the women and would like to comfort them by penetrating their
                                  "There is geometry in the humming
                                    of the strings. There is music in the
                                    spacing's of the spheres.  -Pythagoras, 5th Century B.C.
The students of this philosopher thought that only he could hear the
"Music of the Spheres." (Little know fact: For about 2100 years composing was based
on Pythagoras' math. Galileo's father was a musician and a rebel (like father like son)
who played a major role at the inception of the process of developing the musical rules
 and notation that we employ today).
     Kepler in the 17th century transcribed the Music of the Spheres,
evidently having accepted the tradition that each planet was presided over
by a guardian angel who were the only ones who could hear the Music. Transposing
from various parts of their orbits, he somehow came up with the notes of
each planet.
     The day bin laden was sent to Hades in search of virgins, Gabe (the angel appeared
in an episode of the "Twilight Zone" with Jack Klugman, best known for the
"Odd Couple," some say RD & CR odd couple but like Felix & Oscar - no immoral/
abnormal homo) took out his trumpet and jammed with the louder than usual Music
of the Spheres.
     A few short days later, the music was silent as  a 'star' had been sadly forgotten.
 (*Virgil, 70-19 B.C...
To be continued down the street at the old-fashioned newfederalism nightclub where
the "NASA SONG" is paying Tribute to a True Hero! Let's plan something special for the 20th).

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